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Shirley Lowery

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Shirley Lowery last won the day on July 19 2018

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About Shirley Lowery

  • Birthday 05/01/1957

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  1. Hello to all my spiritual brothers and sisters! I've been through a lot of chaos within this past month!  My roommate attacked me, and I left the house immediately,  and by the time the police arrived, she left! I had to leave my former congregation for a little while and move in with my son!!   Get a storage unit, and rent a van to carry some of my stuff to my storage unit!  I felt so lost, even though I was living with my son! I attended another congregation that Sunday!! I just cried and prayed to Jehovah, and trusted in him!! Well, 10 days later, I was checking out various places to rent, then I saw the sign, efficiency for rent, he only had 2 left, and one upstairs bedroom loft, so I had the choice to pick the apartment I wanted! I'm so thankful to Jehovah for listening to my heartfelt prayers to him!! I will always trust in Jehovah, he takes care of all his loyal ones!!! No matter what we are facing in  these  critical times, we can always put Jehovah first, and he will take care of us!!!  Agape love, Shirley!!!!:D

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Welcome back Shirley. I'm glad you made it through the rain. 

    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      I'm  glad  too,  dear  Shirley❤

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