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15 hours ago, Anna said:

I think in secular terms the word elder falls under the umbrella of clergy, despite the fact that our "clergy" do not hold matters confidential (as you and pudgy pointed out) to the same extent as a Catholic priest for example.

If I'm not mistaken, there is an even more significant difference between them. A Catholic priest does not form a Judicial Committee of 3 priests, nor does he make a decision on transgression and bring punishment, but as a kind of advocate “liberates / forgives” sins in the name of God, expecting the sinner to be a penitent and no longer commit sin. Is such practice, from both side, good or bad? 

A sinner can be “thankful” if word of his behaviour does not spread further. But this is a criminal act (CSA) and it is no longer an important question whether the perpetrator will feel "embarrassed", but how to help the victim.
For JW elders, it should not be decisive how a Catholic priest acts and how they are treated by the Law and the Court. JW elders, because of their view that they are “true servants of God” placed by God in a leadership position, should have a more enlightened knowledge of merciful and just action / reaction for both parties involved. "Forgive whenever you can, punish whenever you need to." 

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Yes, we have discussed this on the forum before. I think this issue is taken to be viewed from the secular perspective only. They, the secular authorities, designate JW elders as having a clerical rol

Laws and regulations about issue is available to see and you said well. Of course, when we speak about JW elders then it is notable to understand how we have to put clear picture on question; Do

So, we could say that it is a matter of decision, In this case by JW elders, how much they want to be principled. The three Jews from the book of Daniel were so principled that they were thrown into t

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On 9/13/2021 at 4:29 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

( @Witness mentioned something about the Org making payment to a politician some time back )

She was incorrect, basing her source from reddit, in turn, the source being a known conspiracy theorist. The information regards to the politician, in both cases, were false, even attested by ExJWs who called it out after looking into it further, in addition to Smurf Girl's negative credibility in conspiracy, which isn't too far from Fearon.

This is why you need to be carefully with conspiracy theories. As for paying off, I doubt that. The last time conspiracy theorists connected them to Soros and Rothschild when the protest against JWs in the borough took place, equating them to ANTIFA.

That being said, there is a reason as to why Far Left leaning types are painting some people as such. Police officers and even Judges are subjected to CSA too as some didn't think it was possible.

On 8/11/2021 at 10:45 AM, Space Merchant said:

The same outcome as to which even misinformation and lies are professed as truth, i.e. someone just days ago used an illegitimate source known as Smurf Girl in an attempt to prove a point regarding a Leftist political power, not realizing her own camp called her out for falsehood and wild accusations in parallel to Fearon and Zelda, also deemed false.


As for Child Sex Abuse, it will only get worse for the UK, granted the gangs revolving around CSA are only creating more abusers and victims, in the Truther Community, there was talk about a man arrested in the UK for calling out pedophilia, a legitimate abuser in the person's neighborhood. What makes it even tricky is the fact the abuser is no affiliated with a  school or a church, therefore, less coverage, even more due to the person in question being an immigrant. Although I do not like the Left or Right paradigm, just to point out an exact comparison, this is exactly the same outcome for a UK Right-Winger, Tommy Robinson an activist, who had the same thing happen to him a few years back but this was right after a court case whereas the pedophiles were left free and Tommy was arrested, which puts more evidence on the nature of Status and Protection in the UK just as it is in some areas.

Tragically enough all institutions, including the JWs, were and will again be hit by this, mainly due to the fact that more and more random folks enter said institutions. In the coming months, CSA will be bad, for it is the case with Australia right now due to Authoritarianism.

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On 9/12/2021 at 4:06 AM, JW Insider said:

Thanks for posting this. On this forum one might even forget that the Catholics have a problem. Also, I've seen statistics that are surprisingly detailed for some religious organizations, reminding me that JWs aren't the only ones who keep records on such issues, including from among their congregants/laymen/parishioners.

