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  1. https://see.news/merkel-warns-of-new-dangerous-wave-of-coronavirus-within/
  2. https://tesla-cdn.thron.com/static/AAZ26G_Battery-Day-presentation-deck_7KQLXT.pdf
  3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2020/09/30/for-the-first-time-scientists-successfully-extract-dna-from-insects-embedded-in-tree-resin/#282f1b391445
  4. Right wing president cracking down on left leaning protesters, happened because of increasing taxes on the middle class. Their wages are stagnant and the rich are killing it, so when the government increased once more the public transportation. It evolved into mass civil unrest from college aged students. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/03/chilean-police-throw-boy-16-off-bridge-during-protests
  5. France reports 16,972 new coronavirus cases, biggest one-day increase on record 49 new deaths at 2PM Positivity at 7,9% in the last 7 days. Number of positive people declared in 24 hours: 12,623 Number of people tested declared in 24 hours: 141,230 Number of tests carried out over the last 7 days: 1,192,614 Number of SOS Médecins acts for suspected COVID-19 in 24 hours: 550 Number of emergency room visits for suspected COVID-19 in 24 hours: 560 Incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants over the last 7 days: 102.6 Number of people currently hospitalized with a COVID-19 diagnosis: 6,740 Number of new people hospitalized with a COVID-19 diagnosis declared in 24 hours: 721 Number of people currently in intensive care or intensive care with a COVID-19 diagnosis: 1,289 Number of new intensive care admissions with COVID-19 diagnosis declared in 24 hours: 120 Number of people who have died from COVID-19 in the hospital since March 1, 2020: 21,393 Number of people returned home after a COVID-19 diagnosis since March 1, 2020: 98,199 Source
  6. Paris could be put on "maximum alert," lockdown as ICU bed occupancy hits critical level https://www.newsweek.com/coronavirus-paris-maximum-alert-icu-critical-1536025
  7. This is a good link to see JP Morgan Chase's track record: https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/jpmorgan-chase
  8. They would enter orders and then cancel them before they executed. A process called "spoofing"...... this would effect the pricing of the gold and silver which they would then profit on. Steal BILLIONS for decades.... get a fine in the millions...... = cost of doing business
  9. Vice President Mike Pence and second lady test negative for coronavirus following Trump's positive diagnosis
  10. Only 10%.... wow.... Although I read that newspapers and cardboard also don't biodegrade when buried deep in landfill either. All that ink must be toxic too?
  11. K/DA, an augmented reality K-Pop group composed of stylized video game characters, has held the No. 1 spot on the Billboard charts for the past two weeks.
  12. The world’s largest company by revenue is getting serious about drones. Today, Walmart said it would launch a drone delivery pilot in Bentonville, AR, with unicorn Zipline. Last week, Walmart announced a similar pilot program in Fayetteville, NC, using cloud-connected quadcopters from Israeli startup Flytrex. A Grand Forks, ND, Walmart supercenter is already delivering food packs with Flytrex drones. Back to Bentonville...then to Africa Bentonville = Walmart HQ. The flights in Walmart’s backyard are slated to begin early next year, with deliveries of “select health and wellness products.” Walmart will expand to general merchandise if pilots are successful. Zipline, which officially launched in the U.S. in May, is familiar with scaling drone logistics. It serves virtually all of Rwanda and millions of people in Ghana. Zipline’s drones are reusable, electric, autonomous, and capable of servicing a 50-mile radius. In Africa, they drop vaccines, blood, and medication in boxes with parachutes. Sky high: Delivery volumes and operational tempo are experiencing hockey-stick-like growth during the pandemic. It took Zipline 3.5 years to reach 100,000 deliveries, then just 3.5 months for 200,000 (announced last week). Takeaways 1) Don’t sleep on Zipline. 2) Drone delivery will take flight in rural, exurban, and suburban places, in that order. Population-dense cities can have sidewalk delivery bots, as a treat. 3) Healthcare-oriented deliveries get the right of way. 4) Drones still face technical and regulatory hurdles that have so far precluded commercial delivery services. Even after drilling flashcards all weekend with takeaway #4, I have to say it: Walmart could be laying the foundation for a powerful new logistics play. Its superstores are conveniently located in places conducive to drone delivery. And the retailer sells plenty of health products that pair well with on-demand delivery. Zoom out and up: Walmart doesn’t want to cede the airspace to Amazon, or Alphabet’s Wing, or UPS, or Wayne Enterprises, or the many others tinkering with drone deliveries. https://www.morningbrew.com/emerging-tech/stories/2020/09/14/walmart-zipline-launching-drone-delivery-pilot-program
  13. admin

    50 Dollars

    Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, and every year Morris would say, "Esther, I'd like to ride in that helicopter". Esther always replied, "I know Morris, but that helicopter ride is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars". One year Esther and Morris went to the fair, and Morris said, "Esther, I'm 85 years old. If I don't ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance." Esther replied, "Morris that helicopter is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars". The pilot overheard the couple and said, "Folks I'll make you a deal. I'll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word I won't charge you! But if you say one word, it's 50 dollars." Morris and Esther agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, but still not a word. When they landed, the pilot turned to Morris and said, "By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn't. I'm impressed!" Morris replied, "Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Esther fell out, but you know -- 50 dollars is 50 dollars".
  14. "The quarantine gave me a chance to think a lot about things, what I want to accomplish, what I want people to remember me by"—Tennis star Naomi Osaka after winning the U.S. Open. Osaka, the world's highest-paid female athlete, used her platform during the tournament to draw attention to the Black Lives Matter movement. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-meaningful-summer-of-naomi-osaka-11600002023
  15. "We have a good chance that we will know if the product works by the end of October"—Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla discussing his company's potential coronavirus vaccine. Bourla thinks regulators could approve the drug before 2021. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/516194-pfizer-ceo-preparing-for-likelihood-of-vaccine-approval-before-end-of-year
  16. "Rockets are hard"—Elon Musk tweeting encouragement after a rocket launched by the startup Astra failed to reach orbit in Alaska Friday night. Astra, which also shrugged off the launch as "valuable experience," wants to eventually provide cheap, frequent trips for satellites. https://www.space.com/astra-launches-first-orbital-mission.html
  17. "75 per cent are willing to pay for flights to nowhere"—The Straits Times describing Singapore Airlines's plan to launch "no-destination flights" to boost business. The flights would take three hours, cost hundreds of dollars, and not take you anywhere. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/sia-eyeing-flights-to-nowhere-to-give-a-lift-to-ailing-business
  18. It lived in Asia, and had a vegetarian diet consisting of bamboo. It and orangutans share a common ancestor. Gigantopithecus blacki stood at 10-12 feet.
  19. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/doctors-at-main-jakarta-hospital-for-covid-19-turning-away-patients-in-droves-as-cases
  20. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8675853/Riots-break-Sweden-300-people-gather-protest-against-far-Right-activists.html Riots break out in Malmo, a town in the south of the country, after far-Right activists burnt the Koran in street Around 300 protesters took to the streets tonight, with tyres being burnt and rocks being thrown at the police It comes after leader of Danish far-Right party Hard Line, was denied permission to have a meeting in Malmo Rasmus Paludan was arrested on Friday by police who say they suspected he was going to break Swedish laws
  21. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/thousands-anti-lockdown-protesters-gather-22597555 The protest in Berlin was even bigger sadly 38,000 in Berlin, 10,000 in London
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