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8 hours ago, Anna said:

"10 nipples will keep a flock of up to 40 chickens or 30 turkeys well hydrated"

There is nothing that warms the cackles of my heart more than contemplating a well hydrated chicken.

Well Hydrated Chicken.jpg

If they are referred to as being chicken ... they have a good excuse!

Results vary ....



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I may have missed something BTK46, but I do not see where in this particular thread, as shown above, where John Butler threatened ANYBODY. Please correct me with a quote, as you apparently see so

I see this from text. First, they "Compromise their Neutrality" by Obeying Censor and Not God. :))) Second, why to speak about Worldly things (wars and weapons and politics) IF they want to

I do find it kinda' funny that JW's love to talk about billions of people being removed / destroyed / killed / murdered at Armageddon. Billions of people. And for what ? Well JW's say it's for no

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12 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

The list above are people that were sentenced for wartime espionage. The outcome was death! Another indicator how divine intervention played a key role in Rutherford’s and the board of director’s behalf.

This just proves you exult yourself for KNOWING NOTHING!

It's better you play with your chickens and leave the law to people that really understand it, and not guess just to look good before your apostate friends and for not having the capability to be honest with your failures just like ?Winsider.

There is so much flawed reasoning in your post above that I am glad it's self evident, and I don't have to debunk it .. that's a LOT of work. For someone with agenda driven comprehension. It would be a waste.

Like singing to a pig. The only thing it would accomplish is wear out my voice, and irritate the pig.

The discussion is about SEDITION.

You write detailed essays on espionage!

Not the same, Tonto.

If Divine Intervention played a part in Rutherford getting released, was it also Divine Intervention that he died a miserable, embarrassing, slow , and painful death from anus/rectal  cancer?

It is my understanding that everybody at Bethel hated him, and that at his funeral, only two Bethelites showed up, one of them being Nathan H. Knoor. (Divine Intervention?)

Were the many Bethelites guided by Holy Spirit to shun him at his own funeral?

Since you are so gullible, I will invite you to invest in JTR's FDIC-hahahahaha   insured left pocket hedge fund with every cent you have or can borrow.  No need to even give me your real name and address .... I TRUST you!

Perhaps your Mommy will advance your allowance!

Your reward will be in Heaven, as with the accumulated interest, you can pay for your sins with the currency of the imagination. I would not want to sully your conscience with anything else.

The worst penalty is for Watchtower Lawyers, and their ilk, .

  "In God We Trust", but THEY have to pay cash.




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20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

IF they want to be "Neutral" about Politics and Worldly Things? :))) IF someone want to be Neutral about something then He/They Have NO Opinion on something or at least They must "shut their mouth" and NOT to Tell WHAT IS Their Opinion, Thinking, Attitude. :)))) With this behavior you show your "neutrality"!  :)) and not taking sides.

Yes, I see what you are saying. And you are right, they shouldn't have criticized the various sides. I don't think it was in the spirit of making one side worse or better than the other side, but still, they shouldn't have commented at all. That was a mistake that thankfully does not happen anymore.


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Without a bullet through the brain stem, or a radical frontal lobotomy, I am not sure anymore that one can truly be "neutral" about anything. 

Perhaps the best we can manage is be uninvolved. (?)

To not have an opinion about things going on around you means that you are brain dead.


It is my understanding that the Society now allows voting to be a matter of conscience ( to keep from being sued out of existence for sedition ?) ... but I have not really been keeping up on that issue.



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The Society's Lawyers and Accountants are now running the show, and our "official theology" has been modified a dozen times to keep the financial coffers full.

It has been a sad, sad thing to watch evolve.

When this generation passes away, those that saw these changes will no longer be able to recount them, and the memory of them will disappear.

There will be no "overlapping generations".

Those that spin control the past, control the present.

Those that spin control the present, control the future.

...... and I will be safely ....... dead.





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How many people was on the earth when Jehovah destroyed the earth in Noah`s day?

Do you think numbers of people make a difference?

7 Billion people on the earth today, how many are doing according to the written word (Bible)?

Why would you keep bad apples among the good?

those who do not understand or will not understand like some on here, who gave you the authority to accuse Jehovah of murder at armageddon, who gave you the right to question the ruler of everything!