Unfortunately CSA is going to get worse from here on out. The UK is known to have problems regarding CSA, even to the point where abusers end up causing a lot of damage directly and indirectly to anything and everyone around them, not just the children. Immorality is a contributing factor to this too.

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you know how, in which way and after how much time "random folks" become JW members?

If you know how pedophiles operate, they go to an institution of their choosing in order to gain access to children, and they go for the ones who are unaware of what sex actually is.

The HOW is they know of said institutions and they take their pick, as well as businesses and clubs, academics, etc. They become a member of said community and gain a position

The WHEN is when they choose to act and the time it takes for them to earn the trust of the people in the community, even the children and from there they seek a target. This is when the mind games and manipulation comes into place.

An example of this is the abuser Larry Nassar. He got into an institution, did his time, and took action, earning everyone's trust. Reasons why the FBI, one of their branches, were exposed to being caught off guard regarding the situation, and now it costed them and the USA sport team. Another example is a Judge of the Law committed an act of alleged child abuse, he killed himself afterwards.

Does not matter the position or institution, they will come. even on social media, which Facebook and YouTube are dealing with right now, as with other media.

In relation to child abuse, abuse take a lot of time before they commit an act, be it several months to a year. Reasons why is they need to build trust first while hiding their intentions. This is with every abuser's intent and action, even when they go to JW churches. Often times the abuser is a blood relative usually male, and race wise the FBI attested to that.

That being said, you were told this numerous times.... Why is this very notation regarding child sex abuse is now unknown to you concerning how pedophiles operate and take action?

In turn, they are random folk, looking for a victims. I recommend you learn how to combat abusers, for asking for a HOW and WHEN when it was said numerous times is problematic. If you want to reach a  child, help them even, you need to know how the enemy moves.

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11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But I keep coming back to the point that here in the UK we have had two investigations. The Charity Commision and the IICSA. What are the authorities doing in the USA ? What investigations ? 

This surpasses those two things entirely, The Charity Commission and the IICSA, it seems you focus on these things because that is what the media has been getting their information from. The media themselves will not tell you those affiliated with high status and or the gangs themselves who abuse children and even fi they did, the law won't do much to them, if anything, for example, they injure the Dragon, they can't kill it and are overwhelmed by it. Moreover, if that was the case concerning them, the situation with Mr. Robinson would have been dealt with in Oxford years ago, as with similar ones in which some of these child molesters end up returning to their grooming gangs and pedophiles over the years, hence why not dealing with the problem properly will only result in more problems, granted, most British people are unaware of what is taking place down their block. Likewise with the IOPC, they knew how bad CSA was online and how it can spill over outside of the Internet, and at times, would not go about doing anything about it in some cases. Weakness at this level encourages more pedophiles to act, some coming out of the woodworks, and see targets anywhere in any institution.

This will continue, granted that some abusers can easily get away from the law, if it status plays a role, they are out without much jail time or none at all. This also created a powder keg of things too regarding Muslims, in correlation with something incorrect Robinson did was to blame all Muslims for grooming gangs they have no affiliation with or know about - long story short, this got a lot of people into fights, people being hunted, accused, beaten and killed, and it later sparked some to commit such action against British people if they can't get their hands on an unaware Muslim person who has nothing to do with these gangs or kidnappings who not only abuse children, but also set them up in a way to sell them off for sex to that of those who are ill pleasure seeking immoralists, not even pedophiles themselves. This also led to misinformation and conspiracy they begets problems.

There was also footage of even debates going on about this regarding CSA and the UK as a whole concerning these pedophilia gangs, even the more focused on on Robinson's warpath on pedophile grooming gangs, but mistakenly assuming all Muslims did this when a Muslim who knew the Law spoke up (granted the majority often went for unaware people instead of those knowing law). I believe I posted this before, if anything I would have to find that information again.

