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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. I wanted to change the world..... When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize, that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world... New World Translation Zeph.3:9 For then I will change the language of the peoples to a pure language, So that all of them may call on the name of Jehovah, To serve him shoulder to shoulder.’
  2. I read, the actress Lois Maxwell / Miss Moneypenny, died in Australia, in the age of 80 ! She was the first in 1962 beside Sean Connery ! I remember her, she was funny and always in love to 007 James Bond... ;-)
  3. Oh... thats a very hard way ! I try work on since many years, with tiny successes. ;o) I don't believe that I work it to normal. By an early Appt. its working better, hahaha
  4. WHAT CAN BANISH ONE HUNDRED WORRIES ? A Japanese proverb says: "A joy can banish hundreds worry." This is a phenomenon that Jehovah's Witnesses are only too familiar. You were 2 hours in the ministry, have almost all cleaned pawls or wast rebuffed. Your mood is at zero. A door yet and then get yourself down home. The door opens. You will asked to come in. The householder has many questions. For more than an hour you answer to all his questions. --- The two disappointing hours ago are forgotten and you say at the end: "I now had more than three hours a great ministry." ;o)
  5. Glücklich sind eure Augen, weil sie sehen, und eure Ohren, weil sie hören (Mat. 13:16) Warum konnten Jesu Jünger verstehen, was andere nicht verstanden? Weil sie bereit waren, die wahre Bedeutung der Worte Jesu herauszufinden und auf dem aufzubauen, was sie bereits angenommen hatten. Außerdem waren sie bereit, von dem Gebrauch zu machen, was sie gehört hatten, und zwar nicht nur im eigenen Leben, sondern auch, um anderen zu helfen (Mat. 13:11, 12, 36, 51, 52). Wollen wir Jesu Gleichnisse verstehen, machen wir es am besten wie Jesu treue Jünger. Erstens müssen auch wir bereit sein, uns mit Jesu Worten zu befassen und über sie nachzudenken, dann dazu Fragen zu stellen und wo nötig nachzuforschen. Das führt zu Erkenntnis (Spr. 2:4, 5). Als Nächstes müssen wir herausfinden, wie das Gelernte mit dem zusammenpasst, was wir bereits wissen, um so den Nutzen für uns persönlich zu sehen. Das führt zu Verständnis (Spr. 2:2, 3). Zum Schluss sollten wir das Gelernte in die Tat umsetzen. Das zeugt von Weisheit (Spr. 2:6, 7). w14 15. 12. 1:3, 4
  6. Happy are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.—Matt. 13:16. Why were Jesus’ disciples able to understand when others were not? Because they were willing to search for the real meaning behind Jesus’ words, build on what they had already accepted, and use what they had heard in their personal lives and in helping others. (Matt. 13:11, 12, 36, 51, 52) If we want to understand Jesus’ illustrations, we need to follow the example of his faithful disciples. First, we need to be willing to take the time to study and meditate on what Jesus said, to do the necessary research, and to ask the appropriate questions. This leads to knowledge. (Prov. 2:4, 5) Next, we need to see how that knowledge fits in with what we already know, discerning its benefit to us personally. That results in understanding. (Prov. 2:2, 3) Finally, we should use what we have learned, putting it into action in our lives. This shows wisdom on our part.—Prov. 2:6, 7. w14 12/15 1:3, 4
  7. Heureux sont vos yeux parce qu’ils regardent, et vos oreilles parce qu’elles entendent (Mat. 13:16). Pourquoi, contrairement à certains, les disciples de Jésus étaient-ils en mesure de comprendre ses paroles ? Parce qu’ils étaient disposés à en chercher la signification réelle, à compléter l’enseignement qu’ils avaient déjà accepté, à tirer personnellement profit de ce qu’ils avaient entendu et à en faire profiter leur prochain (Mat. 13:11, 12, 36, 51, 52). Si nous voulons comprendre les exemples de Jésus, nous devons suivre la même démarche que ses fidèles disciples. Premièrement, nous devons être disposés à prendre le temps d’étudier et de méditer ce que Jésus a dit, à faire les recherches nécessaires et à se poser des questions pertinentes. C’est ce qui mène à la connaissance (Prov. 2:4, 5). Deuxièmement, nous devons chercher comment cette connaissance s’accorde avec ce que nous savons déjà en discernant ce qu’elle nous apporte personnellement. C’est ce qui produit l’intelligence (Prov. 2:2, 3). Troisièmement, nous devrions nous servir de ce que nous avons appris en l’appliquant dans notre vie. Nous faisons ainsi preuve de sagesse (Prov. 2:6, 7). w14 15/12 1:3, 4.
