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Status Replies posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. Hi Tom, where are u?  I miss ya! 

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Hi Arauna: Not to worrry. A little bit of traveling lately. Be back in the saddle soon. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Would a kind soul please help me with how to reply using the quote more than once.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      4Jah still doesn’t know how to do it. I’m not telling him.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. The economic fallout from the virus is going to hit all of us like nothing before in our lifetimes. Unless you're like 90+ years old of course.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      It is a very clever graphic, the kind of thing i love.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. The economic fallout from the virus is going to hit all of us like nothing before in our lifetimes. Unless you're like 90+ years old of course.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Surely a Super Administrator will need be relied on. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. I have coronavirus... ... day 6 now..... lungs are full.... coughing... but still breathing.  Stupid Wuhan labs!

    Wuhan Empty Street GIF by euronews

    1. TrueTomHarley


      So sorry to hear. Here we are squabbling over religion and don’t notice when the host falls ill. Hope you get well soon.

      You may not have noticed, but @Arauna came down with this and she posted the following that she found helpful:


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hello Tom 

    Randy here, enjoy that last post.

    May i ask what congregation you go too?

    I'm out of  the Roebuck congregation here in Birmingham, AL.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      I do hang out on my own blog, tomsheepandgoats.com

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello Tom 

    Randy here, enjoy that last post.

    May i ask what congregation you go too?

    I'm out of  the Roebuck congregation here in Birmingham, AL.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      No. Sorry. I always keep a certain anonymity online. Less than many others, but still some. It is influenced by theocratic counsel (to youngsters) that they are safest when they ‘friend’ only those they personally know.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ah....Now is explained a great mystery

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Mad scientists should be banned, not Witnesses in Russia

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Not to be overly difficult, but.....

    There are a few who seem to me to be those like John spoke of to whom you ought not say a greeting. Posting on the profile page of such a person seems much like saying a greeting to them. As it is, I found when I liked a certain one's comment, it caused someone else to stumble, and I was not able to placate him by saying that even villains behave now and then. Strictly speaking, I think he was probably right.

    Of course, I can say it is his hang-up, not mine - I'll like whatever I want. But I read the nature of Paul's counsel that you should yield on things like this and not insist on your rights. If this were some special venue where only ones impervious to being stumbled need apply, that would be one thing - the internet is not the congregation. But it advertises on Twitter as a fine gathering spot for Jehovah's people - inviting one and all to 'taste and see.'

    Maybe the problem won't come up. I'll know it when i see it.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      That is a beautiful photo of a library, btw. (profile page) Which one is it?

      Is it your own private one?  :)


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Not to be overly difficult, but.....

    There are a few who seem to me to be those like John spoke of to whom you ought not say a greeting. Posting on the profile page of such a person seems much like saying a greeting to them. As it is, I found when I liked a certain one's comment, it caused someone else to stumble, and I was not able to placate him by saying that even villains behave now and then. Strictly speaking, I think he was probably right.

    Of course, I can say it is his hang-up, not mine - I'll like whatever I want. But I read the nature of Paul's counsel that you should yield on things like this and not insist on your rights. If this were some special venue where only ones impervious to being stumbled need apply, that would be one thing - the internet is not the congregation. But it advertises on Twitter as a fine gathering spot for Jehovah's people - inviting one and all to 'taste and see.'

    Maybe the problem won't come up. I'll know it when i see it.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      "This is not a JW forum.  I just brought many JW’s  over when I started posting on here."

      I understand that and I don't disapprove necessarily - occasional grousing to the contrary. I rather like it here, on the principle of every writer needing a villain and not just a muse. I don't engage directly (well, usually) with those I think are really poisonous, and I like the challenge of framing things before people who I know are going to try to shoot it down. I feel as did Frank Sinatra: 'If i can make it here, I'll make it anywhere.'

      I still won't be able (probably) to leave posts directly upon the profiles of certain ones. I don't know how to get around the problem short of non-participation altogether. While it may not be a JW forum, it certainly will seem to be from the standpoint of any who, like me, discover it from a Twitter feed.

      And I must say I am (or was - I've gotten used to it) astounded at all the confidential material that appears here from so many persons. None of it is considered "secret," but some of it is confidential and even that which is not was not intended for public distribution.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. The comment will show up across the website down toward the bottom of the page. Still relevant but not messing with the thread topic....

  12. This is where you would leave a status update on your profile page ;-)

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Author of 'Tom Irregardless and Me'     and      'No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash'

      These are the two books I occasionally refer to in my posts, whenever something is inexplicably in quotes. Please don't post online questions about my books - this is a discussion forum, not a bookstore. Message me instead.

      Thanks, Tom

  13. I used to love your TomSheepandGoats blog writings. ;-) I look forward to hearing from you more.

    1. TrueTomHarley


      30% download of the book is free. Afterwards, if anyone wants it but can't afford, request free code at truetomharley@gmail.com. Glad you enjoyed the blog.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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