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Everything posted by Equivocation

  1. @TrueTomHarley 2 Years is a long time lol 😆. But yeah you'll have to ease back into it. Better to do so now because the pandemic isn't over and the states and county can change things up again. The good thing now is Zoom is essentially a great tool if anything like that were to take place as well as an available option to anyone even the elderly.
  2. Yeah, that is why a family bond needs to be strong. Some family members have differences but at the end of the day the bond needs to be there so there needs to be a compromise.
  3. He cultivates off the land because how he was raised, in his eyes it is better to not be tied down by things that majority of people are attached to, like debt. Even in my case there's Student Loan debt which isn't fun depending on how high you go up the Educational Food Chain. My Dad is similar in a way but he learned Trades at an early age so he eas able to manage, he prefers to live a simple life. Although he gives examples to me and others in my family of Bible Principles to apply, he was very clear on how debt and other things can push you down hard. Something I work to apply. I can't speak for my other peers tho because there's some who pay an insane amount of money for college, some of them can't pay it back and Interest creeps around d the corner.
  4. Yep. A lot of people also are starting to see the UN as not only useless, but still a legitmate threat. I started looking into what they want for money, religon and politics and it isn't fun for anyone. Apparently they did something a few days ago which is pretty sus, whereas everyone was distracted with other things, like Will Smith. One term that has been thrown around is New World Order, so much so even my Teacher, who often gets political at times, talks about, but in negative way. But I doubt his opinions would be favored by others in the Board of Education. He often says I am lucky that I am neutral others politics would make me go crazy. Can't blame him with the way he acts when class isn't in session lol 😆
  5. I think I made that point with Scripture but that is true. I saw the link for Pearl Doxsey so I didn't believe her to have such a gift when she hasn't come into contact with the original apostles. The narrative with the Angels of Jehovah is pretty sus too 😬. In her post she tried to convince Jehovah’s Witnesses that she had visions, etc whereas us and the majority know the truth of the matter. But yeah, these Miraculous Gifts had a purpose for the early Christian Congregations, but evidently stopped, seeing the point you made a out Apostle John. So anyone who does or says otherwise after that, or as you mentioned those names and Constantine, can easily fit into the False Prophet category. The Ukraine Russia conflict is causing a lot of crazy stories to pop up, so I wouldn't be surprised if some brings us claims of a vision. Not too long ago I saw somewhere that a man was empowered by the holy spirit stating that he saw a vision of Vladimir Putin in chains being judged by God and evidently cast into Hell by Angels.... When I saw this my reaction was 🤨 because anyone who knows the truth can see through that issue. So yeah, no prophets inspired, but, there's spirit led ones, i.e. Christians, ministers who preach the good news and talk about Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, as well as provide information on what God's Kingdom will do. Not to mention using the Bible to counsel and help people of all nations and ages regardless of gender or background.
  6. Well regarding masks we do have to abide by the ruling if the county/state concerning capacity issues. Especially since there is still a stealth variant out there. So precautions taken to keep the elderly among us safe - Proverbs 22:3.
  7. There is actually more. I think we're at 8.7-8.8 now. A lot of people also tune into ou meetings via zoom as well. I think before 2020 we we're at 8.4 or something, I remember someone brought up pews research about it. All in all, it is actually good to be back, but I don't think we can do door to door anytime soon.
  8. I do this all the time. It is a Famila thing, well a Latino thing. But visiting tends to be more than just checking up on someone's health but to keep them company, even reaching out if need be. Since I am among the youngest of my family, we've been taught that we jot only respect and honor our elders but to visit and talk with them. My father has taught us this and encourage myself and my relatives to do the same because he wants the family and their inner circle to be well connected. He isn't a fan of how some Families in America operate. So regardless if someone is a brother or not, we make the effort to visit physically or over the phone even run errands if anything. In my case family and friends live in the same area very close. Also not sure if anyone mentioned this, it is also good to visit even younger ones too because mentally they're fragile. The only person tough to visit is my other uncle who lives in the middle of nowhere, like Log Cabin life. You can only reach him by phone. This guy jokes that he fights bears lol 😆
  9. @TrueTomHarley This is why I use a virtual machine for important things. The last thing I need is for my accounts to get hacked, BOOM, all money for college gone. I seen someone get fired for something like this, a teacher, but the link caused the computers in the classroom to go straight to a website with explicit content, and seeing the fake link was like minor ransomware, you can't close the windows so the image and sound was extremely loud in the classroom. Although an accident, the school didn't want to deal with anything about what happened further and the teacher lost his job for not realizing what he was doing. This is why you can't just click on anything without knowing what it is. The worse thing about it is this can happen to anyone, even children. So the internet is like a bad neighborhood, if you are not careful, you are going to have a bad time. I have a logon for the jw.org, and if that does redirect, I could get my account fished, not worth the risk. Hackers have no chill, the last thing you need is a guy like this having access to your personal info or setting you up for failure with whatever malicious intent he has in mind, especially now with all this cyber stuff going on. I think someone would make it known that the website is a spoof.