If Jehovah wants to He could wipe out the entire earth, He has the right to do anything He wants and no-one has any right to question His actions.

Yes it`s Jehovah who decides who lives and who dies! 

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3 hours ago, derek1956 said:

If Jehovah wants to He could wipe out the entire earth, He has the right to do anything He wants and no-one has any right to question His actions.

About - No one has any right to questioning His action. 

I think how you made wrong conclusion on this. When satan and after Adam and Eve "questioned" JHVH actions, it is interesting how God, you want to defend with this few resolute statements, done in fact opposite of your conclusions.

How? God not punished none because of "questioning Him and His actions or rules". In fact JHVH allowed them and many other people after them to addressing "questions" of all sort. Until today. And God not show any animosity to Questioner or to Questions. He is displeased with some bad deeds of human, but that doesn't mean how He waiting to judging your thoughts and words, even against Him. 

He have more understanding for people and their questions than you showed in your personal presentation and mediating for God and in defending His Honor in simple sentence statement above.

I would be pleased that God "wipe out" bad things and people who in purposely evil mind doing those evils to others. But in same time, I do questioning God's waiting, and many more. Because, too many people and children and animals suffer (suffered in the past) because of His "waiting".

And if He decide to "wipe out entire earth", as you give suggestion that He might, ... so how that helps to prove - you are right and I am wrong ?? :)))) 

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On 7/29/2019 at 6:07 AM, Matthew9969 said:

Most rank and file have been conditioned to believe the governing body is Jehovah

No truer words spoken. 

It really isn't the rank and files fault either, they have been conditioned over the years to think that way by the way the publications are worded. If they say it subtly enough times, its bound to stick. 

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7 hours ago, derek1956 said:

How many people was on the earth when Jehovah destroyed the earth in Noah`s day?

Do you think numbers of people make a difference?

7 Billion people on the earth today, how many are doing according to the written word (Bible)?

Why would you keep bad apples among the good?

those who do not understand or will not understand like some on here, who gave you the authority to accuse Jehovah of murder at armageddon, who gave you the right to question the ruler of everything!

If Jehovah wants to He could wipe out the entire earth, He has the right to do anything He wants and no-one has any right to question His actions.

Yes it`s Jehovah who decides who lives and who dies! 

You bring out a couple of good points.  Yet, what does the phrase “Judicial Committee” mean to you, Derek?  It is judgment put upon a person by the elders, men who have the given authority (by the GB) to judge someone as spiritually alive or spiritually dead.  Matt 10:17; John 16:2; 7:1,2; Luke 6:37; James 4:12  Many times this judgment is made on the basis of doctrine that has been dropped or changed by the GB, and those judged refuse to absorb the lie. Or, it is based on the refusal to accept 1914, using scriptures verifying why one rejects it. Others, who read scripture realize there is no earthly organization that must obtain our allegiance, in order for us to receive life. Rev 13:4,12; John 14:6 (edit)  It is enforced because victims of abuse speak out when not receiving the attention and care needed, but are told to get along with their abuser who may reside in the same congregation.  If and when they speak out in pain and suffering against this injustice, THEY are judged as spiritually “dead”, and shunned. Rev 13:15 If these individuals who are disfellowshipped never returned to the organization, do you believe they will be saved in Armageddon?  If not, then you accept the unfair judgment of an organization of men, over that of Christ's law of love.   Rom 2:1-3; Gal 5:14

These are the facts.  Christ has been given the authority to judge individuals based on his Word; even so, if the organization was truly operating under his guidance, the anointed ones – the true priesthood (1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 5:9,10) – would be leading, teaching and “judging” in righteousness and love, since they would be listening to one Head directly, Jesus Christ; and not to a mediator, the governing body.  Mal 2:7; 1 Cor 6:2

A true “faithful and discreet slave” would not shut the mouths of his brothers and sisters and expect undue allegiance only to their word; threatening them with disfellowshipping if they choose to listen to the gift of Spirit within their heart.  1 John 3:10-12; Matt 24:48-51; John 15:26

I think John recognizes these things, and realizes that men who unofficially judge others with such serious matters, show the WT organization to be a cloaked tyranny.  They play with lives, and ruin them.  The Father and Christ see all. They hear all.  And they will act on the sins of God’s people.  Isa 42:14-17; Rev 18:4-8



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