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Doomsday Slated for June 24, 2018

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Mark your calendar. The world is slated to end (yet again) on June 24, 2018. So says conspiracy theorist and self proclaimed “prophet” Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodrigue.

He believes the Bible supports his doomsday theory, citing the passage in Revelation 13:5, which he claims points to the end of days. It reads, “…he was given authority to act for 42 months.”

He said he can support this cryptic passage with math and visions. In an interview with the Daily Star, Rodrigue said: “I heard a voice in the middle of the four living beings. This is wisdom. He who has intelligence can interpret the figure of the beast. It represents the name of a man. His figure is 666.” He claims by adding the number of crop harvests with the price hike, it should produce the doomsday date.

Many have foretold the impending annihilation of Earth repeatedly throughout history, but for some strange reason it never happens as predicted. Just last year, David Meade falsely predicted a planet named Nibiru would slam into Earth and explode. Happily, we’re still here.  In antiquity, Pope Sylvester proclaimed Jesus would return in the year 1000. It didn’t happen. Emanuel Swedenborg preached it would happen in 1757; the William Miller said it would end in 1843 and 1844, for good measure; Charles Taze Russell said all would be lost in 1874; Mormon founder Joseph Smith predicted it would end in 1891; The Watchtower Society (of the Jehovah’s Witnesses) said time’s up in 1914; Herbert Armstrong confusingly predicted four separate dates, including 1935, 1943, 1972 and 1975; Harold Camping said 1994 and 2011 would see the end of days. Edgar Cayce guessed the year 2000; Jack Van Impe said 2012; and Mark Blitz proclaimed 2015.  Thankfully, mankind has survived and the Earth is still here. For now.


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I definitely agree of the many predictions of the end of the world have come and gone and he is no different in his prediction but his use on the term is not correct in as much as what the term means according to scripture.This name (Armageddon) is directly associated with “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” not world destruction. The term applies specifically to the condition, or situation, to which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are gathered in opposition to God and his Kingdom by Jesus Christ. In a number of versions, it is rendered “Armageddon.” (Re 16:14, 16, AT; KJ; JB; RS; TEV) The name Har–Magedon, taken from Hebrew, means simply “Mountain of Megiddo.”
There does not appear to have been a literal place called “Mountain of Megiddo,” either inside or outside the Promised Land, before or during the days of the apostle John, who recorded the vision. Hence, Har–Magedon evidently draws its significance from the events associated with the ancient city of Megiddo.
Megiddo was situated a few miles SE of Mount Carmel, overlooking and dominating the Plain of Esdraelon (Jezreel) and controlling major N-S and E-W trade and military routes. Joshua first conquered this Canaanite city. (Jos 12:7, 8, 21) Near this site, Jabin’s army under command of Sisera was later destroyed. Jehovah there employed natural forces to assist the Israelite army under Barak. The account reads: “Barak went descending from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men behind him. And God began to throw Sisera and all his war chariots and all the camp into confusion by the edge of the sword before Barak. Finally, Sisera got down off the chariot and took to flight on foot. And Barak chased after the war chariots and the camp as far as Harosheth of the nations, so that all the camp of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword. Not as much as one remained.”—Jg 4:14-16.
After the victory, Barak and the prophetess Deborah broke out in song, which went, in part: “Kings came, they fought; it was then that the kings of Canaan fought in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo. No gain of silver did they take. From heaven did the stars fight, from their orbits they fought against Sisera. The torrent of Kishon washed them away, the torrent of ancient days, the torrent of Kishon. You went treading down strength, O my soul. It was then that the hoofs of horses pawed because of dashings upon dashings of his stallions.”—Jg 5:19-22.
It was at Megiddo that King Ahaziah of Judah died after he was mortally wounded on orders of Jehu. (2Ki 9:27) There King Josiah of Judah was killed in an encounter with Pharaoh Nechoh. (2Ki 23:29, 30) Because of its commanding position, many other nations, according to secular history, warred around Megiddo. ‘Jews, Gentiles, Saracens, Crusaders, Egyptians, Persians, Druses, Turks, and Arabs have all pitched their tents on the plain of Esdraelon.’—Word Studies in the New Testament, by M. R. Vincent, 1957, Vol. II, p. 542.
The Revelation account depicts the combined forces of the kings of the earth as being gathered “to the place [Gr., form of toʹpos] that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.” (Re 16:16) In the Bible, toʹpos may refer to a literal location (Mt 14:13, 15, 35); to one’s opportunity, or “chance” (Ac 25:16); or to a figurative realm, condition, or situation (Re 12:6, 14). In view of the context, it is to a “place” in the last-mentioned sense that earth’s combined military powers are marching.
“The war of the great day of God the Almighty” at Har–Magedon was not some past event but is depicted in Revelation as future from the time of John’s vision.  (The gathering of the kings to Har–Magedon is described as being a result of the pouring out of the sixth of the seven bowls containing the “last” plagues that will bring to a finish the anger of God). (Re 15:1; 16:1, 12) Also, indicating that the war at Har–Magedon is closely associated with Christ’s presence is the warning of his coming as a thief, which is placed between verses 14 and 16 of Revelation chapter 16. No actual date can be set for this God to man confrontation only by the abundant; theorists
The global aspect of the war is emphasized in the context. There the opponents of God are identified as “the kings of the entire inhabited earth,” who are mobilized by “expressions inspired by demons.”—Re 16:14.
Farther on, John says: “And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army.” (Re 19:19) This chapter identifies the leader of the heavenly armies, seated on a white horse, as one who is called “Faithful and True” and “The Word of God.” (Re 19:11-13) Therefore, it is Jesus Christ, The Word, who acts as the commander of God’s heavenly armies. (Joh 1:1; Re 3:14) Further showing that Christ leads the heavenly forces is the statement that the earthly forces “battle with the Lamb [who is Jesus Christ (Joh 1:29)], but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him will do so.”—Re 17:13, 14.
Since the vision in Revelation chapter 19 reveals only armies in heaven as participating in the warfare as supporters of Jesus Christ, The Word of God, The birds that fly in midheaven will dispose of the bodies of those slaughtered.—Re 19:11-21.
Har–Magedon is thus seen to be a fight, not merely among men, but one in which God’s invisible armies take part. Its coming is certain and it will take place at the time set by the true God, who “is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth.”—Da 4:35; see also Mt 24:36. HE: Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodrigue has totally taken this out of context.As an additional thought, THERE is money to be made with the modern "end of the world" date setters. YouTube, .com, books, any services that can generate cash through followers. If the date comes and goes they will devise a statement that will nullify that date and move onto to the next date It really is a money grab. (contributed by a Bible researcher and the sciences) 

