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Shirley Lowery

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Shirley Lowery last won the day on July 19 2018

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About Shirley Lowery

  • Birthday 05/01/1957

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  1. Hello to all my spiritual brothers and sisters on here! I'm so excited on Saturday, March 3, 2018, starts our Memorial Campaign. Can you believe it's going to be on a Saturday? In 2017, we had over 2 million in attendance worldwide. This is our most important and special occasion, to show our gratitude and appreciation to our heavenly Father, Jehovah! He gave us his only-begotten son, Jesus Christ, for a ransom for our sacrifice. Sisters, have you chosen your dress yet for the Memorial? I haven't decided yet what I'm wearing yet! But I can assure you, it's going to be beautiful. I love how all the spiritual families dress their children so nice, the young sisters have beautiful new dresses, and the young brothers have new suits, and us sisters, who look beautiful in that certain dress they choose  just for the Memorial! Brothers, look very handsome in their new suits.They pose with their family and take photos, which they proudly post and on Social Media!  I also post my photo, I'm proud to say that I am one of the over 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses in attendance of this momentous occasion. I look back on my past photos I've posted and have on my computer, and just realize that the years are going by so fast. Also, our "Be Courageous" 2018 Regional Convention starts on July 13-15 2018! I can't wait to see our what new releases, and see my former Congregations, I used to attend years ago, spiritual brothers and sisters,  Our Circuit Overseer's visit is March 13-18! 2018 is going to be such an exciting year! Let's see what Jehovah has lovingly prepared for us! Agape love, Shirley

    1. Shirley Lowery

      Shirley Lowery

      Hello to all my spiritual brothers and sisters on here! I wasn't able to attend The Memorial for my own Congregation, Dallas West English,by me not having my own car, but thanks to Jehovah, I attended my client's and spiritual sister's Memorial at her Congregation, Beverly Hills! It was at 9:15 p.m. Her family and I went out to eat at Olive Garden! We all went together with her inactve son, and her ex-husband met us there at Olive Garden! Her son had made plans to attend the Memorial with us, but her ex-husband decided to attend the Memorial too! We had in attendance 295, plus 15 people had to stand up! Dallas West English had 220, my former Congregation, Elwood had 315, and One of our Partakers was invited to Euless Congregation, which had an attendance of 615! I prayed to Jehovah for a car, and as soon as I received my Income Tax Refund, I started looking at cars, on Facebook, and on April 13, 2018! I joyfully signed the papers for my 2004 Nissan Altima! This is a wonderful blessing from Jehovah! I had been looking on facebook, for a car to purchase! Everyone turned me down, but this one person. I asked him if he would take a down payment on my car, he said yes! So, that Friday, my daughter took me to his car lot, he owns, and test drove my car, and only seeing the photos of it on facebook , I loved it! I was signing the papers, and he told me the man upstairs told me to give you this car! Also, he told me, he never takes a down payment on a used car he sells, I'm the first! He checked out my profile on Facebook and said I was a Church Lady! He knew he could trust me and make my car payments! I give all my thanks and glory to Jehovah for my beautiful car! I'm so happy now that Jehovah has blessed me with my car! I already have insurance on it, and on the 15th I make my first car payment!  I just turned 61 years young recently, and Jehovah has taken care of me all these years! Sadly, my ex-client Mary, had a massive stroke, and I took her cousin to visit her at the Nursing Home where she's at, and she remembered her cousin's name and who she was!  Her cousin was so happy, she remembered her! I told her that Jehovah spoke to her heart, and put it in her mind to remember her! She is paralyzed on her left side, and can talk, but is not able to get out all her words, and has to be fed through a feeding tube, and has to be turned every two hours, so she won't get a bedsore! It was so upsetting to see her like that! She was always so theocratic, a Regular Pioneer, also regularly attended all the meetings, conventions, and now she can't even move! I know Jehovah appreciates all her precious service to him! He's watching over her, I know she is in his memory! Even though she hasn't passed away yet, he loves her all faithful, devotion to him! I had to be patient for 10 months, and rely upon Jehovah, for him blessing me with my car! Jehovah is a very patient, loving, kind, and merciful God! I love Jehovah with my whole heart, with my whole mind, and whole soul! I hope everyone has a great weekend, agape love, Shirley!!!

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