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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Unsere Glaubensbrüder sprechen mit Athleten und Gästen über die Botschaft der Bibel und geben jeden Tag durchschnittlich 790 Publikationen ab Quelle
  2. A member wanted me to post this question to you all..... Anyone have a list?
  3. Where do we turn to find true friends? Source
  4. God made the plants and animals for us to enjoy because he is our Friend. Source
  5. Gott hat die Pflanzen und die Tiere für uns gemacht, weil er unser Freund ist. Quelle
  6. Jehovas Zeugen in Lwiw (Ukraine) hießen Tausende ausländischer Delegierter zu einem Sonderkongress willkommen. Die Gäste erfreuten sich an Kultur und Ausflügen. Quelle
  7. Trotz anhaltender Wirtschaftskrise in Venezuela setzen sich die Zeugen Jehovas im Land weiter aktiv für ihren Glauben ein. Quelle
  8. • Have access to the phone numbers of friends, both near and far. • Make and rehearse an escape plan. Know the nearest exits in your building, as well as the emergency plan of your children’s school. Set up family meeting places—such as a school or a library—one nearby and another outside your neighborhood. Authorities recommend that you practice walking with your family to those meeting points. • Plan to help others, including the elderly and the infirm. During—Act Quickly “When fire broke out, most people didn’t panic—they delayed,” relates Joshua, quoted at the outset. “Some turned off a computer or filled a water bottle. One man said, ‘Maybe we should just wait.’” Despite the hesitancy of others, Joshua shouted: “We need to get out of here now!” At that, his coworkers snapped out of denial and followed him down the stairs. “If anyone falls, pick him up and keep moving,” Joshua kept calling out. “We’re all going to make it!” • In a fire. Stay close to the floor, and move quickly to the nearest exit. Smoke makes it hard to see, and most fire deaths are caused by smoke inhalation. Leave behind personal items. Seconds can make the difference between life and death. • In an earthquake. Get under sturdy furniture or next to an inside wall. Expect aftershocks, and get outside and away from buildings as soon as you can. Trained rescuers may not arrive for hours, so try to rescue others if you can. • In a tsunami. If the water suddenly rushes away from the shore, move quickly to higher ground. Expect more and larger waves. • In a tornado or a hurricane. Go to a storm shelter without delay. • In a flood. Stay out of flooded buildings. Avoid wading in or driving through water. Floodwater can contain sewage and conceal dangers, including debris, open manholes, and downed power lines. • Did you know? Two feet [0.6 meters] of moving water can carry a car away. Most deaths in a flood result when people try to drive through moving water. • If the authorities order evacuation, leave immediately! Let friends know where you are, or they may risk their lives looking for you. • Did you know? Text messaging may be more reliable than telephone voice service. • If the authorities direct residents to remain at home or shelter in place, stay inside. In case of an outdoor chemical, biological, or nuclear accident or attack, stay indoors, turn off ventilation, and seal all doors and windows. In a nuclear event, go to the lowest internal part of your building to reduce exposure to radiation. Listen to local TV or radio news. Stay indoors until authorities announce that the threat has passed. Emergency Survival / Preparedness wiki
  9. Schon kurz nach der Katastrophe begannen freiwillige Helfer, Königreichssäle und Häuser von Zeugen Jehovas wieder in Stand zu setzen. Quelle
  10. Aaron (High Priest) Abednego Abel Abraham (The father of many nations) Adam (and Eve were the first man and woman) Ahab (A battle before God) Andrew Barnabas Cain (and his brother Abel were siblings at war) Cornelius (The first gentile convert) Daniel (A man with dreams and visions) David (The Great Leader of Israel) Deborah (The only female Judge) Devil Elijah (A battle before God in front of Ahab) Elisha Esau (Jacob & Esau were rival brothers) Esther (A Jewish Queen) Ezequiel Ezra (A scribe) Eve Gideon (Reluctant to serve) Goliath of Gath Isaac (Abraham's long-awaited son) Isaiah Jacob (The Father of the 12 Tribes of Israel) Jeremiah Jesus Christ (The Son of God) Joash (A child ruler) Job (Tested by God) John (Apostle) John (Baptizer) Jonah (The one who refused) Joseph (From a Slave to an Egyptian official) Joshua (The new Moses) Judas Iscariot Leah Luke Malachi Mark Mary (The Mother of Jesus) Matthew Melchizedek Meshach Micah Moses (The Leader of the Israelites) Nathanael Nehemiah (Israelite Governor) Noah (Builder of the Ark) Paul (Apostle) (Missionary to the gentiles) Peter