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Everything posted by Jesus.defender

  1. TERRIBLE translation. No serious greek or hebrew scholar takes the nwt seriously. Dr. Bruce M. Metzger, professor of New Testament at Princeton University, calls the NWT "a frightful mistranslation," "Erroneous" and "pernicious" "reprehensible" "If the Jehovah's Witnesses take this translation seriously, they are polytheists." (Professor of New Testament Language and Literature) Dr. William Barclay, a leading Greek scholar, said "it is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest." British scholar H.H. Rowley stated, "From beginning to end this volume is a shining example of how the Bible should not be translated." "Well, as a backdrop, I was disturbed because they (Watchtower) had misquoted me in support of their translation." (These words were excerpted from the tape, "Martin and Julius Mantey on The New World Translation", Mantey is quoted on pages 1158-1159 of the Kingdom interlinear Translation) Dr. Julius Mantey , author of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, calls the NWT "a shocking mistranslation." "Obsolete and incorrect." "It is neither scholarly nor reasonable to translate John 1:1 'The Word was a god.'" "I have never read any New Testament so badly translated as The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of The Greek Scriptures.... it is a distortion of the New Testament. The translators used what J.B. Rotherham had translated in 1893, in modern speech, and changed the readings in scores of passages to state what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach. That is a distortion not a translation." (Julius Mantey , Depth Exploration in The New Testament (N.Y.: Vantage Pres, 1980), pp.136-137) the translators of the NWT are "diabolical deceivers." (Julius Mantey in discussion with Walter Martin) Dr. William Barclay, a leading Greek scholar, said "it is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest." Google Bruce Metzer, Marcus Borg, N.T. Wright, Elaine Pagels, Dominic Crossan-they all believe the NWT is a travesty. It is very bad. These people studied Koine Greek and the social/political world for decades.
  2. IS JESUS ‘MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL’? Watchtower Teaching WT claims that Daniel 10:13,21; 12:1; and I Thess 4:16 teach that: 1) Jesus existed as Michael the archangel before his birth to Mary; then 2) Jesus gave up his spirit existence as an angel when he entered Mary’s womb to become a human; 3) At the resurrection he was recreated as Michael the archangel. They describe Christ’s progressive existence as angel, then human, then angel. ‘Michael, one of the chief princes’ (Daniel 10:13). ‘Michael your prince’ (Daniel 10:21). ‘Michael the great prince’ (Daniel 12:1). JWs think that Jesus must be Michael because of Michael’s authority over other angels as a chief prince. The WT teaches that Jesus Christ was Michael the archangel, who was born as a human, died and was raised up as an archangel again. They refer to Jesus Christ as Michael the archangel. (Watchtower, 15 Feb, 1979, p.31). Bible Teaching: 1) Michael is ‘one of the chief princes’ (10:21), but Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son in John 3:16. ‘Begotten’ in Greek is ‘monogenes’ meaning uniqueone of a kind. Michael being ‘one of the chief princes’ means that he is just one among a group of chief angels. Ask: Where is Jesus called a ‘chief Prince’ in the Bible? Ask: Where is Jesus clearly mentioned in Daniel 10:13? Ask: Isn’t Jesus as ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’ (Revelation 19:16) much higher in authority than one of a group of chief princes? 2) Ask: ‘To which of the angels did God ever say ‘thou art my son’?’ (Hebrews 1:5) 3) The Bible mentions Michael the archangel five times as: 1. ‘Michael, one of the chief princes’ (Daniel 10:13) 2, ‘Michael, your prince’ (Daniel 10:21) 3. ‘Michael, the great prince’ (Daniel 12:1) 4. ‘Michael the archangel . . . durst not bring against him (the devil) a railing accusation, but said The Lord rebuke thee’ (Jude 9) 5. ‘Michael and his angels fought against the dragon’ (Revelation 12:7) Ask: Which of these verses state that Michael is Jesus Christ? None of them. 4) The WT claims support from I Thessalonians 4:16 ‘the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call,with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet’(NWT) Ask: If using an archangel’s voice makes Jesus an archangel, then having God’s trumpet makes Jesus to be God. Note: I Thessalonians 4:16 doesn’t explicitly say that Jesus Himself speaks with the voice of the archangel. When Jesus comes from heaven to rapture the church from earth, He will be accompanied by Michael the archangel. It is the archangel’s voice that shouts, not Jesus’ voice. Jesus doesn’t shout, but Michael does shout. This is like what happens at the end of the seven year tribulation, when Jesus returns ‘from heaven with his mighty angels’ (II Thessalonians 1:7). If angels accompany Christ at the end of the 7 year tribulation, then clearly Michael will accompany Christ at the rapture before the 7 year tribulation, so Michael cannot be Jesus. 5) In Jude 9, Michael did not have the authority to rebuke Satan, but Jesus did have the authority as follows: Jesus said ‘Get thee hence, Satan’ (Matthew 4:10) and ‘Get thee behind me, Satan’ (Mark 8:33) Michael said to Satan,‘The Lord rebuke thee’, proving that the only one with the authority to rebuke Satan is God. So, Matt. 4:10 proves that Jesus Christ is the Lord God. Ask: Since Michael could not rebuke Satan in his own authority, but Jesus could and did rebuke Satan, doesn’t that mean that Michael and Jesus are different persons? 6) All the angels (Michael included) are commanded to worship Christ. (Hebrews 1:6) 7) The writer of Hebrews asks several questions about angels and Jesus Christ, which prove them to be different persons: i) ‘Unto which of the angels said he at any time, thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?’ (Hebrews 1:5) ii) ‘To which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?’ (Hebrews 1:13) iii) ‘Unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come (millennium)’ (Hebrews 1:13). iv) ‘For verily, he took not on him the nature of angels’ (Hebrews 2:16) v) Does Michael sustain all things by the word of his power? (See Hebrews 1:3). No! vi) Is it right to honour Michael the archangel just as you honour the Father? (John 5:23) ? Ask: Do good angels refuse worship? (Certainly). When John fell down to worship the angel, the angel rebuked him, saying ‘See thou do it not ....worship God’. (Rev 22:8,9). The Father commands all the angels (Michael included) to worship Christ. (Heb 1:6). The ‘proskuneo’ worship that angels refuse to accept but say to give to God, the Father commands thissame ‘proskuneo’ worship to be given to the Son. Hence the Son cannot be an angel, but must be God. True Bible students soon discover that Jesus is no mere angel, but God. This lesson must be learnt so they may ‘honour the Son just as they honour the Father’. (John 5:23 NWT). 9) Jesus Christ is unchangeable: ‘Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and today and forever’. (Hebrews 13:8). The WT view of Jesus is that He was Michael who changed to become a man, and who at his resurrection changed back to Michael the archangel. The Watchtower Jesus is changeable. They have a false and different Jesus. 10) Jesus Christ created all the angels, including the thrones and principalities of which Michael is a chief prince of a principality. ‘For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers’. (Colossians 1:16).
  3. Nothing. They are two separate beings. Jesus CREATED Michael and ALL things.
  4. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS Watchtower Teaching WT forbids blood transfusions because of Genesis 9:4 ‘But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat’. The WT teaches that a blood transfusion is the same as eating blood, because it resembles intravenous feeding. This doctrine was invented in 1944. Bible Teaching and Historical facts: 1) Thousands of JWs and their children have died because they followed this WT error. QUESTION: Would you really allow your baby to die because of this WT instruction? 2) Most JWs are unaware that their leaders have a history of making medical prohibitions,then later changing their minds to allow them. Examples include: (i) Vaccinations were forbidden by the WT from 1931 to 1952. JWs had to refuse vaccinations because the WT taught that ‘vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made’ (Golden Age, 4 Feb 1931, p 293). Awake of 22 Aug 1965 admitted that vaccinations have caused a decrease in diseases(p.20) QUESTION: How did the parents of children who died from not being vaccinated, feel when the WT reversed its view in 1952? How many of these children died needlessly? (ii) Organ transplants were allowed by the WT up to 1967, but were forbidden in 1967 saying that ‘organ transplants amounted to cannibalism and are not appropriate for Christians’ (WT, 15 Nov 1967, p 702-4, and Awake 8 June 1968, p 21). Hence all organ transplants were forbidden for 13 years, during which time many JWs died needlessly. Then in 1980, the WT changed its mind to allow them saying that ‘organ transplants are not necessarily cannibalistic’ (WT, 15 March 1980, p 31). (iii) Blood plasma and blood particles were forbidden to be used by JW haemophiliacs (Awake, 22 Feb 1975, p 30). Shortly after, the WT changed its mind to permit certain blood particles to be used, but failed to put it into print for 3 years until 15 June 1978, p 30 (WT). Only those haemophiliacs who phoned WT headquarters from 1975-78 discovered the change. Others were left to suffer and die. QUESTION: How long before the WT changes its view on blood transfusions? QUESTION: Why does the WT keep changing its mind on medical issues? QUESTION: Is it right for an infallible prophet of God organisation (such as the WT claims to be) to keep changing its mind. (iv) In 1984, they allowed for a bone-marrow transplant. Bone marrow is the very source of blood. However, they would disfellowship you for receiving a bloodtransfusion. 3) In Genesis 9:4 the context is God forbidding the eating of animal blood (as pagans did), not the transfusion of human blood. A blood transfusion is not intravenous feeding, because the blood so given does not function as food. When one gives a transfusion, it is not a loss of life, but a transference of life from one person to another. It replenishes and saves a life. QUESTION: Since blood is not taken in as food to digest, but as life sustaining fluid, is it not clear that transfusion is different from eating? 4) Leviticus 3:17 ‘You must not eat any fat or any blood at all.’ (NWT) QUESTION: Why do WT leaders forbid blood transfusions but allow the eating of fat? Why not forbid both? The WT is not consistently interpreting the Bible. Leviticus 17:11,12: ‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood’. Blood transfusion does not function as food, but simply transfers life from one person to another as an act of mercy. Key: Leviticus 3:17 prohibits eating animal blood, not transfusing human blood. QUESTION: Where is loss of salvation mentioned in Acts 15:9,11 for receiving a blood transfusion? Key: Acts 15:28,29. A blood transfusion uses blood for the same purpose that God intended, (as a life-giving agent in the bloodstream). Drinking blood is not God’s intended purpose for blood Conclusion: Even though JWs try to support blood transfusions with Scripture, their real reason for believing it is blind obedience to the WT. If the WT organisation lifted its ban on blood transfusions, JWs would freely accept them if needed. For the WT to admit they were wrong would cause too great a stir in their ranks. Therefore any changes must be presented as ‘new light’ in order to make it appear that ‘Jehovah’ is making the changes, rather than a few men on the governing body.
