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  1. Human embryo on a pin
  2. I personally love Red Robin's "Mad Love" gourmet burger. It must be on my top 3 list of cheeseburgers. Ask for the "Campfire" sauce for your steak fries. Yummy. It is basically a mix of BBQ and Ranch I'm told.
  3. This is insane. Sick passengers evacuated, no ones wearing any protective gear, and they let all of the passengers leave!
  4. Facial recognition is ubiquitous in China. Carriers use it to register new smartphone users. Authorities use it to surveil crowds. Schools use it to monitor students. And everyday people use it to unlock phones, make payments, and enter their apartment complexes. The coronavirus outbreak is foiling all that, Abacus reported last week. Some Chinese provinces have mandated that citizens wear face masks when they leave home. And many others are covering their faces out of an abundance of caution. This is a bug in a system increasingly reliant on facial recognition. People have to decide between the protection provided by the face mask and the convenience provided by facial recognition tech. For example, some Chinese people complained on social media that they couldn't easily access WeChat Pay like they're used to, according to Abacus. Zoom out: While the coronavirus has put a dent in facial recognition's effectiveness, it could hasten rollouts of other emerging technologies like drone delivery, self-driving vehicles, telemedicine… ...and surveillance. One Chinese company has developed a gait recognition system to track suspected coronavirus patients, per the state-run Global Times.
  5. Tencent may have accidentally leaked real data on Wuhan virus deaths Tencent briefly lists 154,023 infections and 24,589 deaths from Wuhan coronavirus TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As many experts question the veracity of China's statistics for the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, Tencent over the weekend seems to have inadvertently released what is potentially the actual number of infections and deaths, which were astronomically higher than official figures. On late Saturday evening (Feb. 1), Tencent, on its webpage titled "Epidemic Situation Tracker," showed confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) in China as standing at 154,023, 10 times the official figure at the time. It listed the number of suspected cases as 79,808, four times the official figure. The number of cured cases was only 269, well below the official number that day of 300. Most ominously, the death toll listed was 24,589, vastly higher than the 300 officially listed that day. Moments later, Tencent updated the numbers to reflect the government's "official" numbers that day. Netizens noticed that Tencent has on at least three occasions posted extremely high numbers, only to quickly lower them to government-approved statistics. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3871594
  6. Why do I feel like central banks printing massive amounts of money to prop up dying stock markets can't be a good thing in the wake of this pandemic?
  7. 20,000 + infected..... I still think the damage to the economy is going to really hit hard in the months to come. Someone told me today that March in the US will hit hard..... Brace for impact!
  8. @... please learn to make your posts in the JW club rather than in our main forum. Thank you. I will move this thread.
  9. The link was regarding a Chinese man and his connections to the Coronavirus. See how much "Big Brother" has taken over our lives? These huge social media monopolies must be curbed.
  10. A lot of monkeys lived near a village. One day a merchant came to the village to buy these monkeys! He announced that he will buy the monkeys @ $100 each. The villagers thought that this man is mad. They thought how can somebody buy stray monkeys at $100 each? Still, some people caught some monkeys and gave it to this merchant and he gave $100 for each monkey. This news spread like wildfire and people caught monkeys and sold it to the merchant. After a few days, the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys @ 200 each. The lazy villagers also ran around to catch the remaining monkeys! They sold the remaining monkeys @ 200 each. Then the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys @ 500 each! The villagers start to lose sleep! ... They caught six or seven monkeys, which was all that was left and got 500 each. The villagers were waiting anxiously for the next announcement. Then the merchant announced that he is going home for a week. And when he returns, he will buy monkeys @ 1000 each! He asked his employee to take care of the monkeys he bought. He was alone taking care of all the monkeys in a cage. The merchant went home. The villagers were very sad as there were no more monkeys left for them to sell it at $1000 each.☹ Then the employee told them that he will sell some monkeys @ 700 each secretly. This news spread like fire. Since the merchant buys monkey @ 1000 each, there is a 300 profit for each monkey. The next day, villagers made a queue near the monkey cage. The employee sold all the monkeys at 700 each. The rich bought monkeys in big lots. The poor borrowed money from money lenders and also bought monkeys! The villagers took care of their monkeys & waited for the merchant to return. But nobody came! ... Then they ran to the employee.. But he has already left too ! The villagers then realised that they have bought the useless stray monkeys @ 700 each and unable to sell them! The Bitcoin will be the next monkey business It will make a lot of people bankrupt and a few people filthy rich in this monkey business. That' how it will work! This forward just makes so much sense. What's important is, if you're investing you need to know when to quit. - Do you agree?
  11. @James Thomas Rook Jr. That is just insane. Another take is that while The Who is praising China's model way of quarantining..... the west cannot do many of the same things legally.
  12. Eric Toner, MD ; Senior Scholar, Senior Scientist @ Johns Hopkins Eric Toner: "Frankly, I think that it's too late. I think that even before the outbreak was discovered it was already out of control." News Anchor: "Interesting take there." Link to the news: https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/video/johns-hopkins-toner-says-china-223658033.html Biography of Eric Toner: http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-people/toner/
  13. Airport screening info from Clade X Based on real world results from Ebola, SARS, & swine flu : As I anticipated, they are fully aware that airport screening is simply a feel good measure, the same way TSA makes it look like the government is doing something.
  14. I had to google what "supercooling" is: Supercooling is the process of chilling a liquid below its freezing point, without it becoming solid. A liquid below its freezing point will crystallize in the presence of a seed crystal or nucleus around which a crystal structure can form. However, lacking any such nucleus, the liquid phase can be maintained all the way down to the temperature at which crystal homogeneous nucleation occurs. The homogeneous nucleation can occur above the glass transition where the system is an amorphous - that is, non-crystalline-solid.
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