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  1. The Last Days… When? “But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,  betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,  having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) The Last Days (pangs of distress) do not last for an exhaustive period of time but do have an ending to them. It’s an allotment period of time of 120 years, like the Days of Noah. This allotment is a Conclusion of a System of things. Better times lay ahead of us as the pangs of distress come to their end, but not for everyone. “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.” (Rev 7:3) Notice that harm to the earth, sea, or trees are being withheld until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads. Once the total number of the 144,000 are sealed, then a colossal of other prophecies begin to become fulfilled. Time left is reduced and turning back will no longer be a recourse once the 144,000 are sealed, which will bring the end of ungodly people as they begin dying a permanent death with No Resurrection. The death they die is no longer a temporary death but a permanent one in the same manner that Adam and Eve died. They die forever! The question about this prophecy is when. Will it be revealed in the future, or are we living it now? In the first part of 1914, the Bible Students known as International Bible Students Association discussed the “time of trouble” on the printed page called The Bible Students Monthly. Early in 1914, an issue of The Bible Students Monthly was issued with the large bold heading “END OF WORLD IN 1914? Some have quoted the large headline of this tract as proof that Russell was expecting the “end of the world” in 1914. However, such ones neglect to read the subheading under the larger headline, which states: “NOT THE VIEW OF PASTOR RUSSELL NOR OF I.B.S.A.” International Bible Students Association: “Nevertheless, when viewed from God’s standpoint, we are still “shortly after” 1914. Although Russell himself did not think the time of trouble would be this long, he did allow that it could be. It is possible that the time allotted for this period is 120 years (1914+120=2034), but that these days will be “cut short” some time before they are allowed to reach their end. We do not put this forth as a “prophecy”, nor would we feel anything was wrong if 2034 came and went and nothing had happened as far the full binding of Satan and the destruction of his empire is concerned. All things are in God’s hands.” What does 2034 represent? The Epiphaneia of Christ’s Presence to the wicked ones for the righteous already know of Christ Presence since 1914. The Epiphany was spoken of in the same article “END OF WORLD IN 1914?” It represents that Ah-ah moment of the realization of an undergoing prophecy. Jehovah’s people will soon start to notice their health is generally getting better a little at a time and start sharing these revelations with one another. The wicked and lawless ones will begin to notice when it’s too late to turn around and repent after many warnings of this day, they will be brought to nothing by the second and everlasting death. “Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and Bring to Nothing by the Manifestation of his Presence.” (2 Thessalonians 2:8) The Greek word for manifestation is Epiphaneia… This is where it is critical to gain the understanding of what the Great Tribulation is. The Great Tribulation is marked by an outbreak of “Peace and Security!” During this short respite of DECEPTION among the nations, the Bible reveals, “Why are the nations agitated And the peoples muttering an empty thing?  The kings of the earth take their stand And high officials gather together as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one.” (Psalms 2:1-2) The Presence of the Son of Man began in 1914. “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.  All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.” (Matthew 24:7-8) “For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the Presence of the Son of man will be.” (Matthew 24:27) Are you gaining the understanding that these things are fulfilled in a Spiritual Manner? Ever since 1914, right-hearted ones have been witnessing the Presence of the Son of man. After 2034, the wicked will also start to gain the understanding that they are really dying and lament all the way to their end of everlasting destruction. As the Last Days come to their conclusion and the separating work come to its completion, even the wicked will SEE after it is too late! Yes, the Revealing of the Son of Man will soon begin for the ‘ungodly’ as we begin heading into Christ Millennial Reign. What is the ‘sudden destruction‘ that comes upon the unfaithful, once the pangs of distress comes to their end? The Bible reveals it in this manner: “And this is the scourge with which Jehovah will scourge all the peoples who wage war against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot away while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot away in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouths.” (Zechariah 14:12) These ones begin dying the same death as Adam and Eve are then figuratively hurled into the lake of fire, they die ‘the second death’ knowing their death is well deserved but wailing to mountains fall over us! Jehovah warns the angel not to feel sorry for such ones. “And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion.” (Ezekiel 9:5) Once ‘the wicked’ witness the sign of the Son of Man, that our brothers and sisters simply keep on living beyond the 70 or 80 years becoming 90 and 100 with improved health. Incited with Incontrollable Rage, Gog of Magog will come to destroy God’s Name People. “In that day confusion from Jehovah will be widespread among them; and each one will grab hold of the hand of his companion, and his hand will come against the hand of his companion.” (Zechariah 14:13) So it is written, so it shall come to pass! IF you Love Justice, and Hate Injustice, why not take a stand today by asking for a Free Home Bible Study. Go in Peace!