  5. IS JESUS ‘MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL’? Watchtower Teaching WT claims that Daniel 10:13,21; 12:1; and I Thess 4:16 teach that: 1) Jesus existed as Michael the archangel before his birth to Mary; then 2) Jesus gave up his spirit existence as an angel when he entered Mary’s womb to become a human; 3) At the resurrection he was recreated as Michael the archangel. They describe Christ’s progressive existence as angel, then human, then angel. ‘Michael, one of the chief princes’ (Daniel 10:13). ‘Michael your prince’ (Daniel 10:21). ‘Michael the great prince’ (Daniel 12:1). JWs think that Jesus must be Michael because of Michael’s authority over other angels as a chief prince. The WT teaches that Jesus Christ was Michael the archangel, who was born as a human, died and was raised up as an archangel again. They refer to Jesus Christ as Michael the archangel. (Watchtower, 15 Feb, 1979, p.31). Bible Teaching: 1) Michael is ‘one of the chief princes’ (10:21), but Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son in John 3:16. ‘Begotten’ in Greek is ‘monogenes’ meaning uniqueone of a kind. Michael being ‘one of the chief princes’ means that he is just one among a group of chief angels. Ask: Where is Jesus called a ‘chief Prince’ in the Bible? Ask: Where is Jesus clearly mentioned in Daniel 10:13? Ask: Isn’t Jesus as ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’ (Revelation 19:16) much higher in authority than one of a group of chief princes? 2) Ask: ‘To which of the angels did God ever say ‘thou art my son’?’ (Hebrews 1:5) 3) The Bible mentions Michael the archangel five times as: 1. ‘Michael, one of the chief princes’ (Daniel 10:13) 2, ‘Michael, your prince’ (Daniel 10:21) 3. ‘Michael, the great prince’ (Daniel 12:1) 4. ‘Michael the archangel . . . durst not bring against him (the devil) a railing accusation, but said The Lord rebuke thee’ (Jude 9) 5. ‘Michael and his angels fought against the dragon’ (Revelation 12:7) Ask: Which of these verses state that Michael is Jesus Christ? None of them. 4) The WT claims support from I Thessalonians 4:16 ‘the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call,with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet’(NWT) Ask: If using an archangel’s voice makes Jesus an archangel, then having God’s trumpet makes Jesus to be God. Note: I Thessalonians 4:16 doesn’t explicitly say that Jesus Himself speaks with the voice of the archangel. When Jesus comes from heaven to rapture the church from earth, He will be accompanied by Michael the archangel. It is the archangel’s voice that shouts, not Jesus’ voice. Jesus doesn’t shout, but Michael does shout. This is like what happens at the end of the seven year tribulation, when Jesus returns ‘from heaven with his mighty angels’ (II Thessalonians 1:7). If angels accompany Christ at the end of the 7 year tribulation, then clearly Michael will accompany Christ at the rapture before the 7 year tribulation, so Michael cannot be Jesus. 5) In Jude 9, Michael did not have the authority to rebuke Satan, but Jesus did have the authority as follows: Jesus said ‘Get thee hence, Satan’ (Matthew 4:10) and ‘Get thee behind me, Satan’ (Mark 8:33) Michael said to Satan,‘The Lord rebuke thee’, proving that the only one with the authority to rebuke Satan is God. So, Matt. 4:10 proves that Jesus Christ is the Lord God. Ask: Since Michael could not rebuke Satan in his own authority, but Jesus could and did rebuke Satan, doesn’t that mean that Michael and Jesus are different persons? 6) All the angels (Michael included) are commanded to worship Christ. (Hebrews 1:6) 7) The writer of Hebrews asks several questions about angels and Jesus Christ, which prove them to be different persons: i) ‘Unto which of the angels said he at any time, thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?’ (Hebrews 1:5) ii) ‘To which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?’ (Hebrews 1:13) iii) ‘Unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come (millennium)’ (Hebrews 1:13). iv) ‘For verily, he took not on him the nature of angels’ (Hebrews 2:16) v) Does Michael sustain all things by the word of his power? (See Hebrews 1:3). No! vi) Is it right to honour Michael the archangel just as you honour the Father? (John 5:23) ? Ask: Do good angels refuse worship? (Certainly). When John fell down to worship the angel, the angel rebuked him, saying ‘See thou do it not ....worship God’. (Rev 22:8,9). The Father commands all the angels (Michael included) to worship Christ. (Heb 1:6). The ‘proskuneo’ worship that angels refuse to accept but say to give to God, the Father commands this same ‘proskuneo’ worship to be given to the Son. Hence the Son cannot be an angel, but must be God. True Bible students soon discover that Jesus is no mere angel, but God. This lesson must be learnt so they may ‘honour the Son just as they honour the Father’. (John 5:23 NWT). 9) Jesus Christ is unchangeable: ‘Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and today and forever’. (Hebrews 13:8). The WT view of Jesus is that He was Michael who changed to become a man, and who at his resurrection changed back to Michael the archangel. The Watchtower Jesus is changeable. They have a false and different Jesus. 10) Jesus Christ created all the angels, including the thrones and principalities of which Michael is a chief prince of a principality. ‘For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers’. (Colossians 1:16).
  6. "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins." "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Are you born again, my friends?
  7. 120 Bible passages referring to Jehovah that in the New Testament are quoted and applied to Christ. 120 Bible passages referring to Jehovah that in the New Testament are quoted and applied to Christ..rtf
  8. JEHOVAH’S NAME or JESUS CHRIST’S NAME. The Watchtower teaches that God’s true Name is Jehovah. They teach that: ‘Sometime during the second or third Century CE, the scribes removed the tetragrammaton (JHWH) from both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with κυριος (Lord) or θεος (God)’. Reference Edition of NWT, 1984, p 1564. The Watchtower’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation (KIT) proves that Jesus is Jehovah God. On page 10,11 of the 1985 KIT, under the heading ‘Restoring the Divine Name, Jehovah’ we read: ‘the evidence (what evidence?) is that the original text of the Christian Greek Scriptures has been tampered with (no proof) . . . Sometime during the second or third centuries CE, the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) was eliminated from the Greek texts by copyists (no proof). Instead of YHWH they substituted the words Kurios (‘Lord’) and Theos (‘God’).’ Note: This is a lie. There is no historical or manuscript evidence or evidence of protest to support this claim. Somebody would have protested such a change.No one did. It never happened. The New World Translation (NWT) is the JW perversion of the Bible made to support their false doctrines. It inserts the name ‘Jehovah’ in the New Testament in the place of God (θεος=theos) or Lord (κυριος =kurios) on 237 occasions, where they believe it refers to God the Father. They often refer to Hebrew translations of the NT to see where this has been done. These are footnoted as J1 to J27. Their dishonesty and deceit is shown by their failure to translate these words as ‘Jehovah’ when it refers to Christ. (eg: Philippians 2:11; Hebrews 1:10). JWs say that the proper use of God’s ‘correct’ name (Jehovah) is absolutely essential to one’s salvation. They quote from their NWT: ‘Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’ Romans 10:13 (NWT). ‘People will have to know that I am Jehovah.’ Ezekiel 39:6 (NWT). JWs believe that because they are the only group who refer to God by His ‘true’ name, Jehovah, they are the only true followers of God. Their claim is false for these reasons: 1) Jehovah is not a Biblical term. It is a man-made term. The Old Testament has YHWH because the original Hebrew only had consonants. Jews feared taking God’s name in vain, so when they publicly read YHWH, they would pronounce it ‘Adonai’ (Lord). Later they inserted the vowels from Adonai (a-o-a) into the consonants YHWH to give YAHOWAH, which became Jehovah. Hence, the word Jehovah comes from a consonantvowel combination from YHWH and Adonai. 2) No-one knows for sure the original correct pronunciation of YHWH. Hence we cannot insist on ‘Jehovah’ as being correct. 3) Jesus never addressed the Father as Jehovah in the New Testament. If JWs are correct that God must be always called Jehovah, then Jesus was sinning by not calling God ‘Jehovah’. When the NWT puts Jehovah in Jesus’ mouth in the NT, it contradicts all the NT manuscripts which don’t have it. QUESTION: Since Jesus never in the NT addressed the Father as Jehovah, why should we? 4) Jesus and the Apostle Paul tell us to address God as ‘Father’: a) Jesus taught us to pray to God as ‘Our Father’, not ‘Our Jehovah’: ‘After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father.....’ (Matthew 6:9). b) Jesus addressed God as Father in His own prayers: ‘I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth’. (Matthew 11:25). ‘O my Father, if it be possible.......’ (Matthew 26:39,42). ‘He said, Abba, Father.......’ (Mark 14:36). ‘ I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven.......’ (Luke 10:21). ‘Saying, Father, if thou be willing.......’ (Luke 22:42). ‘Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them;.......’ (Luke 23:34). ‘Father, the hour is come......’ (John 17:1). c) Paul said, ‘we cry, Abba, Father.’ (Romans 8:15). d) The Holy Spirit through Paul said, ‘God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father’. (Galatians 4:6). Here the Holy Spirit of God tells us to call God ‘Abba, Father’, not ‘Jehovah’ QUESTION: If Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Paul all address God as Father nine times (and never as Jehovah) then shouldn’t we call God ‘Father’? 5) No Ancient NT manuscripts contain the tetragram (YHWH) to translate as Jehovah. The Church writers before 325 AD only mention Jehovah once in passing. JWs tell us that most Bible versions deceive people because they omit Jehovah as God’s Name, so the JWs dishonestly add the word ‘Jehovah’ to the NT text, even though it is not in any NT Greek manuscript, ancient version, papyri or lectionary. The WT’s claim that ‘Jehovah’ as God’s name was removed from the NT by superstitious scribes, is a total lie with no supporting historical or manuscript evidence. 6) Whose Name did the early Christians identify themselves with? Was it Jehovah or was it Jesus Christ? Always Jesus Christ, never Jehovah. Who knows more, the Apostles or modern JWs? Consider these examples: a) The Apostles never used the name ‘Jehovah’. b) The Apostles and first century Christians were never called ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’. ‘The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.’ (Acts 11:26). c) There is no proof that Jesus or his disciples ever pronounced the tetragram YHWH. JWs claim that when Jesus read from Isaiah 61:1 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me....’ as quoted in Luke 4:18,19, that Jesus pronounced the word ‘YHWH’. This is most unlikely. JWs assume that the religious leaders endorsing Christ’s ‘gracious words’ in verse 22 was because He uttered the name YHWH? Historical records in the Mishnah, from Josephus, and from other sources show the Jews were loathe to allow the name YHWH to be used. The Jews would not have tolerated it being used by anybody but the High Priest.Jesus would have read ‘Adonai’ 7) 119 Bible passages referring to Jehovah, are quoted and applied to Christ in the New Testament (Proof Available) QUESTION: In view of 119 Bible verses applying ‘Jehovah’ to Christ in the NT, what does this tell you about who Christ is? ? The New Testament tells us to name the name of Jesus Christ, not the name of Jehovah. Consider these examples: 1. ‘Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.’(II Timothy 2:19) 2. ‘I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .’ (I Cor 1:10) 3. ‘Ye are washed,....sanctified,... justified in the name of the Lord Jesus ’ (I Cor 6:11) 4. ‘Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.’ (Col 3:17) 5. ‘That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you....’ (II Thess 1:12) 6. ‘Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves.....’ (II Thess. 3:6) 7. ‘all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.’ (I Corinthians 1:2) 8. ‘Thou holdest fast my name....’ Jesus said to the Pergamos church. (Revelation 2:13). JWs have not held fast Christ’s name, nor have they called upon Christ’s name, nor do they name the name of Christ, nor is Jesus Christ precious to them, because they do not have saving belief in Him. ‘Unto you . . . which believe He is precious’.(I Peter 2:7). QUESTION: Where does the NT tell us to name the name of Jehovah? 9) The New Testament always lifts up Jesus Christ’s name, not Jehovah’s name. Why? Because Jesus Christ is Jehovah God on earth. Christ is 100% God and 100% man. Q1: In whose name should we meet together? ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ (Matthew 18:20) Q2: Demons were cast out by the authority of whose name? ‘Paul.....said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.’ (Acts 16:18) Q3: In whose name should we preach repentance and forgiveness of sins? ‘And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. And ye are witnesses of these things.’ (Luke 24:47,48) Q4: In whose name are we to believe and receive forgiveness of sins? ‘....through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.’ (Acts 10:43, John 1:12) Q5: By whose name, and no other, do we obtain salvation? Acts 4:10,12 says: ‘by the name of Jesus Christ ... Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’ Q6: In whose name should we pray? John 16:23,24; 14:13,14; 15:16 says: ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.’ Q7: In whose name is the Holy Spirit sent? ‘But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name......’ (John 14:26) Q8: In whose name and authority did the disciples heal the sick? ‘His name through faith in his name hath made this man strong’ (Acts 3:16; 4:30) Q9: Whose name did Paul say that we are to call upon? ‘ all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.’ (I Cor 1:2) Q10: Whose name is above every name? ‘God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name .... that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.’(Phil 2:9-11) Paul’s quote about Christ is from Isaiah 45:22-24 where every knee will bow to Jehovah. What is true about Jehovah, is also true of Christ, the Lord of all mankind Q11: According to Acts 1:8, of whom are we to be witnesses? ‘Ye shall be witnesses unto me (Jesus)’ Q12: In whose name were believers baptized? ‘they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus’. (Acts 8:16; 2:38) Q13: In whose name were believers designated? ‘the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch’. (Acts 11:26) Q14: In whose name did the apostles speak? ‘Commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus’ Acts 4:17,18 Q15: In whose name did early Christians suffer? Acts 15:26 says: ‘Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ ‘rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name’Acts 5:41;9:16 Q16: Whose name was Paul to carry? ‘Lord said: He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.’ (Acts 9:15) Q17: In whose name did Paul deliver a man to Satan? ‘In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...to deliver such an one to Satan.’ I Cor 5:4,5 Q18: In whose name did the apostles teach? Acts 5:28; 8:12 says: ‘Did we not straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?’ 10) Why does WT break their own rule (where the OT speaks of Jehovah), that they do not insert Jehovah in the NT, when the quote clearly refers to Christ? Peter quotes from Joel 2:32 (spoken of Jehovah) and applies it to Jesus in Acts 2:21 and 38. Calling on the name of Jehovah for salvation equals repenting and being baptised in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of sins. Conclusion: Jesus shares the nature of His Father and His Name. The absence of YHWH in any NT manuscript demolishes the WT case of introducing the word ‘Jehovah’ into the NT. Question: If God was so concerned about preserving His covenant name, why did the apostles not preserve it in their writings? Question: To imply that the name ‘Jehovah’ is the main name of God that we are to use, contradicts the continued NT use of the name ‘Jesus’ on 900 occasions, while the tetragram YHWH is used nowhere in the NT. QUESTION: Why does the WT not translate ‘Jehovah’ into Hebrews 1:10, I Peter 3:15 andPhilippians 2:11, when the OT passages from which these are quoted refer to YHWH? We are to make the name of the Father known as Jesus emphasized (Matthew 6:9; John 17:26). How do we do it? By recognizing that Jesus Christ was chosen by the Father to embody all the glory and important reputation of that Name.
