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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. @Kosonen China was never a true ally to the United States. One faction is for the NWO the other is for total control. However, the religious aspect is united by both sides due to UN allies affiliated with the Global Mafia. That being said, Kissinger should be watched just as Soros is being watched. Kissinger is among the puppeteers that control/seduce the head of the White House.
  2. The Global Mafia should also be monitored also.
  3. But then you have to deal with other Christians, be it a group or a single soul who do not obverse such holidays, one example being Thanksgiving, whereas you can feast but on that same day it is a day of mourning for others.
  4. @Melinda Mills Agreed. There is 2 factions as of now, big super powers who are in a struggle with each other.
  5. @Kosonen The US isn't alone in their conquest, or as some would call, the New World Order whereas government, education, religion, and money are all unified and centralized into one unit. There is a good reason as to why they will not excommunicate the Saudis from their party, and the UK and France cannot leave the US's side, and most importantly, the most vile of them all in this situation - Israel. The US will maintain it's focus on such countries, thus making the words professed by General Wesley come true It is worth noting that 6 out of these 7 countries (with the exception of Lebanon) identified by General Wesley Clark “to be taken out” are now the object of President Trump’s ban on Muslims’ entry to the US: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Iran and Yemen. Libya being an example because it has been made into a broken state, broken to the point whereas women and young girls are put into sex slavery and trafficking, it is a breeding ground for Terrorism to thrive and influence, Black Slavery has been revived to levels that mere the form of slavery in US history but far worse an the list goes on. And Israel does not like the Iranians at all, and do not want them to occupy Syria, the only reason Russian, China is on Syria's side because they are a separate power group that is not for the NWO whereas the US and their allies are for the NWO and will be against those who do not see things their way, although both sides have similar goals of centralization. Stuff like this goes back years, even around World War I whereas we have a group of persons who were of the Old Order. It is crazy, and the Global Mafia will continue to grow and only a few recognizes who they are. That being said, it is no surprise of what will take place after this attack, just as it is already suspected what is to come after the California Fires and those who have right to have firearms, what will become of them also. There is an agenda of religious folk too, especially Christians. Moreover you have the US and allies helping Al-Qaeda, willingly, and knowingly. What what is to expect from the ones who birthed ISIS in a way. An they do not care, for if it means to kill children, as they have done time and time again, they will do it because they think it is a justification to their cause, and history tends to repeat itself concerning the Middle East.
  6. Whenever I hear this holiday, Thanksgiving, I can only think of one thing - bloodshed. Reasons upon reasons why, and a great majority of people do not obverse this holiday. One thing they care about is the fighting that comes afterwards, for soldiers, in this sense, make sure they feed themselves before they go into combat that is Black Friday. That being said, today, as most of us see it, is a National Day of Mourning. Wounds of the past bear scars that still stings, even pains one to this day. This is the case with most folks.
  7. @Jack Ryan The Justice System is corrupt and a double standard. There is dirt on the corners that is in use to hurt the eyes of those of whom the law is enforced against and the like. Then you have the shoot first, ask questions later type of folk, and the whole blaming every police officer when not all of them are corrupt.
  8. @JOHN BUTLER Will look into this. Also I advise not to put too much trust in Sky News, as of their recent memorable situation from some months ago regarding Israel. More over, the mention of Kurds is an issue, granted of whom they handed over to ISIS a while back.
  9. @JOHN BUTLER Just be sure you are certain. Plus this should be discussion with those of your circle rather than here, but it matters not now. Follow that link OH professed, for in doing so it is one of the steps in regards to Child abuse and Neglect Services. Fora second, I thought it was a C to C case. That being said, be careful also because misinformation begets consequence and can ruin someone's life in the process, as JTR said, if such turns out to be false, in this sense the outcome will be on your hands and those involved. I do not have the link right now, but it should help you recognize the signs and from there execute the best course of action. 2 being close friendships and gift giving.
