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E dub

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in New preaching the Good News Photos 2017 around the Earth!   
    #JW Проповедь в Эквадоре 
    Preaching in Ecuador

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    E dub reacted to The Librarian in ISIS Kills a JW Sister in Finland Terror Attack   
    One of them was a 23 year old sister at her witnessing cart, she was stabbed in the throat and died very soon thereafter :
    Read more:
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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in #JW on Irish Island Preaching in Ireland's island ☘️?☘️   
    #JW on Irish Island
    Preaching in Ireland's island

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in #JW Preaching in a public place in the United States Public witnessing in USA ???   
    #JW Preaching in a public place                    in the United States
    Public witnessing in USA

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Sierra Leone, Africa We are waiting to know the situation of our brothers to the more than 400 people killed by floods. – ???   
    Sierra Leone, Africa
    We are waiting to know the situation of our brothers to the more than 400 people killed by floods. ??????

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Elephants ? Sound of Silence   
    Elephants’ “Sound of Silence”
    On a hot afternoon in the sprawling Amboseli National Park in Kenya, the large herd of elephants seems undisturbed by any intrusion into their habitat. 
    Yet, the air is full of “elephant talk,” ranging from low frequency rumblings to high frequency trumpets, roars, bellows, barks, and snorts. Some of the calls contain components that are below the level of human hearing and yet are so powerful that they can be heard by an elephant several miles away.
    Experts in animal behavior continue to be puzzled by the intricate ways in which elephants convey serious messages. 
    Joyce Poole has spent over 20 years studying communication concepts among African elephants. She has concluded that these huge creatures, known for their coveted tusks, exhibit feelings found in very few animals. “It is hard to watch elephants’ remarkable behavior during a family or bond group greeting ceremony [or at] the birth of a new family member . . . and not imagine that they feel very strong emotions which could be best described by words such as joy, happiness, love, feelings of friendship, exuberance, amusement, pleasure, compassion, relief, and respect,” says Poole.
    When getting together after being separated for long periods, their greetings turn to pandemonium, as members rush together with heads high and ears folded and flapping. 
    At times, an elephant will even put its trunk into another’s mouth. These greetings seem to give the elephants a deep sense of joy, as if they were saying, “Wow! It’s simply fantastic to be with you again!” 
    Such bonds renew the support network vital to their survival.
    Elephants seem to have a sense of humor too. Poole describes watching elephants draw the corners of their mouths in what she called a smile, wagging their heads in a manner suggesting amusement. 
    She once initiated a game in which the animals took part, and for 15 minutes they behaved in a totally absurd manner. Two years later, some participants seemed to “smile” at her again, perhaps remembering her involvement in the game. 
    Not only do elephants amuse each other in play but they also mimic sounds. In a research project, Poole heard a sound that was different from the normal elephant calls. On analysis, it was suggested that the elephants were imitating the noise made by trucks passing nearby. And they were apparently doing it for fun! It is as if elephants look for any excuse to get excited.
    Much has been said about the way elephants appear to mourn when calamity befalls a family member. Poole once observed a female standing guard over her stillborn baby for three days and described it this way: Her “facial expressions” seemed “similar to a grief stricken, depressed person: her head and ears hung down, the corners of her mouth were turned down.”
    Those who kill elephants for ivory do not consider the ‘psychological trauma’ of the orphans who may have witnessed the killing of their mothers. These babies spend the first few days at an animal orphanage trying to overcome their “grief.” A keeper reported having heard the orphans “scream” in the morning. Repercussions can be observed several years after the death. 
    Poole suggests that the elephants can detect the hand of man in their suffering. We look forward to the time when man and beast will live together in peace.—Isaiah 11:6-9.

  7. Thanks
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Will Monday’s Total Eclipse Change Your Life? ?Will the Heavens Declare the Glory of God??   
    Will Monday’s Total Eclipse Change Your Life? ?Will the Heavens Declare the Glory of God??
    By: Bob King | August 16, 2017
    Total solar eclipses have the power to touch us deeply and reverberate through our life in unexpected ways.
    Whether this is your first or your 30th total solar eclipse, we all share one desire — to let the awe of this extraordinarily rare experience wash over us. You never know how 161 seconds of darkness in the middle of day may change your life. I've attempted to see five solar eclipses and succeeded three times. Each one has enlarged my spirit, become a touchstone moment, and set me off on new adventures as I confidently predict the August 21st event will for you.
    My best memory of the eclipse was viewing the corona through binoculars that gently bounced to the rhythm of my pumping heart. It looked alive! I couldn't believe the detail, the silkiness of the thread-like streamers. Few photos show this well, but wait till you see this silvery diadem for yourself — you'll never forget it. I know this sounds impossible, but I could have sworn the streamers were moving like glowing tentacles quivering in ultra-slow motion. Has anyone else experienced this or was it just my overactive brain?
    "It is the only natural event that I have experienced that felt supernatural." That's how my friend Greg Furtman described the 1998 eclipse we saw from Renaissance Beach on the island of Aruba.
    But moments before totality, we both experienced another emotion: terror. Cooling temperatures brought on with the approach of totality caused masses of clouds to materialize in the blue sky only minutes before the total eclipse. Suddenly, it became apparent that we might miss the best part of the show. Luckily, the clouds only partially eclipsed the totally-eclipsed Sun — we still got great views of the prominences and corona in the sucker holes.
    Up to this time, I'd viewed solar eclipses — two totals and two annulars — from a frozen lake, a hotel beach, a science museum, and a cemetery, but this was my first experience at a beach. Eyes may have wandered during the partial eclipse, but all were transfixed on what was happening overhead for 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
    If all goes well, this will be my fourth totality, and I'm looking forward to every second of it. I'm sure you are, too. Every total eclipse is a personal journey. I hope the August 2017 eclipse will reverberate through your life in ways you never expected.
    Tap on Link for Video ___
    Enjoy! The Miracles of Jehovah God Our Creator

