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Everything posted by BroRando

  1. If I was to file a report on you.... it would say, "Johnny doesn't play well with others."
  2. I claim you are part of a cult because YOU DENY THE NAME OF JESUS. Use logic and reason for why you believe in the things you do. Rather than not believing in the things you don't...
  3. Yeshua is not in the Hebrew or the Greek Scriptures. So your arguement is based on a false premise and a strawman. The Apostle JOHN was on earth way before 1949 and proves you are being untruthful. Anyways... if you had the truth... you could back it with facts. But you can't. To claim Jehovah is made up, then you can't avoid other Names that give witness to Jehovah. Knowing you are wrong and feeling sick to your stomach is not my fault. Try looking in the mirror JOHN. I can do the same thing with your Name John... John is a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JOHN in the 13 Century. Jews are a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JEWS in the 13 Century. Jeremiah is a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JEREMIAH in the 13 Century. Jerusalem is a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JERUSALEM in the 13 Century. If you can't take the heat.. then get out of the kitchen...
  4. Soon, all the inhabitants of the earth will have to know God's Name Jehovah. "I will not allow my holy name to be profaned any longer; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah" (Ezekiel 39:7) The refinement periods of 40 years are a repeated pattern throughout the scriptures that are often applied to God's People. The first pattern was applied to all the inhabited earth in 1914. The 40 year pattern thrice (1935-1975-2015) can be applied to Jehovah's Organization! It's during this period that specific and overlapping refinement periods can be applied. Jehovah is a God of order and not one of chaos. (1 Corinthians 14:33) As Jehovah's Wintesses, we have been experiencing thrilling blessings of deeper understandings of Jehovah's Word through our Wonderful Governing Body! These ones are poised for their Hevenly Reward when Jesus summons them! Truly a Momentous time... There are many refinement periods, but I will speak of the ones about the anointed and great crowd that will be ushered into Christ Millennial Reign. In 1919, the faithful and discreet slave of anointed ones were chosen to take the lead of God's People upon the earth and bring a Public Announcement of Denunciation upon Babylon The Great. The time period for this can easily be obtained by applying the three 40 year periods. (1919 + 120 =2039) We know the anointed do not live on earth indefinitely, each anointed person must finish their earthly course successfully to realize their heavenly reward. Today, we know that Babylon the Great is on borrowed time, she has been on fire and burning since 1919. Each year that gets closer to 2039, we SEE the nations growing agitated with her as she cannot bring prosperity and peace to the Earthly Kings. Rather, she has embezzled luxury and riches from her suitor. It's not likely she will survive 2039 but come to her end, never to be found again. In 1930 the Bible Students took on the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses' as God's Organization upon the earth. Jehovah's Organization entered into three refinement periods since 1935. In 1935 we entered into a New Era. *** w15 2/15 p. 32 “A Very Precious Season” *** "The year 1935 marked a dramatic change that affected future Memorial observances, for the meaning of the “great multitude” (KJ), or “great crowd,” of Revelation 7:9 was clarified. Until then, Jehovah’s servants had viewed this group as consecrated Christians who were less zealous. Now this vast throng was identified as faithful worshippers who hope to live on a paradise earth. Following this clarification and after some careful self-examination, Russell Poggensee acknowledged: “The heavenly hope had not been awakened within me by Jehovah through his holy spirit.” Brother Poggensee—and many loyal ones like him—stopped partaking of the emblems but continued to attend the Memorial." The book Life Everlasting—In Freedom of the Sons of God, released at a series of district conventions held in 1966, pointed to 1975. Right at the convention, as the brothers examined the contents, the new book triggered much discussion about 1975. At the convention held in Baltimore, Maryland, F. W. Franz gave the concluding talk. He began by saying: “Just before I got on the platform a young man came to me and said, ‘Say, what does this 1975 mean?’” Brother Franz then referred to the many questions that had arisen as to whether the material in the new book meant that by 1975 Armageddon would be finished, and Satan would be bound. He stated, in essence: ‘It could. But we are not saying. All things are possible with God. But we are not saying. And don’t any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975. But the big point of it all is this, dear friends: Time is short. Time is running out, no question about that.’ The third and final 40 year refinement period began in 2015 with a plethora of understanding to the regards of the overlapping generation about 'this generation'. In the early weeks of January, 2015, at one of our midweek meetings. A Brother quietly and calmly walked up to the podium and stated, "New partakers that start partaking are not part of 'this generation'. With that 10 second announcement my eyebrows raised and thinking to myself that those anointed sometime after 1992 or 1995 are not contemporaries of those alive whom saw Christ Presence take place in 1914. Then for clarification, Brother David H. Splane gave the explanation in the video titled, "Close to the End of This System of Things". From this point on, we can start emphasizing these two scriptures in this manner. "... and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) "... and from these turn away. " (2 Timothy 3:5) Why? The last refinement phase began in 2015 and is 40 years in length whether you want to believe it or not as we approach Christ Millennial Reign. To add credence to the final hour in 2015, the United Nations announced their 2030 Agenda in 2015. Walk by Faith and not by Sight..... be faithful to your End.
