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Al menos 10 muertos en las protestas contra la reforma de la seguridad social en Nicaragua

Raquel Segovia

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El obispo nicaragüense Silvio Báez denuncia que cientos de estudiantes que buscaron refugio en la Catedral de Managua fueron asediados por la policía

Al menos 10 muertos en las protestas contra la reforma de la seguridad social en Nicaragua

Las protestas contra las reformas a la seguridad social aprobadas por el Gobierno de Nicaragua continuaron hoy por tercer día consecutivo, y ya se han cobrado la vida de al menos diez personas y han dejado 88 heridos, varios de ellos de gravedad.

Las protestas, que comenzaron el miércoles pasado, continuaban en varias ciudades del país comenzada la noche de este viernes, una jornada en la que se registraron tiroteos en las manifestaciones contra las reformas a la seguridad social, que aumentan la cuota patronal y laboral y establecen la cotización perpetua.

Policías nicaraguenses en formación frente a una barricada en Managua
Policías nicaraguenses en formación frente a una barricada en Managua (Inti Ocon / AFP)

Un estudiante menor de edad falleció tras recibir un balazo durante un brote de violencia en el centro de Managua, confirmó a Efe la Cruz Roja Nicaragüense. El adolescente pasaba por el lugar y no estaba relacionado con la escena, según sus familiares.

En la Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua (Upoli), al este de Managua, ocurrió la segunda muerte de este día, un estudiante que, según testigos, recibió un disparo en el corazón. Estudiantes universitarios denunciaron que las fuerzas de choque del Gobierno, a las que denominan “turbas”, dispararon contra los manifestantes, lo que Efe pudo confirmar.

Un grupo de personas se manifiesta en un calle en Managua
Un grupo de personas se manifiesta en un calle en Managua (Jorge Torres / EFE)

Reportes de disparos con plomo por parte de las “turbas” en contra de los manifestantes han llegado desde la Upoli, la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), la Catedral de Managua y la ciudad de Masaya.

La Cruz Roja Nicaragüense atendió este viernes a 27 personas heridas, de las cuales 17 necesitaron ser trasladadas a centros hospitalarios debido a la gravedad de su estado.

El obispo nicaragüense Silvio Báez denunció hoy que cientos de estudiantes que buscaron refugio en la Catedral de Managua fueron asediados por la Policía Nacional, lo que fue negado por esa institución pese a las evidencias.

Decenas de manifestantes bloquean con adoquines una avenida universitaria en Managua
Decenas de manifestantes bloquean con adoquines una avenida universitaria en Managua (Jorge Torres / EFE)

Imágenes divulgas por los manifestantes, tanto estudiantes como pobladores, muestran a los agentes intentando ingresar a la Catedral de Managua, en el centro de la ciudad, sin éxito. Las imágenes también muestran a los agentes policiales disparando bombas lacrimógenas y otros proyectiles difíciles de identificar hacia el interior del templo católico.

De la misma manera hay vídeos en donde se observa a los agentes deteniendo vehículos en las carreteras para decomisar agua y alimentos que creen son para apoyar a los estudiantes, mientras que protegen a encapuchados agresivos que dicen estar del lado del Gobierno.

Decenas de manifestantes se toman una avenida universitaria
Decenas de manifestantes se toman una avenida universitaria (Jorge Torres / EFE)

Las manifestaciones pacíficas contra el Gobierno, que incluyeron ruidosas protestas con cazuelas al atardecer, se desarrollaban en toda Nicaragua, pero los brotes más violentos se registraban en las ciudades de León, Managua y Masaya. El sector privado de Nicaragua llamó este viernes a una gran marcha por la paz y el diálogo para el próximo lunes, y pidió a las autoridades respetar su derecho a manifestarse en las calles.

Los representantes de las patronales nicaragüenses también solicitaron al Gobierno que no saque del aire a los canales de televisión que informan sobre los brotes de violencia, y que los estudiantes universitarios arrestados por manifestarse “puedan salir libres de manera inmediata”.

Un estudiante afectado por gas lacrimógeno es atendido por un equipo de emergencias durante las protestas
Un estudiante afectado por gas lacrimógeno es atendido por un equipo de emergencias durante las protestas (Inti Ocon / AFP)

No ha habido hasta ahora datos oficiales de detenidos. El Gobierno y la Policía se han limitado a informar de que entre jueves y este viernes 28 agentes han resultado heridos por “grupos de vándalos que realizaban tranques (bloqueos) en la vía pública y daños a la propiedad privada y pública”.

La líder campesina Francisca Ramírez, un personaje considerado de alto valor moral en Nicaragua, anunció que se sumaría a las protestas con miles de campesinos. Por su parte, la vicepresidenta de Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, dijo este viernes que “movimientos artificiales” son los responsables de la escalada de violencia.

“Estos movimientos artificiales, propios de un pensamiento desconectado, desconsiderado y destructivo no van a desmovilizar la voluntad y el compromiso cristiano, socialista y solidario de este Gobierno”, dijo la también primera dama de Nicaragua, cuyo presidente, Daniel Ortega, no ha comparecido públicamente.