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    E dub reacted to Queen Esther in THE DIFFERENCE OF EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN....   
    THE DIFFERENCE OF EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN...  learning  preaching  by  doing,  thats  the  best
  9. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in How can the Bible written 1,000's of years ago be a letter for today in 2017? ?   
    How can the Bible written 1,000's of years ago be a letter for today in 2017? - You say it is a living message, How? - Read why God's Word is Alive! ~
    “They Were Borne Along by Holy Spirit”
    “Prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit.”—2 PET. 1:21.
    How was GodÂ’s message transmitted by holy spirit to Bible writers?
    What evidence proves that the Bible is inspired of God?
    What can you do daily to maintain your appreciation for GodÂ’s Word?
    WHERE do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Why is the world the way it is? What happens to us when we die? People around the globe ask these questions. How would we know the answers to these and other important questions if we did not have the inspired Word of God? 
    Without the Holy Scriptures, our primary teacher would be personal experience. With personal experience as our teacher, could we ever have the same sentiments as the psalmist had toward “the law of Jehovah”?—Read Psalm 19:7.
    The sad reality, though, is that some have allowed the love they first had for Bible truth to cool off. (Compare Revelation 2:4.) They no longer walk in the way that pleases Jehovah. (Isa. 30:21) That does not have to happen to us. We can and should work at maintaining our appreciation for the Bible and its teachings. The Bible is an important gift from our loving Creator. (Jas. 1:17) What will help us deepen our appreciation for “the word of God”? A key is reflecting on how Bible writers were guided to write the Scriptures. That involves calling to mind some of the abundant evidence of its inspiration. Doing so should stimulate us to read from God’s Word daily and to apply its counsel.—Heb. 4:12.
    Learn more at this site:
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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Watch a Miracle Happen! ???? Special Convention in Israel ???   
    Watch a Miracle Happen! ????
    Special Convention in Israel
    See highlights of the special convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Israel.

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in The Only Way to Eradicate Hate - ???   
    The Only Way to Eradicate Hate - With God's Spirit You Can Do It! ~ It Will Not to be  in God's New World to Come! ~
    “There is no hate without fear. . . . We hate what we fear and so where hate is, fear is lurking.”—CYRIL CONNOLLY, LITERARY CRITIC AND EDITOR.
    Even the Creator himself, appraising imperfect man millenniums ago, “saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.”—Genesis 6:5.
    Prejudice, discrimination, and their resulting hate are products of man’s inherent imperfection and selfishness. 
    (Deuteronomy 32:5) They have acted ruinously on their own part; They are not his children, the defect is their own. A generation crooked and twisted!"
    Sadly, no human agency or government, whatever its policy, has been able to legislate a change in manÂ’s heart on such matters.
    Changing Attitudes
    “True change can come only from the volition of the peoples involved,” observed McGeary. And how can people’s volition be changed? Experience has shown that the most powerful, most motivating, and most enduring influence against the development of hate comes from God’s Word, the Bible. 
    This is because “the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.”—Hebrews 4:12.
    Admittedly, the uprooting of prejudice and hatred does not occur automatically, nor does it happen overnight. But it can be done. Jesus Christ, the great motivator of hearts and sensitizer of consciences, was able to move people to change. Millions have succeeded in following Jesus Christ’s wise counsel: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you.”—Matthew 5:44.
    Modern-day true Christians have similarly responded to Jesus’ counsel to do good, not just to their Christian brothers, but even to those who hate them. (Galatians 6:10) They are working hard to eliminate malicious hatred from their lives. Recognizing the powerful forces that can engender hatred within them, they take positive action and replace hatred with love. Yes, as an ancient wise man said, “hatred is what stirs up contentions, but love covers over even all transgressions.”—Proverbs 10:12.
    The apostle John stated: “Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer, and you know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him.” (1 John 3:15) 
    Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that. As a result, they are now being integrated—from all ethnic, cultural, religious, and political backgrounds—into one united, hate-free community, a genuine global brotherhood. Christian love has already found a place in millions of hearts that could otherwise be filled with hatred. You too are invited to become part of that loving brotherhood!

