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JW LIBRARY: 5,034 customer reviews

Here a review By Lewis Fulkerson  Best authoritative translation: 
I have a Master's Degree in Theology and have studied many bibles, as well some translation studies of Greek, Hebrew & Aramaic. This bible (the New World Translation by Jehovah's Witnesses) is the best and most accurately translation of the original scriptures into the English language. This organization also maintains translation offices in local areas where specific dialects are spoken, so their translation work is authentic, modern and accurate. Although I use several translations in my work, the NWT in the JW Library is the one that truly clearly explains the truth from God, and makes it easy to understand. This translation is my primary study edition of the bible.

JW Library by Jehovah's Witnesses

A3A16HRYQQ6RGI?square=true&max_width=460Lewis Fulkerson, Oklahoma, USA

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When the only reviews are negative, I've felt the same need to get in and counter with something a bit over-the-top positive. But I like to keep it honest. In truth, JW Library is an excellent te

Of course. Nobody produces a translation and says "our translation sucks." I'm amazed people expect that should happen. Translators anywhere defend their translation and laud it's virtues.  

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It would be interesting, IN FACT ... VITAL ...  to find out what religious tenets he subscribes to ... BEFORE giving him any credence..

If he is one of Jehovah's Witnesses giving such high praise ... it can be attributed to agenda driven politics.

If, for example, he is a Methodist, Catholic, or even Atheist, his credibility increases CONSIDERABLY.

If he teaches religion in a college, etc., and is NOT a JW, and gives such high praise, as theologian and scholar Jason BeDuhn did when he wrote the book "Truth in Translation .." , and reviewing the pre-2003 New World Translation with very high praise,  his credibility increases DRAMATICALLY.

I have known MANY Engineers during my working career, who had Masters and Doctorate degrees that figuratively, could not find their way to the front door, without a map.

We referred to them as licensed "Space Cadets".

21 hours ago, Kurt said:

This organization also maintains translation offices in local areas where specific dialects are spoken, so their translation work is authentic, modern and accurate.

The above statement is completely worthless on the face of it ...UNLESS ... UNLESS ... he has genuine REAL and extensive expertise in every other language being translated ... AND ... has read and critically reviewed each and every one of them separately.


He has NO IDEA WHATSOEVER if any of them are authentic, or modern, or accurate. ... only in English.  ( and now with that ludicrous statement, there is legitimate reason to seriously doubt THAT).

And ... until we understand who HE is, really, he deserves NO credibility whatsoever.

If you get used to people "blowing smoke up your butt", don't be surprised if you float away on the vagaries of the prevailing wind, having NOT A CLUE that you have been scammed.

The phrase "I am not a doctor, but I play one on TV" comes to mind.

You can ACTUALLY get a Telley Award for saying that one line ... if your check clears the bank.




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Please excuse the formatting on the following. I just picked up some of Lewis Fulkerson's other reviews on Am a zon . com

There are over 4,000 positive reviews of JW Library. The majority read like SPAM for jw.org. The most memorable had the lines:

Couldn't get this to work yet. Thanks to Jehovah. Visit jw.org. Five stars.

I noticed that LF also reviews movies and TV shows, especially sci-fi, with JW style phrasing in his criticisms. As far as books go, he only reviews books by JWs. I'll highlight the review portion in bold red to make it easier to find... The very last one I threw in there to show that apparently never did much with his Master's in Theology: i.e., worked the last 44 years, since 1968 on computers. (By the way, I've heard circuit overseers claim that all of us who have been reading the Watchtower for a few years have the equivalent of a Master's in Theology. And those of us who read the Awake! for a few years have the equivalent of a college education.)

Anyway, I think the following says a lot about why he says that the NWT is the "best and most accurately [sic] translation."

4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If he is one of Jehovah's Witnesses giving such high praise ... it can be attributed to agenda driven politic

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by bkmwas   about JW Library  · sep 2016
While I use Accordance, Logos and Bible Works, I find myself using the JW platform more often than the commercial ones. One of the biggest advantages is that the JW library is free. The highlighting feature is superior to most products if not all. A synchronizing of devices would be nice but would require much server space and is usually only in commercial products. (Unless like Accordance it will in the future pair with Drop Box or like) That it has audio and video publications is another great bonus for a free product. It is also appreciated that the developers are continuously working on improving it and thus it is not something frozen in time. As of right now, the JWL lacks notes which will be an awesome feature in a future update. Also it is amazing to see so many languages in a free application. In addition, the only commercial software that I am aware of that can use the NWT(13 or 84) is Accordance with a module. However, Bible Works does allow you to import Epub's. So while I use a variety of software/apps, If I want to get to a Bible translation quickly, first I use the JW library. Accordance is also very quick but come with an expensive price though not as much as Logos and Accordance is faster than Logos too. I think if I had to do it over I would just go with BW and JW library supplemented with other free ones such as e-sword. However you do it, I would recommend using JWL especially for those who are Jehovah's Witnesses or interested in this denomination.

For Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere who are dedicated to studying and improving their knowledge of The Holy Bible, JW Library is a fantastic app. All you need is an iPhone or iPad to enhance your learning and get your daily dose of spiritual upliftment.

Neha Sinha
Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.

