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Queen Esther

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Queen Esther last won the day on July 6 2023

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  1. Hello sister, do you remember the time when many brothers and sisters had a set of vinyl records containing all the kingdom songs? My eldest son and me worked on the kingdom hall sound system, and we would get the records with songs for meeting ready. Some years before that, the hall had a piano. One dear old sister who had Parkinson's disease used to play the kingdom songs on that piano. At assemblies they had an orchestra made up of brothers who could play various musical instruments. Brother Cox,(Senior)from our congregation used to play the flute. It was almost like the days of King David. (1Sam 16:23)

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Sorry,  the  old  vinyl-time  I  don't  remember  Bro. Colin,  but  the  piano-time,  with  guitar  and  little  pipes,  also  the  cassettes  &  CD - time.  Now  all  is  coming  from  a  hard-disk  and  we've  a  special  camera  above !  Really  a  fantastic  technology  in  the  end-time! :)   I  think,  in  the NW  we  are  playing  again  music  by  instruments,  thats  so  nice :x

      I'm  dreaming  from  a  BIG - BBQ  and  after,  many  instruments  and  alot  Kingdom  songs !  Many  Brothers  and  Sisters  singing  and  playing,  perhaps  dancing?  We  shall  see :D

                                        ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤

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