  8. Felizes são os vossos olhos porque observam, e os vossos ouvidos porque ouvem. — Mat. 13:16. Por que os discípulos de Jesus conseguiam compreender o que Jesus ensinava, ao passo que outros não? Porque estavam dispostos a buscar o verdadeiro significado das palavras de Jesus, a acrescentar novas informações ao que já sabiam, a aplicar em sua vida pessoal o que tinham aprendido e a usar isso para ajudar outros. (Mat. 13:11, 12, 36, 51, 52) Se queremos compreender as ilustrações de Jesus, precisamos seguir o exemplo de seus discípulos fiéis. Primeiro, precisamos reservar tempo para estudar e meditar no que Jesus disse, para fazer as pesquisas necessárias e para refletir em perguntas relacionadas ao assunto. Isso resulta em conhecimento. (Pro. 2:4, 5) Daí, precisamos ver como esse conhecimento se encaixa no que já sabemos e entender como podemos usar essa informação pessoalmente. Assim, ganhamos compreensão. (Pro. 2:2, 3) Por último, devemos aplicar o que aprendemos. Com isso, mostramos sabedoria. — Pro. 2:6, 7. w14 15/12 1:3, 4
  9. Gerne.... You're welcome! ;-) I will find out more about all tmw. - During my postings I hear on radio always the News.... Its really terrible... // Right now, they cancelled all the carnival ceremonies, maybe on later.....
  10. PS. A GLASS OF MILK, PAID IN FULL... is also a loving story and very noble-minded of the later adult Doc. Jehovah is same thinking and never forget our good doings... What a loving God we have ❤
  13. VERY VERY SAD :-( THE CAUSE WAS HUMAN ERROR.... THE BADEST TRAIN - ACCIDENT SINCE 40 YEARS !! Aktualisiert am 09. Februar 2016, 22:10 Uhr Es ist das schwerste Zugunglück in Bayern seit mehr als 40 Jahren. Im oberbayerischen Bad Aibling rasen zwei Züge ineinander. Mindestens zehn Menschen kommen ums Leben, rund 80 werden verletzt. Am Abend ergeben erste Ermittlungen: Es war menschliches Versagen. Das schwere Zugunglück in Bayern mit mindestens zehn Toten ist laut ersten Ermittlungen durch menschliches Versagen ausgelöst worden. Das erfuhr die Deutsche Presse-Agentur am Dienstagabend aus zuverlässiger Quelle. Wer genau für das Unglück im oberbayerischen Bad Aibling verantwortlich zu machen ist, war zunächst nicht bekannt. Mehr Details wurden der Deutschen Presse-Agentur nicht genannt. Zuvor hatte das RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland darüber berichtet, dass menschliches Versagen das Unglück ausgelöst haben könnte. Am Dienstagmorgen waren zwei Nahverkehrszüge auf der eingleisigen Strecke zwischen Holzkirchen und Rosenheim frontal ineinander gerast. 18 Menschen wurden schwer, 63 Reisende leicht verletzt. Eine Person wurde noch vermisst, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Die Katastrophe ist das schwerste Zugunglück in Bayern seit mehr als 40 Jahren. ZUGUNGLÜCK FOTOS.htm
  14. You are welcome, yes ! ;o) I posted different true stories here... and I try doing more for you all !
  15. Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree?—Gen. 3:1. After preparing our beautiful planet for human habitation, Jehovah issued three decrees regarding humans: Our God would create mankind in his image, humans were to expand Paradise globally and fill the earth with righteous offspring, and humans were prohibited from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. (Gen. 1:26, 28; 2:16, 17) After the creation of man, adherence to the other two decrees was all that was necessary to have God’s purpose fulfilled. In a villainous attempt to thwart God’s purpose, Satan the Devil instigated a rebellion. He did so by focusing his attention on the decree he could most easily influence—the one that required obedience on the part of man. He tempted the first woman, Eve, to disobey the prohibition regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. (Gen. 3:1-5; Rev. 12:9) In doing so, Satan challenged God’s right to rule over His creation. w14 10/15 1:4, 5
  16. Sollte Gott wirklich gesagt haben: Ihr dürft nicht von jedem Baum des Gartens essen? (1. Mo. 3:1) Nachdem Jehova die Erde zu einer schönen Wohnstätte für die Menschen gemacht hatte, beschloss er dreierlei: Er wird den Menschen in seinem Bilde erschaffen, die Menschen sollen das Paradies auf die ganze Erde ausweiten und sie mit gerechten Nachkommen füllen und kein Mensch darf vom Baum der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse essen (1. Mo. 1:26, 28; 2:16, 17). Nach seiner Erschaffung musste sich der Mensch nur an die beiden letzten Beschlüsse halten. So würde der Vorsatz Gottes verwirklicht werden. Satan, der Teufel, stiftete zu einer Rebellion an und versuchte so auf niederträchtige Weise, Gottes Vorsatz zu vereiteln. Dabei konzentrierte er sich auf die Anordnung Gottes, gegen die er am leichtesten vorgehen konnte: die, die von den Menschen Gehorsam forderte. Er verführte Eva, die erste Frau, dazu, vom Baum der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse zu essen (1. Mo. 3:1-5; Offb. 12:9). Damit focht Satan das Recht Gottes an, über die Schöpfung zu herrschen. w14 15. 10. 1:4, 5
