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Everything posted by JayDubya

  1. We all can agree that child abuse IS wrong. Jehovah NEVER would allow it. What human would for that matter! I think ( and I'm nobody) the problem comes in when we 'report' these horrendous acts to the older men instead of the 'proper authorities'. Molesting a child forces them to deal with adult feelings, situations and matters they are ill equipped to handle. Perhaps that's why the baptism of babies and very young children should not take place, because it's a conscious decision that should be made by a consenting, mature person. No doubt we are all sickened by anyone who would dare to abuse a child! And then lie about it!! But the question I believe 'we' struggle with- those of 'us' who would keep quiet or not report to proper authorities - HOW MUCH OF THE BLAME BELONGS TO 'US'? Read any article- peer reviewed journal- you'll see that children who experience abuse need more than prayer. I'm not taking away its power- but do you really think silence will make the trauma go away? And god forbid they all remain in the same congregation! What are 'we' teaching the child about trust? And god forbid AGAIN- that this child grows up and is promiscuous and df'd or worse yet- reoffend. (Maybe that should be flipped) Who's to blame- Satan? Today- and I do say today- if it happened to my child, I'd pray not to go off, I'd call the police (while still praying) comfort and support my child and do all I can to get him/her the proper assistance. I'd let him/her know that Jehovah does NOT approve of it - no one does and it is wrong and I will do everything in my power to make sure that brother/sister pay for what they've done. Having said that- if it were NOT my child... well, when does the right thing to do become wrong? We are talking about crimes committed against children!
  2. Let me see... the ONE witness that saw you and the DEAD person! There's your two witnesses! If someone goes looking for 'jack' and 'jack's' found dead, and you were the last one seen walking into his flat- and no more 'jack' AND the conscious moves the person to say they SAW you kill him - AND that person is 'credible' - well, your guilty as charged by three witness: 1. Credible witness 2. Dead Jack 3. Circumstances LoL. I solved the crime! Unfortunately, this would be too much for a victim to go through. Too much trauma not to be believed. Sadly, it happens. ?
  3. Yes. I agree wholeheartedly. Grief is different for each person. With each passing day, it gets better. Agape'
  4. When our brothers lose a loved one, we often say, 'at least we have the resurrection hope.' This is true, however, the Bible refers to death as a 'sting'. It hurts and it doesn't go away as quickly as a bee. I lost two parents in 20 days- Two funerals in 30 days. At least I have the resurrection hope.
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