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Brandy Ballejos

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  1. We could definitely learn from the resiliency of this beautiful fragile creature. Though it seems there is no direction for their lives and that they are mercilessly tossed about...it is not so. They have faith that where they land is the step needed to continue their journey. And the journey that leads to the real life isnt always seen by us or even those around us. We simply must have Faith that these things are for our betterment. The journey is long my friends and the road untraveled. Have faith because this invisible force...this warm breeze guiding you through your travels is making the way for you. Much love and healing to you all! Learn and observe from all his creations. They are clues he sets before us to help guide our steps.

  2. We could definitely learn from the resiliency of this beautiful fragile creature. Though it seems there is no direction for their lives and that they are mercilessly tossed about...it is not so. They have faith that where they land is the step needed to continue their journey. And the journey that leads to the real life isnt always seen by us or even those around us. We simply must have Faith that these things are for our betterment. The journey is long my friends and the road untraveled. Have faith because this invisible force...this warm breeze guiding you through your travels is making the way for you. Much love and healing to you all! Learn and observe from all his creations. They are clues he sets before us to help guide our steps.
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