  2. As 2034 approaches and the Last days that began in 1914 come to their end, our audience for our message will change. Not in the manner most think. Soon, we will declare a message of Salvation to those whom had or even claimed to have God's Name upon them. Today, we have some 9 million Jehovah's Witnesses and another 12 million or so, that come into our interior rooms for the memorial. However, there lays a vast company of people that call themselves by Jehovah's Name. It doesn't matter what language they use or even if they are Yawists or Jahwists. Jehovah will be extending his underserved kindness towards All calling upon his Name! Scriptures that give support to what is coming: Symeon has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. (Acts 15:14) And in that day you will say: “Give thanks to Jehovah, call on his name, Make his deeds known among the peoples! Declare that his name is exalted. (Isaiah 12:4) And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. (Acts 2:21) For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) Soon, even dates will no longer matter, want to wear a beard? Go ahead! Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.(John 7:24) Moreover, stop judging, and you will by no means be judged; and stop condemning, and you will by no means be condemned. Keep on forgiving, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37) But regarding those who seemed to be important—whatever they were makes no difference to me, for God does not go by a man’s outward appearance—those highly regarded men imparted nothing new to me. (Galatians 2:6) See how Righteous Judgement works? It's a Wonderful Display of Jehovah's Underserved Kindness for all to SEE! I Love Jah!
  3. Imagine a time when people no longer treat one another like animals. I know, it’s hard to fathom. After all, religion herself is the cause for many wars, causing strife and hatred that permeates mankind, but not for much longer. These manifestations will soon reveal themselves all over the world and is also known as the revealing of the Son of Man. This phase is the third and final phase known as the revelation phase of the Presence of Christ. One would think that all of mankind would welcome such a wonderful environment but the majority of earth’s inhabitants will actually reject and fight against this revelation tooth and nail, for mankind’s inhabitants as a whole have become wicked and godless. We read: But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) After reading this scripture, you may have gained discernment that we could already have come into this period of critical times and you will have assumed correctly. This time period has been prophesied about in the Bible to give righteous ones a heads up. This time period is also called a time of distress, a time of anxiety, the last days, or the last days of wickedness. We entered this time period in 1914 and we were warned about it from faithful men. One of those Biblical accounts is (Daniel 12:1) which reads: During that time Michael will stand up, the Great Prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book. Notice this period is a time of distress which means this period does not go on and on with the no end to them. They in fact do come and will come to an end. But a work would need to be done first. A warning and a witness would need to be given out on a global basis. A heads up as you will. “And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) The end that comes about is not the end of the earth, but rather then end of wickedness. This system of things is on its way out! Jesus Christ calmly stated, “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. For just as the days of Noah were, so the Presence of the Son of man will be.” (Matthew 24:36-37) If you appreciated this witness about the Good News about God’s Kingdom, then I ask you to fill out this form for a Free Bible Study. The scriptures state, “And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book.” (Daniel 12:1) That time is Now, the book which is also known as the Book of Life is the Bible. We invite you and your family to come into our interior rooms until the denunciation passes as the days of wickedness come to their end. Get the Answers you seek to keep on living into Christ Millennial Reign. 2034 and its significance…
  4. The Answer May Surprise You! The screen shots below give you some very strong evidence that is undeniable. Even when you use various languages for Jehovah, all language transliterations go back to the Hebrew Tetragrammation יהוה – as you can SEE. The ‘truth’ is so simple isn’t it? Will they repent to keep on living or will their pride bring them down to the valley of hinnom of everlasting destruction?
