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Queen Esther

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Queen Esther last won the day on July 6 2023

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  1. Weekly meeting for 02/12-20/2018

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Hi  sister  Regina,  here  I  send  you  the  link,  where  you  can  find  the 

       Weekly Material for WEEK OF FEBRUARY 12-18, 2018

      Von T.B. (Twyla), Donnerstag um 05:01 in Weekly Study Materials

      or  any  other  weekly  Material....   Enjoy !


    3. Regina Blake

      Regina Blake

      Hello  my dear Sister! Praying that you’re well! I’m so sorry to keep bothering you , But either my brewers are Re-directing me or due to my health problems I’m easily confused!  Would you please send me the weekly lesson for the 02/26-/03-4th of 2018.

      Thanks for your Love and patience’s 


    4. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Hello  Regina....   I  saw  you  know  the  right  page,  but  I  send  you  once  more  2 good  links  for  that :


      For  download  all  things,  for  all  weeks /  and  weekly  materials,  click  on  and  go  to  the  right  page....

       Weekly Material for WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018–MARCH 4, 2018

      Von T.B. (Twyla), Donnerstag um 07:45 in Weekly Study Materials

      Watchtower WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018–MARCH 4, 2018.doc

      Watchtower WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018–MARCH 4, 2018.pdf

      MEETING WORKBOOK week of February 26–March 4, 2018.doc

      MEETING WORKBOOK week of February 26–March 4, 2018.pdf

      MEETING WORKBOOK week of February 26–March 4, 2018 text only.doc

      MEETING WORKBOOK week of February 26–March 4, 2018 text only.pdf

      CBS February 26–March 4, 2018.doc

      CBS February 26–March 4, 2018.pdf

      Additional Highlights-February 26–March 4, 2018.doc

      Additional Highlights-February 26–March 4, 2018.pdf


      I  hope  all  is  right ?     ENJOY  my  dear  sister  Regina :x

      Greetings  from  Germany,  Agape :)

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