Normally regarding CSA, I seen a lot in this realm, even in the Truther Community, CSA is among the top things, alongside missing persons cases, talked about other than the UN, political paradigm, etc. Concerning the situation in the UK, which isn't being dealt with, how these gangs operate is that they groom the kidnapped for forced indoctrination after raping them. These gangs consist of religious and non-religious folks and among the pedophilia chain and they're of many races, some even overseas, i.e. if an abuser cannot commit his or her action in the US or Asia, they'll go to the UK, to commit these acts, and or somehow gain access to victims through experienced groomers, etc. These people are out to inflict pain with their ill intent, and are remorseless.

This also overwhelmed the Police in the UK to not be as prepared when it came to CSA, for in some instances, they can stop a crime or be involved resulting in a decent outcome, in other instances, they do nothing because they weren't prepared for it and or a fallout that could come from it, defend the abuser(s), and or succumb to bystander syndrome, and sadly, some of those who uphold the law end up as the abuser themselves acting upon their victims; for women and children are potential targets in this case.

As I said before, abusers can exploit anything, likewise with forgiveness being exploited, an abuser can exploit secular law themselves, which can backfire on the justice system. In the UK is the age of consent being 16, which is still deemed underaged whereas 18 years of age for a boy or a girl becomes a young adult. There the system can be toyed with and the abuser can use that to his or her advantage. Although in the US some states share this age range, it is still technically illegal whereas in the UK it is not.

Now going into the United States, it is similar but different, granted each state operates differently when it comes to child abuse, some states, have laws that can factor in to CSA when it comes to the abuser vs the abused, sadly, some laws allegedly can put the abused child and or teen in a life scaring path. The justice system isn't perfect and can be corrupt in some instances concerning child abuse, depending on the people involved, i.e. the Judge who can punish an abuser and or defend the abuser, when status comes into play the abuser, even before going to court has a technical win, or as of recent, a judge who was found out to have allegedly abused a child, and when discovered he later committed suicide. Americans tend to suffer from bystander syndrome the most when it comes to these things, as for others, they go about with vigilante justice, which can result in a bloody situation, mainly if the information is deemed false, i.e. someone being called a child abuse when it is not true, yet the person is beaten and or killed, and more complex problems come from that. This is why most people tend to educate their kids, granted they know they can't stop dangers when not supervising their kids, but they can teach their kids to protect themselves when the guardians have no view on the child.

That being said, concerning CSA, the rabbit hole goes deeper, some of which things are unknown to you. Because of how deep such things are, I am more so attacking the problem itself, and always have been when given the chance while at the same time profess solution to better protect children, as I mentioned before, such I passed on to some young people, they can protect themselves with said information, even now granted higher education is essentially mentally abusing kids and young adults with brazen conduct. The very reason I am Anti-Establishment to a degree, as is with Anti-Agenda.

That said, although CSA is worldwide and everyone can be effected by it, many things concerning it most do not know and or are unaware, i.e. abusers affiliated with status. Which is proven true because the one pedophile that was booted off of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook was reinstated, Facebook's new method makes it difficult to track child abuse online; everyone uses Facebook, but even they themselves can't spot Red Flags of child abuse. Then you have Twitter who cannot do much to block and erase explicit content concerning child abuse, this goes for social media as a whole.

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18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The Charity Commission and the IICSA, it seems you focus on these things because that is what the media has been getting their information from.

I focus on them because they are the official channels, not just hearsay. I have also given information to the IICSA and had direct emails from them and from Police departments. Perhaps I'm slightly more involved than most people think, but I don't tend to spread it all over the internet. 

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6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I focus on them because they are the official channels, not just hearsay. I have also given information to the IICSA and had direct emails from them and from Police departments. Perhaps I'm slightly more involved than most people think, but I don't tend to spread it all over the internet. 