  5. After these things I heard something like the loud sound of a great crowd in heaven saying, “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,” (Rev 19:1 LEB) Trinitarians falsely proclaim that God has No Name Trinitarians falsely proclaim that God’s Name cannot be found in the Greek or NT Jesus’ Name when translated means ‘Jehovah is Salvation’ John’s Name when translated means ‘Jehovah has been Gracious’ Matthew’s Name when translated means “Gift of Jehovah’ So they are many Names that Have Jehovah in them in the Greek! Jesus – John – Matthew – to list a few. The divine name appears in its abbreviated form in the Christian Greek Scriptures. At Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6, the divine name is embedded in the word “Hallelujah.” This comes from a Hebrew expression that literally means “Praise Jah.” “Jah” is a contraction of the name Jehovah. Many names used in the Christian Greek Scriptures were derived from the divine name. In fact, reference works explain that Jesus’ own name means “Jehovah Is Salvation.” Learn more about Jesus Christ and his God and Father @ JW.org
  6. Many Countries offer Social Benefits to their citizens to give them a helping hand. These Benefits were meant to be given for a limited time. Those precious benefits will come to an abrupt end as the Political Kings of the earth turn against the World of False Religion to confiscate and plunder her Wealth. Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds. (Rev 2:22) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. (Rev 18:4) “And the kings of the earth who committed sexual immorality with her and lived with her in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her when they see the smoke from her burning. (Rev 18:19) The Wealth and goods obtained will be used to fund their armies and enforcers to do a house to house check to see if you and your family are bending your knees to the Wild Beast in worship. (Rev 13:4) By the time of the Enforcement comes, your assets will have already been confiscated to weaken your resistance and your family members could be used as bargaining chips for your cooperation whether you are willing or unwilling. “Whoever seeks to keep his life safe will lose it, but whoever loses it will preserve it alive.” (Luke 17:33) The Bible points to who makes up the members of Gog of Magog, and if you are uninformed, what is coming your way will make you shutter. The shock that will overcome you will be such a traumatic experience you will look for death but not able to find it. (Rev 9:6) If you have faith, it will severely be tested and if you have no faith, you will be swept away not knowing which way to turn like a caged wild animal. Your Social Benefits will cease and be used to fund the Enforcement. Maybe your Health Benefit expires, then all of a sudden your food benefit. Your complex in not knowing what is going on and then your shelter benefit is removed. Maybe you are forcibly removed from your house for not paying your taxes. You can’t buy or sell anything, your funds no longer exist that were in your bank account, all access is closed and you’re locked out. The Bank will not respond or answer any questions. The government issues a notice if you have any cash to exchange it with the Wild Beast for pennies on the dollar. Those who have cash but refuse to exchange their cash will lose it because there will be a certain date of expiration on all currency in any form, including precious metals such as gold and silver. (Daniel 11:43) No matter how much you have saved or stored up for yourself, you will lose it. If you worship any god other than the Wild Beast, you and your family will be thrown into the lion’s pit sort to speak. All the royal officials, prefects, satraps, high royal officers, and governors have consulted together to establish a royal decree and to enforce a ban, that for 30 days whoever makes a petition to any god or man except to you, O king, should be thrown into the lions’ pit. (Daniel 6:7) It won’t matter what religion you are or even if you’re an Athiest. Worship the Wild Beast or start losing your family and friends one by one while you stand there motionless in shock as the life drains away from your loved ones. AS the members of Gog and Magog are gathered by the demonic forces to get ready for the Enforcement, there will be one people left. Those who are holding onto their integrity to the One True God which enrages Satan to Act: You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.” (Ezekiel 38:11) According to Bible Prophecy, it is Jehovah’s Anointed One that will Destroy Gog of Magog for coming after his Named People. The scriptures give us insight and a warning regarding to listening to instruction from the two spies whom gave specific directions to Rahab. “You should gather your father, your mother, your brothers, and all your father’s household with you into the house. Then if anyone goes out the doors of your house into the open, his