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Charles Taze Russell and the Great Egyptian Pyramid

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On 8/30/2016 at 0:04 PM, HollyW said:

Russell set out seven specific events that would take place that would prove his speculations about 1914 were based on the Bible.  None of those events have occurred, so Russell's calculations about 1914 were not derived through Bible chronology.  I think they were derived from what he called God's "Stone Witness", the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

This is not true. It is true that all of the events that Russell expected (and predicted) for 1914 did not come true. But none of these were derived from the Great Pyramid. It was the other way around. All of the events were derived from beliefs he inherited from Nelson Barbour who inherited the methods from Millerite Second Adventists and the specific dates of 1874 that was already mentioned by Miller and promoted by other Second Adventists after Miller's dates failed. A lot of things were expected to happen between 1874 and the end (Armageddon) in 1914/1915.

Others were already promoting the mysterious and supposedly uncanny wisdom emanating from the Great Pyramid, before Russell published anything about it. Russell, realizing that God would need something besides the Bible to appeal to the new "scientific" orientation of the world wanted to believe that all this potential "craze" about the Pyramid was that opportunity for God to show that such knowledge was there all along but not ready to be seen until wisdom went "to and fro" in the last days. He agreed with the prophecies that proved that the last days started in 1798-1799. So "now was the time"! (Daniel 12:4 and Isaiah 19:19,20)

It was Russell's desire to see "truth" in these pyramids that pushed him to see Nelson Barbour's dates and events in the various air vents and drainage vents that zigzagged their way through the structure. It was more like reading tea leaves, coffee grounds, or the entrails of birds. (Since these various lengths added up to a timeline, it was probably a little more like palmistry.) You can pretty much see what you want to see in them.

For a while (from a published paper diagram) he saw an overall timeline that reached from OT times with the exact number of inches in one place to reach 1874. Then later in the exact same space, as 1914 became more important than looking backwards to 1874, he saw the exact number of inches to reach 1914 after that same space was measured again more closely. But he also used various broken rocks and directional changes and "puddles" along the way to also point out the timing of various other events expected mostly between 1874 and 1914. But these events were always believed first and then imposed upon what he thought he could see in the pyramid. He saw so many things in it that he called it "the Bible in stone" and called it "Jehovah's witness." Yet, as far as I could see, he didn't see any hints in the pyramids first and then look for Biblical events that might fit the timeline.

He promoted the Great Pyramid idea in most of the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures. But he went into more detail in only two of them. (Volume 1 and 3) He also answered some Watchtower questions that came from readers about whether or not a certain event had a parallel in the Pyramid.

You and I would look at these disconnected drainage ditches and air vents and not see any connection to dates even if we measured them perfectly. But Russell was of a different mindset. From things he said, we know that he actually thought it gave evidence that the Watch Tower was the true "faithful slave" providing truths at the proper time if he, ironically, could declare that he found the "presence of Christ" in the inner chambers of this structure.

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This is not true. It is true that all of the events that Russell expected (and predicted) for 1914 did not come true. But none of these were derived from the Great Pyramid. It was the other way around

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I see the debate still going on.  Frankly - I think people should not care much about what one person (Russell) believed or if he had the date correct about the "times of the nations".  We should not be making a cultish adherence to any person even if he proved to be an "infant" - at a starting point of something that would grow large in the good fruit it produces.

As the point in the comment above demonstrates - Russell and his friends started looking into it at this time (many study groups did) - and in line with the new 'scientific' field of archeology - they thought there was something in the pyramids - like everyone else!  So as I said before ... why debate about unimportant things.... We must evaluate everything said by Russell within the time period it occurred.  We now  understand the "times of the gentiles" and it was only AFTER 1919 that Jehovah appointed this group of people for the work they are now doing world-wide: the life-saving preaching work....  They have a job to do.... and they are presently doing it to the best of their ability. Jehovah gives imperfect people the opportunity to demonstrate their love for Him.  He gives us dignity through this work!

