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John 12.24to28

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Status Updates posted by John 12.24to28

  1. Our day at the "Jehovah's United Family" assembly (it does ramble a bit, I apologize in advance 😬)


    I peacefully attended the first half of the "Jehovah's United Family" assembly with my two kids (my husband had stayed home to work on a project) and then my kids and I were refused entrance for the second half after we went outside to eat lunch in my car. 


    The reason I was refused entrance was for talking to my friends before and after the morning session. (I even got to talk to the CO for a minute as we crossed paths on the stairs after watching the baptism. He didn't know who I was, or he wouldn't have talked to me. I got to tell him I enjoyed his talk, and he was telling me about the afternoon. He knows about my situation with the corrupt elders because I had written to him in depth, but he had never met me in person, so he had no idea I was the one who had written to him.) Most people there didn't know a committee of imperfect men who don't have enough faith in the ransom decided they think I am not worthy of speaking to because I told on some bad stuff the elders were doing and they didn't like it. Those bad elders were mad other people weren't shunning me at the assembly. I wasn't saying "I'm disfellowshipped" because I am not disfellowshipped by Jehovah or Jehovah's friends. Their kangaroo court doesn't count with Jehovah, and I am proud of keeping my integrity. It was done in Jehovah's strength, and I will boast in Jehovah. I love my brothers and sisters and I'm not going to stop talking to them just because a few clowns want to have their own circus in opposition to Jehovah's Word.


    Two mean elders tried to humiliate me publicly when I was talking to my friends, but I turned around and walked away from those elders while they were berating me because Jehovah says to shun ignorant and foolish debates and that "those who have a form of godly devotion but prove false to its power...from these turn away". The two mean elders didn't like it when I walked away from them, because they wanted to bully me more in front of everybody right there on the assembly floor. I've known those people for over 20 years. 


    When I was walking out the lobby to go to my car with my kids, the meaner one hollered "Are you leaving?" And I said, "no, my stuff is still on the chairs. I'm eating lunch. Thank you for being so concerned about me, Joe." (I don't think he was really.) When my children and I came back at the end of the lunch time break, two more elders were in attack mode waiting for us. I didn't even get all the way across the crosswalk before they stopped us. They sent the tallest guy they had. (I am 5'2".) The two elders seemed kind of embarrassed, since I've known them both, one of them since he was a kid, and the other one his kids are a little older than mine so his wife and I were in the mother's room around the same time for years. They knew I hadn't "disrupted" anything. I sat in clear view all morning. I had paid attention to the speaker. I had sung the songs. I had encouraged the friends. They were just mad because I wouldn't bow down to them and their false doctrines that are antichrist. They were mad because I kept my integrity to Jehovah. 


    When they said we couldn't go back in, I didn't argue with him, and I think he was surprised (because the other two elders tell him who knows what about me) and he shared a scripture with me about being reasonable. (I think he might need to meditate on that verse, maybe that's why he picked it?) They said I could go get my things and come back out, but I said if I went in I wouldn't want to come out so could they fetch them for me and they sent another brother to do it. We all joked around, because I know all of them (the brother they sent to fetch had come over my home before with his wife for hospitality, we've known him for years too.) It was just ridiculous. A bunch of other elders with neon necklaces and badges were all staring at us but pretending not to stare at us. I've known many of them since they were Bible studies or opposing mates.


    Then my kids and I went to the car and played "Because I'm Happy" by Pharrell Williams at a fun volume and drove by and waved as we took the long way out of the parking lot along the entrance where all the attendants were watching us like hawks as they divided us from Jehovah's Family so they could go back in the "Jehovah's United Family" assembly without us showing love to the rest of the family. 


    We went to Starbucks locally and watched Dubtown videos with their Wi-Fi and sent a group email to over 70 of the elders and friends in the assembly to tell them exactly why we didn't come back in, with details about the names of the Gestapo elders involved and how it all played out so they would know we didn't abandon Jehovah's United Family - we were forced to leave. We also sent them a picture of us eating snacks at Starbucks.


    Then when it was about 10 minutes before the end of the afternoon program, we drove back to the exit area of the rented assembly hall facility and parked in the adjacent bank parking lot with that same "Happy" song on repeat. I had brought along a big sign in my trunk that said "Jehovah's United Family" on a foam board and stood on the sidewalk and held it up right by the assembly hall driveway exit where the traffic light was so that when all the friends were driving out and had to stop at the light they could see it. The kids and I waved and most of the friends waved back or honked or blinked their lights and some even took pictures or video and rolled down their windows and said "that's wonderful - just like at the international convention! What a good idea!" (They didn't know I was "disfellowshipped" for the most part - some did and they waved anyway, others did and they pretended I didn't exist. It was funny when the stoplight was red and one sister was obviously extremely uncomfortable that I was holding a sign saying "Jehovah's United Family" and she was anything but "united" in her love for one of Jehovah's family. She was from my kingdom hall. I remember when she was a Bible study too.)


