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Posts posted by TheWorldNewsOrg

  1. "Este video tiene una historia interesante que pocos fans de Luis Miguel saben. LM siempre manifestó su admiración por María Félix en la intimidad de sus círculos sociales, y se inspiró en ella para la realización de este video musical a través de la protagonista femenina y la temática. Esta hecho en formato de cine en blanco y negro, simulando al llamado: cine de la época de oro. En el LM aparece cómo todo un galán y charro mexicano y su protagonista femenina como uno de los personajes característicos de María Félix, emulando a la actriz, que fue considerada la mujer más bella del mundo. Para la realización de este video se intentó localizar a la legendaria actriz para que asistiera al rodaje, como la invitada especial, entre otros ahí reunidos: katy Jurado, Lola Beltran, Jorge Russek, Juan Gabriel, Carlos Monsivais, La Tariacuri, Ofelia Medina, Pablo Montero etc etc pero la Doña estaba en Francia, por lo que no asistió y posiblemente tampoco le hubiera interesado estar, incluso el video se grabo en el restaurante favorito de María en CDMX, “El Cícero Centenario”, de Estela Moctezuma, su gran amiga en los últimos años de su vida. Pasaron los años y fue en el 2002, en que LM la invitó a asistir a uno de sus conciertos en la CDMX y María Félix aceptó. Al verla el cantante parada bajo el escenario, inmediatamente se recostó sobre la tarima para alcanzarla y saludarla con un beso en los labios, lo cual fue muy noticioso y fue la gran despedida de la gran Doña María Félix ante su público mexicano, esta fue su última aparición pública antes de fallecer dos meses después. Contaba con 88 años de edad, nació y murió el mismo día un 8 de abril 1914 - 2002"

    - LaloGoPresenta

  2. One thing about the iPhone 13 pro series, is that it uses a variable refresh rate. That means it might go up to 120 when you're swiping on it, etc. But if you're playing a game that's locked at 60 or watching a video locked at 30/60/whatever, then that's what it's displaying. In real life, we interact with our phones more than just opening something and staring. I wonder how the constant switching on refresh rate would impact these battery life stats.

  3. they increased it this year because the other features are quite underwhelming

    I think people glossed over how big of a deal the improved battery life is. 13 pro max could easily become a 3 day light to medium usage phone. Incredible. And they only sacrificed less than a millimeter in extra thickness

  4. Literally no one I know (that I’ve talked with this stuff about) understands the difference between Venmo and a non-custodial bitcoin/LN wallet + the bitcoin network. But there is a world of difference.


    Centralized variable ledgers that run on inferior archaic systems (slow/costly) that can be censored and where funds can be confiscated/frozen (and often are)


    Free accessible portals to decentralized/immutable/uncensorable/trustless/unconfiscatable hard-money on an efficient 24/7 network that can’t ever be interrupted or controlled

    The reality is the bitcoin network is ground breaking, one-of-a-kind and seeing the global demand. Thing is anyone who wants to use the network must use the native token (bitcoin the asset) to access the inbuilt utilities and use cases of the network.

    This delineation isn’t articulated or understood nearly enough in my opinion.

  5. You think the Average Salvadoran can just make and use a PayPal or Apple Pay account? They absolutely can not. Same goes for literally billions of other people around the world.

    Anyone of them can make a Twitter if they have the infrastructure aka a computer and access to the internet. They can also download Chivo. They can download Muun, strike, blue wallet, green wallet, etc. In El Salvador people can even pay bills in BTC. It’s an accessible, flexible and entirely better system so many people now have at their finger tips globally. It will take awhile to get it all built out, dialed in and get people accustomed to it. But it’s there to be figured out at a raw baseline level today

  6. Seeing this young man in hoodie, baseball cap and crocs on national TV schooling older financial "professionals" is proof of how technology is changing our world faster and faster with each cycle....

    This kid was in diapers when most of us were deciding to invest in Google or Yahoo on the new disruptive technology called the internet..... and look at him now teaching that older financial professional.

    Older CNBC financial reporter literally says on international television:

    "instant global cash finality...I don't know what those words mean, they sound like terms of art."

    Time for more schooling. 

    Have we all learned now that we shouldn't be looking to CNBC and Bloomberg for cutting edge financial discussion?


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