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11 hours ago, Arauna said:

I see the debate still going on.  Frankly - I think people should not care much about what one person (Russell) believed or if he had the date correct about the "times of the nations".  We should not be making a cultish adherence to any person even if he proved to be an "infant" - at a starting point of something that would grow large in the good fruit it produces.


Arauna, are you aware of the picture and letter at the beginning of the WTS 2014 book, "God's Kingdom Rules!" ?  http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/lv/r1/lp-e/0/21821

11 hours ago, Arauna said:

As the point in the comment above demonstrates - Russell and his friends started looking into it at this time (many study groups did) - and in line with the new 'scientific' field of archeology - they thought there was something in the pyramids - like everyone else!  So as I said before ... why debate about unimportant things.... We must evaluate everything said by Russell within the time period it occurred.  We now  understand the "times of the gentiles" and it was only AFTER 1919 that Jehovah appointed this group of people for the work they are now doing world-wide: the life-saving preaching work....  They have a job to do.... and they are presently doing it to the best of their ability. Jehovah gives imperfect people the opportunity to demonstrate their love for Him.  He gives us dignity through this work!

The appointment of the faithful slave made AFTER 1919 is said to have been based on an examination of what had been teaching UP TO 1919.  It was NOT based on what the WTS is teaching today, but on what Russell was teaching.

If you've looked at the beginning of the book I linked to above, you've seen a picture of Russell on that day in October of 1914 in the dining hall announcing that the Gentile times had ended.  You've also seen a letter from the Governing Body to picture yourself there.  How does that relate to your statement "people should not care much about what one person (Russell) believed".

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To reply to Holly -  Jehovah chose the slave after 1914 - not because they were perfect and had everything right. He chose them because he could work with them.... But as Malachi 3 indicates - they went through a difficult period of cleansing because they were not completely acceptable to Jehovah - the unclean state they were in. 

When the organization uses pictures of Russell it is because of the "historic" nature of our history.  This is part of our history (something that is past) so we acknowledge the past - but most of our teachings have moved on since then and new light has been shed on many things.  So he is part of our history - not a cult figure. 

If I was an opera star 40 years ago -  and there are pictures of me in a newspaper now.... people will understand that this is part of my history - but I do not sing as beautiful as I did at that time.  So if there are any recordings available - then I can listen to it as part of history - to use this as an illustration.   I often listen to Caruso, Callas and many of these artists and compare their performances with the new ones offered today.... so I see it in its historical context.  But I also realize that these artists are "dead" and cannot contribute any more to society.  Similarly - Russell has been dead 100 years - so all of us understand that he cannot contribute any more to new thoughts on the Bible. He is  part of our "history"..  So it is in this context that our new publications have references to him.

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7 hours ago, Arauna said:

To reply to Holly -  Jehovah chose the slave after 1914 - not because they were perfect and had everything right. He chose them because he could work with them.... But as Malachi 3 indicates - they went through a difficult period of cleansing because they were not completely acceptable to Jehovah - the unclean state they were in. 


Let's look at Matthew 24:45:

Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time? 

It isn't saying a choice was made "because he could work with them" but that they would be serving "food at the proper time". This "food", as you know, is considered to be what the WTS was teaching in its books and magazines, etc. up to 1919.

This is how it is described in the WTS book, "God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached":

[ka p.350, par.40] The serving of food, the right sort of food, at the proper time was the issue. It had to be according to this that a decision must be rendered by the returned master...........Down to 1919 C.E. they had endeavored to give “food at the proper time” to the “household of faith” or the “domestics” of the heavenly Master. They did this despite interference by persecutors and the warring nations. Not only was the regularity in serving the spiritual food a problem, but the quality of the food itself was to be considered.........they met the test.

So Jesus' decision would have been based on an examination of what the WTS had been teaching up to 1919, just as the WTS says he judged (and rejected) all other religious organizations based on their teachings up to that same date.

In the WT of June 1, 2001, on page 14, it says this: "Logically, to enjoy God’s backing, one must teach only what God reveals in his Word and reject teachings based on human wisdom or tradition."

So, according to the WTS, for it to have God's backing as his organization, it would have to meet at least four standards as presented by the WTS above:

It would have to have the right teachings.