    The best was when the meaner elder who kicked us out of the assembly and his wife drove by. He's one of the ones I told on initially who was mad at me, the one who later was promoted to COBE and was the chairman of my judicial hearing committee. From a distance, they couldn't tell who we were, so they were waving really big. But when they got closer, they were quite surprised and immediately turned their glances away. I think he was hoping he ruined my chance to say goodbye to the friends, but he forgets that Jehovah is my Dad. (I don't even think half the elders believe in Jehovah! They say they do, but they don't act like it.)


    Jehovah is so cool! 


    After we got home, I messaged some of my friends that didn't know I was disfellowshipped (it was less than a year ago, and this was the first in person assembly since before COVID) and told them I don't expect them to keep in contact with me because of the current doctrine and I understand the pressure they are under, but I also explained why I view that shunning business as unscriptural and antichrist and therefore I cannot support it by pretending I am part of some caste system. It would be a sin to say that Jehovah supports something satanic like that. Those guys lie about Jehovah all the time, I hate it. Jehovah will fix it for His Name's Sake. They will have to know that He Is Jehovah when He fixes it. Good thing for all of us that the ransom is so big.


    Anyway, that was our day at the assembly. I had been so scared to go, I had decided several times not to go at all, and I begged Jehovah to make me strong and courageous. He did. I asked him for joy and fun and love. He gave it. He did so many other things that were hilarious during the assembly too, just little things that made me laugh. Jehovah turned their curses into blessings. It was the BEST ASSEMBLY we have ever been to! I will attach a couple of the pictures... I will praise Jehovah, the Hearer of Prayer!




    1. John 12.24to28

      John 12.24to28

      You are right, @boyle, those wolf-elders did obstruct the fellowship intended by Jehovah. I was forced to make a choice between leaving or getting arrested if I tried to go in, all because those wolf-elders cannot maintain Jehovah's laws on love. It was sad for them, because they will be held accountable by Jehovah Himself. Jehovah was watching. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God." I know my Father, and you don't want to get him mad by picking on His little kids. He's awesome.😍

    2. John 12.24to28

      John 12.24to28

      (Interesting you should mention that, "boyle" since I think it was a comment "@Moise" made and was perhaps on a thread that's been deleted (or maybe I just can't find it) where I said I didn't have "two girls". And that I didn't have anyone in my immediate family who had "two girls". I don't have two girls. I have one girl and one boy.)


      We won't be attending any more in person assemblies or local congregation meetings until the disfellowshipping doctrine is gone because they will just kick me out again, since I obey God as ruler rather than men and I refuse to ignore my brothers and sisters just because some committee tells me not to talk. I am one of Jehovah's witnesses. Witnesses talk.


      My children have free will and they are intelligent, reasonable people. As one of their parents, I have discussed with them the damage the disfellowshipping doctrine does by undermining family relationships. As their mother, I want to know who they are hanging out with and I can't do that if I can't talk to their friends or their friends' parents. I refuse to let my kids hang out with anyone at the Kingdom Hall unless I can be at least a small a part of those relationships - I know too much about what goes on at Kingdom Halls and I don't trust the elders or the other members because in general they will obey doctrines of men ahead of what is written in the Bible. They won't protect my kids. I've already been burned once. I'm not putting my kids in any fire.


      I don't know if you saw those pictures, but my kids are not sad. Jehovah is the Happy God, and we are happy with Him wherever we go.

  2. What an exciting evening! (Sorry if it rambles...)


    I was scared because I had to go into the "shark tank." Jehovah and Jesus went with me, and they totally rocked it!😆


    The COBE elder that kicked me out of the assembly a couple of weeks ago was so angry tonight! (He's kinda like Haman.)


    My husband is PIMI but he only attends about half the meetings. He calls me an apostate and gets mad if I say anything that isn't what the GB says. He didn't go to meeting tonight. I don't let my kids go to the KH unless I go, so the kids and I usually watch the meetings online. I didn't know if they would let me and the kids into the KH. (Since they just evicted us from the assembly a couple weeks ago at lunch because I talked to people and looked like I was happy and joyful.) As we were approaching the door of the KH tonight, the doorman saw me and let it slam shut and through the window I could see him, possibly looking for permission from an elder to see if I was "banned" or not. I knocked, and the visiting CO#2 cut in front of the doorman, opened up to let me in, escorting me right past the doorman! ("Jehovah Factor"😄)


    (There were two COs because I guess one was getting a "shepherding visit week" from the other one...)