  10. Yes, they are Restorationist and only a few of them out there. And you know exactly what I am talking about regarding orderly Worship, don't tell me you forgot already, you were defending something that was never of the church at all, even trying to use Galatians 3 verses to justify your defense when God's Order differs from Being in Union with Christ, it does not chance the structure, as Paul made it clear. Then you went on to say a woman named Chloe owns a Church, which is, false, on your part. The House of Chloe or Chloe specifically never led a Church of ANY kind. You were harsh on Abraham and Sarah, I merely spoke up to defend them, as with Jesus' disciple. You assume Abraham was influenced by the Devil and that Abraham was selfish and to some extent mocked him, when his wife along with him were trying to survive granted they had the promise of God. You even stated that one of Jesus' disciples was under temptation when he was defending Jesus, which was unfounded. You set yourself up with those claims, and I haven't even got into your outlandish claims of undeath doctrine you leaned towards, which is, not only accursed, but borderline satanic. That being said, you can explore and dwell on your own claims, granted none of them in this regard, cannot be proven.
  11. Well it is going to get harder granted with what will come in several years, but one's happiness and building up of faith in themselves and to others should not cease due to these changes.
  12. God instructed us to teach our children so that they know right from wrong, so that they can make positive decisions that does not put them in a negative light. For we are to pass on knowledge and wisdom to our children, just as Mary and Joseph did the same for Jesus, as is with others and onward. Jumping to conclusions, quick to speak you, are not well open to reason and succumb to something without knowing. And yet the Bible informs us to be vigilant, to endure the End Times, therefore as True Christians we are to do as such, as Jesus. Those who alienate themselves from God and or is against him will be the ones to perish, those for God, who serve him, the righteous and the meek, those who are the stones and understand who God is, his Son and the Kingdom - these people will survive and they continue to build up their faith in God's Word. Those for God, those who maintain faith will indeed survive. Granted with what I had posted before, it is obvious to the view of Armageddon. One Ark? is this of some concept of your own design and or someone else? Those who maintain faith in God and adhere to his laws, let alone the teachings conveyed by the church by means of the Scriptures. - Yes, such people will survive, especially when God himself knows who is for him, who are his people and who abides by he says by means of his Word, and or Purpose and Will. Biblical Unitarian, please be more specific. Is that by your assumption? I was quite vocal on the righteousness and the Meek and the fact that God knows who is for him. I did have a lengthy dialogue with several on this notion. I understand it it entails, also not the best idea to confuse it to Spiritual Israel, of which I know who are under such and what it is validated by, granted what e can take from the Scriptures. But do you understand what Zechariah 8:23 entails? I believe I explained it to you before. And yet only a few understand what the bible says in this regard. Well that is why it is viable to do research and read, so that what you know from the Scriptures you can teach, help those to be knowledgeable and spread wisdom, as well as good examples expressed by means of the Bible, in addition to Bible Principles, something of which is very evident in what I profess by means of the Scriptures and what I conveyed about teaching our young ones so when they grow up themselves, they can teach those younger than them, such of which is a responsibility, don't by their hand, as did by mine, as did my own Father and his Father. Perhaps go down to their level and understand where hey are coming from, and maybe you might see for yourself. But clearly seeking out a forum isn't the best of places. I can recommend a place, but clearly such is to difficult for you mainly on your part. Therefore, be committed to biblical studies and research, something of which can be done on your own. You seem to grown for games. We should be focused on the Bible, if not here you can handle, then do so on your own accord, read and research on your own accord, of which has not stopped anyone be it of a denomination or not. Perhaps being commit committed to false information and conspiracy will do that to such a man. As is with many others. CSE folk look for every bit of information that is factual. It isn't confusing if you take the time to research and read. When you know truth you can correct people who take up falsehood or accursed teachings that did not originated with the early Christians nor entrusted by the Christ to the church. To correct confusion simply read and do the research, encourage others to do the same.
