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The public talk title today was, "Where can you find security in this world?"

The Librarian

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The public talk title today was, " where can you find security in this world?"

The brother giving the talk gave a very nice illustration, inspired by a true event. Psalm 91:1 states, "Anyone dwelling in the secret place of the Most High, Will procure himself lodging under the very shadow of the Almighty One." So what is that Secret place? and how can you find security there? This illustration also makes it clear as to how we should deal with each other in the christian congregation if any misunderstanding or conflicts arise.And here it is:

Imagine that you are at the kingdom hall or any other place with some brothers and sisters, and suddenly war broke out, rebels are moving all over the place with guns and knives, randomly killing everyone they saw.Now all present started to search for a place to hide, and finally found a place and all hid themselves. It was a tight, dark , cold room, not enough space for anybody to move. Then one of the brothers/sisters decides to move a bit, and steps on your foot, and that hurt you alot. WILL YOU SHOUT? Will you start complaining that its a tight, dark room and you can't stay in there? You know that rebels are all over the place searching for people, and you know what will happen if you SHOUT. Of course, if you decide not to shout, then all of you will be safe. And if you decide to shout, well you know what will happen. 

Likewise, the christian congregation today serves as a "secret place" for Jehovah's people. You can be safe from the pressures of the world around you. And you might have conflicts or misunderstanding with some brothers or sisters, you might get insulted, judged. Now will you SHOUT? in another sense, will you COMPLAIN? You know that satan, the REBEL, "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone", ( 1 Peter 5:8). If the REBEL, sees any signs of discouragement or hears any complaining, he will creep in and cause division, or may drift you away from the "SECRET PLACE". But if you keep quiet, then all will be safe.

So next time a conflict arises between you and any of your brothers or sisters, WILL YOU SHOUT ??

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I don’t think he knows anything.

The public talk title today was, " where can you find security in this world?" The brother giving the talk gave a very nice illustration, inspired by a true event. Psalm 91:1 states, "Anyone dwel

Where can you find security in this world?" That is almost funny in the current situation of Child Sexual Abuse earthwide in JW Org.  But it's not funny because of the seriousness of it. 

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Where can you find security in this world?"

That is almost funny in the current situation of Child Sexual Abuse earthwide in JW Org. 

But it's not funny because of the seriousness of it. 

Quote " But if you keep quiet, then all will be safe."    

Quote "So next time a conflict arises between you and any of your brothers or sisters, WILL YOU SHOUT ?@

Another topic is talking about manipulation. Well here is a great example of it.

Telling congregants to keep quiet and put up with it all. Telling congregants that they will be safe if they keep quiet. 

Have you not heard ? This child sexual abuse is still happening now in JW Org. 




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1 hour ago, Anna said:

This hardly applies to Child Sexual Abuse which is a crime and a sin, not some conflict. Didn't you know that?

The GB gives orders to hide it and it seems it is the Elders that still do not see it as a crime. 

When Elders knew about a situation in 2016 but kept it hidden until 2019 then the Elders must have considered it was just a conflict within that time period.  

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I don’t think he knows anything.

But I'm learning more and more each day Tom.

And each day more and more truth about JW Org is being made public.

I see HQ are grabbing all the money and property from the UK Kingdom Halls now. 

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"Where can you find security in this world?"

As I sit here typing my phone sits beside me, with the message "Tornado warning - TAKE COVER NOW !!"

I am listening to WBT radio on the internet, and there is a tornado 7 miles from where I sit, one is over Charlotte, and one is about 20 miles North of Charlotte, and South of me in South Carolina there is tornadoe(s), massive lightning setting fires to buildings, and buildings have been destroyed, and people are trapped in their cars with trees and live electrical wires on top. People are advised not to get onto Interstate 85 as there is no place to hide if the Tornadoes pass over the freeways

I didn't think about it too much, as there is a LOT of space, and I take up very little

I consider the expectation of "security" an unreasonable fantasy, leading to unnecessary anxiety, fear, and poor mental health.


...get used to it

PS: If there is a war going on, best not to all huddle in a room packed with people ... The bad guys might splash gasoline on the doors, and set the thing on fire.

PPS: If you don't hear from me again, you will know what happened.



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Do you have an underground shelter with a lock down lid ? Full of food and a radio and cell phone and wiring from a generater located in a strong metal shed and radio controlled starter.  And somewhere safe for the chickens ? 

Um, just one more reason for loving living here in the UK :) No guns no tornadoes, no GB, no Warwick HQ. 


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