blood will be on his own head, and we will be free from guilt. But if harm comes to anyone who remains with you in the house, his blood will be on our heads.” (Joshua 2:18-19) Let the scripture interpret scripture. Compare the Spies instruction to Rahab to the following: Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, And shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment Until the wrath has passed by. (Isaiah 6:20) Rahab and her family were saved while those on the outside were destroyed. And sanctuary is promised to those who enter our congregations of inner rooms meaning they have a good standing with Jehovah. But notice the scripture that we often use for the great tribulation. Jehovah said to him: “Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city.” And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion.” (Ezekiel 9:4-5) The marking on the foreheads is the mark for survival. These ones keep on living through the great tribulation and enter into the new world as survivors known as the great crowd. But notice it happens at a time of ‘sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done’. Also, notice where the slaughter of the wicked starts from? Old man, young man, virgin, little child, and women you should kill off completely. But do not go near to any man on whom there is the mark. You should start from my sanctuary. So they started with the elders who were in front of the house. (Ezekiel 9:6) Our current understanding of this scripture is that it occurs after the great tribulation begins which we believe is in the near future. So the term ‘My Sanctuary‘ may need some refining as to the meaning. It certainly has to do with ‘Pure Worship’ and if that is the case then the Congregation of God would be ‘My Sanctuary’. The Temple of God would be Jesus Christ and the 144,000. Also, the action of removing or the cutting off ‘started with the elders who were in front of the house’, those who willingly forsook the offering of worship services, and praise which began in 1919. (Matthew 13:37-42) Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Matthew 24:29) Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. (Matthew 13:40) Allow the scripture to guide you. There are two meanings, one, is in the literal sense after the period of the Last Days has ended which is coming to a conclusion now or second, it is Spiritual and happening at the Beginning of the Last Days in 1914. After all, an Arabic rendering applies to a Ruler being removed from their office of Rulership is that ‘his heaven has fallen‘ which happened to Satan being hurled out of the Heavens in 1914 which the World rejects today. Not to mention that Charles Taze Russell gave us divine warning that Daniel 12:1 would undergo fulfillment in 1914 as the End of the Gentile times. Indication and scripture points to 1914 and the Beginning as to ‘My Sanctuary’ started with the elders who were in front of the house in 1919! The elders in this sense were Unfaithful Brothers who rejected the Presence of Christ and became apostates to turn others away from the organization of the Faithful and Discreet Slave. The Book of Matthew continues, “Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Matthew 24:30) Again two meanings, if literal it would occur after the Last Days have concluded. But if Spiritual, the prophecy began unfolding in 1919. Why? Aren’t all the tribes of the earth beating themselves in grief today? Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses grieve today because of the three horsemen? Not only does the World grieve the three horsemen, but do they not shun the Rider of the fourth horse whose Name is the Word of God? (Rev 3:20) Wake Up O Sleeper! It’s very interesting when scripture reveals itself how people become so stubborn. “The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood Before the coming of the great and awe-inspiring day of Jehovah.” (Joel 2:31) Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Matthew 24:29) And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book. (Daniel 12:1) 1914 or a future date? To claim we have not entered into a time of distress such as has not occurred since is to deny Prophecy. The Last Days of Satan’s System of things do not go on forever, they do and will come to their End! “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.” (Psalm 110:1- 2) Those enemies are not instantly destroyed but are bundled up to die a permanent death like that of Adam and Eve. The fiery furnace is symbolic speech for everlasting death. For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the PRESENCE of the Son of man will Be. (Matthew 24:38-39) It’s Spiritual…. otherwise you would have no need to prove yourself ready. On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it. (Matthew 24:44) Three Phases of Christ’ Presence “As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah.” (Joshua 24:14-15) If you like Bible Based Videos please watch some @ Bible Teachings
