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Traffic Signals by Tie Bros


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When it comes to choosing our entertainment and recreation we need to treat those choices like we would a traffic light. How so? 

Red Traffic Light: It is life threatening to proceed with such activities. Entertainment that centers around the love of violence, sexual immorality, spiritism or that shows a lack of respect for life are clearly things God hates. Running these red lights can cost us our hope of gaining everlasting life or hurt others. Even if we run a red light without getting hit, God’s eyes are like cameras that see what we do. So we might be getting away with running spiritual red lights now, but later we may pay for it when the ticket arrives in the mail. 

Yellow Traffic Light: Slow down or proceed with caution. Some decisions are really up to each individuals conscience. For example, wether or not to serve wine at a party. However, it is wise to consider not just our own “right of way” when making such decisions. Just as someone approaching a yellow light will check the surroundings before deciding to keep going or stop, we must take the time to learn and adjust to consciences of those around us. We wouldn’t want to inadvertently cause an accident.

Green Traffic Light: It is safe to proceed with such activities. These can include spiritual activities, a simple gathering with brothers and sisters, various outdoor activities and so on. Some of the entertainment the world offers may have a green light as well but we still must be alert. Like a stale green light will eventually turn red, worldly entertainment that starts off clean can quickly introduce unclean things that will require us to slam on the brakes and stop watching.

Making such decisions is like driving a car, each of us must apply 1 Corinthians 10:23,24 “keep on seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.” By doing so we can all safely make it to our destination in good health and with an undamaged conscience. 

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When it comes to choosing our entertainment and recreation we need to treat those choices like we would a traffic light. How so?  Red Traffic Light: It is life threatening to proceed with such ac

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