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? ???   
    When was the Earliest of Jehovah's Name Found? Well you Know? - Yes of Course! How many people have a Bible and know their are Ten Commandments, yet do not know what they mean or why? See for yourself,,,God's Name was THERE!
    Source of Tablets. 
    The Ten Words were first orally given at Mount Sinai by the angel of Jehovah. (Ex 20:1; 31:18) Moses then ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Words in written form on two stone tablets, along with other commandments and instructions. During his extended 40-day stay, the people grew restless and made a molten calf to worship. Descending the mountain, Moses saw this spectacle of idolatry and threw down “the tablets [that] were the workmanship of God,” the very tablets upon which the Ten Words had been written, and shattered them.—Ex 24:12; 31:18–32:19) 
    Jehovah later told Moses: “Carve out for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I must write upon the tablets the words that appeared on the first tablets, which you shattered.” (Ex 34:1-4) And so after another 40 days spent in the mountain, a duplicate copy of the Ten Words was obtained. These were kept by Moses in an ark of acacia wood. (De 10:1-5) The two tablets were called “the tablets of the covenant.” (De 9:9, 11, 15) 
    Evidently this is why the gold-overlaid ark later made by Bezalel, in which the tablets were eventually kept, was called “the ark of the covenant.” (Jos 3:6, 11; 8:33) This legislation of the Ten Words was also called “the testimony” (Ex 25:16, 21; 40:20) and the “tablets of the Testimony” (Ex 31:18; 34:29), hence the expressions “the ark of the testimony” (Ex 25:22; Nu 4:5), and also “the tabernacle of the Testimony,” that is, the tent where the Ark was housed.—Ex 38:21
    Concerning the first set of tablets, it is stated that they not only were made by Jehovah but were also “written on by God’s finger,” evidently denoting God’s spirit. (Ex 31:18; De 4:13; 5:22; 9:10) 
    Likewise, the second set of tablets, although carved out by Moses, were written upon by Jehovah. When, at Exodus 34:27, Moses was told, “Write down for yourself these words,” reference was not to the Ten Words themselves, but, rather, as on a previous occasion (Ex 24:3, 4), he was to write down some of the other details pertaining to the covenant regulations. 
    Hence, the pronoun “he” in Exodus 34:28b refers to Jehovah when it says: “And he [Jehovah, not Moses] proceeded to write upon the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words.” Verse 1 shows this to be so. Later, when recalling these events, Moses confirms that it was Jehovah who duplicated the tablets.—De 10:1-4
    Contents of the Commandments. By way of an introduction to these Ten Words is the forthright statement in the first person: “I am Jehovah your God, who have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves.” (Ex 20:2) This not only states who is speaking to whom but shows why the Decalogue was especially given to the Jews at that time. It was not given to Abraham.—De 5:2, 3
    The first commandment, “You must not have any other gods against my face,” put Jehovah first. (Ex 20:3) 
    The second commandment was a natural follow-up of the first in that it forbade idolatry in any shape or form as an open affront to Jehovah’s glory and Personage. ‘You must not make a carved image or a form like anything in the heavens, on the earth, or in the waters under the earth, nor are you to bow down to or serve them.’ This prohibition is underscored with the declaration: “Because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion.”—Ex 20:4-6
    The third commandment, in its proper and logical sequence, declared: “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way.” (Ex 20:7) 
    The fourth commandment stated: “Remembering the sabbath day to hold it sacred, you are to render service and you must do all your work six days. But the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God. You must not do any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your alien resident who is inside your gates.” (Ex 20:8-10)
    The fifth commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” may be viewed as linking together the first four, which define man’s duties toward God, and the remaining commandments, which set forth man’s obligations toward fellow creatures. For since parents serve as God’s representatives, by keeping the fifth command one is honoring and obeying both the Creator and those creatures upon whom God has conferred authority. This command was the only one of the ten with a promise attached: “in order that your days may prove long upon the ground that Jehovah your God is giving you.”—Ex 20:12; De 5:16; Eph 6:2, 3
    The next commandments in the code were stated very tersely: the sixth, “You must not murder”; 
    the seventh, “You must not commit adultery”; 
    the eighth, “You must not steal.” (Ex 20:13-15) This is the way these laws are listed in the Masoretic text—from laws dealing with crimes causing the greatest harm to one’s neighbor to the one causing the least, in that order. 
     Going next from deeds to words, the ninth says: “You must not testify falsely as a witness against your fellowman.”—Ex 20:16
    The tenth commandment (Ex 20:17) was unique in that it forbade covetousness, that is, wrong desire for the property and possessions, including the wife, belonging to a fellowman. No human lawmakers originated such a law, for, indeed, there would be no way humanly possible of enforcing it. Jehovah, on the other hand, by this tenth commandment made each one directly accountable to Him as the one who sees and knows all the secret thoughts of a person’s heart.—1Sa 16:7; Pr 21:2; Jer 17:10