  9. No, that is false. a day is LIKE a thousand years to GOD. meaning time has no meaning for Him.
  10. In the NWT, every time the Greek word "proskuneo" is used in reference to God, it is translated as "worship" (Rev 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, 19:4, Jn 4:20, etc.). Every time "proskuneo" is used in reference to Jesus, it is translated as "obeisance" (Mt 14:33, 28:9, 28:17, Lk 24:52, Heb 1:6, etc.), even though it is the same word in the Greek (see Gr-Engl Interlinear). Especially compare the Greek word "prosekunhsan" used with reference to God in Rev 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, and 19:4 and used with reference to Christ in Mt 14:33, 28:9, and 28:17. What is the reason for this inconsistency? If the NWT was consistent in translating "proskuneo" as "worship", how would the verses above referring to Christ read? The NWT translates the Greek word "kyrios" as "Jehovah" more than 25 times in the New Testament (Mt 3:3, Lk 2:9, Jn 1:23, Acts 21:14, Rom 12:19, Col 1:10, 1Thess 5:2, 1Pet 1:25, Rev 4:8, etc.). Why is the word "Jehovah" translated when it DOES NOT appear in the Greek text? Why is the NWT not consistent in translating kyrios (kurion) as "Jehovah" in Rom 10:9, 1Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11, 2Thess 2:1, and Rev 22:21 (see Gr-Engl Interlinear)?
  11. If the name Jehovah is so important, then why is it never used in the entire Greek New Testament? If men edited out the name of God, "YHWH" when they copied the New Testament, as only the Watchtower organization claims, then how can we have any confidence in any of the New Testament? Should we discard the New Testament or the Watchtower organization as unreliable?
  12. JEHOVAH’S NAME or JESUS CHRIST’S NAME. The Watchtower teaches that God’s true Name is Jehovah. They teach that: ‘Sometime during the second or third Century CE, the scribes removed the tetragrammaton (JHWH) from both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with κυριος (Lord) or θεος (God)’. Reference Edition of NWT, 1984, p 1564. The Watchtower’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation (KIT) proves that Jesus is Jehovah God. On page 10,11 of the 1985 KIT, under the heading ‘Restoring the Divine Name, Jehovah’ we read: ‘the evidence (what evidence?) is that the original text of the Christian Greek Scriptures has been tampered with (no proof) . . . Sometime during the second or third centuries CE, the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) was eliminated from the Greek texts by copyists (no proof). Instead of YHWH they substituted the words Kurios (‘Lord’) and Theos (‘God’).’ Note: This is a lie. There is no historical or manuscript evidence or evidence of protest to support this claim. Somebody would have protested such a change.No one did. It never happened. The New World Translation (NWT) is the JW perversion of the Bible made to support their false doctrines. It inserts the name ‘Jehovah’ in the New Testament in the place of God (θεος=theos) or Lord (κυριος =kurios) on 237 occasions, where they believe it refers to God the Father. They often refer to Hebrew translations of the NT to see where this has been done. These are footnoted as J1 to J27. Their dishonesty and deceit is shown by their failure to translate these words as ‘Jehovah’ when it refers to Christ. (eg: Philippians 2:11; Hebrews 1:10). JWs say that the proper use of God’s ‘correct’ name (Jehovah) is absolutely essential to one’s salvation. They quote from their NWT: ‘Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’ Romans 10:13 (NWT). ‘People will have to know that I am Jehovah.’ Ezekiel 39:6 (NWT). JWs believe that because they are the only group who refer to God by His ‘true’ name, Jehovah, they are the only true followers of God. Their claim is false for these reasons: 1) Jehovah is not a Biblical term. It is a man-made term. The Old Testament has YHWH because the original Hebrew only had consonants. Jews feared taking God’s name in vain, so when they publicly read YHWH, they would pronounce it ‘Adonai’ (Lord). Later they inserted the vowels from Adonai (a-o-a) into the consonants YHWH to give YAHOWAH, which became Jehovah. Hence, the word Jehovah comes from a consonantvowel combination from YHWH and Adonai. 2) No-one knows for sure the original correct pronunciation of YHWH. Hence we cannot insist on ‘Jehovah’ as being correct. 3) Jesus never addressed the Father as Jehovah in the New Testament. If JWs are correct that God must be always called Jehovah, then Jesus was sinning by not calling God ‘Jehovah’. When the NWT puts Jehovah in Jesus’ mouth in the NT, it contradicts all the NT manuscripts which don’t have it. QUESTION: Since Jesus never in the NT addressed the Father as Jehovah, why should we? 4) Jesus and the Apostle Paul tell us to address God as ‘Father’: a) Jesus taught us to pray to God as ‘Our Father’, not ‘Our Jehovah’: ‘After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father.....’ (Matthew 6:9). b) Jesus addressed God as Father in His own prayers: ‘I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth’. (Matthew 11:25). ‘O my Father, if it be possible.......’ (Matthew 26:39,42). ‘He said, Abba, Father.......’ (Mark 14:36). ‘ I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven.......’ (Luke 10:21). ‘Saying, Father, if thou be willing.......’ (Luke 22:42). ‘Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them;.......’ (Luke 23:34). ‘Father, the hour is come......’ (John 17:1). c) Paul said, ‘we cry, Abba, Father.’ (Romans 8:15). d) The Holy Spirit through Paul said, ‘God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father’. (Galatians 4:6). Here the Holy Spirit of God tells us to call God ‘Abba, Father’, not ‘Jehovah’ QUESTION: If Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Paul all address God as Father nine times (and never as Jehovah) then shouldn’t we call God ‘Father’? 5) No Ancient NT manuscripts contain the tetragram (YHWH) to translate as Jehovah. The Church writers before 325 AD only mention Jehovah once in passing. JWs tell us that most Bible versions deceive people because they omit Jehovah as God’s Name, so the JWs dishonestly add the word ‘Jehovah’ to the NT text, even though it is not in any NT Greek manuscript, ancient version, papyri or lectionary. The WT’s claim that ‘Jehovah’ as God’s name was removed from the NT by superstitious scribes, is a total lie with no supporting historical or manuscript evidence. 6) Whose Name did the early Christians identify themselves with? Was it Jehovah or was it Jesus Christ? Always Jesus Christ, never Jehovah. Who knows more, the Apostles or modern JWs? Consider these examples: a) The Apostles never used the name ‘Jehovah’. b) The Apostles and first century Christians were never called ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’. ‘The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.’ (Acts 11:26). c) There is no proof that Jesus or his disciples ever pronounced the tetragram YHWH. JWs claim that when Jesus read from Isaiah 61:1 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me....’ as quoted in Luke 4:18,19, that Jesus pronounced the word ‘YHWH’. This is most unlikely. JWs assume that the religious leaders endorsing Christ’s ‘gracious words’ in verse 22 was because He uttered the name YHWH? Historical records in the Mishnah, from Josephus, and from other sources show the Jews were loathe to allow the name YHWH to be used. The Jews would not have tolerated it being used by anybody but the High Priest.Jesus would have read ‘Adonai’ 7) 119 Bible passages referring to Jehovah, are quoted and applied to Christ in the New Testament (Proof Available) QUESTION: In view of 119 Bible verses applying ‘Jehovah’ to Christ in the NT, what does this tell you about who Christ is? ? The New Testament tells us to name the name of Jesus Christ, not the name of Jehovah. Consider these examples: 1. ‘Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.’(II Timothy 2:19) 2. ‘I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .’ (I Cor 1:10) 3. ‘Ye are washed,....sanctified,... justified in the name of the Lord Jesus ’ (I Cor 6:11) 4. ‘Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.’ (Col 3:17) 5. ‘That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you....’ (II Thess 1:12) 6. ‘Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves.....’ (II Thess. 3:6) 7. ‘all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.’ (I Corinthians 1:2) 8. ‘Thou holdest fast my name....’ Jesus said to the Pergamos church. (Revelation 2:13). JWs have not held fast Christ’s name, nor have they called upon Christ’s name, nor do they name the name of Christ, nor is Jesus Christ precious to them, because they do not have saving belief in Him. ‘Unto you . . . which believe He is precious’.(I Peter 2:7). QUESTION: Where does the NT tell us to name the name of Jehovah? 9) The New Testament always lifts up Jesus Christ’s name, not Jehovah’s name. Why? Because Jesus Christ is Jehovah God on earth. Christ is 100% God and 100% man. Q1: In whose name should we meet together? ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ (Matthew 18:20) Q2: Demons were cast out by the authority of whose name? ‘Paul.....said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.’ (Acts 16:18) Q3: In whose name should we preach repentance and forgiveness of sins? ‘And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. And ye are witnesses of these things.’ (Luke 24:47,48) Q4: In whose name are we to believe and receive forgiveness of sins? ‘....through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.’ (Acts 10:43, John 1:12) Q5: By whose name, and no other, do we obtain salvation? Acts 4:10,12 says: ‘by the name of Jesus Christ ... Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’ Q6: In whose name should we pray? John 16:23,24; 14:13,14; 15:16 says: ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.’ Q7: In whose name is the Holy Spirit sent? ‘But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name......’ (John 14:26) Q8: In whose name and authority did the disciples heal the sick? ‘His name through faith in his name hath made this man strong’ (Acts 3:16; 4:30) Q9: Whose name did Paul say that we are to call upon? ‘ all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.’ (I Cor 1:2) Q10: Whose name is above every name? ‘God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name .... that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.’(Phil 2:9-11) Paul’s quote about Christ is from Isaiah 45:22-24 where every knee will bow to Jehovah. What is true about Jehovah, is also true of Christ, the Lord of all mankind Q11: According to Acts 1:8, of whom are we to be witnesses? ‘Ye shall be witnesses unto me (Jesus)’ Q12: In whose name were believers baptized? ‘they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus’. (Acts 8:16; 2:38) Q13: In whose name were believers designated? ‘the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch’. (Acts 11:26) Q14: In whose name did the apostles speak? ‘Commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus’ Acts 4:17,18 Q15: In whose name did early Christians suffer? Acts 15:26 says: ‘Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ ‘rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name’Acts 5:41;9:16 Q16: Whose name was Paul to carry? ‘Lord said: He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.’ (Acts 9:15) Q17: In whose name did Paul deliver a man to Satan? ‘In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...to deliver such an one to Satan.’ I Cor 5:4,5 Q18: In whose name did the apostles teach? Acts 5:28; 8:12 says: ‘Did we not straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?’ 10) Why does WT break their own rule (where the OT speaks of Jehovah), that they do not insert Jehovah in the NT, when the quote clearly refers to Christ? Peter quotes from Joel 2:32 (spoken of Jehovah) and applies it to Jesus in Acts 2:21 and 38. Calling on the name of Jehovah for salvation equals repenting and being baptised in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of sins. Conclusion: Jesus shares the nature of His Father and His Name. The absence of YHWH in any NT manuscript demolishes the WT case of introducing the word ‘Jehovah’ into the NT. Question: If God was so concerned about preserving His covenant name, why did the apostles not preserve it in their writings? Question: To imply that the name ‘Jehovah’ is the main name of God that we are to use, contradicts the continued NT use of the name ‘Jesus’ on 900 occasions, while the tetragram YHWH is used nowhere in the NT. QUESTION: Why does the WT not translate ‘Jehovah’ into Hebrews 1:10, I Peter 3:15 andPhilippians 2:11, when the OT passages from which these are quoted refer to YHWH? We are to make the name of the Father known as Jesus emphasized (Matthew 6:9; John 17:26). How do we do it? By recognizing that Jesus Christ was chosen by the Father to embody all the glory and important reputation of that Name.