  10. Well I mean you can't blame them tho lol, our generation is often times strange. But yeah Tiktok has a lot of propaganda going on too. I usually just watch it for friends, sports, and memes, check up on how others are doing, etc. but just to get around that other stuff is annoying. Speaking about memes, this is an example I heard about the bribes. I also heard about crazy stuff about people being trapped in Ukraine, what both you and @JW Insider mention in the other thread, elsewhere I heard important Russian figures gone missing, a crazy time we are in, but what to expect from the current system of things. My cousin's girlfriend's father almost went to his country to fight for it, almost. He does not believe the trapping thing is true but since the media and news is getting to his emotions, even if it is propaganda, I guarantee he is believing it as something true.
  11. @Space Merchant As for women holding a leadership role, that is also true in respects to what the Bible says. But yeah, the whole Unisex thing is modernized, so much so it spreads to other things outside of Christianity. Protestants and Baptist have done something similar. As for the media source you quoted, I see what you met about Feminism or any agenda with that kind of media because head coverings and women being ministers is not an issue. I guess this is why you made the response to the thread about pearl, for now I understand why you debated. even so I guess the idea also came from the word "Minister", where some people would assume leadership, a role of leadership. Going back to Feminism, I guess you can say it's woke? It is in most of the schools and colleges, not only by some students, but teachers as well. But yes, in our faith, women of Jehovah’s Witnesses are preachers, or ministers, and there is a lot of women who partake in this activity. For not only men partake in sharing the good news, but women as well Psalm 68:11. Women who are Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the example set by women in the Bible. (Proverbs 31:10-31) Although they don’t assume a leadership role within the congregation, they have a full share in the public ministry, I believe you said this also to some effect. They also teach Bible principles to their children. (Proverbs 1:8) By their words and actions, Witness women work hard to be an influence for good.—Titus 2:3-5. I also see that @Srecko Sostar assumed your mindset to be like the pastor you mentioned, but of course, you already know what to expect from the Cedar group. I know about Steven Anderson, and he is a.... How should I put it, quite extreme in which he actually advocated in the killing of homosexuals at one point and had prayed to God for the death of former President Obama. Hid mindset on women was a misapplication of Paul's words. He is known for telling women to shut up and be silent using Paul's words without knowing what Paul met. He also made Sexist remarks about women and a list of other things. That guy is crazy lol.
  12. lol. But real talk, I don't think any of us today had seen someone raise the dead, heal the sick, predict by means of a vision or prophesying, or speak in tongues all of which are associated with miraculous gifts. The only person who had seen one time allegedly speak in tongues is that one pastor, I forget his name, but this is his picture
  13. He's actually right, I just responded to him The miraculous gifts of the holy spirit included were a temporary provision. The Bible foretold that, if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease.—1 Corinthians 13:8. Not only does the Watchtower knows this, but people who understood Paul. If one understood how these gifts were passed around in the days of the early Christian congregation, it would make a lot more sense. I made a point to that, and I believe both @Space Merchant and @Arauna said the same thing. @Patiently waiting for Truth was more focused on the anointed Christians who had the holy spirit, but the fact apostle John was throw into the mix, it changes everything. Seeing that these gifts came to an end in the final years of the first century, it makes sense it did pass on with apostle John. The gifts were not passed on to anyone else afterwards, even John's students, and there is no history or evidence of others who had these gifts afterwards into the second century. There were people who did claim to have visions, but never had this gifts at all, or as to what @Space Merchant said, Prophets who are inspired and those who are not. Whether Space Merchant, or his actual name, Baptiste, says something in a long post or a short post, if you actually read what he said, you'd understand, but from what I am seeing, if someone is actually educated and knows his craft, he a threat apparently. I guess discernment is actually a good thing. But he is clever in making his posts to root out something to challenge.
