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Shirley Lowery

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Shirley Lowery last won the day on July 19 2018

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About Shirley Lowery

  • Birthday 05/01/1957

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  1. Hello to all my Spiritual Brothers and Sisters!  My beloved niece, who was turning 57 in August, passed away one week ago! I'm really ok now, but as soon as I found out from her Caregiver who took care of her for three years, I started crying and praying to Jehovah to comfort me, and her family!  Her Memorial Arrangements are still pending! The week before, we had so many deaths in our Congregation! A sister and her husband, moved to Las Vegas to be close to her Mom, but when they moved from Irving to Las Vegas, driving a Uhaul truck, her Mother passed away! Then a week later her brother passed away! The following week, another young sister's Mother passed away! The other day they announced at our meeting, we could pick up our lapel cards for our 2021 "POWERFUL BY FAITH" Regional Convention!  I called my Congregation Overseer, crying and asked him if I could pick up mine and my niece's lapel cards! I explained to him, how special she was to me, and that I loved her, and miss her so much, as my niece, and my Spiritual Sister! He said he understood why I was asking him for her lapel card! I would always make sure she had all the latest issues and her lapel cards for each Convention!  I even helped her get on Zoom for all our meetings! I personally know that my beloved niece gave 100% of herself to Jehovah! She had so much pain everyday of her life, but she always talked about Jehovah!  At our 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS " Regional Convention, she borrowed my oldest sister's mobile powerchair, and went a few days at a time, but she went in person, when we met at The Convention Site, and was so happy to attend and meet different Spiritual Brothers and Sisters! I' ll always cherish and remember our last Memorial for 2021! She and I shared together, I had a beautiful table with our precious emblems on it, and I ordered some take- out from On The Border! Sometimes, we didn't get along, but with prayer to Jehovah, and us apologizing to each other, we always hugged and made up!  I can't wait to see her again, as we will all our loved ones in the Resurrection as Jehovah has promised us! I hope and pray that everyone enjoys and benefits Spiritually from our upcoming 2021 "POWERFUL BY FAITH"  Regional Convention! I know personally,  I will!!!! I'm so excited!!! On Sunday, July 1st, after our Abbreviated Watchtower study, we get to view Friday's Morning Session on JW Broadcasting! We will be able to enjoy all the beautiful videos. the symposiums, the drama, and of course, our new releases!  I'll talk to you soon, stay safe, and I forgot to mention on May 4, 2021, I received my first dose of Moderna, and on June 1, 2021, I received my second dose of Moderna!  Please!!!!  get vaccinated, we've lost over 17, 000 of our beloved Spiritual brothers and Sisters due to Covid19! I know this is your personal choice, but for myself, I feel safe now,  against this horrible disease taking many innocent lives!  I still wear my mask and stay 6 feet from people, wash my hands, and use hand sanitizer! May Jehovah bless everyone of you! Agape love, Shirley!!! 😄

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      So sorry for your loss. She was definitely too young. 

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