    The CO#2 was awesome, a really kind gentleman who acted like a shepherd. CO#1 didn't recognize me at first because during his last visit I didn't attend because I thought the trespassing ban was still in place (although it had been removed but the COBE conveniently forgot to tell me. I found out when I went to his house just before the Memorial to ask, since they never respond to any messages I send either by email or letter.)


    (Incidentally, I wrote in an earlier Status Update about my experiences running into the CO#1 at the assembly a couple of weeks ago...)


    As soon as we got in the KH, the regular Pharisee-types were shocked and dismayed and frowned because my presence is worse than if a contagious yowling leper came in. However, the CO#1 started asking my kids' names, and the elder standing there conveniently forgot how to talk so the CO went through the greetings and asked me my name and I chatted with him for a moment. He figured out who I was after a bit and I think he was a little shocked. (I have written to him plenty about the stuff going on in the congregation - he never replies.)


    So, we walked toward the auditorium and put our stuff down in the middle of the second row from the front. My kids wanted to see their friends, and I got up to walk around a little too. When I passed by CO#2, he stopped me and kindly asked me my name. (The COBE and his wife were standing right next to him.) I answered the COs questions, and we chatted and he asked where else I was from and if I was doing hospitality at all during the week. I told him I came to support the CO visit, and that I would keep him in my prayers. He was so nice. I asked him for a hug, and he gave me a hug. All this time, the COBE and his wife had steam coming out of their ears almost, and finally the COBE grabbed the CO and said "Excuse me! She's been disfellowshipped for a year!" And the CO thought he was joking! So he laughed and said something like "oh, yeah, that's funny" and then the COBE said, "No, really!" And I said, "He is a liar." Because the COBE is a liar. He bears false witness about all kinds of things. And I walked to my seat.


    The meeting started shortly after. The kids and I sang heartily so everyone could hear our joy and affection for Jehovah. The hypocritical COBE was called up to pray. I did not bow my head. I kept my eyes open. That man is a snake. I refuse to say "Amen" to anything he has to say.


    During the Bible gems my kids got to comment. I put my hand up several times too, and everybody nearly had a heart attack. (Is there a rule that says a "disfellowshipped" person can't raise their hand?) Of course, they didn't call on me.


    The second song was a nice loud march. We've always been told to sing loud. I am obedient to that good counsel.


    The CO#1s talk started off pleasant enough. Until he mentioned the "recent apostasy and divisions" the congregation has had to deal with (he means me, since I sent emails to the "friends" to tell them the sketchy things the elders were doing.) Wasn't that nice of him to mention me in the talk! My kids got irritated with his smack talk, but Jehovah got us through it. I think he used maybe three or four scriptures, two of them misapplied. Most of the talk was about worshipping the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" and how much they "have done for us".🤪


    I went because I love Jehovah and I knew He wanted me to go to at least one of the CO visit days, to show my support to the "friends" that I know this is the organization Jehovah is going to clean and that I haven't left of my own accord. (They know about all the details of the sketchy stuff the fake elders did because I informed them of every sketchy thing the elders did to my kids and me.) Part of why I went was to show love for the congregation. Very soon they are going to be in complete shock. I love those people, even though they are all mostly brainwashed at present. They will have a rude awakening soon enough because the GB and the Bethels will be gone when the UN attacks and the congregations are going to need to be comforted. 


    A nice brother said the closing prayers, so I said "Amen" to that one nice and clear. (The poor brothers on the platform were right in front me, there was no one sitting in the row in front of us.) After the meeting, my kids chatted for a little bit with friends and then we were going to leave. I said "hi" to a few people (that really irritates the COBE, that's not why I do it, I do it because Jehovah said to encourage the brothers and we can't if we don't talk to them...) 


    When we were leaving, CO#1 pulled my son aside to talk to him for a minute. The CO wanted me to go away, but I stayed right there, because I think it's rude to cause divisions in a family like what he was doing. The CO attempted to talk to my son about homeschooling right in front of me as if I didn't exist. I wasn't having any of it. I let him do his thing for a minute, and then I told him he was causing divisions, and if he didn't respect Jehovah's arrangement for family (like not talking to the mom who is part of the family) that he wasn't welcome to talk to my son. The COs not good association. Then we walked away.


