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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 5 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    n lacks substance as she has failed to quote one scripture to support the debate

    More than enough scriptures were used at the convention.  I am not a teacher or a debater on this forum. I give logical opinions - that is it.

    You can take up some of the thoughts which are in line with the scriptures you already know - or discard them.  I expect people on here to know most of the basic scriptures.

    I have in the past taken the time to look up the scriptures and people just ignore them and go on presenting their own ideas. 

  2. We agree on one important thing Pudgy - the cancel culture is sooooo stupid.  It comes from a pretense of false righteousness - when people think they have the moral high ground. They exhibit a fake piety and sometimes publically.

    Humans do NOT have the moral high ground - only Jehovah's opinion on any moral issue  is the one that matters. We are all absolutely equal under God - so we will be in unity and love if we agree on Jehovah's standards.  The alternate way, yes they can be considered and even  debated to some extent....... but it will be flawed and does not lead to true righteousness. 

    Jehovah allows us to evaluate options - righteous and unrighteous ones..... and hopes that we choose His moral way when the choice-time comes.

  3. Ok, I referred to our recent 3- day convention which you are not taking into consideration. . My language was not perfect, I agree, just as yours does not properly define literal and spiritual events. BUT the point was that the throwing of satan out of heaven was  actually (correction - not the first ) the 2nd step leading to the time of  the end / or the period leading up  to Armageddon. I loved the idea at the convention where they tied SEVERAL  literal events (or steps) to the eventual culmination in Armageddon. 

    The first step was that Jesus was crowned in heaven. This was a literal event that took place in the spiritual realm..... (NOT A SPIRITUAL event.) ...... Jesus thereafter "hurled" Satan down. This was in the spiritual realm but was a literal / real event.....after this there are several signs/ steps and events which culminate in Armageddon.


    My objection to your  writing was that you used either the wrong words or do not understand that it was literal events that took place.  They were not merely spiritual events. 

    ARMAGEDDON FOR ME, IS A SINGLE, literal,  WORLD SITUATION which is a decisive battle between all human governments  and the incoming Godly government.. It does not last to the end of the 1000 years.  The reason being:  human rulership will have reached it's full potential  (which will prove once and for all, the corruption and futility  involved with human rule). Humankind will have reached its peak in science and its alienation from Jehovah. 

    Gog of Magog, at the end of the millenium, will be a similar united resistance movement against jehovah  but it is not a  second phase of "Armageddon".  It will be an attempt to take over with human rule..... just like Adam and Eve did.  But the scale of suffering and a great tribulation such as the world had never seen before, will not be associated with it. 

  4. 4 hours ago, BroRando said:

    We are not to expect any gathering of the people literally to the Hill of Megiddo.

    I do not lack any understanding. Of course - all the armies of the world cannot congregate physically at the valley of Megiddo.... it is geographically too small BUT  it does not portray a cornered position as you say.  It actually portrays a "decisive battle " where Jehovah's side wins the literal battle. 

    Even though the heavenly armies are fighting the battle - the bible portrays the literal corpses on earth which indicates it to be a literal event. Read Revelation 19.... the battle between christ and the coalition of earthly rulers. ..... it invites the birds to eat the corpses of people who are physically dead. ....... just as the time of Noah ..... breathing people will no longer be breathing. 

  5. 14 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Armageddon and the Abyss are not literal places but rather a situation that points to a certain condition. 

    The abyss is a "condition"  but Armageddon is not a condition.... It is a literal world situation..... a physical, not a spiritual event. Yes it has spiritual as well as physical consequences. 

  6. 14 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Satan was hurled out of Heaven back in 1914 so this is not Armageddon as you claim. "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven." (Rev 12:7-8)

    This was brought about by the timing of

    The slave told us that the war in heaven after Jesus was crowned was the first event leading up to Armageddon. It put satan on earth where he could war against the anointed.  This was one of the first of the progressive events leading up to Armageddon. 


  7. I have given an answer to this inaccurate information - twice. You remove your post, as well as my reply, and then put your post up at a later date without comments. I do NOT agree with your posting but do not want to go through the hassle of putting up  a reply and it being removed - again.

    Watch the convention programme of this year again and you will see the progression of Armageddon.... it does not comprise spiritual events - except the literal war in the "spiritual realm" when Satan was thrown out of heaven. 

