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Queen Esther

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Queen Esther last won the day on July 6 2023

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  1. Hi, and good (whatever time of the day it is on your side).

    The SABC (the broadcasting society in South Africa) provides access to the German Deutche Welle every night. I watch it from about 5am. Good, clean news. The only part not liked which is shown occasionally is "Europe in concert." All that banging an clashing can be deafening to some.

    Gone are the days when music and songs were gentle. My all time favorites are,  "How much is that doggie in the window." and "Loves old sweet song". Sometimes called, "Just a song at twilight"

    From our song book I love "He will call" (Song 111) I miss my dear wife who passed away after a stroke in 2014 and think of her a few times every day. She was loved by everyone. Even in shops and streets people came asking her for our literature. She knew how to hold people's attention.

    "Till we meet again, my beloved. Your name is surely in Jehovah's book. Psalm 56:8

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Thank  you  very  much  for  your  nice  words  my  Brother !   I  will  answer  about  all  in  a  private  msg. by  your  letter - cover  symbol.  I  tell  you  my  song - fav.  etc. !   But  you  must  wait  some  hours  please...   Wish  you  now  a  nice  day ! :)

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