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Posts posted by Nnaemeka

  1. Everyone has to live with his or her conscience but it is a protection to adhere to the advice of the faithful and discreet slave. Although someone could point to the violence in the world as a rational for why he should carry, the scriptures have consistently advised us to rely on Jehovah both spiritually and physically. When Peter attacked Malchus he must have been thinking: "Attack is the best form of defense. Look at the large crowd with swords and clubs from the high priest. If I attack first, it would be a signal for Jesus to use his power to help us." Jesus would have none of that. He relied on Jehovah. And we should do.

    I heard of the story of a Kingdom Hall bombed in Australia. It was very sad. It's part of the signs of the last days but that would not be a rationale for us to take to arms. One of the fruitage of the spirit is self-control. That is what we need in occasions like this when we find ourselves under threat. Against the natural inclination to take arms and fight back, we prefer to leave it in the hands of the authorities. That is Godly wisdom. Remember King Hezekiah. Despite the fact that he was staring at death in the face when Sennacherib besieged Jerusalem, he relied on Jehovah. We want to do the same.

    Come to think of it. Would you say that because many politicians are corrupt that you'd go into politics because as a Christian you'd bring about the needed changes? That would be a natural inclination of every human. But the bible shows consistently that Christians should not engage in politics. As a Christian you'd want to follow bible principles. That is the same with the firearms issue. We want to follow bible principles rather than our natural inclination.

  2. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    I think all the Apostles might disagree with you, Nnaemeka, because as Luke 22:36 points out, the APOSTLES BROUGHT THEIR OWN PERSONAL SWORDS TO THE PASSOVER, AND MEMORIAL.

    Or do you think that Jesus, after being with the Apostles for somewhere around THREE YEARS, never noticed the swords, and long expensive fishing knives they carried, as did almost all Galilean males?

    When is the last time YOU rented a dining room, and over in the corner, were two expensive swords, each made from hand-mined metal and shaped and beaten into an individually hand made AND EXPENSIVE swords by a blacksmith ?

    Peter and at LEAST one other Apostle had their personal swords with them .... AT THE MEMORIAL.

    Hint: Life is simpler when you use plain old common sense, AND you do not have to use irrelevant to the topic references to support a bogus agenda.




    You should realize that Jesus was aware that there were so many things his apostles had to learn and overcome such as fear of man and the customs they grew up with. Jesus did not set out correcting every fault they had instantly but when the occasion arises. Realize that in the Luke 22 you quoted when the apostles showed him two sword he answered them: "It is enough." He went on to emphasize that their confidence should not lie in weapons when he laid down a principle before them right at the moment when Peter cut off Malchus' ears. This was stated in Matthew 26:52 thus:


    52 Then Jesus said to him: “Return your sword to its place, for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword. 

    Jesus admonished Peter for using one of those swords. Just picture this scenario with the one you pointed out in your original post. They are both similar. But Jesus reproved Peter for falling on a weapon to protect himself and his master. Jesus laid a principle that all his followers will do well to follow. Jesus then in the next verse showed why it is wrong to do as you imagined in your original post scenario - that is, bring weapons to the Kingdom Hall. He emphasized to his disciples that he had legions at his beck and call - invisible spirit weapons - but in this time of death, he did not and would not use it when he said in Matthew 26:53 thus:


    53 Or do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than 12 legions of angels? 

    That idea above, allowing Jehovah's will to be done irrespective if your life is in danger, does not show Jesus to be a coward as you contend. Or do you think he also is one? I doubt it. Jesus was bold and courageous to exercise self control at the darkest moment in his life and he never flinched from his resolve. We do well to follow his steps closely as Peter urges in 1 Peter 2:21.

  3. No, while on earth Jesus did not explicitly give such instructions. It was apostle Paul that gave it in 1 Corinthians 5:13 that says:


    13 while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among yourselves.”

    But Paul was an instrument used by Jesus for a special purpose. So whatever direction comes from Paul could be said to be coming from Jesus as these verses in Acts 26:16 makes clear.


    16 But rise and stand on your feet. This is why I have appeared to you, to choose you as a servant and a witness both of things you have seen and things I will make you see respecting me. 

    You can read the context to get the sense that Jesus was using Paul for a special reason.

  4. Well, it's very sad but such a scenario wouldn't justify a Christian coming with firearms to the Kingdom Hall, Jehovah's place of worship or even keeping one for that matter. I think you are examining the Bible's teachings from a physical point of view that is why two verses are pertinent for you to consider.

    1. 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 that says:


    14 But a physical man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually. 15 However, the spiritual man examines all things, but he himself is not examined by any man. 16 For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, so that he may instruct him?” But we do have the mind of Christ.

    2. Psalm 34:7 that says:


     7 The angel of Jehovah camps all around those fearing Him, And he rescues them.


  5. 16 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It DEFINITELY is in the same style and logic used by the Society's Publications. from the time the Magazines had "Questions from Readers", which were actually set-up rhetorical questions, in most cases.

    " Is it appropriate for a Christian to own a cat, in light of their past pagan religious affiliation and the medical information that is now coming to light? -J.R., U.S.A.

    I can tell you James that the article you quoted above is not in the same style and logic by the organization's publications because it is scripturally flawed; basically flawed. And the article is misleading. I searched Google and discovered it is the logic a purported ex-JW posted on a website so it is apostate logic. Check your facts thoroughly next time before quoting from apostate sources so you don't end up misleading or stumbling others.

  6. You missed two points from what you read in the reasoning book. 

    1. 2 Timothy 3:16,17 was quoted. It emphasizes the fact that what were written in the scriptures was to equip Christians to please Jehovah. 


    17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

    The examples of birthdays in the bible were bad examples and not worthy for Christians to emulate.

    Then comes the second reason you decided to miss out. 

    2. Secular history. The Jews and early Christians associated birthday with idolatry. Why did you not realize that, Shiwii? The Jews wouldn't celebrate birthdays and when they read pharah's account and Herod's beheading of John they see it as a scriptural confirmation of what they are already aware of. Bad examples. Romans 15:4a comes to mind here:


    4 For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction,

    As Christians we copy good examples.

  7. I had a bible student who said Jesus was saying these words "as a man." I was horrified so I asked him: "are you saying that Jesus was deceptive; that he'd say that he was the father's representative 'as a man' and then go to heaven and say something else 'as a god'? Isn't that blaspheming Jesus?"

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