Mainstream Media/MSM connects are not always 100% so you need to be very careful and do an independent search; take things like that of a grain of salt In the UK, mainly the IICSA, falls into that category. Reasons being some people they have ties to, persons of interest, such as Theresa May, granted her and children do not mix, for there was talk regarding her in the UK Truthers community in the past, something of which I brought up to you before by remark, insisting you to look into. In addition, the IICSA was very silent on this several years back because Teresa May was essentially among their top contributors, granted, their existence and history is in connection to her. As I mention, people of Status in relation to CSA do not truly face justice, therefore the people are vocal.

Anyone can sent and receive tips/emails, etc to an organization and or law enforcement. This was the case with the Sophie incident I was involved in, however, since it was in my location at the time, I and a few others took action. Likewise with missing persons cases, hence at times I am absent. Steps can be taken online to even educate, even through social media, granted you said before you like Facebook, I encouraged you to profess solutions.

However, as said before, a warpath only adds more fuel to the fire that is CSA. This is why, going back to the grooming gangs, British people, most of them, want to have a conversation regarding CSA and how to tackle the problem itself, mainly due to the fact the UK government is corrupt to some extent - this was brought up after 23 years of people being fed up, and after the situation with Mr. Robinson.

That being said, if you dealt with children directly who speak of these issues or nearly become victim of sex abuse, even rape which prompts something disastrous in the aftermath, these young ones look to people to speak up regardless of the platform, not only the action counts in helping them know how to fight an enemy, but by word also. CSA was very clear on said solutions, and this is what I, as many are doing concerning the people, to have conversation on how to go about the problem, therefore, it is not wise to cherry pick said CSA prevention methods.

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@Space Merchant If you don't like the IICSA that is your problem.  I think they are trying their best to do a good job. If I can give them and the Police information then I will, because I think it's the Christian thing to do and I also think it's a legal requirement. 

Tell me what investigations / organisations the USA has that are investigating CSA in religion ?  

As for the 'grooming gangs' here in UK, most are non-white, non-english, this seems to have been proven in court cases. But when poeple say that they get accused of racism.  And yes, the UK government is currupt, and greedy, dishonest and selfish, but then so are all politicians earthwide. But once again that is all part of the world, and i don't get involved. 

The main point that I'm concerned with is that True Christians need a Clean True Organisation guided by True Anointed ones, led by God's Holy Spirit, through Christ. 

Anything outside of that is part of the world. If a person starts to get involved in trying to 'put things right' in the world, then that person will be side tracked from trying to serve God properly.  

We ARE living in the Last Days. Whether it will be another ten years or another thirty years. So trying to put worldly things right is just a waste of time. You said yourself CSA will get worse. In fact all things will get worse. So the concentration should be on building an Organisation that serves God properly through Christ. And that Organisation needs to be completely clean. i have faith that it will happen. 


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9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

If you don't like the IICSA that is your problem.

Never said I did, I simply pointed out the fact that the one affiliated with them is Teresa May, who was in trouble of her own concerning children, and the IICSA and technically her child, in this sense. I spoke of even told you of what the former PM was affiliated with before, reasons why concerning the MSM and the IICSA, what May had her hands in will never be told to the UK people, and the world. There is a reason why as to why anything in this regard, concerning her was scrubbed from the internet.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I think they are trying their best to do a good job. If I can give them and the Police information then I will, because I think it's the Christian thing to do and I also think it's a legal requirement. 

They are, but there is always those in the weeds that do other things themselves, hence why I mentioned the former PM and those with her.

Because you are under obligation to do so. There is not a specific offence for child abuse in law in the UK, however, practitioners define child abuse based on the laws designed to protect children from harm. Therefore, Child abuse in any form of maltreatment of a child is often the types in category of which people tend to report, excluding corruption in the UK concerning slipped inquiries.

Like I said, if you reported to the police someone of high status who may actually be a pedophile and or has committed a past act, chances are they are going to ignore it, hence the problem being professed after the whole Robinson situation.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Tell me what investigations / organisations the USA has that are investigating CSA in religion ?  

