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Was Jesus a minimalist?

Guest Nicole

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Whew! I am glad you cleared that up ... I thought a "minimalist" was something like a dwarf.

The only thing I have against short people is I have to pick them up to say hello.

It's a known fact that thinking in meters gives people enough free time to plan World Wars.

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19 hours ago, Nicole said:


Was Jesus a minimalist? 


This term has a rather narrow definition, often applied to an approach to Arts and music, and in this sense is really a modern term dating from the early 20th century.

However, the term has become associated with an approach to life that far predates and expands the narrow focus of the modern, artistic concept, neatly summed up in a Wikipedia definition: (my bold)

"Simple living or voluntary simplicity encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to simplify one's lifestyle. These may include reducing one's possessions, generally referred to as minimalism, or increasing self-sufficiency, for example. Simple living may be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they have rather than want. Although asceticism generally promotes living simply and refraining from luxury and indulgence, not all proponents of simple living are ascetics. Simple living is distinct from those living in forced poverty, as it is a voluntary lifestyle choice." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_living

One might find a greater comparison here with Jesus' approach to life that the term "minimalist" might not adequately encompass, being as it is, far too "minimal". :)

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On 5/23/2017 at 2:06 PM, Nicole said:

Was Jesus a minimalist? 

Further to the secular definition suggested in my last post, the scriptures, of course, give an insight into Jesus's approach to life.

For example:

His behaviour:  John 2:11; Matt.8:20; Matt 11:19; Luke 7:36-38 (Comp. John 12:3); Luke 10:41-42; John 19:23.

His teachings: Matt. 6:25-32; Luke 12:15; Luke 21:34.

The attitude of his followers: Ph.4:12; 1Tim.6:8.

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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I thought a "minimalist" was something like a dwarf.


Now you really surprise me James.

With your obvious command of the language I would have expected you to understand a "minimalist" as one who discriminates against..... short people!!


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Years ago, I was visiting the Falling Creek Congregation, on Route 1, in Richmond, VA, and being 6'-6" tall, I am usually the tallest person in the room.  After the meeting, someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind and I turned around to look into a Brother's SHIRT POCKET.

It so disoriented me I can't remember anything else about him, except when we shook hands, mine looked like a child's by comparison.

I had been "minimalized".


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As per Google it is 4.7 ft. Sorry, here we are not used to ft and inches only metres when talking about height :D

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