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Letter to Hitler, Organization, NWT Bible.. Propaganda about Jehovahs witnesses. Exposed!

Guest Kurt

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8] Jehovahs witness bible[New world translation] Current video. Starts @14:15
9]Jehovahs witness organization. Current video. Starts @ 03:28
10]Jehovahs witnesses sided with Hitler.? Current video. Starts @ 01:34
1/2- Holocaust encyclopedia
3- 06/01/2011 Watchtower
4- 09/15/2012 Watchtower
5- June 1& 15 1938 Watchtower
6- Catholic encyclopedia
7- Matthew 24:14
8- 09/15/2012 Watchtower
9-CF Buxtof, Lexicon, Basle, 1639 col. 2432
10-New World Translation preface
11-Catholic encyclopedia
12-05/01/2008 Watchtower
13-Professor of Hebrew S.R. Driver
14- Bruce M. Metzger, Professor of New Testement Language and lituature.
16-Jubber, Ken[1977]- The persucution of Jehovahs witnesses in Southern Africa
17-Ephesians 4:2-6
18-Revelation 12:10
19-Pg 115- Proclaimers book
20-06/22/1982 Awake
21-06/01/1976 Watchtower
22-Matthew 24:42,44
23-07/15/1950 Watchtower
24- Zion Watchtower July 1,1904
25-Zion Watchtower Aug.1, 1904
26- Pittsburgh Gazette Oct. 2,1904
27-The national labor trubune July 11, 1909
28-The World magizine Aug. 30,1914
29-Special thanx to www.focusonCTR.com
30- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJVIoI...
31- Proclaimers book Pg 134
33-Proclaimers book Pg. 146
34-2 Cornth.11:4,13-15
35-1 Cornth. 5:11-13
36- 2 John 9-11
37-02/15/2011 Watchtower
38-04/01/2000 Watchtower
39-02/01/2001 Watchtower
40-Revelation 6:4 
41-1 Cornth. 11:3
42-Col. 1:18
43-Mal. 3:16
44-Matthew 24:36
45-10/03//1973 Watchtower
46-01/15/1974 Watchtower
48-Eph. 4:2-6
49- 2 Peter 2
50-2 Peter 3
51-Proclaimers book pg 104
52-1 Cornth. 5:9-13;2 Thess. 3:7,13-15;1 Tim.5:20;Ps.26:4-5
53-07/15/2001 Watchtower
55-Romans 1:18
50-2 Peter 3
51-Proclaimers book pg 104
52-1 Cornth. 5:9-13;2 Thess. 3:7,13-15;1 Tim.5:20;Ps.26:4-5
53-07/15/2001 Watchtower
55-Romans 1:18
56-Proclaimers pg 42
57-Proclaimers pg. 43
59-Watchtower April 1882
60-Isaiah 29:23-24
61-Isaiah 9:2
62-Isaiah 29:18
63-Daniel 12:9-10
64-Enemys, JF Rutherford
65-Springmeier, Fritz- The WT and Masons. A preliminary investigation-1990
67-J. Gordon Melton, Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology 2001 Vol. 1 pg 829
69-Zion WT. June 1895 pg 143; The new creation pg 580-581
70-Anti masonry Grand lodge of British columbia, Freemason website
71-Zion WT. April 15, 1909
72-Proclaimers pg 201
73-Wt Nov.15, 1928
75-Camp, Gregory 1997- Conspiracy Theories and end times paranoid
76-WT July/Aug. 1881
77-PhotoDrama of creation
78-Russells sermon "Love"
79-1 Cornth. 13:8-12
80-Proclaimers pg. 48
82-2 Peter. 3:3-4
83-The Kingdom, the hope of the world
84- Evil cult leaders Doc.
85- "Knocking" doc
86- American Journal of sociology [1980]
87- Janessn, LF superstition and persucution of Christians. Vigilae Christionae Vol. 33 No 2 June 1979
88- Romans 12:2
89- Marsh, James H.[1988] Canadian Encyclopedia
90- The Africans pg. 109
91- www.conservapedia.com recent persucution
92-Decline and fall pg. 309
93-Violence against Jehovahs witnesses in India.
94- Philip Brenner, Marguerite Rose Jimenez
95- John 15:19
96- Catholic encyclopedia- Christmas
97- Catholic encyclopedia- Dogma of Trinity
98- Catholic encyclopedia- Trinity, Baptimal formula
99- The world of late Antiquity. Peter Brown pg 17 Thomas and Hudson, 1971
100-WT June 1882
102- Sherwin-White. A.N. Why were the early Christians persucuted?
103- Historian Tacitus, "Annals"
104- De Ste Croiy, "Why were early Christians persucuted?
105- JF Rutherford

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