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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Point 1. I really do laugh at this term "Only game in town"   As I've said before the JEWISH RELIGIOUS LEADERS would have said that serving God by obeying THEM and the Mosaic Law, was the only game in town. Jesus however proved those Religious leaders to be wrong. Jesus and his disciples carried over the good points of the Mosaic Law and discarded the bits no longer needed. (Such as animal sacrifices, circumcision etc). 

Russell & Co came out of former religions. I presume they must have carried over some good points from those former religions, then made adjustments or changed doctrines.

So why would it not be possible for people that have left the JW Org to form a new religion ?  Carrying over the good and disposing of the bad, of which there seems to be plenty....

I'm not saying it will happen but it does dispose of this idea of 'the only game in town' brainwashing. JW's seem to be taught that there cannot be anything else ever. What if Russell had believed that, the Bible Students would have never been formed. 

Point 2.  The 'Truth' / JW Org.

As I read more and more on here I am finding out that the Governing Body / Writing Dept'  / Legal Dept' et al,  have deliberately told many lies.

The latest I'm reading (on a new topic on here) but the info stems back a while, seems to contain information whereby the 'Org' / those in charge at the time, implied, that children cannot get baptised, and that blood transfusions were acceptable to the Organisation. It seems that this was written in order to get favours from a certain government. 

Both of those things are lies but seem to be deliberately used for some form of dishonest gain.

Then of course we have lawyers telling lies in court about shunning. 

And C.S.A court cases have proved that elders and others have deliberately lied. And the American 'section' of the JW Org deliberately withholding information regarding such matters.

Link this to misuse of scriptures, such as, Superior Authorities, which deliberately took away people's conscience / freedom of choice, in WW2.

And I'm sure people here can come up with lots more examples of lies, deliberate wrongdoing, mistakes, misinterpretations, 'new light' corrections et al.

Why am i writing all this ?  Well I am proving two points. 

1. If it's your 'only game in town' then it's not a good one. 

2. That calling it 'The Truth' is totally deceptive.

I do not think you would like it if I gave you a meal that was three quarters yummy, but a quarter poison. The poison might well contaminate the good food !

So, saying that the Org / GB are three quarters right does not help. 





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Point 1. I really do laugh at this term "Only game in town"   As I've said before the JEWISH RELIGIOUS LEADERS would have said that serving God by obeying THEM and the Mosaic Law, was the only game in

Thanks.  I appreciate how you said this! " False prophets appeared in the past among the people, and in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue d

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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Why am i writing all this ?  Well I am proving two points. 

1. If it's your 'only game in town' then it's not a good one. 

2. That calling it 'The Truth' is totally deceptive.

I do not think you would like it if I gave you a meal that was three quarters yummy, but a quarter poison. The poison might well contaminate the good food !

So, saying that the Org / GB are three quarters right does not help. 



Thanks.  I appreciate how you said this!

" False prophets appeared in the past among the people, and in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue doctrines, and will deny the Master who redeemed them, and so they will bring upon themselves sudden destruction.  Even so, many will follow their immoral ways; and because of what they do, others will speak evil of the Way of truth.  In their greed these false teachers will make a profit out of telling you made-up stories. For a long time now their Judge has been ready, and their Destroyer has been wide awake!"  2 Pet 2:1-3



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