  14. @Space Merchant Yeah I figured. But I understood what you were saying before about Apostle John, I’d assume even former Jehovah’s Witnesses would know but apparently not. Just looking at the comments.... smh... In Acts 2:5-18 there Jehovah’s Spirit poured out to the people in that room, all of the, filled with God’s spirit at the Feast of Pentecost. Even before that, Jesus had already told his disciples of the promise his Father will give, but of course you knew that because I remember you talked about Judas’ replacement, Matthias. Even during that day, Peter, as the spokesman, explained to the Jews the meaning of this miracle, that it was a fulfillment of Joel 2:28, 29 regarding Jehovah’s pouring out his spirit upon all kinds of flesh. Among the miraculous gifts, there was speaking in tongues. This miracle first occurred in Jerusalem on the morning of the Jewish Festival of Pentecost in 33 C.E. About 120 of Jesus’ disciples were meeting together when they all became filled with holy spirit and started to speak in different languages. (Acts 1:15; 2:1-4) A large crowd of people from every nation under heaven gathered, and each one heard them speaking in his own language. —Acts 2:5, 6. Such a gift had various purposes. Primary purpose was to show that God was backing Christians and to enable Christians to give a thorough witness. So with this gift mentioned, I kind of understand what you were saying about it ending with John. Many of these kinds of gifts, even speaking in tongues was not permanent. The gifts of the holy spirit, including that of speaking in tongues, were a temporary provision. The Bible foretold that, as both you and @Arauna had said if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease. — 1 Corinthians 13:8, Paul's words. The gifts of the holy spirit were generally passed on to other Christians in the presence of the apostles, usually by the apostles placing their hands on fellow believers as seen in these verses in the book of Acts (Acts 8:18; 10:44-46) It appears that those who received the gifts of the spirit from the apostles did not transfer them to others. (Acts 8:5-7, 14-17) In one of our publications, it gives an illustration about it - government official may issue a driver’s license to someone, but that person is not given the legal authority to issue a license to anyone else. Likewise, speaking in tongues ended with the death of the apostles and those who had personally received the gift from them. Granted Apostle John was indeed the last one to outlive all the other apostles by many years, he was essentially the last one with these gifts, he may or may not have passed it on to his students, Ignatius and Polycarp. I personally don’t think he passed it on to them, perhaps John knew something, well of course he did, he had visions of the things to come, possibly knowing that Christians who follow Jesus and follow his God, Jehovah, can prevail without these gifts, who knows. So far, none of these gifts carried over into the second century. Seeing that it died with apostle John, this miraculous gift of speaking in tongues, along with the other ones, evidently ended about the end of the first century C.E. So no one today can rightly claim to speak in tongues by God’s power, that is, if someone pretends to claim they’re an inspired prophet of course :), something I made that thread about a while ago. Even though we do not have these gifts, true Christians be identified. Jesus said that self-sacrificing love would identify his disciples. (John 13:34, 35) Likewise, the apostle Paul taught that love would be a permanent identifier of genuine Christians. (1 Corinthians 13:1, 8) He indicated that God’s spirit would produce in Christians the qualities referred to collectively as the fruitage of the spirit, the first quality of which is love.—Galatians 5:22, 23, or what you equated to, to be Berean like. Lastly, apostle John before he died, he had to essentially fight out against Apostasy, the last man standing lol. His situation was something his Igantius and Polycarp had to deal with later on after John’s passing. John wanted his fellow believers to be just as fully convinced about Jesus Christ just like how the other apostles were convinced, living in the truth, even the things heard about the Son of God, witnessing the events. John wanted them to share with the apostles in the joy that had resulted from their close association with Jesus Christ. So the whole object of what John wrote was to help fellow believers to continue experiencing the happiness resulting from an approved standing before Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. When we preached door to door, not only need people took our publications, but they loved to talk about people, places and events in the Bible. Some don’t always take publications, but, they wanted to talk more and more, even wanted us to come back, they do ask for the website though. There were some who were amazed by the fact of what false religion teaches vs what the Bible says is vastly different. Other then that it was quite cool to meet people like that. I do have one question tho, you think even before Constatine the Great, that there were those in between John's death to 324-325 A.D. that some people did the same thing? Pretend to have these gifts?
  15. Better to zoom out. Sometimes the news can't really be verified so its a slippery slope. Some of them actually want war. It caused a cousin of mine to actually prep for violence.
  16. @Srecko Sostar Oh boy you walked right into that one. From what I know Unitarians vary. I'll leave it at that because I don't want to challenge someone with something I have no idea about.
  17. @Space Merchant It may just be more than Methodist Faith tho. Weren't some Baptist ordinating women too? 🤔 Also since you linked that thread I made, I don't think people who say they have visions of certificates things to be true, especially when that vision comes from someone who thinks God oversees the torment of people in an Eternal Hellfire, makes no sense and that isn't something Jehovah is about. @ApostaBabe Linda James We're not Extremist so I don't see how there's some kind of rage taking places in our halls although temporarily closed in some areas. Desperation possibly because of the stuff taking place in the world, not from brothers and sisters as a whole. In my case I'm perfectly fine, as well as our brothers and sisters at our hall. @JW Insider You don't have to response but I know how you feel lol. Like someone talking about different fruits and vegetables and suddenly the conversation spirals into British Royal Navy ships and BOOM all of a sudden.... Cat videos lol 😆. A never ending story.