  5. Soon, all the inhabitants of the earth will have to know God's Name Jehovah. "I will not allow my holy name to be profaned any longer; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah" (Ezekiel 39:7) The refinement periods of 40 years are a repeated pattern throughout the scriptures that are often applied to God's People. The first pattern was applied to all the inhabited earth in 1914. The 40 year pattern thrice (1935-1975-2015) can be applied to Jehovah's Organization! It's during this period that specific and overlapping refinement periods can be applied. Jehovah is a God of order and not one of chaos. (1 Corinthians 14:33) As Jehovah's Wintesses, we have been experiencing thrilling blessings of deeper understandings of Jehovah's Word through our Wonderful Governing Body! These ones are poised for their Hevenly Reward when Jesus summons them! Truly a Momentous time... There are many refinement periods, but I will speak of the ones about the anointed and great crowd that will be ushered into Christ Millennial Reign. In 1919, the faithful and discreet slave of anointed ones were chosen to take the lead of God's People upon the earth and bring a Public Announcement of Denunciation upon Babylon The Great. The time period for this can easily be obtained by applying the three 40 year periods. (1919 + 120 =2039) We know the anointed do not live on earth indefinitely, each anointed person must finish their earthly course successfully to realize their heavenly reward. Today, we know that Babylon the Great is on borrowed time, she has been on fire and burning since 1919. Each year that gets closer to 2039, we SEE the nations growing agitated with her as she cannot bring prosperity and peace to the Earthly Kings. Rather, she has embezzled luxury and riches from her suitor. It's not likely she will survive 2039 but come to her end, never to be found again. In 1930 the Bible Students took on the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses' as God's Organization upon the earth. Jehovah's Organization entered into three refinement periods since 1935. In 1935 we entered into a New Era. *** w15 2/15 p. 32 “A Very Precious Season” *** "The year 1935 marked a dramatic change that affected future Memorial observances, for the meaning of the “great multitude” (KJ), or “great crowd,” of Revelation 7:9 was clarified. Until then, Jehovah’s servants had viewed this group as consecrated Christians who were less zealous. Now this vast throng was identified as faithful worshippers who hope to live on a paradise earth. Following this clarification and after some careful self-examination, Russell Poggensee acknowledged: “The heavenly hope had not been awakened within me by Jehovah through his holy spirit.” Brother Poggensee—and many loyal ones like him—stopped partaking of the emblems but continued to attend the Memorial." The book Life Everlasting—In Freedom of the Sons of God, released at a series of district conventions held in 1966, pointed to 1975. Right at the convention, as the brothers examined the contents, the new book triggered much discussion about 1975. At the convention held in Baltimore, Maryland, F. W. Franz gave the concluding talk. He began by saying: “Just before I got on the platform a young man came to me and said, ‘Say, what does this 1975 mean?’” Brother Franz then referred to the many questions that had arisen as to whether the material in the new book meant that by 1975 Armageddon would be finished, and Satan would be bound. He stated, in essence: ‘It could. But we are not saying. All things are possible with God. But we are not saying. And don’t any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975. But the big point of it all is this, dear friends: Time is short. Time is running out, no question about that.’ The third and final 40 year refinement period began in 2015 with a plethora of understanding to the regards of the overlapping generation about 'this generation'. In the early weeks of January, 2015, at one of our midweek meetings. A Brother quietly and calmly walked up to the podium and stated, "New partakers that start partaking are not part of 'this generation'. With that 10 second announcement my eyebrows raised and thinking to myself that those anointed sometime after 1992 or 1995 are not contemporaries of those alive whom saw Christ Presence take place in 1914. Then for clarification, Brother David H. Splane gave the explanation in the video titled, "Close to the End of This System of Things". From this point on, we can start emphasizing these two scriptures in this manner. "... and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) "... and from these turn away. " (2 Timothy 3:5) Why? The last refinement phase began in 2015 and is 40 years in length whether you want to believe it or not as we approach Christ Millennial Reign. To add credence to the final hour in 2015, the United Nations announced their 2030 Agenda in 2015. Walk by Faith and not by Sight..... be faithful to your End.
  6. @Witness @Patiently waiting for Truth Where in the Bible does it claim that the Cult of Pearl Doxsy is Your Leader? According to the Governing Body: "Jesus is referred to as “Messiah the Leader” and “a leader and commander to the national groups,” at Daniel 9:25 and Isaiah 55:4. He counseled his disciples: “Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader [from Gr., ka·the·ge·tesʹ, a guide] is one, the Christ.” (Matt. 23:10) As regards the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ is the only one rightly bearing the title “Leader,” because no imperfect human is the leader of true Christians; they follow Christ. While there are those who ‘take the lead’ in God’s service, they are not titled “leader” or addressed as such and their example is to be followed only as they imitate Christ.—1 Cor. 11:1; Heb. 13:7." Who are those true Christians? Jehovah Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true Christians on earth worshiping 'the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.' (1 Peter 1:3) In witnessing to a Samaritan woman, Jesus Christ revealed, 'God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.' (John 4:24) Jesus Christ continues his witness... 'Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him.' (John 4:23) Jehovah's Witnesses follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in worshiping his God and Father. Jehovah’s Witnesses preach to glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to make his name known. (Matthew 6:9) We follow Jesus Christ, who commanded: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations in MY Name, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.” (Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew 28:19)
  7. My leader is Jesus Christ. “Do not . . . be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader is one, the Christ.”—MATT. 23:9, 10. Remember, you deny Jesus as your Leader because his name means "Jehovah is Salvation" Now prove that the English word Lord is in the Hebrew and Greek Scripture. You can't! This proves that you are a fraud and not a very smart one at that...
  8. Lord is not in the Hebrew or Greek Scriptures. Therefore, it is made up. 😀
  9. The Cult of Pearl Doxey got them tied up in knots like a pretzel. So when you mention Jehovah, they get all fired up and start screaming like they are being tormented. lol ♕400th Anniversary - Hallowing the Divine Name♕ . The Divine Name Jehovah Restored 6973 Times The Divine Name JAH Restored 50 Times The Divine Name Jehovah quoted in the New Testament 128 Times Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD,(Jehovah Jol 2:31,32 ) shall be saved. http://www.dnkjb.net/1189chapters/NT44ACT02.htm
  10. LORD... then Lord to confuse the reader. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the LORD (God Jehovah Isa 44:6; Gen 17:1; Exo 6:3 ), which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Rev 1:8 Jehovah's Name in the New Testemant...