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in THE CRY OF UNITY ? IS LOUD FOR ALL NATIONS ? TO HEAR!   
     (Zephaniah 3:9) . . .For then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder." (Isaiah 19:18) 
    In that day there will prove to be five cities in the land of Egypt speaking the language of Ca?naan and swearing to Jehovah of armies. The City of Tearing Down will one [city] be called." (Ephesians 4:25) 
    Wherefore, now that YOU have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of YOU with his neighbor, because we are members belonging to one another." (1 Kings 8:43) 
    "May you yourself listen from the heavens, your established place of dwelling, and you must do according to all that for which the foreigner calls to you; in order that all the peoples of the earth may get to know your name so as to fear you the same as your people Israel do, and so as to know that your name itself has been called upon this house that I have built." (Zechariah 8:21) and the inhabitants of one [city] will certainly go to [those of] another, saying: “Let us earnestly go to soften the face of Jehovah and to seek Jehovah of armies. I myself will go also.” 
    (Zechariah 8:23) “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘It will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying: “We will go with YOU people, for we have heard [that] God is with YOU people.”’” 
    (Philippians 1:27) Only behave in a manner worthy of the good news about the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see YOU or be absent, I may hear about the things which concern YOU, that YOU are standing firm in one spirit, with one soul striving side by side for the faith of the good news." 
    Learn more at:

  14. Sad
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in "Polar Bears on ‘Thin Ice’" – ❄️❄️   
    Watching the World ? 
    "Polar Bears on ‘Thin Ice’"
    “The polar bear’s existence is seriously endangered by climatic warming,” says Germany’s Nassauische Neue Presse, reporting on a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) study. 
    According to the WWF, the amount of Arctic sea ice, or pack ice—the main habitat and hunting ground of polar bears—is shrinking as a result of warmer weather. Experts say that the average air temperature over the Arctic has “increased by 5 degrees [Celsius] [9 degrees Fahrenheit] over the past 100 years.” What is more, “pack ice has decreased by 6 percent over the past 20 years,” and “a 60-percent reduction in summer sea ice could be expected by the year 2050.” 
    Less sea ice and longer ice-free periods restrict the polar bear’s opportunities to hunt and thus accumulate needed fat reserves. Hardest hit are pregnant females and cubs. In some areas “not even half of the cubs survive the ever-extending ice-free period,” reports the newspaper. Other problems the bears face are “hunting, toxic chemicals, and oil pollution.”
    Photograph by @paulnicklen // A young female polar bear, freshly deposited on land from receding sea ice travels the the moon-like landscape . She had fat stains on her nose which means that she had recently fed on seal or whale.  
    Enjoy! Our Father Jehovah God will care for all animals great and small. 
    The BibleÂ’s Viewpoint
    Does God Care About Animals?
    ANIMAL life is in peril. Many scientists believe extinction of animal species is taking place at an accelerated rate. Animals are suffering the devastating consequences of human encroachment. Industrial food production, cruel blood sports, and callous abandonment of pets add to this grim picture.
    Some feel, however, that such a picture is the inevitable price of human progress. But is that what God intended? Has he abandoned animal creation to suffer at the hands of humans? How do we know that God cares about animals?
    Care Evident From the Start
    After God’s creation of fish, birds, and land animals, God was pleased. The Bible says that he “got to see that it was good.” (Genesis 1:21, 25) All those creatures, from the smallest to the largest, had the Creator’s loving concern. God not only created them “instinctively wise” but also made provisions for them to flourish in their environment. As a Bible writer aptly stated: “All of them—for you they keep waiting to give them their food in its season. What you give them they pick up. You open your hand—they get satisfied with good things.”—Proverbs 30:24;Psalm 104:24, 25, 27, 28.

  15. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Matthew 24:37. – "For just as the days of Noah were,so the presence of the Son of man will be." ⚡️???⚡️   
    Matthew 24:37
    37 For just as the days of Noah were,so the presence of the Son of man will be."
    Matthew 24:39
    39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."
    Jesus and the Flood
    Jesus Christ had a prehuman existence. (Proverbs 8:30, 31) He was a spirit creature in heaven during the Flood. As an eyewitness, Jesus therefore gives us the greatest Scriptural confirmation of Noah and the Deluge. Said Jesus: “Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.”—Matthew 24:37-39.
    Would Jesus use folklore to warn us about the coming end of this system of things? Hardly! We are confident that he used a genuine example of the execution of divine judgment upon the wicked. Yes, lives were lost, but we can draw comfort from knowing that Noah and his family were saved through the Flood.
    “The days of Noah” are highly significant for those living today, during “the presence of the Son of man,” Jesus Christ. As we read the detailed account of the global Flood preserved in a record kept by Noah, we can be certain that it is a genuine historical document. And the divinely inspired Genesis account of the Deluge has great meaning for us. 
    Just as Noah, his sons, and their wives put faith in GodÂ’s means of survival, we today can come under JehovahÂ’s protection on the basis of our faith in JesusÂ’ ransom sacrifice. (Matthew 20:28) Moreover, we can have the hope of being among the survivors of the end of this wicked system of things just as NoahÂ’s log shows that he and his family survived the Flood that brought an end to the godless world of that time.
    Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus referenced the global deluge in righteous Noah's day because we see the same complacent and apathetic and even objectionable heart conditions in people today as Noah and his family saw before the flood Jehovah brought about to cleanse the earth of wickedness at that time. 
    Yes, not only is the global flood an account that exist in the history of people all around the world but Jesus also confirmed that his God and father Jehovah will only tolerate wickedness for so long and when his time to execute judgement arrives he will direct Christ and his celestial army to act with completeness.
    Tap on Video Link ____& 
    1 GIF PICTURE – Tap on Picture 