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6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If he is one of Jehovah's Witnesses giving such high praise ... it can be attributed to agenda driven politics.

To a degree, maybe.  Having said that


19 hours ago, Kurt said:

I have a Master's Degree in Theology and have studied many bibles, as well some translation studies of Greek, Hebrew & Aramaic.

Let us assume this statement is true. Does this increase or decrease his qualifications? Most would agree it increases them.

What if he finds the translation so good that he sides with the people who have produced it? Suddenly his qualifications vanish?

6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If he teaches religion in a college, etc., and is NOT a JW, and gives such high praise, as theologian and scholar Jason BeDunn did when he wrote the book "Truth in Translation .." , and reviewing the pre-2003 New World Translation with very high praise,  his credibility increases DRAMATICALLY.

What if DeBuhn became a Witness? Is he suddenly a moron?

It is like reading Consumer Reports and selecting the best make of car. Suddenly you are unqualified to comment on that car?

Admittedly, reviews like @JW Insider mentioned are a bit much. Our people can get funny on the internet. But even that is excusable, for anti-Witness trolls come out of the woodwork at any mention of JWs and they feel they ought to weigh in to counter that.

On a personal note, 'Survival into a New Earth' was one of my favorites. To the extent things there were billed as anti-types (if they were - I don't remember) they have been swept aside. To the extent they were "this reminds us of that" they are brilliant.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Our people can get funny on the internet. But even that is excusable, for anti-Witness trolls come out of the woodwork at any mention of JWs and they feel they ought to weigh in to counter that.

When the only reviews are negative, I've felt the same need to get in and counter with something a bit over-the-top positive. But I like to keep it honest.

In truth, JW Library is an excellent technical achievement. Considering how little we knew in the 1970s about technology (at Bethel) and how the entire computer department was still having trouble getting anything finished correctly well into the 1980s, the Watchtower Library CD is an amazingly good piece of technology. The entire JW.ORG website is top-notch. The WOLJW.ORG is top notch, TV.JW.ORG is almost top notch (JW Broadcasting), and serves its purpose perfectly. So far, all the apps work perfectly, especially on Apple products.

Is there bias in our translation? Yes. But not as much as most people think. But it's still a very useful translation, because many of those biases are based on the fact that the Hebrew and Greek can actually support a wider range of correct translation than most people have imagined. When I worked college/university territories around the campuses of the University of Missouri, I found it very easy to place the Kingdom Interlinear Translation for $2. It didn't matter so much how we had translated it in the margin, but I could show how the Interlinear portion worked as a primer for NT Greek. The value was excellent and the product gave us a lot of credibility. I think all of our recent forays into technology have given us a lot of credibility, even if some had a rough start.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

On a personal note, 'Survival into a New Earth' was one of my favorites. To the extent things there were billed as anti-types (if they were - I don't remember) they have been swept aside. To the extent they were "this reminds us of that" they are brilliant.

So, TTH ... other than half the book was WRONG, and you don't really remember what it was about ... and made up out of thin air ... other than THAT ... uh ...... that is SOME Book Review there.

Grad School   600   .jpg

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15 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Is there bias in our translation? Yes.

Of course. Nobody produces a translation and says "our translation sucks." I'm amazed people expect that should happen. Translators anywhere defend their translation and laud it's virtues.


17 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

When the only reviews are negative, I've felt the same need to get in and counter with something a bit over-the-top positive

To a large degree, that's why I started blogging. 'Why should scoundrels own the internet?' I asked. I don't even fear going a bit over-the-top at times - though I hope not routinely. Heaven knows, they do. 

Of course, they always will own the internet, just as you-know-who owns the fence. But here and there perhaps one can poke a hole through the wall. It need not be monolithic.

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27 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

In truth, JW Library is an excellent technical achievement. Considering how little we knew in the 1970s about technology (at Bethel) and how the entire computer department was still having trouble getting anything finished correctly well into the 1980s, the Watchtower Library CD is an amazingly good piece of technology.

As far as I can see, that is how theocracy works. When they need an expert at Bethel, they reach into the ranks and get one. It is the same as 1922 when they had a pile of printing equipment that nobody knew how to use. They found a lifelong printing professional in the ranks and he taught them all they needed to know. It is probably how the Bible translation was accomplished, or at least aided. The reason it all works is that Jehovah's people do not hoard their knowledge - they regard it as their gift to bring to the altar.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

What if DeBuhn became a Witness? Is he suddenly a moron?

No, but it would not be as credible.

If in a court of law, I declare "I am innocent of the murder!" ... it is not a "given" that that statement is believable.

If in a court of law, I declare "I am guilty of the murder!" ... it is  a "given" that that statement is believable.

Because it is a highly consequental statement AGAINST my own personal interests.

If I shifted blame for the murder to, oh say, Tom Harley ... on its own that statement has ZERO credibility.

If I stated that Hom Tarley committed the murder,  it would just indicate he was possibly dyslexic, but more likely just a typo.

..for context on that one, check how the author's name is actually spelled.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

On a personal note, 'Survival into a New Earth' was one of my favorites. To the extent things there were billed as anti-types (if they were - I don't remember) they have been swept aside. To the extent they were "this reminds us of that" they are brilliant.

The setup, and the conclusion don't match.

The cover reminds me of algae.

That count?

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