  11. John who proclaims that letter "J" is somehow evil and can't be used is nonsensical since he himself is named with the letter J. It's like you using the JW Insider. But he had no problem using JESUS which means JEHOVAH IS SALVATION until recently. To claim he can use John because English exist at the time he was born in 1949 is a strawman agruement. Maybe you should consider the source of where and whom it came from? The ideology of removing JEWS is not new. Since Hitler was carrying water for the Catholic faith being a Catholic himself. It's like claiming to be a child advocate at Planned Parenthood and then advertising "We save childrens lives by aborting them." I was simply being over simplistic in exposing his hyprocisy. Having the name JW or John while claiming names that begin with the letter "J" is somehow made-up, doesn't add any weight to his agruement but voids it. Since John now claims it's okay to use names with the letter "J" since 1949, why is he claiming today in 2022 it can't be used?
  12. A New World approaches... In a private conversation with four of his disciples, Jesus answers their question of what sign to look for about his second presence stating, "for those days will be days of a tribulation such as has not occurred from the beginning of the creation that God created until that time, and will not occur again." (Mark 13:19) The disciples did not discern Jesus' answer in quoting the Hebrew Scriptures from Daniel 12:1 about his return in Kingdom Glory. This Prince of Peace would stand up to Satan in a glorified state as King while he goes subduing in the midst of his enemies. (Psalm 110:2) "During that time {Jesus Christ} will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book. And many of those asleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to everlasting life and others to reproach and to everlasting contempt." (Daniel 12:1-2) "So he has become better than the angels to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs." (Hebrews 1:4) Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life;" (John 11:25) "For just as the days of Noah were, so the Presence of the Son of man will be." (Matthew 24:37) These pangs of distress do not last forever, but will come to an end, once they have reached their allotment of appointed times. They will end abruptly, like the calm that sets in after a horrific storm. The kings of the earth will falsely claim that they have achieved 'peace and security'. The sun will come out, the birds will start chirping and the cloud storms will have vanquished. "Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming." (Matthew 24:42) However, the day is coming for the kings of the earth to go hungry! Babylon the Great will be striped and plundered of her ill gotten wealth to satisfy the kings of the earth. But will it be enough? No! "They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will become abhorrent to them. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury. They will not be satisfied, nor will they fill their stomachs, for it has become a stumbling block causing their error." (Ezekiel 7:19) A synopsis of this article: Christ Return is a process that takes place over a specific time period. Like other prophecies, the fulfillment of them are 'timed events' and there is a Beginning and an End to them. The Beginning of Christ's Return doesn't begin with sunshine and rainbows but rather a gloomy and distressful forecast. It comes about in three phases. It's a Spiritual Process, that is why Jesus gave a Composite Sign of his Presence in answer to four of his disciples. As a follower of Jesus Christ, one would look for the Manifestations of his Presence. As the Manifestations of Christ's Presence pummels the earth over and over again for all to SEE, those blaspheming and cursing God will not enter into Jehovah's Day of Rest. Just as a cataclysmic storm comes to its end in a moment. You step outside, look to the sky and see the gloomy clouds evaporating, you smell the fresh crisp clean air and feel the warm inviting sunshine on your face and at a time you least expect it, the third phase of Christ's Presence is Revealed.... Remember, this manifestation repeats itself over and over again, covering a period of time, once revealed to every eye, it is simply too late for disobedient mankind to turn around and repent and they will know it. Please, for your own sake, visit JW.org today and stop being stubborn! Amen, so be it...
  13. Acutally it proves @Patiently waiting for Truth is wrong. The letter "J" was used prior to 1949.
  14. That's my point. You can't see. Those who leave are struck with blindness. The spirit Jesus is talking about here in its context is Jehovah's Life Force. Therefore, Jehovah's Life Force (Vital Force) is similar but not identical to his Active Force which is his Holy Spirit. I know I know you still have no understanding. Illustrated Example (ie.... Satan and his demons are alive because they have his Life Force but they do not have his Holy Spirit.) The spirit that Jehovah blew into the notrils of Adam was his Life Force and Adam became a living soul..in context, a living person. But he did not have Jehovah's Holy Spirit. Adam failed his test and lost out. * I don't mind what language you use to express God's Name.
