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Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God “It is good to make melody to our God.”—PSALM 147:1. – ???

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Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God

“It is good to make melody to our God.”—PSALM 147:1.


When we go out in the ministry, we think and talk about Jehovah. This strengthens our friendship with him. Many pioneers have felt that their love for God has become even deeper because they are able to spend more time in the ministry. This article will help both pioneers and those who want to become pioneers to think carefully about these questions: How can pioneering strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? If you are pioneering, what will help you to continue in this special service? If you are not pioneering yet, what can you do to start? Let us first talk about ways that pioneering can strengthen our friendship with God.


When we talk about future Kingdom blessings, we become closer to Jehovah. What is your favorite scripture to use when you go from house to house? Maybe it is Psalm 37:10, 11; Daniel 2:44; John 5:28, 29; or Revelation 21:3, 4. Each time we talk about these promises with others, we are reminded that “every good gift and every perfect present” comes from our generous God, Jehovah. This draws us closer to him.—James 1:17.


When we see how unhappy and helpless most people are, we become even more grateful for the truth. People in the world do not receive the help they need to have true success and happiness. Most worry about the future and have no hope. They search for the meaning of life. Even most who are religious know very little about the Bible. They are much like the people of Nineveh. (Read Jonah 4:11.) The more time we spend speaking to people in the ministry, the more we realize how well Jehovah takes care of us. (Isaiah 65:13) But Jehovah does more than take care of the needs of only his people. He gives everyone a chance to receive comfort and to have a real hope. This reminds us of how good Jehovah really is.—Revelation 22:17.


If you would like to pioneer and have the same blessings that pioneers have, pray to Jehovah about it. (1 John 5:14, 15) Talk to those who are pioneering. Set goals that will help you become a pioneer. That is what Keith and Erika did. Like many couples their age, they had been working full-time and had bought a house and a new car soon after they got married. They say, “We thought those things would bring us satisfaction—but they never did.” After Keith lost his job, he started serving as an auxiliary pioneer. He says, “Pioneering reminded me of how much joy comes from being in the ministry.” They became friends with a pioneer couple who helped them to realize that pioneering and having a simple life results in much joy. What did Keith and Erika do? They made a list of their goals, put it on their refrigerator, and checked off each goal as they reached it. After some time, they were able to pioneer.


Can you become a pioneer? If you feel that you are not able to pioneer right now, do all you can to get closer to Jehovah by doing your best in the ministry. If you pray to Jehovah and think carefully about your situation, you may realize that making some changes in your life will allow you to pioneer. When you start pioneering, your joy will be much greater than any sacrifices you will make. You will be happy because you are putting GodÂ’s Kingdom first in your life and because you are giving more to others. (Matthew 6:33) You will have more opportunities to think and talk about Jehovah, and this will deepen your love for him and make him happy.





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Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God “It is good to make melody to our God.”—PSALM 147:1. ??? When we go out in the ministry, we think and talk about Jehovah. This strengt

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