It would have to teaching them at the right time.

Its teachings would have to be revealed by God in His Word.

Its teaching would NOT be based on human wisdom or tradition.

8 hours ago, Arauna said:

When the organization uses pictures of Russell it is because of the "historic" nature of our history.  This is part of our history (something that is past) so we acknowledge the past - but most of our teachings have moved on since then and new light has been shed on many things.  So he is part of our history - not a cult figure. 

You seem to be using a double standard here.  When the WTS brings him up and prints drawings and pictures of him, and even invites you to imagine yourself there during his time, you say that's just part of your history; but if I or someone else asks you questions about Russell and his teachings, you imply that's making him a cult figure. 


8 hours ago, Arauna said:

If I was an opera star 40 years ago -  and there are pictures of me in a newspaper now.... people will understand that this is part of my history - but I do not sing as beautiful as I did at that time.  So if there are any recordings available - then I can listen to it as part of history - to use this as an illustration.   I often listen to Caruso, Callas and many of these artists and compare their performances with the new ones offered today.... so I see it in its historical context.  But I also realize that these artists are "dead" and cannot contribute any more to society.  Similarly - Russell has been dead 100 years - so all of us understand that he cannot contribute any more to new thoughts on the Bible. He is  part of our "history"..  So it is in this context that our new publications have references to him.

 I don't think the claim of the WTS as being the sole channel of communication to mankind is based on what was sung by Caruso, Callas, or any of the many artists to whom you are referring. If it were, we'd be examining their work. But, no, the WTS   claim is based on what they were teaching up to 1919, and those teachings have Russell written all over them. ;) 

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This "food" replies to spiritual food that will be served AFTER they become the slave.  It does not refer to the food they served up BEFORE they became the slave.  It was only in 1919  - AFTER they were cleansed of some of the wrong ideas we are debating about - that they became the slave. Jehovah saw people who would take his discipline and were humble enough to do his will, face opposition and preach, preach, preach!

Many witnesses start off humble - like Saul - and then start searching for "greater' things for themselves like Baruch.  So far I have resisted this.  I do not want to lose my focus...  I have seen so many Witnesses fall into this trap.  Once they start seeking great things for themselves they end up thinking their own ideas more important than that of the slave. 

My dear - you guys think you know it all and you twist the scriptures to give it the meaning to your own ideas..... thinking you can have the truth without the slave.... Moses was the channel Jehovah used in the time of Israel - and Jehovah destroyed those who came up in opposition to Moses - who at the time was the humblest man on earth.  He must have appeared like a bumbling fool to them - especially when he led them into an illogical situation where Pharaoh could annihilate Israel.... but Jehovah provided the way out... the red sea opened.

Similarly - if we do not recognize the channel Jehovah is using - we can face the same eventuality.  And you make fun of my analogy -  so you need not think about the "historic" point?

I think I will say farewell to this website because it has become a lurking place for all kinds of "unclean" things.  I made an innocent comment above and I was dragged into a debate with people who are like "wormwood".  I like to draw people to Jehovah.... not have debates with Jehovah's opposers.  

Do you go to a meeting where they use the name of Jehovah, the only true God? And do they organize preaching work throughout the earth to talk about the kingdom / a future government which is the only hope for mankind?   The bible shows we must "meet with our brothers and sisters in order to strengthen them.... so where do you go to do this?   Or do you sit at home and serf websites like this to catch the inexperienced?

Then - even though you profess to be a Christian - you are not doing the things that Jesus said his true slaves would be doing when he brings the destruction on mankind. Where will you go to be organized in this work with free literature available etc in many languages.... I wonder...?

I have heard so many of these same arguments before "from apostates" who push their own ideas....so I signing off now.


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This is one of the problems with a religious organization that holds its members captive to the concept that their leaders alone are the ones chosen by God to be his sole channel of communication to mankind----once that is believed, those leaders can change whatever belief they want to and their followers readily accept those changes because of the belief that they are coming from God himself thru the WTS.