  15. Many who were following Jesus Christ began to become incensed of some of his teachings and left from following him. So Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves." Because of this, many of his disciples went off to the things behinde and would no longer walk with him. It is the spirit that is life-giving; the flesh is of no use at all. The sayings that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.
  16. So if the letter J existed then. It is now correct to use the J because you were born in 1949 or that your hero committed suicide from trying to exterminate the JEWS? If you don't like the English language then STOP using it JOHN. But who else has white supremacy tendencies before 1949 JOHN? Adolf Hilter and the Catholic Church. So the JEWS had no right to live before 1949?
  17. Interesting how (John) claims his/her/it/they is a made up and false name since it contains the lettter "J". No Jehovah No Jesus No Jerusalem No John Isn't that RICH... JOHN slandering the Name of Jehovah and Jesus but not taking account of her own name... Isn't that right Joanna? Can anyone say HYPOCRITE? JOHN [English equivalent of Jehohanan, meaning “Jehovah Has Shown Favor; Jehovah Has Been Gracious”]. JOANNA (Jo·anʹna) [shortened feminine form of Jehohanan, meaning “Jehovah Has Shown Favor; Jehovah Has Been Gracious”].
  18. The truth about Armageddon is that there is a parellal account that we can learn from. We read, "They did not see his signs and his deeds that he did in Egypt to Pharʹaoh king of Egypt and to all his land; or what he did to the armies of Egypt, to Pharʹaoh’s horses and war chariots, which were overwhelmed by the waters of the Red Sea when they were chasing after you, and Jehovah destroyed them once and for all." (Deuteronomy 11:3-4) The generation after Pharaoh did not witness Jehovah's signs and deeds but Pharaoh and his armies did. Remember the ten plagues? Even before the ten plagues began Pharaoh was personally witnessed too by Moses and Aaron. Pharaoh and his armies can be compared to Gog of Magog. Just as Pharaoh and his army were destroyed, soon, Gog of Magog to be destoyed as the Great Crowd makes its way into the land of milk and honey. While Gog of Magog grows jealous of the health and prosperity of Jehovah's Witnesses. It will prove to be too much for them. And they will be motivated to plunder. “Are you invading to get much spoil and plunder? Have you assembled your armies to carry off silver and gold, to take wealth and property, to seize a very great spoil?”’ (Exekiel 38:13) “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘In that day thoughts will come into your heart, and you will devise an evil plan. You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.” It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth. “‘Sheʹban and Deʹdan,o the merchants of Tarʹshishp and all its warriors will say to you: “Are you invading to get much spoil and plunder? Have you assembled your armies to carry off silver and gold, to take wealth and property, to seize a very great spoil?”’ (Exekiel 38:10-13)
  19. We are here because we love Jehovah and Our Neighbors... For almost two thousand years, faithful followers of Jesus Christ have been in anticipation of his Second Presence. We are living at extremely excitng times as our Preaching Work comes to its end! 1 Kings 8:60 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that Jehovah is the true God. There is no other!
  20. Ya... I don't think anyone is going to support her attack on the changing of the tetragrammaton. She can squeal like a pig all she wants. It simply doesn't change the facts.
  21. Poof! And you were gone. Nobody is going to miss you. 😀 "Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.  But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." (Psalm 37:10-11)
  22. Did you know that when you take the Y away from the HWH it means (הוה HWH) - Disaster: A wicked or disastrous event. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [df: hyh] KJV (21): calamity, wickedness, perverse, mischief - Strongs: H1942 (הַוָּה), H1943 (הֹוָה), H1962 (הַיָּה) as in Yahweh YHWH to HWH or יהוה to הוה Look up the links... so now what? Your claim about Jehovah is PROOF that YHWH is synonymous. 13 For we are going to destroy this place, because the outcry against them has indeed grown great* before Jehovah,d so that Jehovah sent us to destroy the city.”
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