  17. Est-ce vrai que Dieu a dit que vous ne devez pas manger de tout arbre ? (Gen. 3:1). Après avoir rendu notre magnifique planète habitable par l’homme, Jéhovah a formulé trois décrets concernant les humains : il allait créer les humains à son image ; les humains devraient étendre le Paradis à toute la terre et la remplir de leur descendance juste ; les humains auraient interdiction de manger de l’arbre de la connaissance du bon et du mauvais (Gen. 1:26, 28 ; 2:16, 17). Une fois l’homme créé, il suffisait que les deuxième et troisième décrets soient respectés pour que le dessein de Dieu s’accomplisse. Mais dans une tentative ignoble visant à contrecarrer le dessein de Dieu, Satan le Diable a suscité une rébellion. Comment ? En faisant en sorte que soit enfreint le décret sur lequel il avait le plus facilement prise, celui qui réclamait l’obéissance de l’homme. Par une tentation, il a incité la première femme, Ève, à désobéir à l’interdiction relative à l’arbre de la connaissance du bon et du mauvais (Gen. 3:1-5 ; Rév. 12:9). Ce faisant, Satan a contesté le droit de Dieu de régner sur sa création. w14 15/10 1:4, 5.
  18. É realmente assim que Deus disse, que não deveis comer de toda árvore? — Gên. 3:1. Depois de preparar nosso belo planeta para ser habitado pelos humanos, Jeová pronunciou três decretos relacionados às criaturas humanas: nosso Deus criaria a humanidade à sua imagem; os humanos deveriam estender o Paraíso por toda a Terra e povoá-la com sua descendência justa; e os humanos foram proibidos de comer da árvore do conhecimento do que é bom e do que é mau. (Gên. 1:26, 28; 2:16, 17) Após a criação do homem, relacionada ao primeiro decreto, tudo o que se precisava para que o propósito de Deus se realizasse era a observância dos outros dois decretos. Numa tentativa maligna de frustrar o propósito de Deus, Satanás, o Diabo, instigou uma rebelião. Ele fez isso por voltar sua atenção para o decreto que era mais fácil de ele influenciar: o decreto que exigia obediência da parte do homem. Ele tentou a primeira mulher, Eva, a desobedecer a ordem que envolvia a árvore do conhecimento do que é bom e do que é mau. (Gên. 3:1-5; Rev. 12:9) Ao fazer isso, Satanás desafiou o direito de Deus governar Sua criação. w14 15/10 1:4, 5
  19. MONEY IS A BIG TRAP.... OH YES ;o) THE GRAVE IS ALREADY OPEN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  20. Oh yes.... hahaha - I still have another one in silver.... I post it here ;o) Only Mobile Homes for USA... sorry - I think its forbidden in Germany ;-(
  22. Step by step I learned here very fast, in few days, alot of different doings ! And I will try more and more, if all will work so easy too... Thank you so much for your hard work
  23. WHAT A GIANT ESPECIALLY MOTOR - HOME.... FOR MANY MANY FRIENDS ;o) A FUNNY HOLIDAY !! THE DRIVER'S ALWAYS CHANGING.... (( But the price is not nice... 2,500.000 $ awww ;-( )) IN THE *NW* WE HAVE A BETTER IDEA... ;o))
  24. A Simple Gesture... Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove and a small tape recorder. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry part of the burden. As they walked Mark discovered the boy’s name was Bill, that he loved video games, baseball and history, and that he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend. They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some shared small talk, then Mark went home. They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both graduated from junior high school. They ended up in the same high school where they had brief contacts over the years. Finally the long awaited senior year came and three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk. Bill reminded him of the day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “You see, I cleaned out my locker because I didn’t want to leave a mess for anyone else. I had stored away some of my mothers sleeping pills and I was going home to commit suicide. But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I realized that if I had killed myself, I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those books that day, you did a lot more, you saved my life.” - John W. Schlatter (true story) New World Translation Gal. 6:10 So, then, as long as we have the opportunity, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.
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