Phillip Rachel Rahab Rebekah (Isaac's bride) Rehoboam (A harsh leader) Ruth (A loyal daughter-in-law) Sampson (Born with supernatural strength) Samuel (A promised child) Sarah (The mother of Isaac) Satan Saul (The First King) Shadrach (In the fiery furnace) Shem Solomon (The Richest Man/King in History) Stephen (Christianity's first martyr) Timothy Zachariah Zebulon Zechariah ------------------------------------ Jehovah Hebrew BibleAdam to David according to the Hebrew Bible Creation to Flood Adam Seth Enos Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech Noah Shem Cain line Adam Cain Enoch Irad Mehujael Methusael Lamech Tubal-cain Patriarchs after Flood Arpachshad Shelah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah Abraham Isaac Jacob Nationhood to Kingship Judah Perez Hezron Ram Amminadab Nahshon Salmon Boaz Obed Jesse David --------------------------------------- Prophets Prophets in the Hebrew Bible Pre-Patriarchs (Bible)Abel Kenan Enoch Noah (rl)Patriarchs and MatriarchsAbraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Sarah Rebecca Rachel LeahIsraelite prophetsin the TorahMoses (rl) Aaron Miriam Eldad and Medad PhinehasProphets mentionedin the Former ProphetsJoshua Deborah Gideon Eli Elkanah Hannah Abigail Samuel Gad Nathan David Solomon Jeduthun Ahijah Elijah Elisha Shemaiah Iddo Hanani Jehu Micaiah Jahaziel Eliezer Zechariah ben Jehoiada HuldahMajor ProphetsIsaiah (rl) Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel (rl)Minor ProphetsHosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah (rl) Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah MalachiNoahide prophetsBeor Balaam Job (rl)Other prophetsAmoz Beeri Baruch Agur Uriah Buzi Mordecai Esther (rl) Oded AzariahItalics denote that the status as a prophet is not universally accepted. Parenthetical (rl) links are articles dealing with the prophet within Rabbinic Literature. --------------------------------------- Kings Rulers of Ancient Israel Pre-dynasticAbimelechUnited MonarchySaul Ish-boseth David Solomon Israel (Northern Kingdom) Jeroboam I Nadab Baasha Elah Zimri Tibni Omri Ahab Ahaziah Jehoram Jehu Jehoahaz Jehoash Jeroboam II Zechariah Shallum Menahem Pekahiah Pekah Hoshea Judah (Southern Kingdom) Rehoboam Abijam Asa Jehoshaphat Jehoram Ahaziah Athaliah Jehoash Amaziah Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh Amon Josiah Jehoahaz Jehoiakim Jeconiah Zedekiah Hasmonean dynasty Simon Maccabaeus John Hyrcanus Aristobulus I Alexander Jannaeus Salome Alexandra Hyrcanus II Aristobulus II Antigonus II Mattathias Herodian dynasty Herod the Great Archelaus Antipas Philip the Tetrarch Salome I Agrippa Agrippa II Post-Second Temple era Simon bar Kokhba ---------------------------------------------------- Priests Melchizedek AaronElazarEliPhinehas -------------------------------------- Tribes of Israel According to the Book of Genesis, the Israelites were descendants of the sons of Jacob, who was renamed Israel after wrestling with an angel. His twelve male children become the ancestors of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.AsherBenjaminDanGadIssacharJoseph, which was split into two tribes descended from his sons:Tribe of EphraimTribe of MenashehJudahLeviNaphtaliReubenSimeonZebulun ------------------------------------------ New Testament Jesus and his relativesJesusMary, mother of JesusJosephBrothers of JesusJames the JustChristian Apostles of Jesus[edit]The Twelve:[1]Peter (Simon Kefa)Andrew (Simon's brother)James son of ZebedeeJohn son of Zebedee (aka John the Evangelist)PhilipBartholomewThomas also known as "Doubting Thomas"MatthewJames son of AlphaeusJudas son of James (aka Thaddeus or Judas Lebbaeus)Simon the CanaaniteJudas Iscariot (the traitor) (to be resurrected?) Others: PaulTitusMatthiasMary MagdalenePriests[edit]Caiaphas, high priestAnnas, first high priest of Roman JudeaZechariah, father of John the BaptistProphetsAgabusAnna (Bible)Simeon (Gospel of Luke)John the Baptist Other believers ApollosAquilaBarnabasDionysius the AreopagiteEpaphras, fellow prisoner of Paul (Philemon 1:23), fellow worker (Colossians 4:12-13)Joseph of ArimatheaLazarusLukeMarkMarthaMary MagdaleneMary, sister of MarthaNicodemusOnesimusPhilemonPriscillaSilasSopaterStephen, first martyrTimothy Secular rulers See also: HerodHerod the GreatHerod Antipas, called "Herod the Tetrarch" or "Herod" in the Gospels and in Acts 4:27Pontius PilateAgrippa I, called "King Herod" or "Herod" in Acts 12Felix governor of Judea who was present at the trial of Paul, and his wife Drusilla in Acts 24:24
  11. How did two people so different in background and age become such close friends? How can their experience help you form friendships today? Source
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