It shows itself in the heavy reliance that was placed on pyramidology in the early days of the WTS.  The Great Pyramid was said to be God's Stone Witness of Isaiah 19:19,20; however, by 1928 it was Satan's Bible:

[The Watch Tower, November 15, 1928, p.344, par.37

Satan the Devil chose Ham, another son of Noah. Egypt is known as the land of Ham. Nimrod was a descendant of Ham, and the Devil exalted Nimrod in the eyes of the people as one greater than Jehovah God. The Devil, by the use of the descendants of Ham, set up Egypt, or the land of Ham, as the first great world power. Then Satan put his knowledge in dead stone, which may be called Satan's Bible, and not God's stone witness. In erecting the pyramid, of course, Satan would put in it some truth, because that is his method of practising fraud and deceit. http://wtarchive.svhelden.info/english/zions-watch-tower/


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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

This "food" replies to spiritual food that will be served AFTER they become the slave.  It does not refer to the food they served up BEFORE they became the slave.  It was only in 1919  - AFTER they were cleansed of some of the wrong ideas we are debating about - that they became the slave. Jehovah saw people who would take his discipline and were humble enough to do his will, face opposition and preach, preach, preach!

Anyone who has been a JW for more than three years knows that before the WTS changed the appointment and identity of the faithful slave in 2012-2013 that JWs believed the faithful slave had been appointed over all Jesus' belongings in 1919 based on the supposedly high quality spiritual food Russell and his associates had been dispensing from the 1870's up to 1919.


1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Many witnesses start off humble - like Saul - and then start searching for "greater' things for themselves like Baruch.  So far I have resisted this.  I do not want to lose my focus...  I have seen so many Witnesses fall into this trap.  Once they start seeking great things for themselves they end up thinking their own ideas more important than that of the slave. 

It could be that these you speak of are merely doing what your own religious leaders have said to do, examine the teachings of your church.  They say there's nothing to fear from examining your religion, in fact they urge you to do so:

[w69 3/15 p.165-167]  We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God’s Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination.


2 hours ago, Arauna said:

My dear - you guys think you know it all and you twist the scriptures to give it the meaning to your own ideas..... thinking you can have the truth without the slave.... Moses was the channel Jehovah used in the time of Israel - and Jehovah destroyed those who came up in opposition to Moses - who at the time was the humblest man on earth.  He must have appeared like a bumbling fool to them - especially when he led them into an illogical situation where Pharaoh could annihilate Israel.... but Jehovah provided the way out... the red sea opened.

 I know you don't even realize how cult-like your devotion to the men on the WTS GB truly is, but you've described it eloquently there.


2 hours ago, Arauna said:

Similarly - if we do not recognize the channel Jehovah is using - we can face the same eventuality.  And you make fun of my analogy -  so you need not think about the "historic" point?

I was quite serious and not making fun at all.  The channel God is using is Jesus, as Hebrews 1:2 says: in these last days [God] has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things---and Jesus sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, the one who leads us into all the truth, John 14:16,17,26  "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17 that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you....... the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you."


2 hours ago, Arauna said:

I think I will say farewell to this website because it has become a lurking place for all kinds of "unclean" things.  I made an innocent comment above and I was dragged into a debate with people who are like "wormwood".  I like to draw people to Jehovah.... not have debates with Jehovah's opposers.  

The unsavory labels you've decided to post such as "wormwood" and "Jehovah's opposers" are directed unkindly and erroneously toward me when, really, discussing and examining WTS teachings isn't being Jehovah's opposers, unless you consider the WTS itself to BE Jehovah.  


2 hours ago, Arauna said:

Do you go to a meeting where they use the name of Jehovah, the only true God? And do they organize preaching work throughout the earth to talk about the kingdom / a future government which is the only hope for mankind?   The bible shows we must "meet with our brothers and sisters in order to strengthen them.... so where do you go to do this?   Or do you sit at home and serf websites like this to catch the inexperienced?

I've never gone to any Christian church that didn't know the name of Jehovah and also know that the name above all names is Jesus.  I don't believe it would be very wise to assume that the WTS is the only church that has missionaries and members who speak to others all the time about Jesus and the good news of salvation thru his shed blood.  Christianity is wide-spread, even from the first century, nearly two centuries before the WTS even came into existence. 