  16. Like
    E dub reacted to Queen Esther in MAKE NO MISTAKE, we are living in the last days of Satan's rulership of planet earth, and as a whole, rulership over mankind in general... read more !   
    MAKE NO MISTAKE, we are living in the last days of Satan's rulership of planet earth, and as a whole, rulership over mankind in general. The small percentage of true followers of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are the only exceptions, as Satan does not control us. 1 John 5:19.
    Jehovah's servants know and understand, that the next major prophecy we are anxiously waiting on to be fulfilled is the "false cry of peace and security." 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
    It seems to me that prior to that false cry of peace and security, a major worldwide crisis will occur...  the kings and rulers of the earth will become quite agitated and worried...   but somehow,  the big crisis will be resolved in the minds of these rulers, and they will make the declaration...  Ahh, AT LAST, PEACE AND SECURITY  HAS ARRIVED!
    Notice the scripture mentioned above....  That will signal  "Jehovah's Day"...   And notice the words....   "Sudden destruction is to be instantly on them."  --
    As we look around the world today,  we can see the tensions being increased in every corner.  Could this be the big crisis?   Well, we do not know....  only Jehovah knows that !
    But what we do know is we need to be ready for whatever happens...  Brothers and Sisters....  Get your  "to go"  bags replenished,  and listen VERY carefully to the slave,  and the Elders in your congregation...  be  ready  to comply  explicitly.
    ( copied  from  a  loyal,  popular,  older  Brother )
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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth”—How? – ???   
    “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth”—How? - Would You Like to Study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses to Learn More? - It is Free? Go to this address or message me at this address to learn more about how the Bible Speaks to You 
    “YOU are probably familiar with Jesus’ heartwarming words that ‘the meek shall inherit the earth.’ But in view of all that people are doing to one another and to the earth, what do you think there will be left for the meek to inherit?”—Matthew 5:5; Psalm 37:11; King James Version.
    Myriam, one of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, used this question to start a Bible discussion. The man to whom she spoke responded that if Jesus made this promise, the earth must be an inheritance worthy of the name and not a devastated or uninhabitable heap.
    That was surely an optimistic answer. But do we have reason for having such a positive outlook? Indeed we do, for the Bible gives us strong reasons to believe that the promise will come true. Actually, the fulfillment of that promise is closely linked to GodÂ’s purpose for mankind and for the earth. And we are assured that what God purposes, he will carry out. (Isaiah 55:11) So, then, what did God originally purpose for mankind, and how will it all work out?
    GodÂ’s Eternal Purpose for the Earth
    Jehovah God created the earth for a specific purpose. “This is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: ‘I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.’” (Isaiah 45:18)
    Thus, the earth was created specifically for human habitation. Furthermore, it is God’s purpose for the earth to be an eternal home for mankind. “He has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.”—Psalm 104:5; 119:90.
    Who will be in line to enjoy that wonderful inheritance? Consider Jesus’ words: “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5) What does it mean to be mild-tempered, or meek? Dictionaries generally define “meek,” or “mild,” as gentle, moderate, submissive, quiet, even timid. However, the original Greek word used means much more. “There is gentleness” in that word, observes William Barclay’s New Testament Wordbook, “but behind the gentleness there is the strength of steel.” It denotes a mental disposition that enables a person to endure injury without resentment or thought of retaliation, all as a result of having a good relationship with God, and that relationship becomes a source of strength for him.—Isaiah 12:2; Philippians 4:13.
    One who is meek humbly accepts God’s standards in all aspects of his personal life; he does not insist on going by his own views or by other people’s opinions. He is also teachable, willing to be taught by Jehovah. The psalmist David wrote: “[Jehovah] will cause the meek ones to walk in his judicial decision, and he will teach the meek ones his way.”—Psalm 25:9; Proverbs 3:5, 6.
    Will you be among “the meek” who will inherit the earth? By getting to know Jehovah and his will through a diligent study of his Word and by putting what you learn into practice, you too can look forward to inheriting an earthly paradise and living forever in it.—John 17:3.
    Would you like to know more about how you too can inherit the earth? Read more at:
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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in “I was especially fond of the sons of men.”—PROV. 8:31. – ?????????   
    “I was especially fond of the sons of men.”—PROV. 8:31.
    GOD’S firstborn Son was the earliest and most complete expression of Jehovah’s unfathomable wisdom. He was wisdom personified, “a master worker” alongside his Father. We can only imagine the joy and satisfaction that he experienced as his Father “prepared the heavens” and “established the foundations of the earth.” However, though appreciating these inanimate things, God’s firstborn Son “was especially fond of the sons of men.” (Prov. 8:22-31) Yes, Jesus has a fondness, or tender affection, for mankind that stretches back to his prehuman existence.
    Later, as proof of his loyalty and love for his Father, as well as of his deep love for “the sons of men,” God’s Firstborn willingly “emptied himself” and came to be in the likeness of men. He did so in order to provide “a ransom in exchange for many.” (Phil. 2:5-8; Matt. 20:28) What love he has for the human family! While Jesus was on earth, God empowered him to perform miracles that revealed how much he loved people. Jesus thus demonstrated the kind of marvelous things that will soon take place earth wide.
    Jesus’ coming to earth also enabled him to “declare the good news of the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 4:43) Jesus knew that this Kingdom would serve to sanctify his Father’s name and would be the permanent solution to all human ills. Not surprisingly, woven throughout the fabric of Jesus’ preaching tours were evidences of his genuine concern for the human family. Why should this matter to us? Because the lessons we learn will inspire confidence and hope for the future. Let us examine four of Jesus’ miracles.
    Jesus’ heart was touched by the pain of others. Deeply moved by others’ reaction to the death of his friend Lazarus, Jesus “groaned” and “became troubled.” He felt that way even though he 
     knew that he would shortly bring Lazarus back to life. (Read John 11:33-36.) Jesus was not ashamed to manifest strong emotions. Onlookers could see the affection Jesus felt for Lazarus and his family. What compassion Jesus showed by using his God-given power to bring his friend back to life!—John 11:43, 44.
    If we maintain our Christian integrity, we may well witness one of the greatest miracles of all time—the miracle of surviving the great tribulation. Soon after the war of Armageddon, more miracles will occur, restoring humans to good health. (Isa. 33:24; 35:5, 6; Rev. 21:4) Imagine watching people discard eyeglasses, canes, crutches, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and the like. For good reason, Jehovah will bring Armageddon survivors to a state of good health. Those survivors will have work to do. They can move forward with zest to make our planet, a gift from God, into a global paradise.—Ps. 115:16.