  13. Pretty much of what I had made mention of before, as of this was recent. A 35 year old Japanese School Administrator, Akihiko Kondo, could not handle being rejected by women and does not wish to be rejected again. But he has sought out a relationship that is clearly not ordinary. In order to fill that void and fear of rejection, he decided to find love b means of a Japanese character 初音 ミク otherwise known, in English as Hatsune Miku. Mr. Kondo spent $18,000 dollars (2031030.00 yen) on this wedding and walked around with a doll version of Hatsune Miku. That being said, there is a major problem in Japan whereas there is little to no relationships, thus putting the population of Japan at risk as seen by some. About 31% of adults ages 18-34 are still unmarried and or not in a relationship. https://www.hindustantimes.com/tech/japanese-man-married-to-hatsune-miku-hologram/story-2lq0cnK1BD6I5nMtfFA9fM.html https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/12/national/japanese-man-marries-virtual-reality-singer-hatsune-miku-hologram/#.W_GPBzhKjIU Who is Hatsune Miku: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatsune_Miku The First Hologram of virtual J-pop icon Hatsune Miku was present back in 2010-2011: Note: Hatsune Miku was not the only hologram some years ago. Rapper 2-Pac (Tupac Shakur) as well as Michael Jackson were also holograms who prepared in a concert-like fashion, the only difference is 2 are based on real people, the other is an popular Japanese anime character. https://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2010/11/japanese-pop-star-takes-the-stage-as-a-3-d-hologram.html Only a matter of time until conferences and a list of other things will go hologram in this way shape or form, even communication also. That being said, the stuff such as this on seeking inanimate things and or virtual as mates, well the VR chat thing is an issue, it will pose as a problem for young people into adulthood, as it has been as of late with some today.
  14. Peace and Tranquility. Knowing that by my hand the next generation that is of my family and other families can teach and make good decisions and in turn next the next generation to do the same. The core of that happiness is a total trust in God and his Word, and what his Son Jesus had proclaimed about the gospel and onward. Sticking to what is true brings forth to me a positive outlook, knowing, that when the days conclude, others from my family and even friends will be brought back to share in that same happiness regarding God as I have. Happy are those who serve the True God.
  15. Perhaps because it was mention just now. Granted in some instances if you knew this yourself you'd would have brought this up in many instances in order to correct me. Regardless, it still does not negate the actions of a few to define all persons of that faith, nor does it disqualify one to speak up on falsehood, misinformation, and or conspiracy. So can you inform me as for months that went on by from 2017 up into now nearly 2019 when I just no found out this revelation it is somehow a predetermined idea? For when I assumed she was male did it not come to you during those times to correct me when I said it, let alone she herself would have corrected me but only now this is known? Gender issues, no because I defended that, even against you I have. But be it of any gender regarding the church, how the church was brought about still stands, no one can change what God has put in motion and what his Son has built. One of the issues in regards as to where I strongly disagree with those who profess that let alone those who adhere to utter silence and no roles given. The ironic is you defeated yourself in this sense because that response was indeed short. I even quoted myself, but as always you seem to ignore what is in front of you. Whether my response are brief or extensive, you still adhere to that same reasoning, that being said, the fact you cannot tell who was right or wrong in this sense, pertaining to what was asked of you above, further proves my point. That being said, God's Order has not changed. Other than that, should I discuss what is being spoken of at hand, surely you would disagree because any person who shifts God's Order would most likely not understand what is to be conveyed in regards to such. Just know that every time I am brief, the brief response cuts far greater than a sword, and you already seen and experience such an example. I will gladly be as such with you should debate and or discussion calls for it, mainly when you speak ill of anyone of God's followers in the bible, just know what is to come.