  13. THE 144,000 ANOINTED CLASS and OTHER SHEEP Watchtower Teaching: They claim that only 144,000 JWs go to heaven, as the ‘Anointed class’.(Rev. 7:4 & 14:1-3). They claim that all other JWs are part of God’s ‘other sheep’, and will live forever on a paradise earth. They claim that only the 144,000 are born again as sons of God to share in the heavenly Kingdom. These will have a spiritual existence in heaven, not a physical resurrection, as they claim that ‘flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s Kingdom’. JWs teach that only a few enter this spiritual Kingdom as a ‘little flock’ of believers (Luke 12:32). JWs claim that this 144,000 began with the apostles and was filled in 1935. The WT claims that the 144,000 will rule from heaven over the great crowd on earthly paradise (Rev 7:9), where the earth will remain forever (Ecclesiastes 1:4; Psalm 104:5). The great crowd (Revelation 7:9) is the same as the ‘other sheep’ of John 10:16, who hope to survive Armageddon and enjoy Christ’s rule on a perfect earth. Salvation for both classes is by works of witnessing or distributing WT literature door to door. Consider these verses the WT uses and the correct Bible replies: 1. Luke 12:32 - The ‘Little Flock’ as the 144,000 ‘Anointed class’ Watchtower teaching: ‘Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.’ JWs claim that only this group go to heaven . WT teaches that Old Testament saints such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and prophets are not part of this ‘little flock’, but are part of the ‘other sheep’ of John 10:16, the ‘great crowd’ of Revelation 7:9. Bible Teaching: 1) The WT interpretation of Luke 12:32 violates the context. Luke 12:22-34 shows Jesus speaking to His disciples on earth in the first century, not to another 144,000 anointed class that might develop from 30 AD to 1935. JWs are reading something into the passage that is not there. 2) Elsewhere Jesus referred to His disciples as sheep in His flock: (a) Matthew 10:16 - ‘I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves’ (b) Matthew 26:31 - ‘I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.’ (Spoken to the disciples before His crucifixion.) Jesus called His disciples a ‘little flock’ because they were a small, defenceless group that could be easily preyed upon. They need not to worry because Christ would protect them. Ask: In Luke 12:22, who is Jesus speaking to? (His 12 disciples) Ask: Where in Luke 12:32 does it say that the little flock is the 144,000 of Rev 7:14? Ask: How do you know that the 144,000 was completed in 1935? 3) Jesus never once restricted the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven to 144,000 people. Ask: Can you think of any verse in the Bible where Jesus limits the citizenship of heaven to 144,000? 4) I John 5:1 ‘Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.’. The words ‘whosoever believeth’ are open ended, including everybody who believes, not just 144,000. Ask: Doesn’t the ‘whosoever’ in I John 5:1 include everyone and not just 144,000? 5) The Watchtower teaching that Old Testament saints are not part of the heavenly class is wrong, as seen from Hebrews 11:13-16 where Abel, Enoch, Noah and Abraham all sought a heavenly country (v.16), not an earthly one. 6) Matthew 8:11 shows Abraham, Isaac and Jacob sitting down in the Kingdom of heaven. Ask: Who is right here, the Bible or the Watchtower? Revelation 7:4 and 14:1-3 - Are the 144,000 in the ‘anointed class’? Watchtower Teaching: The WT claims that the 144,000 are a literal number of people, but that 12,000 people from each of the 12 tribes of Israel are not literally national Israel. We ask,‘Why would 144,000 be literal, but the 12,000 in each tribe be figurative?’ WT reply: a) There never was a tribe of Joseph in the OT, even though it is mentioned in Rev. 7:4-8; b) The tribes of Ephraim and Dan are not included in Revelation 7; c) The Levites, not reckoned as an OT tribe, are mentioned as a tribe in Revelation 7. Bible Teaching: 1) Ask: Why does the WT switch interpretation in Revelation 7:4 from literal (144,000 as a precise number of people) to figurative in the last part of the verse where they say the 12,000 do not represent precise numbers of people from each of Israel’s 12 tribes? 2) Women are excluded from this group of 144,000 in Revelation 14:4 ‘These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.’ Masculine pronouns used show that this group are all men. 3) Heaven awaits all who believe in Christ, not just the 144,000. Check these verses: 1. Philippians 3:20 ‘For our conversation is in heaven; . . .’ 2. Colossians 3:1 ‘Seek those things which are above.’ 3. Hebrews 3:1 ‘Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling.’ 4. Hebrews 12:22 ‘But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem . . .’ 5. II Corinthians 5:1 ‘We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved (physical death),we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.’ 6. Colossians 1:5 ‘For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel.’ 7. Hebrews 11:16 ‘But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly . . .’ 8. Hebrews 10:34 ‘Knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.’ 9. I Peter 1:4 ‘To an inheritance . . . reserved in heaven for you.’ 10. Revelation 19:1 ‘I heard a great voice of much people in heaven.’ 11. Matthew 6:20 ‘Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.’ 12. John 12:26 ‘. . . where I am (heaven), there shall also my servant be.’ 13. John 14:3 ‘I go and prepare a place for you...that where I am (heaven), there ye may be also.’ Key: Making a difference between those with an earthly and heavenly destiny has no warrant in the Bible anywhere. 1. God has chosen the poor of this world who are rich in faith to inherit the kingdom, not just the 144,000. ‘Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him.’ (James 2:5). There is no distinction made here between 2 classes, only the poor of this world,(more than 144,000). 2. All who believe in Christ receive God’s righteousness. ‘The righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference.’ (Romans 3:22) 3. John 10:16 ‘there shall be one fold (flock), and one shepherd.’ - not two folds, one on earth and one in heaven, but ONE FLOCK (NWT). Ask: How do you reconcile WT teaching of two flocks (WT: one earthly and one heavenly) with John 10:16 which says that all believers will be together in one flock (NWT)? Question 1: ‘Are the 12 tribes of Israel in Revelation 7:14 literal or figurative? Nowhere else in the Bible are references to the 12 tribes of Israel figurative. They are always a literal, ethnic group. Ask: Can you see that the WT interpretation of Revelation 7:4 goes against common usage of literal ‘tribe’ and literal ‘Israel’? Question 2: Why are the OT tribes of Dan and Ephraim omitted in Revelation 7? The OT has 20 varying lists of tribes of Israel. a) Dan’s tribe was omitted because they were guilty of idolatry, and were largely wiped out. (Judges 18:1,30). Dan became one of two centres of idolatry in the Northern Kingdom (I Kings 12:29). b) Ephraim is omitted from Revelation 7, while Joseph and Manasseh are included. Why? Ephraim was also involved in idolatry and pagan worship (Judges 17; Hosea 4:17). Ask: 1) What is the Watchtower’s position on idolatry? 2) If the tribes of Dan and Ephraim were guilty of idolatry, do you think that these tribes should be listed in Revelation 7 as God’s servants? (No). 3) So you agree that there is a good reason for omitting Ephraim and Dan in Revelation 7? 4) Can you see that the Watchtower’s figurative interpretation of the 12 tribes is wrong, because it is based on the rightful omission of Dan and Ephraim? Question 3: Why was the tribe of Levi included in the Revelation 7 list? In the Old Testament, the tribe of Levi were not part of the 12 tribes because of their priestly separation under the Mosaic Law. Now that their tribe’s priestly functions have ceased with the first coming of Christ, our Great High Priest, there is no further need for their services as priests. Hence there is no reason for keeping them separate from the other tribes any longer. They will be properly included in the tribal listing in Revelation 7 and 14. Therefore the WT’s view of the 144,000 as a specially anointed class is twisting of scripture. Note: JWs insist that the 12,000 from each tribe of Israel are figurative or symbolic. Question: How is it that the sum of 12 symbolic numbers equals a literal 144,000? How can 12 times a symbolic 12,000 equal a literal 144,000? The total should also be symbolic, according to their reasoning, to be consistent. Their interpretation again gives a contradiction. 3. John 10:16 - The ‘Other Sheep’ 'hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.’ Watchtower Teaching: JWs believe in two classes of people: the 144,000 heavenly class, and the ‘other sheep’, great crowd class who will receive eternal life and live forever on an earthly paradise. Bible Teaching: The ‘other sheep’ in John 10:16 refers to Gentile believers, as opposed to Jews who are the ‘lost sheep of Israel’. (Matthew 10:6 and 15:24). The one flock and one shepherd of John 10:16 agrees with Galatians 3:28 with ‘neither Jew nor Greek . . . ye are all one in Christ Jesus.’ All believers will dwell together as ‘one flock’ under ‘one shepherd’. There will not be one flock of believers in heaven, and one flock of believers on earth. Ask: How do you reconcile WT teaching of two classes, ,when the Bible clearly states that God’s people are one in Christ, and are part of ‘one flock’ under‘one shepherd’? 4. Revelation 7:9 - The ‘Great Crowd’ as the ‘Other Sheep ‘After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude (‘great crowd’ in NWT), which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb . . .’ (Revelation 7:9) Watchtower Teaching: JWs teach that in 1935 God stopped calling people to a heavenly hope with Christ. They say that in 1935 he began gathering a secondary class of believers, outside the body of Christ, who would live forever on earth in the flesh, as the great crowd of Revelation 7:9-17. This is one of the WT’s major doctrines, because it is the basis for convincing JWs that: 1) They cannot become members of the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:27) 2) They cannot be born again (John 3:3) 3) They cannot go to heaven (II Timothy 4:18) 4) They cannot be baptized by the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:13) 5) They are not entitled to share in the communion loaf and cup (I Corinthians 10:16-17) 6) They are not in Christ’s New Covenant (Hebrews 12:24) 7) They cannot be fully justified by faith in Christ (Romans 3:26) Hence the WT uses this ‘1935 Doctrine’ to rob its followers of the NT relationship with God. Ask: Where does the Bible teach that entrance to the Christian congregation would be closed in 1935, with a secondary great crowd being gathered after that? Nowhere! They can find no Biblical support for the 1935 date. They refer to Rutherford’s ‘flash of light’ on 31 May 1935 at the Washington JW Convention. Note: The verses JWs cite actually locate the great crowd as ‘before the throne and before the Lamb’ (Revelation 7:9), ‘before the throne of God’ (7:15), and ‘in his temple’ (7:15), all heavenly locations, rather than on the earth as the WT teaches. This is similar to the wording of the only other mention of the ‘great crowd’ in Revelation 19:1 ‘I heard . . . a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven’ (NWT). Ask: Where is this great crowd? In heaven! Emphasize that the WT has taught them wrongly. Jesus in John 17:20-24 prayed that all His present and future disciples would ‘be with me where I am’ in heaven regardless of whether they were saved before or after 1935. Consider the following conversation with a JW: Q1: You: I’ve heard that you believe that you are part of a great crowd who will receive everlasting life on earth, instead of going to heaven. Is that true? Can you show me the Great Crowd in the Bible? JW:Yes, it is in Revelation 7:9,‘look! a great crowd...before the throne and before the Lamb’ Q2: You: But Revelation 7:15 places the great crowd before the throne of God in heaven, doesn’t it? ‘...they render him sacred service day and night in his temple’.