    Satan is literally destroyed at the end of 1000 years before Jesus hands back the Kingdom to his Father.

  8. 15 hours ago, Witness said:

    He has complete control of his facial movements, when he cares to exercise it. 

    Just look at the photo on the video - his face is not equal on both sides - which gives me the thought that he has a small strokes or something to that effect in his past.  But I find him very endearing!

    Much more than |I can say for those with hate-OCD.

  9. 18 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    A brother in our congregation who works with the deaf, who himself has deaf ones in his family,

    I am usually am usually well understood.  As a singer I learnt to use my mouth and expressions in my face - so deaf people understand me quite well.  Watch the people who are really good at speaking with the deaf - their facial expressions and enunciation is slightly exaggerated. 

  10. 3 hours ago, C-D67 said:

    When a baby is born, when did that baby learn about God?

    Every child born is a potential Hitler, Alexander the Great or Ghinges Khan.  In fact, what is going on in the world right now - the extreme lies, gaslighting, propaganda by the wild beast and false prophet (Rev 16), are all done by people who are 'willingly' cooperating with the propaganda and getting the mark of the beast.

    Humans are evil - all of them.  History confirms this. We are all born in sin.  The word sin refers to lacking the glory of God.  Not a teensy weensy, small lack but an extremely gaping, large lack.  If we think it is a little flaw - then we are bluffing ourselves.

    We have to daily study the bible and keep close to Jehovah, to remain a just and moral being. The minute we stop taking in His word, we can drift away.   We need the Spirit of Jehovah on a daily basis to remain in the Truth.  We cannot do it on our own - even if some of us think we can.  While we remain in the love of Jehovah with the ransom covering our sins, we can remain. Jehovah is most merciful  - none of will remain in the truth if it was not for his mercy and training. 

    Do not be misled - we should not bluff ourselves - we need Jehovah every minute of our lives to remain clean and without blemish.


  11. 6 hours ago, BroRando said:

    how would you like to babysit this 4 year old?

    I recall the same situation in Syria and Iraq when young ISIS children were trained with guns and wearing bombing jackets......  These violent parents train their children from a young age to be aggressive and violent. ...... Sad. 

    Satan is happy because he is the father of death.

  12. 11 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Lett is sometimes creepy to those that don’t know him,

    True - he is extremely sweet and his face is so elastic that he would have done excellently as a comedian.  But we often judge people by appearance - something serious, which the bible warns us all about.  

    People latched onto the words of Jesus and condemned him to death - him being a perfect man.  That is why there are two witnesses needed for serious sin.  We cannot judge people on our own opinions.

    Of course it is a clear cut matter when people blaspheme and teach twisted falsehoods. We all know that Satan clothes himself as an angel of light.

    The hate-OCD I see in many apostates always have the same characteristics. These people cannot provide a positive or educational comment.  All they say, in repetitive fashion, is to destroy anything which the organization provides us with that is useful and twist scriptures to their own ends to look like they are quoting the bible.  Like their father, who is the father of lies and death - they go into the same MO of darkness.  The light of Jehovah no longer shines on them and they have no true light to share.

  13. When I left South Africa, I left 3 African language bibles behind which was printed by the exact same company which had printed the Afrikaans translation.  My first language is Afrikaans.  Our bible did not have the name in at all but the Bantu bibles (as these languages were known at the time), had the name Jehovah more than 6000 in them.

    I used to show the name of the company to people and then the different translations - so they could spot the deception. 

    The company which translated our Afrikaans bible had been active since 1933 when the most well-known translation was done.  Prior to that there were some Dutch translations done by Mr. Pannevis which had the Name Jehovah in a few places.

    Sad that bible companies elect to leave out the Name of the true God. The Gideon bibles, well-known across the world also do not have the name of the true god in them.  Does that not tell you that Satan can masquerade as an angel of light?

    The newest Bantu translations have the name removed as well. 


  14. 13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Don’t want no ‘1984’ references either. George Orwell wrote 1984 at a time when totalitarianism was sweeping the globe,

    In the West there was a technocratic movement of which the authors wrote down most of the things we see happening now. This group involved writers like Huxley, Orwell, H.G Wells and others. This new totalitarian system coming our way is technocratic. Huxley and Orwell moved in the same circles.  Huxley's brother was a eugenicist (as many of these people were) and was instrumental in the origin of the United Nations.


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