Un joven prepara un cóctel molotov durante las protestas
Un joven prepara un cóctel molotov durante las protestas (Jorge Cabrera / Reuters)
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    • I have considered all of their arguments. Some even apply VAT 4956 to their scenarios, which is acceptable. Anyone can use secular evidence if they genuinely seek understanding. Nonetheless, whether drawing from scripture or secular history, 607 is a plausible timeframe to believe in. People often misuse words like "destruction", "devastation", and "desolation" in an inconsistent manner, similar to words like "besiege", "destroy", and "sack". When these terms are misapplied to man-made events, they lose their true meaning. This is why with past historians, the have labeled it as follows: First Capture of Jerusalem 606 BC Second Capture of Jerusalem 598 BC Third Capture of Jerusalem 587 BC Without taking into account anything else.  Regarding the second account, if we solely rely on secular chronology, the ancient scribes made military adaptations to align with the events recorded in the Babylonian Chronicles. However, the question arises: Can we consider this adaptation as accurate?  Scribes sought to include military components in their stories rather than focusing solely on biblical aspects. Similarly, astronomers, who were also scholars, made their observations at the king's request to divine omens, rather than to understand the plight of the Jewish people. Regarding the third capture, we can only speculate because there are no definitive tablets like the Babylonian chronicles that state 598. It is possible that before the great tribulation, Satan will have influenced someone to forge more Babylonian chronicles in order to discredit the truth and present false evidence from the British Museum, claiming that the secular view was right all along. This could include documents supposedly translated after being found in 1935, while others were found in the 1800s. The Jewish antiquities authorities have acknowledged the discovery of forged items, while the British Museum has not made similar acknowledgments. It is evident that the British Museum has been compelled to confess to having looted or stolen artifacts which they are unwilling to return. Consequently, I find it difficult to place my trust in the hands of those who engage in such activities. One of the most notable instances of deception concerning Jewish antiquities was the widely known case of the ossuary belonging to James, the brother of Jesus. I was astonished by the judge's inexplicable justification for acquittal, as it was evident that his primary concern was preserving the reputation of the Jewish nation, rather than unearthing the truth behind the fraudulent artifact. The judge before even acknowledged it. "In his decision, the judge was careful to say his acquittal of Golan did not mean the artifacts were necessarily genuine, only that the prosecution had failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Golan had faked them." The burden of proof is essential. This individual not only forged the "Jehoash Tablet," but also cannot be retried for his deceit. Why are they so insistent on its authenticity? To support their narrative about the first temple of Jerusalem. Anything to appease the public, and deceive God. But then again, after the Exodus, when did they truly please God? So, when it comes to secular history, it's like a game of cat and mouse.  
    • I'm not bothered by being singled out, as you seem to be accustomed to defending and protecting yourselves, but it's a good idea to keep your dog on a leash. Speaking of which, in a different thread, TTH mentioned that it would be great if everyone here shared their life stories. As both of you are the librarians here, I kindly ask you to minimize any signs of intimidation or insincerity. It is you people who need to be "banned" here. However, it is quite evident that you hold a negative influence, which God recognizes, therefore you are banned from your own conscience in His eyes.
    • One issue with historian Flavius Josephus is that he suggests that the Royal Captain of the (Guard) can also be regarded as General Nebuzaradan. A confusion arises from Josephus' account of the captives mentioned in Jeremiah, as he claims that they were taken from Egypt instead of Babylon. Since Nebuchadnezzar was occupied in Rilah, he directed his generals to lay siege to Jerusalem. This could potentially account for the numerous dispatches that Nebuchadnezzar would have sent to the west, but the considerable distance to Borsippa still poses a challenge. As a result, the Babylonians managed to gain control of regions such as Aram (Syria), Ammon, and Moab. The only territories that remained were the coastal cities, where the Egyptians held sway. King Josiah decided to form an alliance with Babylon instead of being under Egyptian rule. So, that part of the territory was covered until King Josiah was defeated.  It's interesting how they started back then in 4129, but still end up with the same conclusion with Zedekiah's Defeat 3522 607 B.C. 3419 607 B.C. even though their AM is different.  
    • In the era of the Bible Students within the Watchtower, there were numerous beginnings. It is essential to bear in mind that each congregation functioned autonomously, granting the Elders the freedom to assert their own assertions and interpretations. Most people embraced the principles that Pastor Russell was trying to convey. You could argue that what you are experiencing now, they also experienced back then. The key difference is that unity was interpreted differently. Back then it had value where today there is none. To address your inquiry, while I cannot recall the exact details, it is believed to have been either 4129 or 4126. Some groups, however, adopted Ussher's 4004. It is worth mentioning that they have now discarded it and revised it to either 3954 or 3958, although I personally find little interest in this matter. I believe I encountered this information in the book titled "The Time is at Hand," though it may also be referenced in their convention report. Regardless, this is part of their compelling study series 3. Please take a moment to review and confirm the date. I am currently focused on Riblah. The Bible Students who firmly believe that Israel is the prophetic sign of Armageddon have made noteworthy adjustments to their chronology. They have included significant dates such as 1947/8 and 1967/8, as well as more recent dates. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that, according to their calculations, 2024 holds immense importance. The ongoing tension of Iran targeting Israel directly from its own territory amplifies the gravity of the situation. If their trajectory continues, the subsequent captivating event will occur in 2029, rather than as previously speculated, in 2034 by some.
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