  16. Always. Well you do realize I just recently found out this revelation that she was female and not male. No indication was presented in all discussion even the earliest ones. My own words is the following, so perhaps read the full response than take a snippet of it. So clearly now I know after she said something, clearly if someone has the name of hers I was not able to tell, for example if like Anna, it is understandable because it is evident. How am I not showing respect if I just found out Witness was female when all this time I thought she was male? Granted I assume she was male this whole time since the other discussions, granted the first discussion was indeed a debate. And no, as I told Witness in the past, disrupting and or insulting someone of the opposite sex is not something that aligns with my culture, whatsoever. the very reasons I told her before to her claim of my view on women based on the implication she made on a typo, for W to w does not automatically define one as misogynistic. that being said, it is odd of such coming from you granted what you said of what God thinks of people in regards to a small remark you made on your part, granted, I corrected you that God considers what you professed to as detestable. Perhaps because I recently found out. How is that stubbornness? Moreover, you even cut half of my comment to justify your claims. That being said, never insulted her either if you making such implication. Someone who encourages one to make the research does not yield upon insult in the end, this also goes for correcting and or rooting our the wrongs.
  17. @Melinda Mills Not to mention the fact a brother will turn against a brother, and so forth, people turning against their own if need be. Everything that causes man to feel pain and sorrow will be cranked up to 20 and will be far harder than what we see now. The true ones suffer, they endure, they are vigilant, for a strong faith will shine in the face of even wicked man because that is something they cannot take from you no matter hat they do to you.
  18. Well if had seen you before and or mention had mention anything regarding pets and or dogs, then that is the evidence there, and the fact he makes reference to you as such, is evidence that this is not the first time he had confronted you or spoke to you - forumwise. So for example, if I stated somewhere I love Samsung devices, a even have shirts and a list of other things, a Samsung FanBoy if you will, then I go to multiple forums by the same name, surely someone would find out of who I am and the love for Samsungs I harbor..... I love such things, for such are merely tools. But this may be the same case with you should anyone seek you out and or if you had spoken to anyone else, granted in our last discussion about trust funds and who is a beneficiary, the information you pulled most likely pins you to another social media based place besides this forum. This I agree with. Not only they are best friends, but they protect you and your loved ones, and are part of the family. Well you revealed that have a dog named Frida, if that is the case. If Evo is calling you that then you may have mentioned dogs to him elsewhere. I am only known as Space Merchant here, if anyone is families with me, the way I speak, debate, discuss what have you, and the liking of Ye Ol' English, they will recognize me as J.C.D. Now if I was referring to myself as Space Merchant/S.M. elsewhere and all over the place, people would be calling me by that instead of J.C.D. if anything, if you look like someone be it you are visible on a forum or social media and or in real life, people will refer to you as such, example Xavier Woods/Austin Creed, although I look nothing like the guy. Usually if paired up with or linked with someone, people will remember and or recall you by referring the other person and or thing associate with you. Example, I am Space Merchant, but JTR would refer to be as a Storm Trooper, but it is still directed towards me. Well if you can be searched somewhere and be mentioned of here by someone who recognizes and or knows you, it is technically an unmasking, thus if you post elsewhere, and be recognized here, it is of your own design. Granted the very word does mean expose the true character of or hidden truth about. That being said, if there is one thing you most likely know about me, S.M. as some like to refer to me now, I am not a fan of conspiracy and or false information, nor do I stick to one side, I tend to seek all information to find conclusion and or balance, practically in a truther-sque fashion.
