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Legal Developments at JW.ORG

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

Why JW.ORG does not show development regarding sexual abuse cases as it does with other legal issues? 


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Well is quite simple, is not in their priorities and interest plus if all of us knew what went on in the whole royal commisions the great crowd will down to a small crowd, the biggest dissapointment i

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That might be a good question to ask the Collective Governing Body, in a certified mail letter, return receipt requested .... and enclose a check for $20.00.

I have tried things like this in the past, and not received any answer, except an acknowledgement of my "contribution", and down at the bottom in small print that the contribution was not a payment for any services rendered ... or words to that effect.

The check was cashed .

The questions I had were not answered.

Give it a try ..... postage is about $8.00.

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Well is quite simple, is not in their priorities and interest plus if all of us knew what went on in the whole royal commisions the great crowd will down to a small crowd, the biggest dissapointment i saw on TV while i was following this was elders admitting of not knowing why they were called in for questioning amd also one of GB answering to a sinple question as "is the GB the only channel that God speaks through in now days" and answering "that will be naive for me to say that" would have a huge influence if this will publicised in JWorg

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