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  1. "Of course eventually you would get vaporized. I'll explain why. At 99.99% of c you are not only moving at that whopping speed away from Earth, but also plowing through the interstellar medium (ISM). About 1% of the mass of the ISM is dust. The dust particles are about 10^-17 kg in mass and there is about one of those dust particles every cubic hectometer, or 1 particle every 1million cubic meter of ISM. Now let's assume that the front or our needle-like ship has an area of 100 square meter. That means every 10 km we travel we hit one such particle. The energy of the hit is mcc, where m is multiplied by the gamma factor of 70 (see other answers) and c squared is about 10^17. So every dust spec hits with an energy of 70 Joule. Compare that to a 0.1 kg apple hitting you at about 100 km/h. At almost the speed of light we are doing 300,000 km/s which is 30,000 dust specs hitting like apples per second, at 70 Joules per hit, is 2,100,000 Joule per second or 2.1 MW, that is Mega Watt! So we do not need headlights. Isn't this barrage of hits slowing us down? Let's check it out. The impulse delivered per dust spec is gamma times rest mass times light speed times number of hits per second, or 70 times 10^-17 times 3 times 10^8 times 30,000, or number of hits per second, or about 0,0063 kg m/s^2 or o.oo63 N for Newton, that is the like the force corresponding to the weight of less than a gram on Earth. That is very easy to compensate by a tiny rocket engine that is ignited for a short time during a day. So at these phantastic velocities we see the difference between Energy and Momentum. The higher the speed, the higher the energy and the momentum just can't keep up. So why would you eventually get vaporized?Because you would eventually hit a dust particle of a microgram, or 10^-9 kg, which would have a yield of about 10^10 Joule, which would basically kill the ship, because that is like a 10 ton truck hitting you at 3600 km/h. Sorry Trekkies, no Enterprise, ever. " - Ben H.
  2. "The notion of mass "increasing" with velocity is an outdated one. Under current definitions of "mass", mass doesn't increase at all with velocity; instead, it is an intrinsic property of the object in question, which is the same in all reference frames. ... If you're inside your rocket ship traveling at 99.99% of the speed of light relative to Earth, you wouldn't be able to tell you were moving at all without looking out the windows (or at your instruments, etc.) Specifically, you would not somehow have more trouble moving because of your increased inertia, and you would not see time slow down for yourself. It's only observers on Earth who would see your time slow down and your inertia increase." The magnitudes of most of the famous effects of special relativity (time dilation, length contraction, increase in inertia) are determined by the "gamma factor", γ=11−v2/c2√γ=11−v2/c2. This is where Allan Steinhardt's answer comes from. It's the factor by which inertia increases, and it's the factor by which we used to say your mass increased, before "mass" was redefined. (Again, this is all according to an observer who sees you moving at 99.99% of the speed of light relative to them; according to you, everything about you is "normal".)" Source
  3. The Governing Body lives on the top floors. (Not the roof of course)
  4. admin

    Kenny Chesney

    Start a new topic for different artistts/songs
  5. FBI Director James Comey says that investigators still can't open a phone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino attackers, despite efforts to try to unlock it. Comey made the comments during a Senate hearing that focused on worldwide threats
  6. Grass fires pushed along by 35 mph wind gusts forced an elementary school to keep some of its children after hours as a wildfire risk threatened Oklahoma ahead of its annual tornado season.
  7. Marco Rubio says he's disappointed in his performance Tuesday in New Hampshire's Republican presidential primary, and he's blaming himself. The Florida senator pointed to his performance in the last Republican debate on Saturday as the reason.
  8. Jeb Bush thanked his supporters for a strong finish in New Hampshire telling them they have "reset the race." He said the Republican party needs someone transparent and tested to beat Hillary Clinton, adding, "I'm that guy."
  9. Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Presidential Primary on Tuesday. Trump finished far ahead of other Republican candidates. (
  10. This is a story that gives new meaning to "The Little Engine That Could" in a profound way.One source explains: In what is called the "Great Oxidation Event," something very little appeared that started making the earth habitable for us through photosynthesis. What happened? This:Cyanobacteria is responsible terraforming earth, transforming it from an iron-rich water world with a choking, impenetrable carbon-dioxide atmosphere to one with blue water and a clear oxygenated atmosphere. They also enlarged the coastlines of the nascent continents, called cratons. It took these little guys millions of years to accomplish this! Cyanobacteria is also very nutritious for human consumption. Where did cyanobacteria come from, being able to terraform a planet and provide humanity with nutrition? Humanity's best friend from the Creator.Footnotes:[1] The Event that Transformed Earth http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150701-the-origin-of-the-air-we-breathe
