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On 8/3/2019 at 2:10 PM, Equivocation said:

@Witness But Witness... It wasn't just priests in the Temple, or in this case, the people in union with Jesus Christ.

Remember, Paul was writing to the Corinthains. The temple itself was the congregation as a whole and that Jehovah God was in, or a fancy word for it, dwelled in the people. 

It's actually clearer when you take a good read at the marginal references, especially the one verse from Ephesians.

But yeah..... A congregation of Priests only? It's kinda odd, especially with what is actually read in the passage and the other passages about the people Paul wrote to, their congregation(s).

Someone brought up Chloe. She wasn't a priest, she was a member of one of the congregations Paul wrote to.

It is small stuff like that you have to take into account, there's no shame in slipping up tho, especially this one.

The sign of such one who does not take into account of what Paul conveys. Now, you are right to say what you said for Apostle Paul wrote the First Epistle (Letter) of Corinthians to the church of Corinth, the focus for Apostle Paul was to upbuild the church, to giver counsel concerning the unity of all those in the church, he conveys counsel on morality and or being clean in the moral domain, as is to have love for all brothers and sisters in the church for the Church of Corinth had several problems, which is the reason Apostle Paul had to make action concerning such, i.e. Corinth had a reputation for its depravity, and the temple prostitutes of Aphrodite (false god; Greek Goddess which is a counterpart to Roman Goddess Venus, as is to the Phoenician and Canaa’nite Astarte, and the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar) did not help in saving the city's bad name, more so, there was even the practice of fornication and a list of other things.

Apostle Paul was the one to help establish the church of Corinth during his ministry tour. Moreover, Corinth is also mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (The Book of Acts) concerning Paul’s ministry travels. During Apostle Paul’s 3rd ministry tour, he was in Ephesus, Paul had received word regarding the Church of Corinth, and such of what was given to him was negative. This resulted in the First Epistle (Letter) being written to the Church of Corinth, for Paul here wants to counsel, encourage and upbuild the church itself, not solely the priest, granted Witness’ claim of such is in err due to the fact of what is read in chapters 1 to 4 in 1 Corinthians whereas Apostle Paul pushing said upbuilding for the members of the church to be united, in addition, he urges them to not give in to thinking that is clearly negative, with the bulk of what Paul is conveying is emphasized in 1 Corinthians chapter 3. The matter of morality and immorality is expressed in chapters 5 to 6 for Paul counsels that the Christians of the Church of Corinth should flee from sexual sin that opens door to ill flesh desires by means of sexual immorality, as is with the practice of excommunication when it comes to those who commit acts of wrong willfully. Chapter 7 goes into the counsel of those who are single and those who are married, concerning, as the Bible outline says, Married Life and or Principles of Marriage (depending on what translation you use). Chapters 8 to 10 is concerning humbleness and the push for spreading the good news gospel. Chapter 11 is concerning the Lord’s Supper and Head Coverings whereas chapter 12 Apostle Paul connects the Church of Corinth to that of the body parts of the human anatomy for although both male and females have vastly different roles in the church, something both Srecko and Witness were disagreeing with, that such ones are still in union with the church, in union with the Christ, therefore, Paul was counseling to upbuild so as to which the Church of Corinth can be unified. Chapter 13 is concerning what love is and how it is displayed as is how it is not displayed. Chapter 14 is all about Order, the structure of the church, as is the church must be harmonious, for again, the one who claims to be chosen stated otherwise, as is the lackey. Chapter 15 is concerning the Resurrection Hope regarding our Lord, Christ Jesus as is with accounts of Jesus’ resurrection in connection over winning the battle against sin and death and spoken prophecy, hence the mention of Macedonia, and he has given final instruction in verses 12 to 15 and his final greeting in this chapter is verses 19 to 24.

Several months later, Apostle Paul wrote his Second Epistle (Letter) to the Corinthians, the church of Corinth. Around that time, Titus, a friend of Apostle Paul, went to Corinth to help out as is to check up on how the church is doing. Afterwards, Titus returned to Apostle Paul with rejoiceful news. As a side note, it is stated by some that Timothy was a co-writer of the letter, and that the message was not only for the church of Corinth, but also Christians in the surrounding area Achaea, hence 2 Corinthians 1:1. The focus of this second letter revolved around God’s mercy and righteousness. Apostle Paul writes his second letter to the Corinthians, indicating his desire to visit the church (2 Corinthians  12:14, 2 Corinthians  13:1). The letter does not indicate where he is writing from, however, it is stated to be usually dated after Apostle Paul left Ephesus for Macedonia (Acts 20), from either Philippi or Thessalonica in Macedonia, as some would say.

Some other points, Witness pointed now points out sanctuaries when the focus regarding those verses point to the Church of Corinth, granted Apostle Paul’s letter, as is with references to aid letter similar to the others that he wrote, moreover, granted we are talking about Corinthian, as can see here once again, the confusing of Temples back in the days of Israel vs. Christian Churches that came when the teachings that Jesus Christ conveyed began to spread to those of the nations.

