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"Veni, vidi, vici"-G.J.Caesar vs. "I see, I read, I hear, I do not understand"-Jehovah's Witness

Srecko Sostar

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On 6/1/2018 at 9:47 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I firmly believe that if we as Jehovah's Witnesses stuck to just the Gospel, as written, and not all the outlandish and "problematic" theological theories whose sole purpose is to generate slavish obedience to self appointed men, artificial panic, and a sense of urgency to keep the "troops" marching ... that we would not have to spend endless hours knocking on doors of people that could not care less, or are not at home ...

They would be knocking on ours.

We have the TRUTH ... but like in any delicious, wholesome salad ... it is offensive for rational people to have to eat around the crap.

Lett on Gravity, Electricity, wind .mp4

It would be better to knock on a door than not doing it at all, be it the householder listens or not, for that doing nothing and or causing one to be subject to what is to come, of such one will reap also.

At times though, there tends to be surprises for those who go to a house, be it a JW or a salesman, and or other.

That being said, we are all also remember Romans 2:6He will render to each one according to his works:

All and all, I have said this before, not many people realize what is going on, some Christians know things that others do not, the same can be said for Jehovah's Witnesses, for one may not know that there are some key players working to change, and or prohibited the use of the bible, for there is an ongoing fight in the US, I believe their has been a fight that has already been lost.

Which makes me think sometimes, what if the US became quite oppressive of the bible? It was not long ago that drag-queens took issue with it when they tried to cater to young people, if such reached an extreme, it would be quite the show that no one whats to be an actor and or actress of in such a situation.

In the end, people want the gospel, whomever has truth and or close to truth, such ones, be it high and mighty, or lowly, they too want to her the gospel, should someone not listen, you dust off your feet and move on to the next person, and the next, until the master tells you to clock out and pays out.

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