  11. I had better work on getting a better night's sleep soon!
  12. The former Soviet Republic of Georgia is planning a new bill that will legally punish irreverence toward religion. However, concerns have been raised the 'blasphemy bill' could be used against any organization who does not follow the church's principles. The bill has been approved by committee, and according to The Guardian, is headed for the parliamentary floor. If passed, the bill will impose a fine of 100 lari, equivalent to $120 USD, for insults to religious feeling. The penalty will then be doubled if the offense is committed a second time. Religious minorities fear the bill may be used to guard the interests of the influential Georgian Orthodox Church. While these minorities agree that all religions should be protected by the law, they are concerned the 'blasphemy bill' will become a tool for discrimination against them. Baptist Bishop, Rusudan Gotsiridze, said that the law would not protect anyone; at least, not the minorities, and will be a powerful tool against freedom of speech. Georgian ombudsman Ucha Nanuashvili also criticized the law saying that "the current wording proposes the 'insult to religious feelings' as the sole criterion for limiting freedom of expression, which... subjects one individual to another's will and places the believers in a privileged position." The draft is most likely to be passed in a parliamentary election year. On February 2, the ruling Georgian Dream Coalition endorsed the document at a human rights committee hearing which was snubbed by the minority. The blasphemy bill has caused division both within and outside the ruling coalition. Tamar Kordzaia, a member of the Georgian Dream coalition has spoken against the bill, saying that it comes short of international human rights standards and would upset the existing balance of civil liberties. The Georgian Orthodox Church is associated with a pro-Russian and nationalist agenda, giving them much ruling power. Members of the said church have been associated with demonstrations, sometimes violent, against religious minorities such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, Pentecostals, and Muslims. Back in September 2014, local Orthodox Christians slaughtered a pig and nailed its head to the front door of a Muslim boarding school to protest its opening. http://www.christiantimes.com/article/georgia.proposes.blasphemy.bill.to.punish.religious.irreverence/53518.htm
  13. Large-scale military drills across south-west Russia intended to test the troops' readiness amid continuing tensions with the West President Vladimir Putin has scrambled thousands of troops and hundreds of warplanes across southwestern Russia for large-scale military drills intended to test the troops' readiness amid continuing tensions with the West. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said that military units were put on combat alert early on Monday, marking the launch of the exercise that involves troops of the Southern Military District. Russian soldiers parachute as part of military drills in the Kostroma region The district includes troops stationed in Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014, as well as forces in the North Caucasus and southwestern regions near the border with Ukraine. Shoigu said the manoeuvres will also engage airborne troops and military transport aviation, as well as the navy. He noted that the drills are intended to check the troops' ability to respond to extremist threats and other challenges. According to Shoigu, who spoke at a meeting with the top military brass, the war games would include redeployment of air force units to advance air bases and bombing runs at shooting ranges. The manoeuvres will test the troops' mobility, with some being deployed to areas up to 3,000 kilometres (1,860 miles) away, the military said. Russian soldiers parachute as part of military drills in the Kostroma region Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said in a statement that up to 8,500 troops, 900 ground weapons, 200 warplanes and about 50 warships will be involved in the drills. The exercises are the latest in a series of major drills intended to strengthen the military's readiness. They have continued despite the nation's economic downturn. Even though a drop in global oil prices has drained the government's coffers and helped drive the economy into recessions, the Kremlin has continued to spend big on the military, funding the purchase of hundreds of new aircraft, tanks and missiles. Russian soldiers take part in military drills in the Kostroma regionhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/vladimir-putin/12149293/Vladimir-Putin-puts-Russian-troops-on-high-alert-as-part-of-massive-military-drills.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  14. A paranoid schizophrenic has been detained under a Hospital Order for attacking a Jehovah’s Witness with a broken bottle in Mirfield. Leeds Crown Court heard Shaun Dawson, who had a longstanding history of mental illness, had begun attending the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Newgate around November 2014. But as time passed the congregation noticed he was becoming disruptive and he was asked not to attend again. Michael Smith prosecuting told the court that prior to the attack on February 12 last year Dawson admitted he had begun to have delusional thoughts that people were going to his home and stealing things, including his food. On the day concerned he turned up at the hall carrying two bottles and when someone tried to stop him entering he smashed one of the bottles against a wall and stabbed it into the face of Alex Rees. He then smashed the second bottle over the head of Mr Rees before some members of the congregation managed to restrain him until the police arrived while others helped the injured man. The court was told Dawson was not fit to be interviewed immediately because of his mental condition but later did admit responsibility. Mr Rees, 35, is now left with a permanent scar down his left cheek as a result of the attack. Leeds Crown Court Stephen Wood representing Dawson said psychiatrists had diagnosed him as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia which required treatment in hospital and a bed was available for him at the Bretton Centre in Wakefield. Dawson, 37, admitted wounding Mr Rees with intent and was ordered to be detained under section 37 of the Mental Health Act and for the detention to be without limit of time under Section 41. Judge Geoffrey Marson QC said the psychiatric evidence indicated he suffered from a mental disorder, paranoid schizophrenia which was of such a degree it was necessary to detain him for treatment in hospital. He said having regard to the nature of the offence, Dawson’s long-standing illness which had involved previous admission to hospital and his lack of co-operation on occasions it was necessary to have a restriction order. He added: “However serious the case is it is a case for treatment rather than punishment.” http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/hospital-order-shaun-dawson-after-10864046
  15. A man has been charged following an incident at a church in Beenleigh this morning. Around 8.20am, it will be alleged a man used his vehicle to ram through the front security gates of the Jireh Street building. It will further be alleged the man then proceeded to set fire to the floor of the church. Witnesses at the scene assisted police with identifying the man who officers located at Logan River Parkland a short time later. A 29-year-old Bethania man has been charged with wilful damage, break and enter and attempted arson. He is scheduled to appear before the Beenleigh Magistrates Court tomorrow. Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day. http://mypolice.qld.gov.au/blog/2016/02/09/break-enter-arson-beenleigh/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kingdom+Hall+of+Jehovah's+Witnesses/@-27.7070899,153.2022375,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x97799a9c520da3ff
  16. She is very missed.... my condolences to her family.
  17. This is footage shot by a Russian camera crew in Homs in 2016. It shows the true devastation caused by explosive weapons in populated areas. Please share this footage - when the world stands up in outrage that such things can happen to a city and the people that live there, then perhaps the world can stop such things happening to a city and the people that live there.
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