2 hours ago, Arauna said:

Then - even though you profess to be a Christian - you are not doing the things that Jesus said his true slaves would be doing when he brings the destruction on mankind. Where will you go to be organized in this work with free literature available etc in many languages.... I wonder...?

Ummm......the WTS literature isn't "free", it prefers to say it is "without charge".

Are you doing what Jesus said to do when he said "Take, eat, this is my body.....take, drink, this is my blood."


2 hours ago, Arauna said:

I have heard so many of these same arguments before "from apostates" who push their own ideas....so I signing off now.

Well, if you call those who disagree with you apostates, you must have to stay indoors to avoid them. ;)

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I am definitely not an innocent victim - I have made sure of my facts and I am not as stupid as you assume I am.  I can say the same for you... you think you are free but you are captive to this system of things....to the Trinitarian churches...who are really the ones who are cult-like because they stick to a doctrine that was laid out in the 4th century after Christ by Constantine the Great....a political leader who forced everyone to his brand of Christianity by the sword -  just like Mohammad and ISIS.  These pagan teachings of the 4th century were the teachings that the Bible students / Russell were trying to break away from in the 19th century.  They did not have all correct.... as I said before.... and we accept this as part of our history.

I have thought through everything I believe and I am not a smarty-pants .... I have been through all of that.... in my life.  I had a world-class opera voice and the world was my oyster... then I found Jehovah........I found a treasure and went to buy the field to obtain it...  I  gladly serve Jehovah... because I am sure I have not given myself up for nothing.  I had to make sure that I am not on the wrong track.  I do not believe everything I hear.... Jehovah's promises of a new world government under Jesus is a reality because Jesus is already ruling! 

Only the end is awaiting the world when we have reached a point of no return..... then Jesus will receive the direction from God to step in....to rectify mankind's affairs.   The day and hour is not known to us although we can see the signs of the Parousia...... Humans are making a mess of the earth since Adam chose independence from Jehovah.... and God will step in when it has been proven without a reasonable doubt that we cannot rule ourselves successfully if we choose independence from his moral standards. (Jehovah's "good and bad".) I am not quoting scriptures because you have already made up your mind.... but this is how it fits into the bigger picture.

I happened to work as a reporter for many years (not in English), then I worked for a University and I became  a senior publicity officer for a national orchestra.... and then worked in supply chain management and PR again.... Did a lot of stuff and worked in many fields.... saw it all.... I am definitely not a cultish type of person to follow people blindly.... I research what I believe.... so don't assume I do not know what I am doing.

And by the way - Egypt was not the first world power but it was the first world power which dominated Jehovah's people- according to the Bible.  The Bible itself goes far back to the time just after the flood. If you read your Bible....and read secular history one sees that the Sumerians were living in the fertile crescent.... and the "newest secular info" is that they may have been Hamitical..... which the bible tells you if you study it closely to follow the movement of Peoples.  (In 1928 the Witnesses did not put it this way- which is the time of your quote....) So you see, our organization moves forward - we do not stick to old things if they can be improved upon - otherwise God cannot give the new understanding / new light to move forward!! .

The Sumerians were replaced by the First Babylonian empire.   Babylonian worship spread to India, to Canaan, to Greece and from there via Greek philosophy into Rome and from Rome into most Western religions.  This is why so many of the teachings found in Christendom and most religions on the earth (such as the immortality of the soul)  is the same - everywhere.... The Bible in revelation calls this the harlot : Babylon the Great - the world empire of false religion because ancient teachings is entrenched in most religions of the world....Revelations 17 + 18....

If you quote old things to me from our organization - it is futile -  because in most cases we have already moved on from these "old Interpretations....


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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I am definitely not an innocent victim - I have made sure of my facts and I am not as stupid as you assume I am.  I can say the same for you... you think you are free but you are captive to this system of things....to the Trinitarian churches...who are really the ones who are cult-like because they stick to a doctrine that was laid out in the 4th century after Christ by Constantine the Great....a political leader who forced everyone to his brand of Christianity by the sword -  just like Mohammad and ISIS.  These pagan teachings of the 4th century were the teachings that the Bible students / Russell were trying to break away from in the 19th century.  They did not have all correct.... as I said before.... and we accept this as part of our history.

