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  1. She would kill me if I published her photo. :-) But rest assured she is a BIG part of the reason we are all gathered in here together.
  2. Another Faith Healing Show.... these are common in the USA. They use trickery to fool people
  3. Freitagnachmittag AM Freitagnachmittag PM Samstagvormittag AM Samstagvormittag PM Sonntagvormittag AM Sonntagvormittag PM
  4. Friday AM: Friday PM Saturday AM Saturday PM Sunday AM Sunday PM
  5. CANTERBURY, England — Christians should regard blood and organ donations as their Christian duty, says a motion before the General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England. The synod is set to consider a proposal to define organ donation as central to Christian giving. The motion cites the bishop of Carlisle, James Newcome, who told delegates to the three-day meeting: “We believe that everything we have, including our bodies, and our possessions, comes from God, and following in the footsteps of Jesus we are called to make a sacrificial offering of what already belongs to him for the benefit of others.” That sacrificial offering, he added, may include time and treasure. But it applies “just as much to the blood that flows in our veins and the organs that are such an intrinsic part of our bodies.” Newcome explained that Christians and their families need reassurance that there are no theological problems with giving blood or tissue before or after death. Some religious groups, particularly Jehovah’s Witnesses, believe it is wrong to give blood or organs. In 2014-15, there was a 3 percent drop in the number of organ donors across Britain for the first time in 11 years. A report from England’s National Health Service Blood and Transplant warned that people waiting for transplants would continue to die unless there was a revolution in people’s attitudes. The NHS estimates that 1,200 people missed out on potentially lifesaving transplants in 2010 because families did not accept their loved one’s wishes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/anglican-bishop-it-is-a-christian-duty-to-give-blood-organs/2016/02/16/8bbd5b5a-d4ea-11e5-a65b-587e721fb231_story.html
  6. In a letter to a leading Anglican gay rights campaigner, the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said that Church's teaching on sexuality was a “matter for discussion” during a series of special meetings being held behind closed doors. His comments make clear that the Church has not ruled out reconsidering its traditional teaching that marriage is only between a man and a woman and that sex outside of marriage is a “sin”. "It doesn’t involve much change in doctrine, it just involves stopping ‘throwing gays under the bus’ when they want to get married or when they fall in love," Rt Rev Alan Wilson But senior clerics have repeatedly acknowledged that any change to the Church of England’s position on the issue could trigger a split. Last month its US sister church, The Episcopal Church, was partially excluded from the global Anglican Communion for changing its official definition of marriage to include same-sex unions. Dr Sentamu’s comments came in a reply to Jayne Ozanne, a gay member of the decision-making General Synod who co-ordinated a letter signed by more than 100 senior Anglicans calling on the Church of England to “repent” of its attitude towards homosexuality. Archbishop Welby launched a process of “facilitated conversations” last year aimed at achieving “good disagreement” between liberals and traditionalists over the issue of sexuality. The meetings, taking place in small groups, are being overseen by a team of “facilitators” led by the Archbishop’s reconciliation director, Canon David Porter, a Belfast-born peacemaker. Much of the General Synod’s main annual meeting in York in July is to be given over to the special meetings from which ordinary churchgoers, the public and the media will be excluded. Speaking to the Synod on Monday, Canon Porter, said that the aim was not to overhaul church doctrine on the issue but help forge better understanding between different groups. “No-one is suggesting that the process which we have engaged in is one that is aimed at reaching agreement or even consensus,” he said. But in his letter to Ms Ozanne, Dr Sentamu said that the conversations would have an “outcome” and that they would specifically deal with the “Church’s doctrine of marriage as we have received it”. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby Photo: Reuters Referring to Archbishop Welby’s recent public apology for the Church’s past treatment of gay people, Dr Sentamu said: “There needs to be clarity as to what such an expression of repentance does and does not mean. “It should not be misconstrued as to include an implicit rejection of the Church’s doctrine of marriage as we have received it.” But he went on: “As you know the Church of England’s understandings of these matters is a matter for discussion at the present time in our ‘Shared Conversations’. “The outcome of these conversations is not yet known.” The Bishop of Buckingham, the Rt Rev Alan Wilson, a leading liberal, said: “I would hope very strongly that the conversations would open doors in people’s minds and hearts towards one another. “I think a particularly interesting door to open in hearts would be to understand why this is a non-issue for the vast majority of people in Britain today. “I would certainly hope that the conversations would produce a way forward and I think a way forward would be people actually listening to one another. “It doesn’t involve much change in doctrine, it just involves stopping ‘throwing gays under the bus’ when they want to get married or when they fall in love. “We have been having conversations about this issue in the Church of England for about 30 years and it is about time to understand what we have all heard.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/12159981/Church-of-Englands-centuries-old-teaching-on-marriage-up-for-discussion.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  7. Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars wins the Grammy Award for Record of the Year.
  8. 1989 by Taylor Swift wins the Grammy Award for Album of the Year .
  9. Ed Sheeran wins the Grammy Award for Song of the Year for "Thinking Out Loud".
  10. A wild Asian elephant wandered onto a crowded tourist road in southwest China's Yunnan Province and damaged more than a dozen parked cars. The female elephant, named "Zhusunya", left the Yexianggu (Wild Elephant Valley) scenic area in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture and walked onto a major road around 4 p.m. Friday.
  11. Drama from the Keep Seeking First God's Kingdom Rules, International Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  12. Jehovah's Witnesses > WTBTS of Pennsylvania > Archive of Publications > 2016 C.E. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Russian authorities have increasingly resorted to fabricating evidence to justify charges of extremism against Jehovah’s Witnesses. This video examines three such incidents and what they mean for freedom of worship in Russia.
  13. A Turkish soldier is killed following a clash on the Syria–Turkey border with an armed group trying to enter Turkey illegally. The Turkish military says the clash occurred in the Yayladağı district of the Hatay Province.
  14. Médecins Sans Frontières reports that a Russian air strike has destroyed a compound in northern Syria with least seven people dead and more than ten people missing presumed to be dead.
  15. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu accuses Russia of acting as a "terrorist organization" in Syria, saying "If Russia continues behaving like a terrorist organization and forcing civilians to flee, we will deliver an extremely decisive response".
  16. A car bomb kills two policemen at a checkpoint in Russia's republic of Dagestan.
  17. [My answer to a nearly identical question on Researchgate] Don't think of the photon as a little bullet that is emitted by an electron. The fundamental object is the electromagnetic field. Changes in the electromagnetic field in the vacuum propagate at the speed of light. And because the electromagnetic field is a quantum field, changes (at any given energy level) come in discrete lumps, discrete quanta, which we call photons. So yes, the photon is born at light speed. That is, the change in the electromagnetic field induced by the electron propagates at the speed of light. Is photon born at light speed? Or has an acceleration time? - ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/pos... [accessed Feb 9, 2016]. - Victor Toth
  18. The bodies of nine Indian Army soldiers killed in an avalanche on the Siachen Glacier will be transported to Delhi.
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