  19. Ok. So should it concern me now or when you want to reference elsewhere? Be it direct or indirect because it matters not to me, I will simply make mention of it, as I have recently. So far in this thread I only responded to Kosonen about Witness, hence his statement. in the other thread, you were seen in agreement with them, hence why I mentioned you. As I had seen this as an example hence what I discussed with you before on a specific Bible verse, which to your reaction when corrected, you did not like the answer, which was taken from the very source you used. Games are for children, and clearly I am not one. The same can be said to you. That being said no one has time for games. I never said you said that so do not twist and or lie here because I can quickly bring up the response. I asked you that question because you were in agreement with Witness and, you even made an indirect response towards me, so I asked you the very question from the very response of Witness of which you were seem to agree with, moreover, I even added, who brought up that remark, even by name. You should know better as to what I have said and certianly I never phrased such the way you had written it as seen here "Butler said that the GB of JW org are demonised"? The actions of a few souls do not define all persons, if an American man commits a crime, it does not define other Americans yet you have people who run that mentality pin the blame on ALL Americans when that is not the case. I stated that because of the actions of a few people it does not define a whole group, I even attest to an example, one man, even if it is a JW or not, his or her actions should he or she do anything criminal, that one does not define the others, he does not define any else of the faith on the other side of the globe, this is also in the realm of race and education but you were quick to say I feel inferior when such an mentality of people is a reality, moreover, at one time you even stated in one of our discussion from your experience in a JW church, you assume all elders are the same, the elders in your church is not like a elder and or pastor in the US, in Asia, all persons are different, all walks of life differ from each other, the actions of a single soul does not define the masses, not to mention calling of judgment when you yourself stated you do not know the person, and yet you judged a teenager who does forgive people. That being said, you merely defeated yourself because what I had said should be understood as to what I am conveying. You yourself stated you do not judge but you do regardless, yet when you assume someone is judging you you bring forth claim someone is judging, yet it didn't stop you from doing the same to someone who is 3 times younger than you regarding who actually forgives people who do bad things and who does not. Therefore, granted your claim you'd be wise to know exactly what I said and what I convey otherwise I can, if need be, John 8:44 can be used against you, in this sense. I'd add anther verse, but it will clearly not be in your favor. Like in Jesus' day, because of how Jews were to their neighbors, some of their neighbors are good people, for if someone did something to someone or the like it does not define all of them. Reasons why we have examples in the bible that teaches such, like the example regarding the Samaritans, surely this should not be avoided by you because it this there regardless of what translation you use, be it a Bible with authentic and or non-authentic text. So you have a chance to redeem yourself here, attest to the claims of which you made elsewhere because right now they remain unfounded. For what you are professing is as fake as the claim you made that I support Islam when I only explained the faith of Muslims, to add, you even agreed with my statements when I cleared out some misconceptions of that faith group. The irony. For if you cannot prove that or your claim of me supporting Islam - This verse can be used against you. And your point? Also you do realize some of the Jews at that time were of bad influence, like the ones that were seeking to kill Jesus, right? Probably because they, like many Christians who are not of the mainstream are seeking the truth and striving to be like the early church, granted that they, as do some, retain their Restorationist roots unlike their counterparts. That being said, what would I would be fascinated by since you said that is your claim of knowing who is approved of God and who is not. For how, Mr. Butler, you know and or even think for God, in this sense? And yet because of your experience you assume all of them are the same. Reasons why I said to you the actions of a few does not define the masses, such is of an absurd mentality practices by the people of today's society, example would be the sheer disdain for all British folk because of reasons, it does not define all British people, it does not define you either because you are in no way shape or form connect to the sins and or ill actions of the culprit. Then again you will be evasive and attest to me or someone else as being and or thinking of oneself being inferior because such one is able to see the world for what it truly is, such one is aware of who is currently ruling this world, as the bible makes it clear. Your point is exactly? Which begs the question, do you even know the difference between Natural Israel and Spiritual Israel? Granted, you do realize later on in the church the Jews and the Gentiles were also in union with the Christ. Well they did say they were prophets inspired and or infallible, however, they, like many of us are modern day prophets, Christians, who are spirit led. That being said, perhaps the difference to a Christian such as yourself and an ancient Christian, an ancient one is not willing to toss up a law and or commandment for the sake of tradition. Other than that, they are at 8.45-8.5 million adherents according to Christian statistics and demographics. So now you are confusing Christendom with those of creeds and or other - this is a new one. The only thing that is right is the apostolic church and her teachings, and you will be quite surprised of how few are striving to be like that church, which tells you something. But regardless of anyone from any of those Abrahamic Faiths, it does not disqualify such ones, like you, to be unaware of the Hebrew and or Greek Text and it's context and language forms - as is there is quite the example you posed before. Therefore, I encourage you to read and study, it will help you greatly, but every time I say this, you do not apply it. Which proves my point time and time again and what I had professed to Witness just now about examples like Wood and Smith. That being said, I recall asking you a elementary biblical question, for if you could not answer that correctly when people out and about in the world can and will ask you the same thing, that is a sign whereas more reading must be done, and mind you, that was but one of many things people are often asked when the evangelizing ministry work.