Granted the Church of Corinthian was not solely Jews, we can see by the passage in question, the church consists of Jews and Gentiles. Unless you want to put forth an imagination and believe as some do that perhaps Greece was run by and only by Jews, with not a single Gentile in sight.

Witness claims only the chosen ones represent God’s Temple – that is, the Christ. However, as we can see in the verses cited by Witness has mixed verses again. Witness’ claim would have held steadfast if there was no mention of those who are not chosen, granted by the gravity of context by the verses that was mixed in with said claim, example such as

  • 2 Corinthians 6:16, the whole chapter, proclaims concerns fellowship within Christendom, someone who is a True Christian and someone who isn't and that such imbalance can cause harm to the church itself. In addition, the chapter conveys God’s spirit dwelling within those in union with the Temple of God, hence the marginal references concerning those in union with the Christ, as one reference points back to 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 concerning the, to quote myself “Apostle Paul pushing said upbuilding for the members of the church to be united, in addition, he urges them to not give in to thinking that is clearly negative, with the bulk of what Paul is conveying is emphasized in 1 Corinthians chapter 3.” Witness attest to the idea that Paul here was speaking solely of those who make up the chosen ones, which is incorrect, for Apostle Paul here was addressing the WHOLE church by means of his letter, and this chapter, as is with the messaged taken into account by other Christians in the area, Jew and or Greek, more so, the fact we know he was referring to everyone in the church is evident in the very beginning verses of the chapter, for clearly a rejoiceful man who’s counsel helped a church that was in trouble, would speak to not only priests, or whomever has some rank in the church, but the people, who are in union in Christ with him as is having God’s spirit dwell in him and all, a strong reason as to why the verses in Ephesians is cited too.
  •  Ephesians 2:20-22, Chapter 2 in its entirely is regarding all Christians, in this regard, the Ephesians, and at the time Apostle Paul wrote this letter from Rome, while under guard and awaiting trial. More evidence that shows how Witness is painting the message on the wall here is the fact that chapter 1 (also well into 3), from the get go, Apostle Paul addresses both the chosen ones who will be with the Christ and the ones who will have eternal life, coming together in union to God through Jesus Christ. From there it brings us to chapter 2 whereas Paul spoke of the Old Covenant being a blockade to Jews and Gentiles, but because of Jesus sacrifice, because of the death of our Lord, this blockade has ceased to exist, for as stated many times, Jesus’ death enabled the New Covenant, all things pertaining to Spiritual Israel, and God’s people consist of both Jews as well as Gentile, for Paul pointed out already there is no distinction between Jew or Greek, and a nod to Simon Peter, who stated God is impartial, more so, God’s spirit dwells upon True Christians who accept the teachings and adhere to what Jesus taught, as is with worship his God.

That being said, simply look up the discussion regarding LIVING STONES regarding me and Witness, and from there you can see further things that deem contradictory to what was stated by Witness in this thread, WHITEWASH.

I also liked to point to what I had stated to a Trinitarian a while back in a debate about 4th century Church Fathers concerning True Christians and the fact God dwells in true Christ, as he has dwelled in Christ and his Disciples:


On 2/4/2018 at 9:07 AM, Space Merchant said:

FYI, you made comment to this bible verse Colossians 2:9 to James Thomas Rook Jr. The Father and the Christ dwells in True Christians too:

We see this in the very next verse (literally)

Colossians 2:10 -and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.

It also says it in this verse

In Ephesians 3:19 -and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

For The same FULLNESS of deity dwells in all true Christians.

This is why we, as Christians, thank the True God, for our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Colossians 1:3 (Thanksgiving and Prayer) - We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,

There is more to it, but I am being simple and respectful to the context of God dwelling in true Christian and yet being brief here.

Lastly, it is quite evident that Chloe was not a priest (granted that religious office was more associated with males in the church and the fact when Paul addressed roles and only used HE and HIM, as is what he addressed concerning Adam and Eve in terms of Order). Chloe was mentioned once in the Bible – only once. And in this instance most translations will merely say HOUSE OF CHLOE, which is regarding Chloe’s family. For the woman (Chloe) through whose family Apostle Paul’s reports included, connected to the situation regarding the reports of the church of Corinth, which played a role in Paul writing his first letter. Srecko had stated before that Chloe was of religious office of the church as is with the error on both their part regarding one Judge of Israel.

Albert Barnes commentary 1 Cor. 1:11 [“Of the house of Chloe - Of the family of Chloe. It is most probable that Chloe was a member of the church at Corinth, some of whose family had been at Ephesus when Paul was, and had given him information of the state of things there. Who those members of her family were, is unknown. Grotius conjectures that they were Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus, mentioned in 1 Corinthians 16:17, who brought the letter of the church at Corinth to Paul. But of this there is no certain evidence; perhaps not much probability. If the information had been obtained from them, it is probable that it would have been put in the letter which they bore. The probability is that Paul had received this information before they arrived.”]

That being said, a lot of commentary even in regards to such things shows evidence to the blindness spouted by some who are both confused and the deluded in the face of Bible truth, which can be seen, you speak of Paul yet you get a talk about Korah even called Korah for stating the truth.

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