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Now You Know Some Of Your History! – ⌨️???⌨️   
    Now You Know Some Of Your History! 
    Did you know that the first computer for translating multiple languages (MEPS) was invented by Jehovah's Witnesses, to enable them to provide Bible-based publications --& Bibles-- in *many* languages:
    "MEPS is an abbreviation that stands for Multilanguage Electronic Phototypesetting System. It is a system that JehovahÂ’s Witnesses themselves have developed for getting written material published quickly in many languages. They developed MEPS because nowhere in the world was such a system available for publishing in the many languages in which they print their Bible literature.
    "Why was such a multilanguage publishing system unavailable anywhere in the world? Simply stated, because most printing is done for profit, and there was not sufficient monetary return to cover the cost of developing a computerized system for producing literature in many of the languages in which publications of the Watchtower Society are produced. But Jehovah’s Witnesses do not print for profit. Their sole objective in printing Bible literature is to help people of all nations and languages to learn about Jehovah God and his Kingdom government.—Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14.
    "...JehovahÂ’s Witnesses had regularly been translating material into over 165 languages. (Then)
    Therefore, from their own translators they also could obtain the necessary language information to produce MEPS, which currently has the capacity to process material in 644 languages, using 29 alphabets and character sets."
    Milestones in the Production of African-Language Bibles
    Who Are Doing JehovahÂ’s Will Today?
    LESSON 23
    How Is Our Literature Written and Translated?
    In order to do our best to declare the “good news” to “every nation and tribe and tongue and people,” we produce literature in over 750 languages. (Revelation 14:6) How do we accomplish this challenging task? We do it with the help of an international writing staff and a group of devoted translators—all Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The original text is prepared in English. The Governing Body oversees the activity of the Writing Department at our world headquarters. This department coordinates the assignments of the writers who serve at headquarters and at certain branch offices. Having a diversified writing staff allows us to address multicultural subjects that give our publications an international appeal.
    The text is forwarded to the translators. After the written material has been edited and approved, it is sent electronically to teams of translators around the earth, who translate, check, and proofread the text. They endeavor to select the “accurate words of truth” that will capture the full meaning of the English in their target language.—Ecclesiastes 12:10.
    Computers speed up the process. A computer cannot replace human writers and translators. However, their tasks can be sped up by using computerized dictionaries, language tools, and research materials. JehovahÂ’s Witnesses designed a Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System (MEPS) by which text can be entered in hundreds of languages, merged with accompanying artwork, and composed for printing.
    Why do we put forth all this effort, even for languages that are spoken by only a few thousand people? Because it is Jehovah’s will that “all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”—1 Timothy 2:3, 4.
    How is the writing done for our publications? Why do we translate our literature into so many languages? https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/jehovahs-will/literature-written-and-translated/

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in *** Holy Spirit Active in the Invisible Heavenly Realm *** ?????   
    "Whenever Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with God, he would hear the voice conversing with him from above the cover of the ark of the Testimony, from between the two cherubs; and God would speak to him." (Numbers 7:89)
    *** Holy Spirit Active in the Invisible Heavenly Realm ***
    This golden ark or chest was used as a receptacle for sacred articles. It had a cover surmounted by two golden cherubs with wings spread out to cover the mercy seat or propitiatory. When this ark was placed in the Most Holy of the tabernacle or temple, a miraculous light (the Shekinah light) appeared above the wings of the cherubs. (Exodus 25:10-22; 2 Kings 19:15) Thus Jehovah was represented as throning above the cherubs and giving instructions from there.
    HS chap. 2 p. 31 par. 32

