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Linda Martin-Jones

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  1. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in 2024-2025 Circuit Assembly notebook-   
    Here is the notebook for the 2024 - 2025 Circuit Assemblies ---“Behave in a Manner Worthy of the Good News”—& Not Ashamed of the Good News!..  TB
    2024-2025 Circuit Assembly's notebook .pdf 2024-2025 Circuit Assembly's notebook .doc
  2. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to larryjohnson in Special Campaign to Start Bible Studies in September 2024, using the Enjoy Life Forever brochure   
    Special Campaign to Start Bible Studies in September 2024, using the Enjoy Life Forever brochure.pdf
    Special Campaign to Start Bible Studies in September 2024, using the Enjoy Life Forever brochure
  3. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Material for July 1-7 and July 8-14, 2024   
    Here is the material for the weeks of July 1-7 and July 8-14, 2024. TB
    Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JULY 8-14, 2024.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JULY 8-14, 2024.pdf Watchtower July 8-14, 2024.doc Watchtower July 8-14, 2024.pdf Watchtower WEEK OF July 1-7, 2024.doc Watchtower WEEK OF July 1-7, 2024.pdf Additional Highlights -JULY 1-7, 2024.doc Additional Highlights -JULY 1-7, 2024.pdf Additional Highlights -JULY 8-14, 2024.doc Additional Highlights -JULY 8-14, 2024.pdf Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JULY 1-7, 2024.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JULY 1-7, 2024.pdf
  4. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Material for April 22-28 and April 29 -May 5, 2024   
    Here is the material for weeks of April 22-28 and April 29- May 5, 2024.. tb
    Meeting Workbook and CBS week of APRIL 22-28, 2024.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of APRIL 22-28, 2024.pdf Meeting Workbook and CBS week of APRIL 29–MAY 5, 2024.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of APRIL 29–MAY 5, 2024.pdf Watchtower April 22-28, 2024.doc Watchtower April 22-28, 2024.pdf Watchtower April 29, 2024–May 5, 2024.doc Watchtower April 29, 2024–May 5, 2024.pdf Additional Highlights -APRIL 22-28, 2024.doc Additional Highlights -APRIL 22-28, 2024.pdf Additional Highlights -APRIL 29–MAY 5, 2024.doc Additional Highlights -APRIL 29–MAY 5, 2024.pdf
  5. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Meeting Material for week of JANUARY 15-21 and Jan. 22- 28, 2024   
    Here is the material for the weeks of Jan. 15-21 and Jan. 22-28, 2024. TB
    Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JANUARY 15-21, 2024.pdf Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JANUARY 22-28, 2024.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JANUARY 22-28, 2024.pdf Watchtower January 15-21, 2024.doc Watchtower January 15-21, 2024.pdf Watchtower January 22-28, 2024.doc Watchtower January 22-28, 2024.pdf Additional Highlights - JANUARY 15-21, 2024.doc Additional Highlights - JANUARY 15-21, 2024.pdf Additional Highlights -JANUARY 22-28, 2024.doc Additional Highlights -JANUARY 22-28, 2024.pdf Meeting Workbook and CBS week of JANUARY 15-21, 2024.doc
  6. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in 2023 "Exercise Patience" RC notebook   
    Here is a notebook for this years 2023 "Exercise Patience"  Regional Convention if your interested. TB
    2023 Exercise Patience RC of Jehovahs Witnesses Notebook.doc 2023 Exercise Patience RC of Jehovahs Witnesses Notebook.pdf
  7. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to Matthew9969 in 2023 Convention Program   
    Looks exactly like a JCLDS convention speech.
  8. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Material for April 10-16 and April 17-23, 2023   
    Her is the reference material for April 10-16 and 17-23, 2023. TB
    Meeting Workbook and CBS week of April 10-16, 2023.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of April 10-16, 2023.pdf Meeting Workbook and CBS week of April 17-23, 2023.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of April 17-23, 2023.pdf Watchtower April 10-16, 2023.doc Watchtower April 10-16, 2023.pdf Watchtower April 17-23, 2023.doc Watchtower April 17-23, 2023.pdf Additional Highlights -April 10-16, 2023.doc Additional Highlights -April 10-16, 2023.pdf Additional Highlights -April 17-23, 2023.doc Additional Highlights -April 17-23, 2023.pdf
