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Inauguration of a new Kingdom Hall in Canada ???

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Inauguration of a new Kingdom Hall in Canada

The short construction project of 10 weeks was possible thanks to the community volunteers and members of the national congregation of Jehovah's witnesses.
"the whole new hall was built by volunteers", explained Leeann Fawcett, who gave the exhibitor a tour of the new building along with his husband and elder from the church, Dan Fawcett. " there is a group of volunteers who travel across Canada building or renovating halls. Locally, people were asked about their skills and helped them on the site with everything, from construction to painting. People (from the congregation) also helped in other ways, such as providing meals and accommodation. It's wonderful to be able to look around the new hall and know that we built it together ".

"we were overcoming our old building and it was determined that it was time to replace him, opposed to doing renovations", said Mr. Fawcett.

The Former Hall was demolished on June 5 this year and the construction of the new building began on June 8 The building was completed and the first meeting in the new room took place on Sunday, August 20

"the new building  has led lights", explained Mr. Fawcett, pointing out that it's very green and efficient in the use of energy. " he knows when people are here and exchanges the air four times an hour, which is very useful for people with allergies. It was also built with concrete foam, which maintains the temperature, and we have heating by radiant floor ".

The new installation is also accessible for wheelchairs, with a ramp to the stage in the main room.

"we are also pleased to have new chairs", shared mrs. Fawcett. "the building is designed as a package, so we didn't have to worry about anything".

There are no paid workers in the kingdom hall, from the construction of the new room to the administration, they are all volunteers.

The little current kingdom hall has a central group of 40 members with seven elders who assume various roles, such as accounting, education and conversation in meetings.

The building was paid by Jehovah's witnesses. All contributions made to the Worldwide work are sent to help build other rooms around the world, as well as to provide help.

There are two main rooms: the large meeting room and a smaller meeting room that can accommodate more people or be used as a multi-purpose room. Together, the rooms have a capacity of 85.

"we have dual monitors in the main room and one in the smaller meeting room that everyone can play the same program", said Mr. Fawcett. " we use it for music, videos, images and for presentations. We also have an updated phone system that uses the internet so that people who can't attend the meeting can hear from home ".

"the smallest meeting room is also used by our linguistic group anishinaabemowin", said Mrs. Fawcett. " our Sunday meeting is half in anishinaabemowin and half in English. Our group is also working on the translation of projects such as pamphlets on anishinaabemowin, videos and articles for the website. The Jehovah's witness website is available in 120 languages and we are responsible for anishinaabemowin ".

The Kingdom Hall is always open to the public, but this weekend the congregation wants to encourage community members to visit the new building and join the celebration.



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Inauguration of a new Kingdom Hall in Canada The short construction project of 10 weeks was possible thanks to the community volunteers and members of the national congregation of Jehovah's witne

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