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    • Tout est dans le titre. En français. Il s'agit de la transcription des 66 livres de la Bible présent dans JwLibrary Rubrique Vidéos; Livres de la Bible. Salutations JPL Transcriptions Bible Introductions+.rar
    • Let the bible speak for itself: Ezekiel 38:   ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “On that day when my people Israel are dwelling in security, will you not know it?q 15  You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north,r you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.s 16  Like clouds covering the land, you will come against my people Israel. In the final part of the days I will bring you against my landt so that the nations may know me when I sanctify myself through you before their eyes, O Gog.”’u...... ‘Every man’s sword will be against his own brother.x 22  I will bring my judgment against him* with pestilencey and bloodshed; and I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstonesz and firea and sulfurb on him and on his troops and on the many peoples with him.c 23  And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’ So Jehovah will be magnified as the true god.... when they attack the Israel of god  - read Gal 6:16. Anointed Christians are the new Israel of god. Hebrews 12:22 "But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem."  Jesus is the Anointed one (Messiah) who, during the 1000 years will rule over the earth to restore the original paradise (the original purpose of God).  He will be king and priest. This means that his ransom sacrifice will be applied to all those who are resurrected on earth (earthly part of Jehovah's universal government).  This will include "unrighteous" ones who never knew anything about Christ or Jehovah.   Acts 24:15 " And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrectionk of both the righteous and the unrighteous."l Read Revelation 20:1 -3  This shows that there will be nations on earth that will survive the great tribulation. verse 3: " And he hurled him into the abyssf and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not mislead the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were ended. After this he must be released for a little while." After the final test when all humans (as perfect individuals like Adam) will be tested like Adam was, Jesus will hand over the Kingdom back to his father.  1 Cor 15: from 24 "  Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.e 25  For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.f 26  And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.g 27  For God “subjected all things under his feet.”h But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’i it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.j 28  But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him,k that God may be all things to everyone." l
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