  18. Yikes looks like the dam cracked wide open in this thread. Was lurking so based on what I am seeing.... 😬😬😬 If one guy is right but a few people who's never been challenged react only to get beat down again. A more detailed look is from what is seen here some Former Jehovah’s Witnesses has never been challenged before and when it actually happens, it shows who is truthful and who isn't. Guess when the shoe is on the other foot it feels unpleasant and to that I will say for another thread that ended up like this. What a way to go out. @Pudgy Thank goodness for those comic strip because it helps a lot lol.
  19. Nullified, you lost the plot, once again. With all due respect, Srecko, if I were you, I'd reflect. What I do not understand is why such a man like yourself chooses to remain in a Stasis like paradox state of subtle insanity (mental time loop). And no, there were people who were alive that day and witnesses the events. We can't leave them out, even former members who found out the truth later on. Seeing you down voted, it seems you've taken that to heart. You never change. You never move on. @Witness Respectfully, Madam, I do not think you understood what was said about Prophets and False Prophets. I recommend looking into what a legitimate Prophet and a False Prophet is and or represent. Doing so, would help you better understand. So, what I said is true, you are among those who have their own definition for these terms. @JW Insider Thanks, it is good to read from one's experience.
  20. @Srecko Sostar Dude, you effectively lost the plot here, which can be seen from the comments you made. After what was said, in full detail, anything you say is 100% nullified going forward. It would be best for you to return to Cedars at this point.
  21. @Dmitar Thanks I'll look into it. But yeah, the peddling for false stories and information tends to be frustrating and the people behind it are relentless. SM pointed out it has even gotten to the point that people looking in are now calling out some lies former Jehovah's Witnesses are pushing. One thing I remember was a while back one of Jehovah's Witnesses made a comment about a verse being omitted, Acts 8:37 and an angry mob went after him. He knew it was a waste of time to deal with people like this so he bailed, and once he left, they mocked and slandered him. Someone who was a former member made a video about the verse and continued the attack. It did lure in some JWs and others to correct the guy who made the video, but they were drowned out by those who are not only ignorant, but relentless in their attacks. You really can't find peace with these people, nor can you get them to see what they are pushing are lies. The sad thing about it, there are indeed some who are not hate driven, but they are also drowned out too.
  22. @Space Merchant Thanks for that, I didn't know the names, especially the guy who hangs out with Cedars. So there is no possible way to find those videos? Even in archived form? If EXJWs sent him death threats and stuff surely something said was that important, namely if it did involve something about CSA. Well it is the internet after all, surely something even a small bit of it can be found, I knew some things, but didn't know all that transpired in the background.
  23. The actions of these super powered countries are definitely hurting people who don't want any involvement. The News is so confusing that eventually you don't pay attention to it at all unless something serious does happen, but at the same time, their actions are affecting us - paying more for rice and gas right now. I heard wheat is also up in price by 30ish percent or so not too sure, so, anything wheat related will slowly climb up. Does anyone know if any of our brothers and sisters got out of Ukraine? The sting from Russia and what they did back in 2017, some EXJWs are bringing it up again >_<, wanting Russia to deal with our brothers and sisters in the country; those who supported the ban apparently...
  24. @Space Merchant Well, that is true. the schools are affected heavily, from K to 12, even College and Universities, as well as secondary schools. Some would often get triggered due to even Bible verses. Teachers will often say things to students and inform them not to speak a word of a specific matter to their parents, which as 2020 and 2021 showed us, caused quite the outrage. So Higher Education can be a problem for anyone who is caught off guard. I do feel bad for the exchange students tho who are easily hit by the influence that eats away at what they believe and their values. @Dmitar The influence is really bad. Only a matter of time until you see them 100% go after the Bible. In my case, if I quote something to a specific person who is under the influence, I'll most likely be met with retaliation.
  25. @Matthew9969 From what I know, Grey Men/Women usually blend in with the crowd but move in a way to not be in the spotlight. My friend's Dad act in this way. Some of these guys also prepared for any kind of situation, even confrontation, women especially. In short, if there is danger, the crowd runs in one direction into the danger, the Grey Man/Woman does not. So no one would really steal from them because of their high situational awareness to their surroundings and time used wisely.
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