  20. I go by what the Bible says, I go by what Christian History says, and if a man professes God sent Satan to do away with the firstborns of the Egyptians, of course I will speak up. If you read the Bible, you'd understand what it means to understand what is the truth and to even defend it, and if someone says such a thing that is not in accordance with such, something can and will be said, as is with the misconceptions of others. Can you show me an example of where I take delight and enjoyment in such, if I may ask? Because in most of my response I even tell people to repent, do the research, learn the history and so forth. You consider educating oneself as an insult? I do not target such ones, like I said before, if someone makes a response to me even make mention of me, a response will follow by me. If someone speaks something that is not of the Bible, a response from me will be expected. If someone speaks of falsehood and conspiracy, expect a response from me. Did you think I was not serious in my own words, Srecko? I defend Abraham from your response before, I am not the time to remain silent on to a man who speaks ill of Abraham, the man who is a friend of God. He never said anything offensive, I recall all discussions on his end. Despite my stance with him I do encourage him to read and research, even tell him misinformation can cause such ones like Witness to stumble and or be misguided, which seems to be the case. Ok, then you tell me who is right in the matter? I profess that God's Order has never changed, hence why how the Church is structure, both men and women have roles in the church, but the roles have not changed. In my last discussion with Witness, the view profess was that anyone can have any role within the church, regardless of the person's sex and makes a justification by throwing in the spiritual house which does not counter to the fact of Paul's on words on the matter. You tell me who is correct and who is incorrect in accordance with Apostle Paul? Clearly one who is telling the truth, the other is misguided.
  21. Then what of you literally, hence why I refer to you as such, for if you are indeed female, I will make reference to you as such, but if male, vice versa. But now you show yourself this I can see as of recent for I mistook you for male since our early discussion and during that time there was no indication on your part whatsoever. Now, this verse I had already explained, and this first is of those of the spiritual house which is correct, but it does not disqualify what orderly worship is, hence why I stated previously, emotions and options cannot counter fact that of what the Church professed (we can only learn and understand and apply but the core things of the church we never do away with - ever), the very reason I asked you to give me an actual name of such a person in religious office before you did give the information and you attempted to use a judge in place of a religious leader, thus as the history of Christian entails, as with the church Jesus built - what you were pushing in our last discussion was not only nowhere to be found in the Bible, but it has no mention or practice in the history of the church, granted from the 1st to 4th century and onward we see what Paul means in regards to Orderly Worship. That being said, I can gladly show Kosonen the discussion, if need be. For if what you were professing was indeed truth, then it would be evident in our history, which in this case, is unfounded, thus all those Biblical Facts I mentioned is indeed true. I make this same case with such ones who make claim women cannot do anything and or give aid by means of the roles they have in the church, even speak, hence why they find any discussion in this regard as difficult when on Apostle Paul's part, it is very simple. And yet to teach something that is totally against the church yet when prove is asked of you, nothing was said and cannot be brought up in terms of Christianity's History and or what is found of the Bible, hence you trying to mix in those of the Spiritual House with how the Church is Structured. One of the reasons why Christians who know who so and so are, as with others, do not agree with them in the slightest if it is something accursed and or a teaching that never originated in the Church Jesus built. Very reasons why Matthew 15:6 can be used in this sense, as with Matthew 7:23 in terms of those who defy God's Law and what Jesus had commanded. This also goes for those who water down Christ's whole as a King and Mighty Warrior, as per last discussion. No one thinks for God, hence why people such as myself will defend God's Purpose, God's Will, God's Order, God's Love, according to Scripture, if need be. Indeed, this I proclaimed to you before. But it does not negate Apostle Paul's own words, nor does it negate the Structure of which Paul professes. Reasons why he spoke of Creation, of man and or woman and the evident roles in the Church. If they are just