I have thought through everything I believe and I am not a smarty-pants .... I have been through all of that.... in my life.  I had a world-class opera voice and the world was my oyster... then I found Jehovah........I found a treasure and went to buy the field to obtain it...  I  gladly serve Jehovah... because I am sure I have not given myself up for nothing.  I had to make sure that I am not on the wrong track.  I do not believe everything I hear.... Jehovah's promises of a new world government under Jesus is a reality because Jesus is already ruling! 

Only the end is awaiting the world when we have reached a point of no return..... then Jesus will receive the direction from God to step in....to rectify mankind's affairs.   The day and hour is not known to us although we can see the signs of the Parousia...... Humans are making a mess of the earth since Adam chose independence from Jehovah.... and God will step in when it has been proven without a reasonable doubt that we cannot rule ourselves successfully if we choose independence from his moral standards. (Jehovah's "good and bad".) I am not quoting scriptures because you have already made up your mind.... but this is how it fits into the bigger picture.

I happened to work as a reporter for many years (not in English), then I worked for a University and I became  a senior publicity officer for a national orchestra.... and then worked in supply chain management and PR again.... Did a lot of stuff and worked in many fields.... saw it all.... I am definitely not a cultish type of person to follow people blindly.... I research what I believe.... so don't assume I do not know what I am doing.

And by the way - Egypt was not the first world power but it was the first world power which dominated Jehovah's people- according to the Bible.  The Bible itself goes far back to the time just after the flood. If you read your Bible....and read secular history one sees that the Sumerians were living in the fertile crescent.... and the "newest secular info" is that they may have been Hamitical..... which the bible tells you if you study it closely to follow the movement of Peoples.  (In 1928 the Witnesses did not put it this way- which is the time of your quote....) So you see, our organization moves forward - we do not stick to old things if they can be improved upon - otherwise God cannot give the new understanding / new light to move forward!! .

The Sumerians were replaced by the First Babylonian empire.   Babylonian worship spread to India, to Canaan, to Greece and from there via Greek philosophy into Rome and from Rome into most Western religions.  This is why so many of the teachings found in Christendom and most religions on the earth (such as the immortality of the soul)  is the same - everywhere.... The Bible in revelation calls this the harlot : Babylon the Great - the world empire of false religion because ancient teachings is entrenched in most religions of the world....Revelations 17 + 18....

If you quote old things to me from our organization - it is futile -  because in most cases we have already moved on from these "old Interpretations....


Arauna, what you have to ask yourself is why would Jesus have chosen a group of people in 1919 who were saying he had already returned in 1874, that the first resurrection had already started in 1878, that the child born in Revelation 12 is the antichrist and Michael in that same chapter was the Pope in Rome? Why would he have chosen a group AS his faithful slave who were saying 'we are NOT your faithful slave'?  Can a group who preached that the Great Pyramid was God's Stone Witness but was actually Satan's Bible be considered to have God's backing?

Your correction about Egypt is evidently directed at what I quoted from the WTS, what your church used to teach as "the truth":

3 hours ago, HollyW said:

The Watch Tower, November 15, 1928, p.344, par.37

Satan the Devil chose Ham, another son of Noah. Egypt is known as the land of Ham. Nimrod was a descendant of Ham, and the Devil exalted Nimrod in the eyes of the people as one greater than Jehovah God. The Devil, by the use of the descendants of Ham, set up Egypt, or the land of Ham, as the first great world power. Then Satan put his knowledge in dead stone, which may be called Satan's Bible, and not God's stone witness. In erecting the pyramid, of course, Satan would put in it some truth, because that is his method of practising fraud and deceit.  http://wtarchive.svhelden.info/english/zions-watch-tower/




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5 hours ago, Arauna said:

I think I will say farewell to this website

Dear Arauna. Don't loose heart.