  9. Like
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to larryjohnson in 2023 Calendar for Jehovah's Witnesses   
    2023 Calendar for Jehovah's Witnesses.pdf
  10. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to larryjohnson in 2022 September Bible Study Campaign using the Enjoy Life Forever Brochure Templates   
    Initial Call - Bible Study Ps37.29 - mwbv_E_202209_03_r720P.docx2022 September Bible Study Campaign using the Enjoy LIfe Forever Brochure ..pdfenjoy life forever letter head with page 16 on back page.pdf
  11. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in 2022 - 2023 Jehovah’s United Family & Friends of Peace Circuit Assembly's notebook   
    Here is a notebook for the next 2 Circuit Assembly's for 2022- 2023,  "Jehovah’s United Family" & "Friends of Peace".  TB
    2022 - 2023 Jehovah’s United Family & Friends of Peace Circuit Assembly's notebook .pdf 2022 - 2023 Jehovah’s United Family & Friends of Peace Circuit Assembly's notebook .doc
  12. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Meeting material for weeks of August 15-21 and August 22-28, 2022   
    Here is the Meeting material for weeks of August 15-21 and August 22-28, 2022. TB
    Meeting Workbook and CBS week of August 15-21.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of August 15-21.pdf Watchtower August 15-21, 2022.doc Watchtower August 15-21, 2022.pdf Watchtower August 22-28, 2022.doc Watchtower August 22-28, 2022.pdf Additional Highlights -August 15-21, 2022.doc Additional Highlights -August 15-21, 2022.pdf Additional Highlights -August 22-28, 2022.doc Additional Highlights -August 22-28, 2022.pdf Meeting Workbook and CBS week of August 22-28 , 2022.doc Meeting Workbook and CBS week of August 22-28 , 2022.pdf
  13. Like
    Linda Martin-Jones got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in Meeting Workbook week of June 6-12 and 13-19, 2022   
    Thank you 
  14. Thanks
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Notebook for the 2021-2022 Circuit Assembly's   
    Here is the Notebook for the 2021-2022 Circuit Assembly's "“EXERCISE FAITH”! & STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH!". TB
    2021-2022 Circuit Assembly's notebook .pdf 2021-2022 Circuit Assembly's notebook .doc
  15. Like
    Linda Martin-Jones got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in Pure Worship of Jehovah scriptures   
  16. Like
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to Candies in Where did the other half of Jesus’ DNA come from?   
    That's why he's called God's son God completed the rest of the DNA for him
  17. Like
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to Evacuated in Where did the other half of Jesus’ DNA come from?   
    Where did Adam get his?
  18. Upvote
    Linda Martin-Jones reacted to The Librarian in LORD OR JEHOVAH?   
    A Circuit Overseer was working with a very humble brother in a rich part of town. When they reached a beautiful house, they met a man who did not hide his hostility. It was the humble brother’s turn to speak:
    Good day Sir. We are here to show people God's name.
    As you can see here in Psalm 83:18 it reads: ‘That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.’
    After a moment the man said: I want you to show me that in MY bible.
    The man returned with his bible and gave it to the brother. The text read: 'That they may know that you alone, whose name is the 'Lord,' are the Most High over all the earth.'
    You see? Said the man with an altered voice - God's name is 'Lord!’ - You understand nothing of the Bible! It is I who should teach YOU and that's exactly what I'll do!

    And the first thing you need to do is throw out your Bible. Give me your name and address! I will step in your home to teach you whenever you want.
    With a pencil and piece of paper ready, the man asked: What is your name?
    The humble brother replied: My name is Lord.

    No, I want to know your personal name - insisted the man.
    My name is 'Lord', insisted the brother.
    You must have a name. What is it? Insisted the resident.
    My name is 'Lord', insisted the brother even more.
    How can you be so stupid? Screamed the man. 'Lord' is not a name ...

    Returning to the man’s bible, the brother answered calmly:
    Well, if 'Lord' is not a name, then throw out YOUR Bible!
    - Akpowenre Odirih Patrick
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