(NWT). JW: Well, the throne of God is in heaven, but the great crowd is on the earth. All creation stands before the throne of God. Q3: You:Would you read Rev 19:1 in your Bible to see where it locates the great crowd? JW: It says, ‘After these things I heard a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven.’ Q4: You: A great crowd where? JW: The great crowd is on earth. Q5: You: Is that what the verse says? Read it again. JW: It says heaven, but the great crowd is on earth. Q6: You: How can you say that the great crowd is on earth, when your Bible plainly says ‘a great crowd in heaven’? Conclusion: Ask: Where in the Bible does it say that the great crowd is exempt from heaven? Ask: Where does it say that the great crowd is relegated to live on earth? Ask: Since the great crowd serves God in His temple (7:15), where is God’s temple located? Answer: Revelation 11:19 and 14:17 say ‘the temple which is in heaven
  14. THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST TO EARTH Aim: 1. To summarise Bible teaching on the Second coming. 2. To motivate Christians to fervently serve Christ in view of Christ’s return at any time and our accountability to Him. A. FACT OF CHRIST’S RETURN Jesus promised it (John 14:1-3). Angels promised it (Acts 1:8-11). B. WHEN WILL CHRIST RETURN No human or angel knows when (Matthew 24:36). We can, however, observe some signs in the world today indicating that Christ’s return may be near: C. SIGNS OF CHRIST’S RETURN 1. Return of the Jews to the land of Israel (Ezekiel 37:1-14,21-28; Matthew 24:32,33; Joel 1:6,7) 2. Rise of Russia as an anti-Israel power (Ezekiel 38-39). 3. Rise of 10-nation revived Roman Empire in Europe (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:7-28, Revelations 13). 4. Ability of man to destroy the earth (Revelations 11:18). 5. Increase in travel and knowledge in the time of the end. (Daniel 12:4). 6. Ecumenical movement including the World Council of Churches and Rome leading to a One-World religious system called “Mystery Babylon” in Revelations 17-18. 7. One world money system (Revelations 13:16-18). D. WHY STUDY CHRIST’S SECOND COMING? 1. About one quarter of the Bible refers to it. 2. Christ taught it. (Matthew 24-25) 3. It increases our desire to serve God in winning souls and making disciples, because Jesus may come today, requiring us to give account of our life to Him. (1 John 2:28; Matthew 24:42-44). 4. God blesses those who read the prophecy of Revelation. (Revelation 1:3). 5. It tells of ultimate victory for Christ and the believer, and his forces. This is why Satan doesn’t want us to study and teach it. 6. It encourages us in our trials that the spiritual war will soon be over, guaranteeing us peace forevermore. E. WHAT ARE THE ORDER OF EVENTS IN GOD’S PROGRAM? 1. THE CHURCH AGE from the Apostles (Ephesians 4:7-12) to the Rapture. The 7 Churches of Revelation 2 and 3 describe: 1) Church periods that this age is divided into. 2) Churches existing in John’s time. 3) The spiritual condition of any church at any time. 4) The spiritual condition of any believer at any time. When Jesus begins a parable with: “The Kingdom of heaven is like unto….” He is describing what the Church age or the outward form of Christendom will be like from Pentecost to the Rapture. 2. RAPTURE is the catching away of all dead and living believers from earth to heaven. This occurs when Christ comes to the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54; 11 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 3:10; 4:1-2). This event ends the Church age. Then commences the 7 year Tribulation with the appearance of the Antichrist. The Rapture is the “blessed hope” of Titus 2:13 that believers are waiting for. Believers will be raptured before the Tribulation period, and will not pass through any of it because: 1. We are looking for Christ to come (Titus 2:13). We are not looking for the Antichrist to confirm the covenant with Israel. (Daniel 9:27). 2. Christ’s coming is called a “blessed hope” and the Tribulation is not a blessed hope to look forward to going through. 3. “God hath not appointed us to wrath . . .” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). 4. The Church and John are raptured at Revelation 4:1,2 which is before the start of the Tribulation. (Revelation 6:1). 5. The Tribulation is likened to Noah’s Flood and the Judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah where God spared the righteous. (Matthew 24:37). 6. God promises to keep the Philadelphian Church from (out of) the Tribulation period (Revelation 3:10). 7. If we are to be raptured midway or at the end of the Tribulation, we would know the day of Christ’s return, which no man knows. (Matthew 24:35). 3. THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION is the greatest time of trouble that Jews or the world have ever seen. It is: a) Divided into 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 vials (bowl) judgments. b) Described in Revelation 6-18. c) Stated in Matthew 24:21-22 and Daniel 12:1. d) Ruled by the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2:3-12; Revelation 13; Daniel 7:19-27) from the 10 nation Revived Roman Empire in Europe. e) Lasts for 7 years. Daniel 9:27 (1 week means 1 group of seven years). In Matthew 24:21 the second half of the Tribulation is called the Great Tribulation. Revelation 11:1-3 states that it lasts 3 1/2 years, 42 months or 1260 days. It commences with the Antichrist placing the abomination of desolation in the rebuilt Temple at Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 9:27) and the Antichrist persecuting the Jews. 4. JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST occurs after believers are raptured. It takes place in heaven during the first half of the 7 year Tribulation period. The quality of a believer’s works after salvation are examined. He either receives rewards or suffers loss of rewards. Are you living for Christ and eternity or for self and this life only? What does Christ think of you? What rewards or treasures have you laid up in heaven? (Matthew 6:19-21). MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB (Revelation 19:7-10). The Church is known as the Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:23-33). The marriage and marriage supper between Christ and all raptured saints occurs in heaven before Christ and His saints return to the earth for the Battle of Armageddon. 6. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST TO EARTH a) He comes with the saved. (Zechariah 14:5). b) He comes with lightning speed. (Matthew 24:27-31). c) He comes exactly 2520 days (2 x 1260 days) after the rapture. 7. BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON (Revelation 19:17-21; Zechariah 14:1-15). a) At the end of the 7 year Tribulation, the Antichrist and armies of all nations gather around Israel to destroy all Jews and to take Jerusalem. (Revelation 16:12-16). b) Christ and all the saved then return from heaven (Revelation 19:11-16). Christ defeats the armies of Antichrist instantly at the plain of Megiddo (Revelation 14:14-20). The geography is like a winepress, and blood flows three feet deep for 200 miles. c) After victory at Megiddo and Bozrah (Isaiah 63:1-6) Christ comes and stands on the Mount of Olives, which splits east-west (Zechariah 14:4). He then enters Jerusalem through the now closed East-Gate (Ezekiel 43:1,2). d) Christ will then be King over all the earth and the people that attacked Jerusalem will be plagued by what seems to be nuclear explosions, which will dissolve their flesh (Zechariah 14:12-15; Isaiah 24:5-6). 8. JEWS ARE CONVERTED a) After being rescued by Christ following Armageddon, Jews notice the wounds in Christ’s hands and realise that their ancestors crucified their long-awaited Messiah. (Zechariah 13:6). b) This causes repentance and mourning, resulting in the Jewish people being saved by calling on Christ as their Saviour. (Zechariah 12:10 and 13:9). c) The Jews all over the earth are then regathered into Israel. (Isaiah 43:5-7 and Matthew 24:31). 9. SATAN IS BOUND in the pit for 1000 years along with his angels. (Revelation 20:1-3). 10. THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD ARE JUDGED according to how they treated God’s people during the Tribulation. The righteous (sheep) enter the Millennium, and the others (goats) enter everlasting fire. (Matthew 25:31-46). 11. THE MILLENNIUM or 1000 year reign of Christ starts when Christ returns to the earth. What will this period be like? a) Christ will regather all Jews to Israel (Isaiah 43:5-7). b) Jerusalem becomes the world capital, from where Christ rules the earth in person (Isaiah 2:1-4). c) The Jews will become missionaries to the Gentiles (Isaiah 27:6; 61:6; Psalm 67:2). d) Christ builds the Millennial Temple (Zechariah 6:12-15). e) Animal creation will be changed (Isaiah 11:6-9 and 65:25). f) Humans will live much longer (Isaiah 65:20-22; Zechariah 8:4), as long as trees, possibly 1000 years as before the Flood. g) Peace and prosperity will characterise Christ’s rule (Isaiah 2:4) as will universal knowledge of the Lord and private ownership (Micah 4:1-4). SATAN IS LOOSED from his prison after the 1000 years and deceives the unsaved of the nations to invade Jerusalem. Fire from God devours them and Satan is then cast into the lake of fire forever (Revelation 20:7-10). 13. THE HEAVEN AND EARTH ARE THEN BURNT UP WITH FERVENT (NUCLEAR LIKE) HEAT (11 Peter 3:7-12). 14. THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT of the unsaved occurs where all the unsaved people are taken from hell and given immortal, resurrected bodies. This is the second resurrection or tare judgment. (Matthew 13:24-30,36-43). They are then judged according to their works. Since the works that they have trusted in to gain God’s acceptance fall short of Christ’s perfect works, they are all cast alive into the..... 15. LAKE OF FIRE where they are tormented forever (Revelation 20:11-15). 16. ETERNITY then commences with a new heaven and new earth, as well as the New Jerusalem (1500 miles long, broad and high) coming down from God as the residence of the church (us) forever. (Revelation 21:22).