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    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Created Gravity or Spaced the Planets in Perfect Alignment? – ?????   
    Who Created Gravity or Spaced the Planets in Perfect Alignment?
    God asked Job: “Into what have its socket pedestals been sunk down?” Is that not a good question? We are probably familiar with a term that Job did not know—gravity. Most of us understand that the force of gravity from the huge mass of the sun keeps our earth in place, its socket pedestals sunk down so to speak. Still, who fully understands gravity?
    "Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you think you understand.
     5 Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched a measuring line across it?
     6 Into what were its pedestals sunk, Or who laid its cornerstone,
     7 When the morning stars  joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God  began shouting in applause?" – (Job 38: 4-7).
    "He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, Suspending the earth upon nothing." – (Job 26:7).
    "Look! These are just the fringes of his ways; Only a faint whisper has been heard of him! So who can understand his mighty thunder?” – (Job 2;14).
    A recently published book entitled The Universe Explained admits that ‘gravity is the most familiar, yet the least understood, of nature’s forces.’ It adds: “Gravitational force seems to travel across empty space instantly, without any obvious means of doing so. In recent years, however, physicists have begun to speculate that gravity might travel in waves made of particles called gravitons . . . But no one is quite certain of their existence.” Think about what that implies.
    Science has advanced for 3,000 years since Jehovah posed those questions to Job. Still, neither we nor expert physicists can fully explain gravity, which keeps our earth in the right orbit, just the position it should have to allow us to enjoy life here. (Job 26:7; Isaiah 45:18)
    "For this is what Jehovah says, The Creator of the heavens, the true God, The One who formed the earth, its Maker who firmly established it, Who did not create it simply for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited: “I am Jehovah, and     there is no one else.’ – (Isa. 45:18).