I've addressed this may times in most threads concerning CSA, as is with secular law. In the US, investigations do not care of religion nor focus on it only, they care everywhere and anywhere abuse is done and or if any red flags are picked up. There are dozens of branches that go around dealing with CSA as a whole, hence similar to the IICSA, who they themselves do not focus only on religion, granted abuse rose outside of religion and in some instances far more serious.

To be brief, they have been investigating and looking into some cases, not all of them. But due to every state being different, even by law, it can cause some problems and justice isn't always met, mainly due to the fact some state laws can be exploited, in addition to, what was already mentioned, a double edged sword/double standard. An example of this we can use race and sex. If a Hispanic man committed child abuse, be it sex or violent related, depending on the state, he can get marked as a sex offender and prison time for, let's say, 10 years, however, a white woman, who commits the crime, will get less than that, believe it or not, granted this is the US, a lot of bribery and ill favors are always at play, and the book isn't thrown as hard to a woman, and she can be out even quicker than that. This also effects anyone in institutions, be it educational and or religious, which was pointed out many times. The Justice System at times can make or break an abuser's day, however if Status is involved, the abuser, like in the UK, can evade charges, and or be branded as a sex offender at times. Judges often, in some examples, even side with abuser, hence why I said, it depends on who is involved.

This is why CSA prevention are encouraging people to educate and profess in terms of teaching to child and even adults, granted that that is and always been key to reducing abuse, but not everyone adheres to it, even those who commit to reports.

That being said, this is why I do not like agendas, mainly regarding the Left, even their media such as Daily Beast, New York Times, Guardian, etc. For they, as I told even JWI and others in the past, The Left are promoting pedophilia as something that is not criminal, this can also be compared as to the situation in the EU. This is why I am against the MSM.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

As for the 'grooming gangs' here in UK, most are non-white, non-english, this seems to have been proven in court cases.

Far from the truth. There are several grooming gangs, the more dominate ones consists of Immigrants and Asians, the branches themselves and their consumers, even for online phonography concerning children are white English speakers, hence the tactic used in regards to drugs, partying, smoking, etc as lure tactics. This is what I met about some people being unaware in some things, even JWs can be unaware. Moreover, this is in connection to the enlisted abusers. As for consumers, not all the time they are caught. That has been the fight for UK Truthers for many many years, almost 30 years, as they pointed out concerning CSA and the gangs.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But when poeple say that they get accused of racism.

Hence the situation in London, but it wasn't a lot in regards to racism, more so the ideology, which led to the attacks, although the attacks were focused on religions, primarily Islam, this led to spin-off branches. The people who blame all British people for the atrocities against children developed that warpath mentality to inflict harm and damage were of a small subnet, the same ones who started the fights in the park, in a sense, radicalized. For example, such ones, if you were near London at the time, around mid 2018, they would easily target you for that notation. Their mentality always derives from negative and false information concerning CSA and grooming gangs that push them to that extent.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And yes, the UK government is currupt, and greedy, dishonest and selfish, but then so are all politicians earthwide.

Indeed. This is why concerning CSA, some reports and cases do not come to light and therefore could be dropped and if it does come to light, the people involved will not really be charged. Shamed probably, but that is about it.

As mentioned to JWI, under the UN there are 2 factions, the US and the UK are in one group. The politicians and the powers that be are very evil, this is why concerning media, one shouldn't become too sheep-like and be taken easily by them, the point I made to both Witness and Srecko who were easily duped by the MSM, mainly when it comes to the Left vs. Right Paradigm. Anything Left or Right leaning, Truthers are very strict and critical with them and for good reason.

These superpowers will put people to the test, and can break some people, reasons why I made it clear to Arauna and Rando that everyone, even members of their faith can easily be broken or hypnotized by such ones, the same ones in turn that will gun down anyone who isn't for them via MSM.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But once again that is all part of the world, and i don't get involved. 