  7. The Ruler of this World will have reached his Pinnacle to have his Nations united in cause to spew mankind’s Biggest Lie of Propaganda that the world has ever heard. Satan has offered these nations of his kingdom/governments to Jesus Christ some 2,000 years ago, if only Jesus would simply do an act of worship towards him. What was Jesus’ response to Satan? Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” (Matt 4:10) The Bible calls Jesus Christ the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God at (Rev 3:14). Ever since 1914 the Bible informs mankind, “Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.” (Rev 12:12) Satan has been gathering the nations and desperately trying to unite them ever since 1914. Even though all the earthly nations are under Satan’s Rule, they are still fragmented and at war with one another to gain possession of land, riches, wealth, and influence over other competing nations. Very soon these same nations will turn in a blink of an eye from fighting to declaring peace with one another. At that very moment one could apply these prophecies: Let the one who is unrighteous continue in unrighteousness, and let the filthy one continue in his filth; but let the righteous one continue in righteousness, and let the holy one continue in holiness. (Rev 22:11) Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. (1 Thess 5:1-3) All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. (Matthew 25:32) The following ‘timed events’ are fulfilments of various prophecies that reveal the Son of Man’s Presence. But (many) will not see. (Matthew 24:37) 2030 2033 2034 2039 When these ‘timed events’ come and go, then those who are remaining to be sifted and sorted will begin to say, “Where is this promised presence of his?” (2 Peter 3:4) For the vision is yet for its appointed time, And it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late! (Habakkuk 2:3) Would you like to learn more about the Bible and its precious truths it holds for you? This is Your Personal Invitation as Jesus Christ is gathering the things in heaven and upon the earth. JW.org
  8. Prophecies are promises of truth that are revealed at a future date. Therefore, the fulfillment of a prophecy is a ‘timed event’ that covers a period of time. The Bible tells us, “For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing Unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) The Prophet Daniel first learned about ‘the fulfillment of a prophecy’ in regards to the Jews being released from Babylonian Captivity from the Book of Jeremiah. The Prophet Daniel began to believe in a specific date and he walked by faith. in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, discerned by the books the number of years mentioned in the word of Jehovah to Jeremiah the prophet to fulfill the desolation of Jerusalem, namely, 70 years. (Daniel 9:2) And all this land will be reduced to ruins and will become an object of horror, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years. (Jeremiah 25:11) For this is what Jehovah says, ‘When 70 years at Babylon are fulfilled, I will turn my attention to you, and I will make good my promise by bringing you back to this place. (Jeremiah 29:10) Supporting scriptures as to the timing: He carried off captive to Babylon those who escaped the sword, and they became servants to him and his sons until the kingdom of Persia began to reign, to fulfill Jehovah’s word spoken by Jeremiah, until the land had paid off its sabbaths. All the days it lay desolate it kept sabbath, to fulfill 70 years. (2 Chronicles 36:20-21) So the angel of Jehovah said: “O Jehovah of armies, how long will you withhold your mercy from Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, with whom you have been indignant these 70 years?” (Zechariah 1:12) Say to all the people of the land and to the priests, ‘When you fasted and wailed in the fifth month and in the seventh month for 70 years, did you really fast for me?’ (Zechariah 7:5) When Daniel discerned the timing of the end of captivity, he did not sit around and become inactive but rather, he walked by faith and kept busy. Knowing the date doesn’t bring Salvation nor give anyone extraordinary insight but is a test of integrity. When the date comes and goes, will you continue walking by faith? Luke 7:50 But he said to the woman: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Romans 10:9 For if you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. Jude 1:5 Although you are fully aware of all of this, I want to remind you that Jehovah, having saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those not showing faith. Ephesians 2:8 By this undeserved kindness you have been saved through faith, and this is not of your own doing; rather, it is God’s gift. Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, after receiving divine warning of things not yet seen, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that results from faith. Psalm 78:22 Because they did not put faith in God; They did not trust in his ability to save them. Luke 8:50 On hearing this, Jesus answered him: “Have no fear, only have faith, and she will be saved.” James 2:26 Indeed, just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. Even the religious can show contempt for prophecy. For example, the Sanhedrin as a whole rejected Daniels’ Prophecy about the timing of the First Presence of Christ which introduces the Messiah to arrive in 29 CE. It’s very interesting that the common and ordinary folk were looking for the Messiah at this specific time but the Sanhedrin was not? Now the people were in expectation and all of them were reasoning in their hearts about John, “May he perhaps be the Christ?” (Luke 3:15) Only two members of Sanhedrin displayed faith by giving the Messiah a proper burial. “Now after these things, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus but a secret one because of his fear of the Jews, asked Pilate if he could take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him permission. So he came and took the body away. Nicodemus, the man who had come to him in the night the first time, also came, bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes weighing about a hundred pounds. So they took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in linen cloths with the spices, according to the burial custom of the Jews.” (John 19:38-40) Those who treat Prophecy with contempt will not be able to SEE or discern the prophecy unfolding. Imagine the Sanhedrin telling its’ population to reject Daniel’s teaching about the Presence of the Messiah in 29 CE. Don’t believe it, anyone who believes in the year 29 CE is a false prophet. But this Man (Jesus) just healed someone who was crippled from birth and told him to get up and walk and the crippled man was healed! No, no, don’t believe in the year 29 CE. This man (Jesus) is starting his own religion, he is in a cult. Does this all sound familiar? It’s the same ole song and dance. But they will do all these things against you on account of my name, because they do not know the One who sent me. (John 15:21) The same ones who have contempt for prophecy say the same thing about Daniels’ Prophecy about 1914. Remember, those who treat Prophecy with contempt, will not be able to SEE or discern the prophecy unfolding. We have entered the Last Days quite awhile back and the Nay Sayers are still barking like dogs. (Rev 22:15) They can’t SEE. The Last Days don’t last forever, they are a ‘timed event’ and have an end to them. However, this ending can catch you completely off-guard if you let it. Even though the scriptures are graphic, the rotting away is symbolic, at first anyways. “And this is the scourge with which Jehovah will scourge all the peoples who wage war against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot away while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot away in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouths.” (Zechariah 14:12) At first, the wicked will not realize that they are dying the second death like that of Adam and Eve. That realization comes when those ‘marked’ for survival start growing to perfection. Slowly, little by little. “Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you become fruitful and take possession of the land.” (Exodus 23:30) Armageddon is not at all what you’re thinking. The wicked are destroyed in the manner you think not. They simply do not receive the ‘mark’ of survivorship. That’s Armageddon folks! The wicked are not burned alive but are dying the second death without the hope of a resurrection. They die forever. Are you getting the sense of these things? Okay, now read and apply Psalm Chapter 37 for understanding. Please accept this invitation to learn the truth about the true God Jehovah and His Wonderful Kingdom that began ruling in 1914 to collect out of the earth a people for His Name. Jehovah chose and anointed his Precious Son (Jesus Christ) to become King to represent him. The time of distress described at Daniel 12:1 is coming to its’ Conclusion. We warmly invite you and your loved ones to learn more at JW.org You can visit our website anytime day or night. Use our search engine to seek Biblical Answers. Watch encouraging videos and listen to wholesome music and songs to build yourself up. Learn more about how to cope with the anxieties of life. God’s Kingdom will soon remove such ailments and replace them with joy, laughter and happiness. Please come and inherit these things! National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255