    My daughter was in the library with her friend and her friends parents and two aunts (one is the wife of an elder.) As soon as I walked in - hush! Everybody stopped talking. I walked by them and told my daughter's friend I loved her and gave her a hug (I used to take her out in service together with my kids). I looked at the people in the room and said "I love you, even though I know you hate me, except for you...I know you love me" to one sister who I know is kind and real. Then we left and on the way out gave the other doorman who is like a grandfather a big hug and he said goodbye and kept waving as we drove off.


    What an evening! (Thank you for any positive thoughts directed my way! Jehovah is the Hearer of Prayer, and He does things with style!)


    "You well know that Jehovah your God is the true God, the faithful God, keeping his covenant and loyal love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.  But those who hate him he will repay to their face with destruction. He will not be slow to deal with those who hate him; he will repay them to their face." (Deuteronomy 7:9,10)


    1. John 12.24to28

      John 12.24to28

      We just got back from the "service group." 


      We live only about a minute and a half from the KH. Last night my kids and I made brownies and we brought some to share with the two visiting COs and their wives. (Last night I had told the CO#2 that we were there to support the CO visit week, so that's why we went again this morning.)


      The COs were in their cars still when we got there. My daughter brought the brownies and cards to both COs wives and chatted a bit. One elder was on the pathway to the door, and since I know it would have made him uncomfortable if I talked directly to him, instead I said to my kids, "it's okay for me to sing, right?" And I sang a verse of "Oh! What a Beautiful Morning!" just loud enough for that elder to hear it. (He is a piano tuner and I always loved singing songs with him and his wife, she sings lovely harmony. They love music.) Then the kids and I walked to the KH, but were intercepted by two elders who said I couldn't go in because it wasn't a public meeting and I'm "not authorized to preach".😆


      My kids are both baptized. I said, "my kids want to support the visit. My husband is at work. I can go preach apart from the congregation, but why can't my kids and I just sit through the service meeting?" 


      The nicer elder felt bad and I think he would have said yes, but the Nazi Gestapo elder (who was one of the ones on my judicial hearing who bore false witness about me) said "no, and if you push it you will lose your privilege of attending public meetings too."


      I told him he is causing divisions in the family, like Diotrephes, throwing Jehovah's people out. 


      Then I said I loved them and I forgive him because I know he will repent eventually. I told the other elder again I loved him - I felt really bad for him because he looked so sad, he would have let us go in - and we walked to the car. The two COs were walking in at that point and trying to make a wide berth because they are afraid of catching "apostate-disease" and I waved and told them I loved them too. CO#1 thinks I am the very devil, but the CO#2 looked like he felt bad the guys were acting like such Nazis, so I told him "don't worry, Jehovah will fix everything in time." (I wrote that in the card my daughter gave him too, that I know he is a good shepherd and Jehovah will fix everything. I thanked him for working so hard. I don't envy what those brothers are going to have to go through very soon. May Jehovah give strength to the faithful ones who have been misled by the GB rhetoric all these years...) Then we got to say goodbye to some other friends in the parking lot and came home to make more brownies.


      😁Praise Jehovah💖


  3. Status Update, just for fun...if anyone is bored and wants something to read, here are some communications that show one example of how a disfellowshipping works. The emails are not posted in order, you have to look at the dates to figure out the order it happened in.😊























    1. John 12.24to28

      John 12.24to28

      Today was the last day of the CO visit. I brought a sign with me that said "Jehovah's United Family" and parked at the bottom of the hill, walked up the driveway waving to the friends that drove by, and at the door asked for the elders. I told them I wasn't coming in, but I wanted to give some paperwork to the visiting COs and they could share it with the elders. I told them I just wanted to make a point. Then I walked back down the hill and drove home. I added a few hearts to the sign and the word "LOVE" and then went back after the meeting to park across the street and stand with the sign and wave to the friends as they left. Some ignored me. Others waved and smiled and honked, even one of the elders and one of the two circuit overseers.


      Jehovah will get rid of this awful disfellowshipping doctrine that brings reproach on His Holy Name and divides the congregation. Praise Jehovah.








  4. "Grace" means "undeserved kindness".


    "For we all received from his fullness, even undeserved kindness upon undeserved kindness."


    "Speak to one another with psalms, praises to God, and spiritual songs, singing and accompanying yourselves with music in your hearts to Jehovah,  always giving thanks to our God and Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."


    As you reflect on the blessings (superabundant blessings beyond all we could ask or conceive!) made possible by Jesus' precious blood this Memorial, may you continue to rejoice in the undeserved kindnesses of our beautiful Creator and Friend, Jehovah! Praise Jehovah💖☺️

  5. "Let us hold firmly the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for the one who promised is faithful.  And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works,  not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near."

    Love you, dear ones! 💖🥰

    (My kiddos helped me with the technology part! 😁)

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