You have to know who your true enemy is and how they operate. To be unaware and say what you say now, can easily sway you to their side. I know you do not like examples, but this was the case with a recent remark about the NYTs, a Leftism source with it's agenda.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The main point that I'm concerned with is that True Christians need a Clean True Organisation guided by True Anointed ones, led by God's Holy Spirit, through Christ. 

As with anyone else. However, it comes down to prevention and education. If there is but a small crack in ones armor in this domain, it will give an abuser an opportunity. Child abusers and molesters are not stupid, they are calculated and know how to get what they want, and they're callous. This is why knowing the Red Flags is vital because, for instances, if you do not know them, they can manipulate even you to get to a child. The thread I made concerning child abuse prevention, not only did I cite a lot from CSA prevention, but also added Bible principles in this regard. Education is a weapon against abusers because they cannot abuse a child who is aware of their intent, be it if the abuser is a pastor, a doctor, teacher, even another child, one can easily defend themselves, as is with adults who are taught this, they can help in this regard to.

In the US, granted child base was so tough in the 60s-90s, they've integrated ways for a child to defend themselves from an abuser. 00s and beyond different because of the Internet and now Social Media, then you have the place you can't easily access, which child abuse and media concerning child phonography is often times done in secrecy, The Dark Web (In regards to this, what goes on there about CSA, it is impossible to keep it PG here.).

As seen in the example below, how people use cartoons to teach children about it in order to help with CSA prevention:

As a side note: Modern reeditions professed by the Left, their version of teaching CSA and the like, are teaching otherwise, so parents and guardians will need to step up in education about CSA. I say this because the Left attempted to teach that sexual immortality is ok when in reality it is wrong.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Anything outside of that is part of the world. If a person starts to get involved in trying to 'put things right' in the world, then that person will be side tracked from trying to serve God properly.  

The Bible is very clear on educating children to be wise, morally and biblically. For if one is to factor out prevention, there are Bible Principles. It teaches a child(ren) to defend and or detect an abuser is no problem, hence the Scripture mentioned in my thread.

If you do not know Red Flags, one, even a Christian, cannot detect an abuser. As a parallels, the first Christians can detect an apostate before they cause trouble in the church with an alien teaching from the truth, so they take action. In comparison, there were issues in the Corinthian church and no one wasn't able to do much until the House of Chloe made this known to Apostle Paul to act, putting Corinth's congregation in the right path in regards to building them up. For if the House of Chloe didn't say anything, apostasy wouldn't be the only thing to bring down the congregation. It wasn't until the last of the Apostles died, the church was hit again for no one was really able to detect problems, and the small hope were the Bishops who called out the heresies to a ditch effort to say the churches.

That being said, we have that responsibility, not only to preach the gospel, but also to educate in all things Scripture, as is with helping people and the young understand what brazen conduct is and how to evade and combat it. The more we do, the more we can reduce and prevent child abuse - however in truth, it will be a bit harder when Authoritarianism hits the US, even for you, in the UK.

9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

We ARE living in the Last Days. Whether it will be another ten years or another thirty years. So trying to put worldly things right is just a waste of time. You said yourself CSA will get worse. In fact all things will get worse. So the concentration should be on building an Organisation that serves God properly through Christ. And that Organisation needs to be completely clean. i have faith that it will happen. 

We evade anything of the world, but we have to not only defend the truth, but our people. Yes CSA will get worse, hence why we have to put up a defense, although Authoritarianism is around the corner, it's plague will embolden CSA, so everyone, even JWs will need to step up, those caught off guard, will get hurt by it even more. Therefore defense against brazen conduct and all immorality of it, is vital.

Authoritarianism is something that some Truthers, even myself talked about for years, it is not only a Totalitarian action that effects people directly or indirectly, be it religious or not, it will pave a way for Babylon and the Beast, as events in Canada, Germany, France, and Australia (who was hit the hardest) as played out.

The churches, mainly Anti-Trinitarians already have a proper setup for worship, however, they need to work on prevention of brazen conduct. This can only be done via education and conversation, in regards to the UK, the people who were fighting CSA for years now want this too for everybody, but it is difficult for them.