  9. If you haven't gained understanding of Matthew 24:3, you are not alone. Jesus Christ response to the question of 'when' was, "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matthew24:36) This Greek Word parousia literally means 'being alongside' and alludes to Christ's Presence covering a period of time as to “the Days of Noah Before the Flood would occur.” Jesus compared this specific time period to “the Presence of the Son of man” at (Matthew 24:37). The Question the four disciples put to Jesus was in two parts. One, to His Presence which he did not know personally. And second, to the conclusion of the system of things of which he answered, "Look out that nobody misleads you.. You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress." (Matthew 24:4-8) WTS quote - (Bible Examiner) - In the year 1876 the twenty-four-year-old Russell made a contribution on the subject to this magazine. It was published in Volume XXI, Number 1, which was the issue of October, 1876. On pages 27, 28 of that issue Russell’s article was published under the title “Gentile Times: When Do They End?” In that article (page 27) Russell said: “The seven times will end in A.D. 1914.”- End of WTS Quote. Brother Russell wrote: "'The Earth Abideth Forever' Christ will not return to Earth as a Man - Present Year Believed to Mark Great Change of Dispensation, but World May not discern Immediate Difference." The Bible Students Monthly, January, 1914. "Our Lord, in describing His Second Presence, clearly indicated that it would be unnoticed by the world until the cataclysm of trouble should come. Thus He likened the earlier days of His presence to that period before the Flood, when the world, unconscious of the impending catastrophe, continued to build, eat and drink as usual, and knew not. So, says the Master, it will be in the end of this Age. Eating, drinking, building, planting and marrying will proceed as usual; and the world will not know that they are in the PRESENCE of the Son of Man." He continues, "The Bible nowhere tells that Jesus took the human nature to keep it forever, and to return with it to Heaven, where it would be completely out of order and out of place. The Bible teaches, on the contrary, that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God" (1 Cor 15:50); and that Jesus was made flesh merely 'that He, by the grace of God, should taste death for every man' (Heb 2:9) and that after doing this work He would "ascend up where He was before." (John 6:62) The great Day of Trouble, noted throughout the Scriptures as the Time of Trouble such as never was since there was a nation, will come upon them suddenly." (Matthew 24:21) "Then, later on, will come the Epiphania; that is to say, the revelation, or manifestation, of the present One. This will not be a manifestation in the flesh, but in a great Time of Trouble, symbolically represented as fire, as when we read, "He shall be revealed in flaming fire, taking vengeance." -- 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10. International Bible Students Association: "Nevertheless, when viewed from God’s standpoint, we are still “shortly after” 1914. Although Russell himself did not think the time of trouble would be this long, he did allow that it could be. It is possible that the time allotted for this period is 120 years (1914+120=2034), but that these days will be “cut short” some time before they are allowed to reach their end. We do not put this forth as a “prophecy”, nor would we feel anything was wrong if 2034 came and went and nothing had happened as far the full binding of Satan and the destruction of his empire is concerned. All things are in God’s hands." We are now fast approaching the second part of the Question Of Matthew 24:3 "... and of the conclusion of the system of things?" The great day of Jehovah is near! It is near and it is approaching very quickly! The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There a warrior cries out. (Zephaniah 1:14) In that day Jehovah will turn his attention to the army of the heights above And to the kings of the earth upon the earth. (Isaiah 24:21) And they must be ready for the third day, because on the third day Jehovah will come down upon Mount Sinai before the eyes of all the people. (Exodus 19:11) Therefore, watch yourselves closely—since you did not see any form on the day Jehovah spoke to you in Horeb out of the middle of the fire— (Deuteronomy 4:15) The pangs of distress upon the earth that began in 1914 do have an ending to them as in the Days of Noah. When the Last Days of Distress end, then the earthly kings will declare “Peace and security!” But which side will YOU be on in that day? As far back as 1880 the Watchtower magazine declared that 1914 would mark the end of the “Gentile times.” Better times are head of us when the age of violence is brought to its' end. Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3) As 2034 comes and goes Exercise Patience and Do Not Look Back! Remember Lot's Wife!
  10. When a wicked person perceives the end of their tyranny coming, they begin to bark and howl.
  11. Closer we approach the end of the Last Days, the more relevant these scripture become:
  12. Really @Pudgy What a Racist trope. Sometimes it is better not to say anything if you have nothing to add to a subject. Don't go away mad. Just Go Away!
