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My dear brothers, we are going to help our people who are having a bad time, especially in matters of medicine.

Last year's experience taught us several things. We already have an old man from Ciudad Bolivar who offers to receive medicines and who is in charge of distributing them to the needy. We will give the information of this brother in private to those who send me a message that they want to send help.

Small packages by Mail came very well to the brother who received them last year. Any cleaning product can be put into the package and if they ask to specify the contents of the package, we will put on the TOILET ARTICLE, although they also carry medicines. It was also good to send through door-door system agencies, which does not pass through customs.

It is evident that we can not send all the medicines for all diseases, so we will limit ourselves to the most urgent ones, such as hypertension or painkillers such as Buscopan or Aspirin.

The brother tells us;

"good idea to help us, if you need hypertensive, antibiotics, here in Bolivar we have a strong outbreak of malaria and facial treatment is not obtained, it is also needed for depression and for mental problems such as clonazepam rivotril sertralina, there is a sister You need more Buscopan Plus for pain, we appreciate the help you can give us "

Many brothers and sisters are already asking for information like this sister: "Hello brother Jose I would like to send to the brothers of Venezuela clothes for children and coats If you have the address where you can send please give it to me and also if you know of some means of doing it other than the mail Thank you brother I live in California "

Brothers and sisters, this is a drop in the ocean of the needs of our people in a country where humanitarian aid is impeded. DO NOT SEND MONEY, that   does not arrive.

If there are any responsible brothers such as elders or ministers who offer to receive this help, they should tell me urgently and everything will be done in private.





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OUR HUMANITARIAN AID TO THE BROTHERS OF VENEZUELA My dear brothers, we are going to help our people who are having a bad time, especially in matters of medicine. Last year's experience taugh

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