  15. You guys have been predicting dates for armageddon for decades. "The new book titled Children will prove useful ‘in the remaining months before Armageddon’ "(Watchtower, 15 September 1941, p 288) The book "The Finished Mystery" Armageddon was to begin "in the spring of 1918" There was to be "worldwide all-embracing anarchy" in the "fall of 1920." The 1917 edition asserts that Revelation 11:13 would be fulfilled "early in 1918" ["the earthquake"] and in the "fall of 1920" [the fire]. The 1926 edition is again altered. 1941 "Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon," (Watchtower, Sept. 15, 1941, p. 288). What date is set for the close of that battle(ie: Armageddon)? ‘The date of the close of that “battle” is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914. ‘Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long looked for 1000-year reign of Christ will begin by then? Possibly. It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years.’ (Watchtower, 15 August 1968, p.499) ‘A great crowd of people are confident that great destruction is imminent, which has been a major factor in their decision not to have children’. (WT, 8 Nov. 1974, p.11) ‘Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end.’ (Kingdom Ministry, May 1974, p3)
  16. THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST TO EARTH Aim: 1. To summarise Bible teaching on the Second coming. 2. To motivate Christians to fervently serve Christ in view of Christ’s return at any time and our accountability to Him. A. FACT OF CHRIST’S RETURN Jesus promised it (John 14:1-3). Angels promised it (Acts 1:8-11). B. WHEN WILL CHRIST RETURN No human or angel knows when (Matthew 24:36). We can, however, observe some signs in the world today indicating that Christ’s return may be near: C. SIGNS OF CHRIST’S RETURN 1. Return of the Jews to the land of Israel (Ezekiel 37:1-14,21-28; Matthew 24:32,33; Joel 1:6,7) 2. Rise of Russia as an anti-Israel power (Ezekiel 38-39). 3. Rise of 10-nation revived Roman Empire in Europe (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:7-28, Revelations 13). 4. Ability of man to destroy the earth (Revelations 11:18). 5. Increase in travel and knowledge in the time of the end. (Daniel 12:4). 6. Ecumenical movement including the World Council of Churches and Rome leading to a One-World religious system called “Mystery Babylon” in Revelations 17-18. 7. One world money system (Revelations 13:16-18). D. WHY STUDY CHRIST’S SECOND COMING? 1. About one quarter of the Bible refers to it. 2. Christ taught it. (Matthew 24-25) 3. It increases our desire to serve God in winning souls and making disciples, because Jesus may come today, requiring us to give account of our life to Him. (1 John 2:28; Matthew 24:42-44). 4. God blesses those who read the prophecy of Revelation. (Revelation 1:3). 5. It tells of ultimate victory for Christ and the believer, and his forces. This is why Satan doesn’t want us to study and teach it. 6. It encourages us in our trials that the spiritual war will soon be over, guaranteeing us peace forevermore. E. WHAT ARE THE ORDER OF EVENTS IN GOD’S PROGRAM? 1. THE CHURCH AGE from the Apostles (Ephesians 4:7-12) to the Rapture. The 7 Churches of Revelation 2 and 3 describe: 1) Church periods that this age is divided into. 2) Churches existing in John’s time. 3) The spiritual condition of any church at any time. 4) The spiritual condition of any believer at any time. When Jesus begins a parable with: “The Kingdom of heaven is like unto….” He is describing what the Church age or the outward form of Christendom will be like from Pentecost to the Rapture. 2. RAPTURE is the catching away of all dead and living believers from earth to heaven. This occurs when Christ comes to the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54; 11 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 3:10; 4:1-2). This event ends the Church age. Then commences the 7 year Tribulation with the appearance of the Antichrist. The Rapture is the “blessed hope” of Titus 2:13 that believers are waiting for. Believers will be raptured before the Tribulation period, and will not pass through any of it because: 1. We are looking for Christ to come (Titus 2:13). We are not looking for the Antichrist to confirm the covenant with Israel. (Daniel 9:27). 2. Christ’s coming is called a “blessed hope” and the Tribulation is not a blessed hope to look forward to going through. 3. “God hath not appointed us to wrath . . .” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). 4. The Church and John are raptured at Revelation 4:1,2 which is before the start of the Tribulation. (Revelation 6:1). 5. The Tribulation is likened to Noah’s Flood and the Judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah where God spared the righteous. (Matthew 24:37). 6. God promises to keep the Philadelphian Church from (out of) the Tribulation period (Revelation 3:10). 7. If we are to be raptured midway or at the end of the Tribulation, we would know the day of Christ’s return, which no man knows. (Matthew 24:35). 3. THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION is the greatest time of trouble that Jews or the world have ever seen. It is: a) Divided into 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 vials (bowl) judgments. b) Described in Revelation 6-18. c) Stated in Matthew 24:21-22 and Daniel 12:1. d) Ruled by the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2:3-12; Revelation 13; Daniel 7:19-27) from the 10 nation Revived Roman Empire in Europe. e) Lasts for 7 years. Daniel 9:27 (1 week means 1 group of seven years). In Matthew 24:21 the second half of the Tribulation is called the Great Tribulation. Revelation 11:1-3 states that it lasts 3 1/2 years, 42 months or 1260 days. It commences with the Antichrist placing the abomination of desolation in the rebuilt Temple at Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 9:27) and the Antichrist persecuting the Jews. 4. JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST occurs after believers are raptured. It takes place in heaven during the first half of the 7 year Tribulation period. The quality of a believer’s works after salvation are examined. He either receives rewards or suffers loss of rewards. Are you living for Christ and eternity or for self and this life only? What does Christ think of you? What rewards or treasures have you laid up in heaven? (Matthew 6:19-21). MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB (Revelation 19:7-10). The Church is known as the Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:23-33). The marriage and marriage supper between Christ and all raptured saints occurs in heaven before Christ and His saints return to the earth for the Battle of Armageddon. 6. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST TO EARTH a) He comes with the saved. (Zechariah 14:5). b) He comes with lightning speed. (Matthew 24:27-31). c) He comes exactly 2520 days (2 x 1260 days) after the rapture. 7. BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON (Revelation 19:17-21; Zechariah 14:1-15). a) At the end of the 7 year Tribulation, the Antichrist and armies of all nations gather around Israel to destroy all Jews and to take Jerusalem. (Revelation 16:12-16). b) Christ and all the saved then return from heaven (Revelation 19:11-16). Christ defeats the armies of Antichrist instantly at the plain of Megiddo (Revelation 14:14-20). The geography is like a winepress, and blood flows three feet deep for 200 miles. c) After victory at Megiddo and Bozrah (Isaiah 63:1-6) Christ comes and stands on the Mount of Olives, which splits east-west (Zechariah 14:4). He then enters Jerusalem through the now closed East-Gate (Ezekiel 43:1,2). d) Christ will then be King over all the earth and the people that attacked Jerusalem will be plagued by what seems to be nuclear explosions, which will dissolve their flesh (Zechariah 14:12-15; Isaiah 24:5-6). 8. JEWS ARE CONVERTED a) After being rescued by Christ following Armageddon, Jews notice the wounds in Christ’s hands and realise that their ancestors crucified their long-awaited Messiah. (Zechariah 13:6). b) This causes repentance and mourning, resulting in the Jewish people being saved by calling on Christ as their Saviour. (Zechariah 12:10 and 13:9). c) The Jews all over the earth are then regathered into Israel. (Isaiah 43:5-7 and Matthew 24:31). 9. SATAN IS BOUND in the pit for 1000 years along with his angels. (Revelation 20:1-3). 10. THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD ARE JUDGED according to how they treated God’s people during the Tribulation. The righteous (sheep) enter the Millennium, and the others (goats) enter everlasting fire. (Matthew 25:31-46). 11. THE MILLENNIUM or 1000 year reign of Christ starts when Christ returns to the earth. What will this period be like? a) Christ will regather all Jews to Israel (Isaiah 43:5-7). b) Jerusalem becomes the world capital, from where Christ rules the earth in person (Isaiah 2:1-4). c) The Jews will become missionaries to the Gentiles (Isaiah 27:6; 61:6; Psalm 67:2). d) Christ builds the Millennial Temple (Zechariah 6:12-15). e) Animal creation will be changed (Isaiah 11:6-9 and 65:25). f) Humans will live much longer (Isaiah 65:20-22; Zechariah 8:4), as long as trees, possibly 1000 years as before the Flood. g) Peace and prosperity will characterise Christ’s rule (Isaiah 2:4) as will universal knowledge of the Lord and private ownership (Micah 4:1-4). SATAN IS LOOSED from his prison after the 1000 years and deceives the unsaved of the nations to invade Jerusalem. Fire from God devours them and Satan is then cast into the lake of fire forever (Revelation 20:7-10). 13. THE HEAVEN AND EARTH ARE THEN BURNT UP WITH FERVENT (NUCLEAR LIKE) HEAT (11 Peter 3:7-12). 14. THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT of the unsaved occurs where all the unsaved people are taken from hell and given immortal, resurrected bodies. This is the second resurrection or tare judgment. (Matthew 13:24-30,36-43). They are then judged according to their works. Since the works that they have trusted in to gain God’s acceptance fall short of Christ’s perfect works, they are all cast alive into the..... 15. LAKE OF FIRE where they are tormented forever (Revelation 20:11-15). 16. ETERNITY then commences with a new heaven and new earth, as well as the New Jerusalem (1500 miles long, broad and high) coming down from God as the residence of the church (us) forever. (Revelation 21:22).
  17. When YOU see the word "God", you automatically in your mind that word is translated to "God the father". To a Christian, "God" means the Godhead. Oh, i know. If i could understand HOW God IS God, i would BE God. We are never told HOW God is a trinity ( for want of a better phrase ). Just because WE cannot understand it with our limited brains does not make it false. I dont understand exactly HOW my computer words. Electrical signals make these words appear on my screen. I dont understand it. Therefore, it is not true? Ignore the word "trinity". its not important. God is everlasting, eternal, without beginning or end. God is unchanging, infinite, omnipresence, omniscient , self-existent, self-sufficient, immaterial and omnipotent. The Bible says that God the father is referred to as God. The Bible says that Jesus is referred to as God. John 8:58, John 1:1, John 20:28, Hebrews 1:8, Isaiah 44:6 ( crossreference Revelation 1:17 ) The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is referred to as God. Acts 5:3,4. Romans 8:11 The Bible also says there is ONE God. DEUTERONOMY 6:4, DEUTERONOMY 4:35,39, DEUTERONOMY 32:39, 2 SAMUEL 7:22, 1 KINGS 8:60, 2 KINGS 5:15 , 2 KINGS 19:15, NEHEMIAH 9:6, PSALM 18:31 ( Which also states Jesus is God ), PSALM 86:1, ISAIAH 37:16,20, ISAIAH 43:10,11, ISAIAH 44:6,8, ISAIAH 45:21, ISAIAH 46:9, HOSEA 13:4, MARK 12:29-34, ROMANS 3:30, 1 CORINTHIANS 8:4-6, 1 TIMOTHY 2:5. Therefore, somehow, these three entities constitute the one, eternal, everlasting God. We are not told HOW God is God, that is not important. God just tells us that's the way it is.