fine, can you inform us here a female church leader of religious office between the 1st to 4th century of the church's history? If Pearl things otherwise, how does is this seen as a truth to you when it was never in practice? The very core of what our last discussion was about - such of which has been refuted with undeniable fact. Ok, but what does that have to do with God's Order in terms of the evidence we see in regards to Apostle Paul? Yes both men and women are of the Spiritual House, they can be chosen by God hence being of the Priesthood - but we see nothing in the Bible or the history of the church whereas the roles in which Paul professes is shared between the sexes let alone shifted - as of what I made a response to you before, for unlike you and to Pearl - Paul, a man who has the holy spirit upon him does not make mistaken opinions, be speaks what is true to what we see in the Scriptures. Plus this also put you in a position of mixing information even verses to justify something that has nothing to do with a passage and or the church, like the time you had turned a justify a Strong's word in a verse that was metaphorical and not literal. As I have said to you before. Teach yourself before you teach others, otherwise people will come to correct, even be critical with you, as with those who can see and discern false information from true information. That being said, Biblical Facts are solid, and God isn't the author of confusion, so the church and her teachings have not changed to carter to the emotions and opinions of those who wish to change the church into something entirely different. That being said, made a response to Kosonen, not you, after all, the lot of you had the luxury of making a referring to me, and yet when the tables are turned, there is quite the gnashing of the teeth. Am I? Can you show the evidence to that when I had spoken boldly of the chosen ones of the Priesthood? Who said they were JWs? Never once I had made the claim that they are, nor have I stated Mr. White to be a JW. They, as in all of them, are of mainstream Christendom, like you, they too believe God's Order of how the Church is has no say in the actual practice of the church vs. what is accursed. Both Wood and Smith are, like you, focuses their time and energy to use conspiracy and misconceptions to deal blows to the other. The difference between them and you is the fact they refuse the truth itself and will do everything in their power to take you down because of it, even going as far as to send their "people" after you. You on the other hand, I merely see as misguided, and needing to stand up to understand the Scriptures, and perhaps the Strong's also because like them, you mixed that up as well. For even if I gave you the information from either blue letter or biblehub, you somehow miss it or refuse it when the Strong's speak louder than claims in the matter. That being said, elsewhere, like Pearl, Mr. Wood, Mr. Smith, Mr. White, and a whole list of others are being talked about, as is with those of Babylon's religion that is of the Kairos Movement, but of course you have no idea of what took place in the span of years in this regard, hence why even before I told you to be careful of such ones, unless you consider one warning of such to be an insult, best take that advice because many have fallen to such, as last month was an example.
  22. @Jack Ryan Can you link a source to that quote and list which of the 2 forms they are practicing, if I may ask?
  23. Then you are going to have to overrule the Expelling and Shunning Command if you take issue with it. The problem is, Jesus was the one who entrusted the Church with such an ability. Take it up with him and become an Anti-Pauline in the process. There is 3 forms of the Expelling/Shunning Command, only one of the 3 is the correct one: http://shamelesspopery.com/biblical-excommunication/
  24. You do realize what this form template is - right? All in all, the things highlighted was pulled from a dictionary (hence the definition) in regards to online forums and posting, therefore, that information outweighs what you are conveying. If you are curious, this is what this form is supposedly using: https://invisioncommunity.com/ that being said, you know the practices of internet forums where anything goes. This is just elementary information, Srecko. Well if you have mentioned it somewhere before in some shape or form, probably that is the reason. Hence if you are using other social media spaces including this one, someone of that same space must have recognized you and or confronted you before. An there is a saying, once it is on the Internet, people know. That being said, that deduces the connection - your hands is on every form of media besides this one, so you merely engineered your own unmasking. Other than that, I have dogs too, 2 of them, a small Peekapoo, and a Husky. The family love the dogs, just as I love them also.
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