  22. Sad
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in "The Time We Visited Auschwitz.“ –   
    "The Time We Visited Auschwitz.“ 
    When the Tallinn, Estonia Convention delegates visited Haapsalu, we were taken to the train museum and there the brothers and sisters staged a reenactment of the deportation of our brothers to Siberia in April 1951.
    We had the opportunity to climb into a boxcar (similar to the ones used ) and have the door closed. There were less than 20 of us but there would have been 40 to a car on the 2 week journey to Siberia. Some were dressed as guards and even fired guns with blanks. It was emotionally moving, similar to the time we visited Auschwitz.“
    Jehovah—Our Source of Salvation
    Why do we take refuge in Jehovah?
    Concerning the true worshiper, the psalmist represents God as saying: “Because on me he has set his affection, I shall also provide him with escape. I shall protect him because he has come to know my name.” (Psalm 91:14) The phrase “I shall protect him” is literally, “I shall place him on high,” that is, out of reach. We take refuge in Jehovah as his worshipers especially because ‘we have set our affection on him.’ (Mark 12:29, 30; 1 John 4:19) 
    In turn, God ‘provides us with escape’ from our enemies. Never will we be wiped off the earth. Rather, we will be saved because we know the divine name and call upon it in faith. (Romans 10:11-13) And we are determined to ‘walk in Jehovah’s name forever.’—Micah 4:5; Isaiah 43:10-12.
    As Psalm 91 concludes, what does Jehovah promise his faithful servant?
    As Psalm 91 concludes, Jehovah says of his faithful servant: “He will call upon me, and I shall answer him. I shall be with him in distress. I shall rescue him and glorify him. With length of days I shall satisfy him, and I shall cause him to see salvation by me.” (Psalm 91:15, 16) When we call upon God in prayer according to his will, he answers us. (1 John 5:13-15) 
    We have already passed through much distress because of the hostility fomented by Satan. But the words “I shall be with him in distress” prepare us for future trials and assure us that God will sustain us when this wicked system is destroyed.
  23. Thanks
    He called me from New York and said: "I'm probably staying here." The news is shocking. The last thing you could expect from a person who sang (and sings): "I was born and grew up on Lenin Street". It's hard to imagine music more Russian than the one that Zero played, and Chistyakov continues to play. A brilliant album "No fools" and a few very strong singles have just come out, he has traveled around the country with concerts, he is at the peak of his form, he is finally all right after twenty years of depression and setbacks. So from what to run (and this is the escape)?
    Photo from the archive of Fedor Chistyakov ... The fact that Chistyakov is a member of Jehovah's Witnesses, an organization that has just been recognized as extremist, knew everything, but did not attach importance. It was believed that the rock star has such a fad. Prince was also a Witness. And Madonna is a Kabbalist. And Tom Cruise is a Scientologist ... However, Fedor, although he never spoke about his religion at concerts and very rarely in an interview, takes her seriously. This is not a fad, this is something for which he is ready to fight.
    "Witnesses" appeared in his life in the 90's, during the most difficult period. He just served an assassination attempt, went through a psychiatric hospital and was in a terrible state, on the verge of suicide. Now he does not drink, does not smoke and does not sing his old songs, where drugs are mentioned. But at the same time he did not lose the rock-n-roll drive, at the concerts he ignites in a way that few people can now. You can treat the Witnesses differently, but they rescued him, Fedor Chistyakov.
    Pressure on the "Witnesses" went for a long time. In 2004, the Moscow court dismissed the Moscow community. In 2011, several criminal cases were opened. And in 2009, the NTV channel showed the film: "Watch out: Jehovah's Witnesses". In addition to the attack on the Witnesses, there was a run-in and personally on Chistyakov. Televischiki represented him in the image of a zombified and seduced sectarian, which is not true by one percent. This can be confirmed by anyone who has been to Fedor's concerts and listened to his recent recordings. The zombies do not sing like that.
    The conclusion from the program was clear: look, the murderer and the addict preach the Bible! They, probably, are all like that.
    The act is sneaky, whatever one may say, but Chistyakov then restrained himself. He is generally patient, his life has been broken and continues to break, like few people, one must have a strong character in order to survive and not go insane in his circumstances. As the campaign around the Witnesses unfolded, he became gloomy, nervous, but he waited. There were weak chances that it would cost. Now there are no such chances. Since July, his co-religionists and he is outside the law.
    "You can regard this interview as my official statement on leaving the country," Fyodor said. "I just had no choice."
    - I was not going to emigrate. There are people who for years try to get a green card or somehow get to America. And I never had any thoughts of such, nor of the possibilities. I firmly settled in place, I am already fifty, where to go? Besides, right now everything is developing very well, as a musician I am on the rise: a good band, an established tour system, one after the other albums are out. And so we flew with a tour in the US. And on the eve of the trial, the result of which was the ban of the Witnesses. For me it was a shock. The likelihood that I will not return from the American tour started to increase strongly. And on July 17, when they rejected the appeal, I made the final decision.
    - What does this prohibition mean to you personally?
    - First and foremost: I can not openly profess my religion. This in itself is a trauma, even if you are not being put, but there are already plantings. In Orel, for example, they took and imprisoned a citizen of Denmark. Russians are not enough for them, they decided to wet it so that the ears rang. There are options for punishment: prison, forced labor, fine. If a person is fined 100,000, and he has a salary of 20, what should he do? After that, by the way, they can plant.
    "Such a situation makes any creative activity meaningless. What's the point, if tomorrow can come for you? "
    And musical activity is connected with long-term investments. I invest my personal funds in the project, my colleagues and investors are investing. I take on very serious obligations. Concerts are planned for six months, and I have no right to even get sick, I have to play live or dead. But how to work if you can be picked up at any moment? Then you have to change your profession, but I do not want to, I still have many plans.
    Last year, my spies were visited by searches of special services. Laptops, computers, hard disks were taken to find evidence of extremism. I was very worried about my home studio. It is absolutely inconceivable that my achievements are carried to an unknown place. So my move is not connected with the fact that I allegedly do not like Russia and sold to the Americans. This is a forced measure aimed at preventing me from disappearing as a creative unit. There was no other way out.
    "And so you left." What will happen to the band "Fedor Chistyakov Band"? Is the project closed?
    - In no case. Only the place of my physical stay has changed, nothing changes anymore. At least, I hope so. Now we are reshaping the schedules of tours taking into account the fact that I'm flying to them from America. In the near future the bandback of the group "Zero" - November 18, Moscow, "Izvestia Hall." If there is no force majeure, everything will be done. And then the recording of the new album, the material is written, you have to work with it. In addition, an American project is planned, with which I will be speaking, a contract has already been signed.
    - Do you plan on singing in English?
    "I'm afraid I will not succeed." Russian language, Russian thinking, Russian mentality with the move does not disappear anywhere. This is not the clothes that he took off, put on another and everything is okay. I remain the same as I was, I am still worried about things that are happening in Russia. And of course, I'm focused on the Russian public. But there is still an emigrant audience, it is not very large, but it is. I live in the area of New York, where on the street constantly hear Russian speech. And it's not even Brighton.
    - The song from your new single "Time to Live" begins with the words: "There is nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, only to run ..." Just about running away. Coincidence or did you plan?
    - Coincidence, I was surprised to him. This is an old song "Zero", it did not have time to finish it in 1992, I do not remember what I meant at the time. Probably, flight from a difficult life situation, but not emigration exactly. We recorded it now together with Nichols, with whom "Zero" started sometime, it is possible with good conscience to consider this record as the new work of "Zero".
  24. Sad
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Tennessee Experts Spar Over Prison Terms For juveniles - JW's Killed in Satanic Ritual   
    Tennessee experts spar over prison terms for juveniles
    BY SHEILA BURKE Associated Press
    Three members of a family of witnesses killed in a satanic ritual.
    In 1997, a family of witnesses returning from his assembly, were kidnapped and the marriage and 6-Year-old daughter killed. Only the 2-Year-old son survived. The 5 guilty were sentenced to life imprisonment.
    Now it's pressuring justice to be released at the age of 20
    That raises many protests remembering how the "Aligned" family went into a ditch where they begged for their lives, but they were executed.
    JULY 31, 2017 3:18 AM
    There is wide disagreement in Tennessee on whether the state is violating recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions banning mandatory life-without-parole sentences for offenders under 18. That's because judges and juries have a choice in sentencing, but that choice is between life in prison or life with the possibility of parole after serving 51 years — which one leading advocate calls cruel.

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    E dub reacted to The Librarian in Appreciating the Benefits of Kingdom Rule    
    Appreciating the Benefits of Kingdom Rule 

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