  18. anti-Christians DENY that Jesus is God, DENY the cross, DENY hell, DENY the bodily resurrection and yet still have the nerve to call themselves "Christian". JEHOVAH’S NAME or JESUS CHRIST’S NAME. The Watchtower teaches that God’s true Name is Jehovah. They teach that: ‘Sometime during the second or third Century CE, the scribes removed the tetragrammaton (JHWH) from both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with κυριος (Lord) or θεος (God)’. Reference Edition of NWT, 1984, p 1564. The Watchtower’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation (KIT) proves that Jesus is Jehovah God. On page 10,11 of the 1985 KIT, under the heading ‘Restoring the Divine Name, Jehovah’ we read: ‘the evidence (what evidence?) is that the original text of the Christian Greek Scriptures has been tampered with (no proof) . . . Sometime during the second or third centuries CE, the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) was eliminated from the Greek texts by copyists (no proof). Instead of YHWH they substituted the words Kurios (‘Lord’) and Theos (‘God’).’ Note: This is a lie. There is no historical or manuscript evidence or evidence of protest to support this claim. Somebody would have protested such a change.No one did. It never happened. The New World Translation (NWT) is the JW perversion of the Bible made to support their false doctrines. It inserts the name ‘Jehovah’ in the New Testament in the place of God (θεος=theos) or Lord (κυριος =kurios) on 237 occasions, where they believe it refers to God the Father. They often refer to Hebrew translations of the NT to see where this has been done. These are footnoted as J1 to J27. Their dishonesty and deceit is shown by their failure to translate these words as ‘Jehovah’ when it refers to Christ. (eg: Philippians 2:11; Hebrews 1:10). JWs say that the proper use of God’s ‘correct’ name (Jehovah) is absolutely essential to one’s salvation. They quote from their NWT: ‘Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’ Romans 10:13 (NWT). ‘People will have to know that I am Jehovah.’ Ezekiel 39:6 (NWT). JWs believe that because they are the only group who refer to God by His ‘true’ name, Jehovah, they are the only true followers of God. Their claim is false for these reasons: 1) Jehovah is not a Biblical term. It is a man-made term. The Old Testament has YHWH because the original Hebrew only had consonants. Jews feared taking God’s name in vain, so when they publicly read YHWH, they would pronounce it ‘Adonai’ (Lord). Later they inserted the vowels from Adonai (a-o-a) into the consonants YHWH to give YAHOWAH, which became Jehovah. Hence, the word Jehovah comes from a consonantvowel combination from YHWH and Adonai. 2) No-one knows for sure the original correct pronunciation of YHWH. Hence we cannot insist on ‘Jehovah’ as being correct. 3) Jesus never addressed the Father as Jehovah in the New Testament. If JWs are correct that God must be always called Jehovah, then Jesus was sinning by not calling God ‘Jehovah’. When the NWT puts Jehovah in Jesus’ mouth in the NT, it contradicts all the NT manuscripts which don’t have it. QUESTION: Since Jesus never in the NT addressed the Father as Jehovah, why should we? 4) Jesus and the Apostle Paul tell us to address God as ‘Father’: a) Jesus taught us to pray to God as ‘Our Father’, not ‘Our Jehovah’: ‘After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father.....’ (Matthew 6:9). b) Jesus addressed God as Father in His own prayers: ‘I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth’. (Matthew 11:25). ‘O my Father, if it be possible.......’ (Matthew 26:39,42). ‘He said, Abba, Father.......’ (Mark 14:36). ‘ I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven.......’ (Luke 10:21). ‘Saying, Father, if thou be willing.......’ (Luke 22:42). ‘Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them;.......’ (Luke 23:34). ‘Father, the hour is come......’ (John 17:1). c) Paul said, ‘we cry, Abba, Father.’ (Romans 8:15). d) The Holy Spirit through Paul said, ‘God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father’. (Galatians 4:6). Here the Holy Spirit of God tells us to call God ‘Abba, Father’, not ‘Jehovah’ QUESTION: If Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Paul all address God as Father nine times (and never as Jehovah) then shouldn’t we call God ‘Father’? 5) No Ancient NT manuscripts contain the tetragram (YHWH) to translate as Jehovah. The Church writers before 325 AD only mention Jehovah once in passing. JWs tell us that most Bible versions deceive people because they omit Jehovah as God’s Name, so the JWs dishonestly add the word ‘Jehovah’ to the NT text, even though it is not in any NT Greek manuscript, ancient version, papyri or lectionary. The WT’s claim that ‘Jehovah’ as God’s name was removed from the NT by superstitious scribes, is a total lie with no supporting historical or manuscript evidence. 6) Whose Name did the early Christians identify themselves with? Was it Jehovah or was it Jesus Christ? Always Jesus Christ, never Jehovah. Who knows more, the Apostles or modern JWs? Consider these examples: a) The Apostles never used the name ‘Jehovah’. b) The Apostles and first century Christians were never called ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’. ‘The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.’ (Acts 11:26). c) There is no proof that Jesus or his disciples ever pronounced the tetragram YHWH. JWs claim that when Jesus read from Isaiah 61:1 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me....’ as quoted in Luke 4:18,19, that Jesus pronounced the word ‘YHWH’. This is most unlikely. JWs assume that the religious leaders endorsing Christ’s ‘gracious words’ in verse 22 was because He uttered the name YHWH? Historical records in the Mishnah, from Josephus, and from other sources show the Jews were loathe to allow the name YHWH to be used. The Jews would not have tolerated it being used by anybody but the High Priest.Jesus would have read ‘Adonai’ 7) 119 Bible passages referring to Jehovah, are quoted and applied to Christ in the New Testament (Proof Available) QUESTION: In view of 119 Bible verses applying ‘Jehovah’ to Christ in the NT, what does this tell you about who Christ is? ? The New Testament tells us to name the name of Jesus Christ, not the name of Jehovah. Consider these examples: 1. ‘Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.’(II Timothy 2:19) 2. ‘I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .’ (I Cor 1:10) 3. ‘Ye are washed,....sanctified,... justified in the name of the Lord Jesus ’ (I Cor 6:11) 4. ‘Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.’ (Col 3:17) 5. ‘That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you....’ (II Thess 1:12) 6. ‘Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves.....’ (II Thess. 3:6) 7. ‘all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.’ (I Corinthians 1:2) 8. ‘Thou holdest fast my name....’ Jesus said to the Pergamos church. (Revelation 2:13). JWs have not held fast Christ’s name, nor have they called upon Christ’s name, nor do they name the name of Christ, nor is Jesus Christ precious to them, because they do not have saving belief in Him. ‘Unto you . . . which believe He is precious’.(I Peter 2:7). QUESTION: Where does the NT tell us to name the name of Jehovah? 9) The New Testament always lifts up Jesus Christ’s name, not Jehovah’s name. Why? Because Jesus Christ is Jehovah God on earth. Christ is 100% God and 100% man. Q1: In whose name should we meet together? ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ (Matthew 18:20) Q2: Demons were cast out by the authority of whose name? ‘Paul.....said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.’ (Acts 16:18) Q3: In whose name should we preach repentance and forgiveness of sins? ‘And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. And ye are witnesses of these things.’ (Luke 24:47,48) Q4: In whose name are we to believe and receive forgiveness of sins? ‘....through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.’ (Acts 10:43, John 1:12) Q5: By whose name, and no other, do we obtain salvation? Acts 4:10,12 says: ‘by the name of Jesus Christ ... Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’ Q6: In whose name should we pray? John 16:23,24; 14:13,14; 15:16 says: ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.’ Q7: In whose name is the Holy Spirit sent? ‘But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name......’ (John 14:26) Q8: In whose name and authority did the disciples heal the sick? ‘His name through faith in his name hath made this man strong’ (Acts 3:16; 4:30) Q9: Whose name did Paul say that we are to call upon? ‘ all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.’ (I Cor 1:2) Q10: Whose name is above every name? ‘God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name .... that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.’(Phil 2:9-11) Paul’s quote about Christ is from Isaiah 45:22-24 where every knee will bow to Jehovah. What is true about Jehovah, is also true of Christ, the Lord of all mankind Q11: According to Acts 1:8, of whom are we to be witnesses? ‘Ye shall be witnesses unto me (Jesus)’ Q12: In whose name were believers baptized? ‘they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus’. (Acts 8:16; 2:38) Q13: In whose name were believers designated? ‘the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch’. (Acts 11:26) Q14: In whose name did the apostles speak? ‘Commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus’ Acts 4:17,18 Q15: In whose name did early Christians suffer? Acts 15:26 says: ‘Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ ‘rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name’Acts 5:41;9:16 Q16: Whose name was Paul to carry? ‘Lord said: He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.’ (Acts 9:15) Q17: In whose name did Paul deliver a man to Satan? ‘In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...to deliver such an one to Satan.’ I Cor 5:4,5 Q18: In whose name did the apostles teach? Acts 5:28; 8:12 says: ‘Did we not straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?’ 10) Why does WT break their own rule (where the OT speaks of Jehovah), that they do not insert Jehovah in the NT, when the quote clearly refers to Christ? Peter quotes from Joel 2:32 (spoken of Jehovah) and applies it to Jesus in Acts 2:21 and 38. Calling on the name of Jehovah for salvation equals repenting and being baptised in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of sins. Conclusion: Jesus shares the nature of His Father and His Name. The absence of YHWH in any NT manuscript demolishes the WT case of introducing the word ‘Jehovah’ into the NT. Question: If God was so concerned about preserving His covenant name, why did the apostles not preserve it in their writings? Question: To imply that the name ‘Jehovah’ is the main name of God that we are to use, contradicts the continued NT use of the name ‘Jesus’ on 900 occasions, while the tetragram YHWH is used nowhere in the NT. QUESTION: Why does the WT not translate ‘Jehovah’ into Hebrews 1:10, I Peter 3:15 andPhilippians 2:11, when the OT passages from which these are quoted refer to YHWH? We are to make the name of the Father known as Jesus emphasized (Matthew 6:9; John 17:26). How do we do it? By recognizing that Jesus Christ was chosen by the Father to embody all the glory and important reputation of that Name.
  19. Wow, ONE verse.Good on you! Yes, in the OLD TESTAMENT times, Jesus was not on the earth in BODILY form. So, at that time, correct.
  20. The "light" is NOT getting brighter. It is flickering on and off! IE: Will the men of Sodom be resurrected? Yes....Watchtower 7/1879 page 8 No.....Watchtower 6/1/52 page 338 Yes....Watchtower 8/1/65, page 479 No.....Watchtower 6/1/88, page 31 Yes...Live Forever (old Ed.) page 179 No....Live Forever (new Ed.) page 179 Yes...Insight, vol. 2., page 985 No...Revelation book, page 273.
  21. Father is called ‘the only true God’, then Jesus Christ cannot be the true God. a) The context is Jesus as a man praying the great High Priestly prayer to the Father, and as such it was proper for the man Christ Jesus to call the Father ‘the only true God’. Christ would not have said this if it was spoken from the viewpoint of His deity. b) If Jesus’ reference to the Father as ‘the only true God’ was meant to exclude the Son from deity, then the same principle of interpretation would have to apply to Jude 4 where Jesus Christ is called ‘our only owner and Lord, Jesus Christ’ (NWT). This would have to exclude the Father from Lordship and ownership. No JW (or anyone else) would accept this. They speak of the Father as ‘the Lord Jehovah’, even though Jude 4 calls Jesus ‘our only Lord’. The Holy Spirit is also called ‘Lord’ in II Corinthians 3:17, ‘the Lord is that Spirit’. The use of the word ‘only’ is not used exclusively of the Father, nor of the Son, nor of the Holy Spirit. Jesus being called our ‘only’ Lord does not exclude the Father or Holy Spirit being Lord. The Father being called ‘the only true God’ does not exclude the Son or Holy Spirit from deity.