You don't have to engage in debate with those who seek to tear down or even insult both what you know to be the truth and those who have helped you to come to this realisation. If you find that responders to your postings are frustrating you in this way, then just set them to ignore in your profile. I see you have 60 reputation clicks, so it can't all be bad! :)

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

If you quote old things to me from our organization - it is futile -  because in most cases we have already moved on from these "old Interpretations....


;) Evidently it's also futile to quote even recent things to you from the WTS, such as I did earlier:

17 hours ago, HollyW said:

Arauna, are you aware of the picture and letter at the beginning of the WTS 2014 book, "God's Kingdom Rules!" ?  http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/lv/r1/lp-e/0/21821

Eoin is right.  If what I've shown you from the publications of the WTS is frustrating you, instead of whining about it and calling me names and making false accusations against me for asking you about it, you should just put me on ignore and not respond to what I post.

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    • Tout est dans le titre. En français. Il s'agit de la transcription des 66 livres de la Bible présent dans JwLibrary Rubrique Vidéos; Livres de la Bible. Salutations JPL Transcriptions Bible Introductions+.rar
    • Let the bible speak for itself: Ezekiel 38:   ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “On that day when my people Israel are dwelling in security, will you not know it?q 15  You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north,r you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.s 16  Like clouds covering the land, you will come against my people Israel. In the final part of the days I will bring you against my landt so that the nations may know me when I sanctify myself through you before their eyes, O Gog.”’u...... ‘Every man’s sword will be against his own brother.x 22  I will bring my judgment against him* with pestilencey and bloodshed; and I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstonesz and firea and sulfurb on him and on his troops and on the many peoples with him.c 23  And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’ So Jehovah will be magnified as the true god.... when they attack the Israel of god  - read Gal 6:16. Anointed Christians are the new Israel of god. Hebrews 12:22 "But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem."  Jesus is the Anointed one (Messiah) who, during the 1000 years will rule over the earth to restore the original paradise (the original purpose of God).  He will be king and priest. This means that his ransom sacrifice will be applied to all those who are resurrected on earth (earthly part of Jehovah's universal government).  This will include "unrighteous" ones who never knew anything about Christ or Jehovah.   Acts 24:15 " And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrectionk of both the righteous and the unrighteous."l Read Revelation 20:1 -3  This shows that there will be nations on earth that will survive the great tribulation. verse 3: " And he hurled him into the abyssf and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not mislead the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were ended. After this he must be released for a little while." After the final test when all humans (as perfect individuals like Adam) will be tested like Adam was, Jesus will hand over the Kingdom back to his father.  1 Cor 15: from 24 "  Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.e 25  For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.f 26  And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.g 27  For God “subjected all things under his feet.”h But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’i it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.j 28  But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him,k that God may be all things to everyone." l
    • That’s what it all comes down to,,,thanks.
    • The complimentary edamame is cold and unflavored.    Overall a great atmosphere and a great roll 
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      3-9 fevrier 2025 La création prouve que Jéhovah veut notre bonheur -La nourriture et les sons..pdf jwbvod25-6.v Geoffrey Jackson Accueillons de bon cœur les changements d’affectation Héb. 11-15.pdf 06-13 janvier enseignons nos enfants par l exemple.pdf 20-26 janvier 2025 Je donne le maximum malgré ma timidité 2.pdf 20-26 janvier 2025 Je donne le maximum malgré ma timidité.pdf 27 janvier - 2 février 2025 sois pret en cas de probleme medical.pdf
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    • Grazia Chiafele  »  misette

      Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces belles recherches. C’est un délice de les lire…. J’apprends énormément et je partage toutes ces belles idées. Honnêtement, merci du fond du coeur ♥️ Votre soeur spirituelle, Graziella Je vous souhaite une très bonne semaine et surtout une semaine très spirituelle 😉
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      Bonjour pourquoi je ne peux télécharger les documents en pièce jointe ? Merci 
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    • Joelle  »  misette

      Bonjour , Pourquoi je ne peux pas télécharger les perles ?  Merci
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      Hi Twyla,
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      Is it just me.??
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