As for cleansing the churches, they will only take place when the Christ comes to eradicate all badness, and only then, people can breathe easy.

That being said, I do not know if this is known to you, but, a secondary fight concerning CSA is that there are some who want to normalize pedophilia. For I know this is very bad, and you as well. That in of itself can easily be counter in defending oneself and or a child via education.


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On 9/16/2021 at 11:36 PM, Space Merchant said:
On 9/16/2021 at 8:26 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you know how, in which way and after how much time "random folks" become JW members?

If you know how pedophiles operate, they go to an institution of their choosing in order to gain access to children, and they go for the ones who are unaware of what sex actually is.

The HOW is they know of said institutions and they take their pick, as well as businesses and clubs, academics, etc. They become a member of said community and gain a position

The WHEN is when they choose to act and the time it takes for them to earn the trust of the people in the community, even the children and from there they seek a target. This is when the mind games and manipulation comes into place.

From your explanation I would conclude that then the problem is in those JWs who conduct a Bible study with an “interested pedophile,” and later in JW elders who approve of such a candidate to be baptized as a JW.

It follows from all this that, the JW belief as"the angels guide and supervise their preaching" and thus the biblical teaching on the individual level of the future candidate, is not useful. Or you have such impression how angels are not helpful in JW preaching service?

Also, prayer at the beginning and end of Bible study does not reach God, because He does not warn them (JW members) of the hidden pitfalls and hidden intentions of the one with whom they study the Bible. 

JW members believe that God and the Holy Spirit lead/guide this “imperfect” Organization that claims to be the only true Christian congregation. Observers would rightly expect the CSA plague not to be in such proportions at the JW Church. Observers would rightly expect, too, that JW members and especially leaders/elders in JW assemblies be prepared for all, "be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one". But, sadly, JW members and elders failed. They failed the exam/the test.



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    • Tout est dans le titre. En français. Il s'agit de la transcription des 66 livres de la Bible présent dans JwLibrary Rubrique Vidéos; Livres de la Bible. Salutations JPL Transcriptions Bible Introductions+.rar
    • Let the bible speak for itself: Ezekiel 38:   ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “On that day when my people Israel are dwelling in security, will you not know it?q 15  You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north,r you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.s 16  Like clouds covering the land, you will come against my people Israel. In the final part of the days I will bring you against my landt so that the nations may know me when I sanctify myself through you before their eyes, O Gog.”’u...... ‘Every man’s sword will be against his own brother.x 22  I will bring my judgment against him* with pestilencey and bloodshed; and I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstonesz and firea and sulfurb on him and on his troops and on the many peoples with him.c 23  And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’ So Jehovah will be magnified as the true god.... when they attack the Israel of god  - read Gal 6:16. Anointed Christians are the new Israel of god. Hebrews 12:22 "But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem."  Jesus is the Anointed one (Messiah) who, during the 1000 years will rule over the earth to restore the original paradise (the original purpose of God).  He will be king and priest. This means that his ransom sacrifice will be applied to all those who are resurrected on earth (earthly part of Jehovah's universal government).  This will include "unrighteous" ones who never knew anything about Christ or Jehovah.   Acts 24:15 " And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrectionk of both the righteous and the unrighteous."l Read Revelation 20:1 -3  This shows that there will be nations on earth that will survive the great tribulation. verse 3: " And he hurled him into the abyssf and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not mislead the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were ended. After this he must be released for a little while." After the final test when all humans (as perfect individuals like Adam) will be tested like Adam was, Jesus will hand over the Kingdom back to his father.  1 Cor 15: from 24 "  Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.e 25  For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.f 26  And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.g 27  For God “subjected all things under his feet.”h But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’i it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.j 28  But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him,k that God may be all things to everyone." l
    • That’s what it all comes down to,,,thanks.
    • The complimentary edamame is cold and unflavored.    Overall a great atmosphere and a great roll 
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