  22. HELL. 1. GEHENNA 1067 referred to the continually burning rubbish dump on the south west side of Jerusalem, known as the valley of the sons of Hinnom (or Tophet). Jesus used the word "Gehenna" to describe the place of everlasting punishment because hell is a place of filth and stink, a place of smoke and pain, a place of everlasting fire and suffering. This garbage dump was likened to hell. It is used as a name for the place of everlasting punishment of the lost. It occurs twelve times in the New Testament. It is the ultimate hell of fire. It is the same as the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:14,15). Matthew 5:22 “whosoever shall say, “Thou fool”, shall be in danger of hell fire” (gehenna of the fire). Matthew 5:29 “And if thy right eye offend thee ... and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell” (gehenna). Matthew 5:30 “And if thy right hand offend thee ... and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell” (gehenna). Matthew 10:28 “...fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell”(gehenna). Matthew 18:9 “And if thine eye offend thee, ... rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire” (gehenna). Matthew 23:15 “Pharisees, ... ye make him twofold more the child of hell (gehenna) than yourselves.” Matthew 23:33 “Ye serpents,... how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (gehenna). Mark 9:43 “And if thy hand offend thee, ... two hands to go into hell (gehenna), into the fire that never shall be quenched.” Mark 9:45 “And if thy foot offend thee, ... two feet to be cast into hell (gehenna), into the fire that never shall be quenched.” Mark 9:47 “And if thine eye offend thee, ... two eyes to be cast into hell fire” (gehenna of fire). Luke 12:5 “Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell” (gehenna). James 3:6 “the tongue is ... set on fire of hell” (set on fire by gehenna). 2. HADES 86 is the intermediate state between death and the ultimate hell (gehenna), the Lake of Fire. It is where unsaved departed spirits reside. Luke 16:23. Hades never denotes the physical grave, nor is it the permanent region of the lost. Hades occurs 10 times in the New Testament, and Sheol, the Old Testament equivalent occurs 59 times. Hades is associated with privation, detention and just punishment of the unsaved dead. Matthew 11:23 “Thou, Capernaum...shalt be brought down to hell” (hades). Luke 10:15 Hades here expresses Capernaum's absolute overthrow, from pride to humiliation.Matthew 16:18 “The gates of hell (hades) shall not prevail against it” (the churches’ attack). Luke 16:19-31 “And in hell (hades) he lifted up his eyes, being in torments 931 (punishment)” v.23. Hades here has two compartments, close to each other, yet different. Acts 2:27 “Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell (hades).” Acts 2:31 “That his (Christ's) soul was not left in hell (hades).” Christ here descended into the underworld of the departed (Ephesians 4:9,10), to take the believers in it (eg: thief on the cross) up to heaven. Believers now go to heaven at death, while unbelievers still go to hades at death, a place of punishment. Revelation 1:18 “I (Christ) ... have the keys of hell (hades) and of death.” Revelation 6:8 “a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell (hades) followed with him.” Hades here is personified as the temporary destiny of the unsaved. Revelation 20:13 “death and hell (hades) delivered up the dead which were in them.” Revelation 20:14 “death and hell (hades) were cast into the lake of fire.” Note: Fire is used 27 times in the New Testament to describe the after-death punishment of unbelievers and of demons. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Matthew 13:42, 50 “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire.” Matthew 5:22; 18:9; Mark 9:43,45,47 “cast into fire unquenchable, hell fire.” Isaiah 66:24 “... look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me, for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched.” Mark9:44,46,48. Isaiah 33:14 “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with the everlasting burnings?” Matthew 18:8 “Two hands or two feet be cast into everlasting fire.” Matthew 25:41 “Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Jude 7 “Sodom and Gomorrha ... an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” (Literally: of fire eternal, the penalty undergoing). Revelation 19:20 “Beast, .. false prophet, ... and them that worshipped his image. These were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” Revelation 20:10 “the devil ... shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever” (for the ages of the ages). Revelation 20:14,15 and Rev. 21:8 “death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 14:10,11 “tormented with fire and brimstone ... the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever (for ages of ages), and they have no rest (respite) day nor night...”  3. SHEOL 7585 is hades of the Old Testament. In Hebrew, it means the depth, abyss, pit, world of the dead, underworld. It occurs 66 times in the Old Testament (grave 31 times, hell 30 times, pit 3 times). Though all Old Testament people went to the grave, the souls of some will receive punishment in sheol. Numbers 16:30 “Korah, Dathan and Abiram went down into the pit.”Psalm 9:17 “The wicked shall be turned into hell (sheol).”  4. TARTARUS 5020 is the deepest abyss of Hades; a place where evil angels are imprisoned in torment, awaiting judgment and everlasting punishment. 2 Peter 2:4 is its only reference in the Bible. “If God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell (tartarus), and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”
  23. JEHOVAH’S NAME or JESUS CHRIST’S NAME. The Watchtower teaches that God’s true Name is Jehovah. They teach that: ‘Sometime during the second or third Century CE, the scribes removed the tetragrammaton (JHWH) from both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with κυριος (Lord) or θεος (God)’. Reference Edition of NWT, 1984, p 1564. The Watchtower’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation (KIT) proves that Jesus is Jehovah God. On page 10,11 of the 1985 KIT, under the heading ‘Restoring the Divine Name, Jehovah’ we read: ‘the evidence (what evidence?) is that the original text of the Christian Greek Scriptures has been tampered with (no proof) . . . Sometime during the second or third centuries CE, the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) was eliminated from the Greek texts by copyists (no proof). Instead of YHWH they substituted the words Kurios (‘Lord’) and Theos (‘God’).’ Note: This is a lie. There is no historical or manuscript evidence or evidence of protest to support this claim. Somebody would have protested such a change.No one did. It never happened. The New World Translation (NWT) is the JW perversion of the Bible made to support their false doctrines. It inserts the name ‘Jehovah’ in the New Testament in the place of God (θεος=theos) or Lord (κυριος =kurios) on 237 occasions, where they believe it refers to God the Father. They often refer to Hebrew translations of the NT to see where this has been done. These are footnoted as J1 to J27. Their dishonesty and deceit is shown by their failure to translate these words as ‘Jehovah’ when it refers to Christ. (eg: Philippians 2:11; Hebrews 1:10). JWs say that the proper use of God’s ‘correct’ name (Jehovah) is absolutely essential to one’s salvation. They quote from their NWT: ‘Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’ Romans 10:13 (NWT). ‘People will have to know that I am Jehovah.’ Ezekiel 39:6 (NWT). JWs believe that because they are the only group who refer to God by His ‘true’ name, Jehovah, they are the only true followers of God. Their claim is false for these reasons: 1) Jehovah is not a Biblical term. It is a man-made term. The Old Testament has YHWH because the original Hebrew only had consonants. Jews feared taking God’s name in vain, so when they publicly read YHWH, they would pronounce it ‘Adonai’ (Lord). Later they inserted the vowels from Adonai (a-o-a) into the consonants YHWH to give YAHOWAH, which became Jehovah. Hence, the word Jehovah comes from a consonantvowel combination from YHWH and Adonai. 2) No-one knows for sure the original correct pronunciation of YHWH. Hence we cannot insist on ‘Jehovah’ as being correct. 3) Jesus never addressed the Father as Jehovah in the New Testament. If JWs are correct that God must be always called Jehovah, then Jesus was sinning by not calling God ‘Jehovah’. When the NWT puts Jehovah in Jesus’ mouth in the NT, it contradicts all the NT manuscripts which don’t have it. QUESTION: Since Jesus never in the NT addressed the Father as Jehovah, why should we? 4) Jesus and the Apostle Paul tell us to address God as ‘Father’: a) Jesus taught us to pray to God as ‘Our Father’, not ‘Our Jehovah’: ‘After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father.....’ (Matthew 6:9). b) Jesus addressed God as Father in His own prayers: ‘I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth’. (Matthew 11:25). ‘O my Father, if it be possible.......’ (Matthew 26:39,42). ‘He said, Abba, Father.......’ (Mark 14:36). ‘ I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven.......’ (Luke 10:21). ‘Saying, Father, if thou be willing.......’ (Luke 22:42). ‘Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them;.......’ (Luke 23:34). ‘Father, the hour is come......’ (John 17:1). c) Paul said, ‘we cry, Abba, Father.’ (Romans 8:15). d) The Holy Spirit through Paul said, ‘God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father’. (Galatians 4:6). Here the Holy Spirit of God tells us to call God ‘Abba, Father’, not ‘Jehovah’ QUESTION: If Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Paul all address God as Father nine times (and never as Jehovah) then shouldn’t we call God ‘Father’? 5) No Ancient NT manuscripts contain the tetragram (YHWH) to translate as Jehovah. The Church writers before 325 AD only mention Jehovah once in passing. JWs tell us that most Bible versions deceive people because they omit Jehovah as God’s Name, so the JWs dishonestly add the word ‘Jehovah’ to the NT text, even though it is not in any NT Greek manuscript, ancient version, papyri or lectionary. The WT’s claim that ‘Jehovah’ as God’s name was removed from the NT by superstitious scribes, is a total lie with no supporting historical or manuscript evidence. 6) Whose Name did the early Christians identify themselves with? Was it Jehovah or was it Jesus Christ? Always Jesus Christ, never Jehovah. Who knows more, the Apostles or modern JWs? Consider these examples: a) The Apostles never used the name ‘Jehovah’. b) The Apostles and first century Christians were never called ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’. ‘The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.’ (Acts 11:26). c) There is no proof that Jesus or his disciples ever pronounced the tetragram YHWH. JWs claim that when Jesus read from Isaiah 61:1 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me....’ as quoted in Luke 4:18,19, that Jesus pronounced the word ‘YHWH’. This is most unlikely. JWs assume that the religious leaders endorsing Christ’s ‘gracious words’ in verse 22 was because He uttered the name YHWH? Historical records in the Mishnah, from Josephus, and from other sources show the Jews were loathe to allow the name YHWH to be used. The Jews would not have tolerated it being used by anybody but the High Priest.Jesus would have read ‘Adonai’ 7) 119 Bible passages referring to Jehovah, are quoted and applied to Christ in the New Testament (Proof Available) QUESTION: In view of 119 Bible verses applying ‘Jehovah’ to Christ in the NT, what does this tell you about who Christ is? ? The New Testament tells us to name the name of Jesus Christ, not the name of Jehovah. Consider these examples: 1. ‘Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.’(II Timothy 2:19) 2. ‘I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .’ (I Cor 1:10) 3. ‘Ye are washed,....sanctified,... justified in the name of the Lord Jesus ’ (I Cor 6:11) 4. ‘Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.’ (Col 3:17) 5. ‘That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you....’ (II Thess 1:12) 6. ‘Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves.....’ (II Thess. 3:6) 7. ‘all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.’ (I Corinthians 1:2) 8. ‘Thou holdest fast my name....’ Jesus said to the Pergamos church. (Revelation 2:13). JWs have not held fast Christ’s name, nor have they called upon Christ’s name, nor do they name the name of Christ, nor is Jesus Christ precious to them, because they do not have saving belief in Him. ‘Unto you . . . which believe He is precious’.(I Peter 2:7). QUESTION: Where does the NT tell us to name the name of Jehovah? 9) The New Testament always lifts up Jesus Christ’s name, not Jehovah’s name. Why? Because Jesus Christ is Jehovah God on earth. Christ is 100% God and 100% man. Q1: In whose name should we meet together? ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ (Matthew 18:20) Q2: Demons were cast out by the authority of whose name? ‘Paul.....said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.’ (Acts 16:18) Q3: In whose name should we preach repentance and forgiveness of sins? ‘And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. And ye are witnesses of these things.’ (Luke 24:47,48) Q4: In whose name are we to believe and receive forgiveness of sins? ‘....through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.’ (Acts 10:43, John 1:12) Q5: By whose name, and no other, do we obtain salvation? Acts 4:10,12 says: ‘by the name of Jesus Christ ... Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’ Q6: In whose name should we pray? John 16:23,24; 14:13,14; 15:16 says: ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.’ Q7: In whose name is the Holy Spirit sent? ‘But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name......’ (John 14:26) Q8: In whose name and authority did the disciples heal the sick? ‘His name through faith in his name hath made this man strong’ (Acts 3:16; 4:30) Q9: Whose name did Paul say that we are to call upon? ‘ all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.’ (I Cor 1:2) Q10: Whose name is above every name? ‘God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name .... that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.’(Phil 2:9-11) Paul’s quote about Christ is from Isaiah 45:22-24 where every knee will bow to Jehovah. What is true about Jehovah, is also true of Christ, the Lord of all mankind Q11: According to Acts 1:8, of whom are we to be witnesses? ‘Ye shall be witnesses unto me (Jesus)’ Q12: In whose name were believers baptized? ‘they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus’. (Acts 8:16; 2:38) Q13: In whose name were believers designated? ‘the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch’. (Acts 11:26) Q14: In whose name did the apostles speak? ‘Commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus’ Acts 4:17,18 Q15: In whose name did early Christians suffer? Acts 15:26 says: ‘Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ ‘rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name’Acts 5:41;9:16 Q16: Whose name was Paul to carry? ‘Lord said: He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.’ (Acts 9:15) Q17: In whose name did Paul deliver a man to Satan? ‘In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...to deliver such an one to Satan.’ I Cor 5:4,5 Q18: In whose name did the apostles teach? Acts 5:28; 8:12 says: ‘Did we not straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?’ 10) Why does WT break their own rule (where the OT speaks of Jehovah), that they do not insert Jehovah in the NT, when the quote clearly refers to Christ? Peter quotes from Joel 2:32 (spoken of Jehovah) and applies it to Jesus in Acts 2:21 and 38. Calling on the name of Jehovah for salvation equals repenting and being baptised in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of sins. Conclusion: Jesus shares the nature of His Father and His Name. The absence of YHWH in any NT manuscript demolishes the WT case of introducing the word ‘Jehovah’ into the NT. Question: If God was so concerned about preserving His covenant name, why did the apostles not preserve it in their writings? Question: To imply that the name ‘Jehovah’ is the main name of God that we are to use, contradicts the continued NT use of the name ‘Jesus’ on 900 occasions, while the tetragram YHWH is used nowhere in the NT. QUESTION: Why does the WT not translate ‘Jehovah’ into Hebrews 1:10, I Peter 3:15 andPhilippians 2:11, when the OT passages from which these are quoted refer to YHWH? We are to make the name of the Father known as Jesus emphasized (Matthew 6:9; John 17:26). How do we do it? By recognizing that Jesus Christ was chosen by the Father to embody all the glory and important reputation of that Name.
  24. Hang on, Christians also believe this. Nope, He was still God, but He was also MAN. "f Jesus was God, then how would the sacrifice even work? It would make no sense at all...." Because God only is sinless and ONLY a sinless sacrifice would work
  25. Yes, WHILST ON EARTH, Jesus DID has a God the father. Would you expect Him to be an atheist? That doesnt mean He is not inferior to God the father. I know what passage you will bring up and i already have a refutation for that. Also, It does not stop Jesus from being God the son. Terrible translation, my friend. Jesus did NOT claim He wasn't God. The key passage is "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" The key word is "your". And notice the spelling of god. "god". not "God". and, it DOES make a difference. Thank you for the polite and nice reply. I appreciate it.
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