  13. Been there, done that. What I'm basing my argument is the scripture rather than what the commentary of man. Without interjecting man's thoughts, look at the arrangement of scripture to what Jesus identity actually is.... “I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you on the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. Pay attention to him, and obey his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgressions, because my name is in him." (Exodus 23:23:20-21) Then Jehovah’s angel went up from Gilgal to Bochim and said: “I brought you up out of Egypt into the land about which I swore to your forefathers. Furthermore, I said, ‘I will never break my covenant with you." (Judges 2:1) But you have not obeyed my voice. Why have you done this? That is why I also said, ‘I will not drive them away from before you, and they will ensnare you, and their gods will lure you away." (Judges 2:2-3) and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they used to drink from the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock meant the Christ. (1 Cor 10:4) So now, Father, glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was. (John 17:5) After this I saw another angel descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his glory. (Rev 18:1) I invite you to watch this and that it may reveal many things to you. https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/VODBibleTeachings/pub-jwbcov_201505_11_VIDEO
  14. Excellent! Jehovah's Witness are not alone in how John 1:1 should be rendered. Here are some examples along with the Coptic which is the first transliteration of John 1:1. Strong's Concordance theos: God, a god Original Word: θεός, οῦ, ὁ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine; Noun, Masculine Transliteration: theos Phonetic Spelling: (theh'-os) Short Definition: God, a god Definition: (a) God, (b) a god, generally. Many Scholars know this, but withhold the fact that theos can be rendered (a god) as it was with Paul and Moses. Other variations of rendering John 1:1 also exist: 1808: "and the Word was a god" – Thomas Belsham The New Testament 1822: "and the Word was a god" – The New Testament in Greek and English 1829: "and the Word was a god" – The Gospel History According to the Four Evangelists 1863: "and the Word was a god" – A Literal Translation (Herman Heinfetter) 1879: "and the Word was a god" – Das Evangelium nach Johannes (J. Becker, 1979) 1885: "and the Word was a god" – Concise Commentary on The Holy Bible (R. Young, 1885) 1911: "and the Word was a god" – The Coptic Version of the N.T. (G. W. Horner, 1911) John 1:1c is rendered in the feminine sense relating to Christ divinity. Words like Deity, Divine, Wisdom, Beginning are all feminine nouns that describe Christ's Divinity as a Divine Creation. An Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible commentary notes: "This second theos could also be translated 'divine' as the construction indicates "a qualitative sense for theos". The Word is not God in the sense that he is the same person as the theos mentioned in 1:1a; he is not God the Father." This earliest Coptic (from an Arabic/Greek word for “Egyptian”) translation was in the Sahidic dialect, approximately 1,700 years ago. The scribes who were translating the Gospel of John from Koine Greek into their own Egyptian language encountered an issue that still faces translators today. It is the question of correctly translating John 1:1. The Coptic translators rendered John 1:1 in this way (Transliterated): 1. a. Hn te.houeite ne.f.shoop ngi p.shaje 1. b. Auw p.shaje ne.f.shoop n.nahrm p.noute 1. c. Auw ne.u.noute pe p.shaje 1 Literally, the Coptic says: 1. a. In the beginning existed the word 1. b. And the word existed in the presence of the god 1. c. And a god was the word We can see at the outset that the Coptic translators used the Coptic definite article (p) in referring to the One the Word was with or “in the presence of” (nnahrm): p.noute, “the” god, i.e., God. And we can see that in referring to the Word, the Coptic translators employed the Coptic indefinite article (ou; just “u” following the vowel “e”): ne.u.noute, “a god.” Coptic translation. “In the beginning existed the Word, and the Word existed in the presence of the God, and a god was the Word.” Can a date for it's beginning be more clearly ascertained for the Sahidic Coptic translation? Christianity may have come early to Egypt. The Bible Book Acts of the Apostles lists Egyptian Jews and proselytes as being present at Pentecost, when 3,000 became Christian believers. (Acts 2:5-11) The eloquent Christian speaker Apollos was an Alexandrian and his travels may have taken him back to Egypt. (Acts 18:24-28; Titus 3:13) Coptic translator George Horner notes: “Clement of Alexandria, born about 150 [CE], speaks of the Christians spreading all over the land….The internal character of the Sahidic [version] supplies confirmation of a date earlier than the third century.” Horner favors a date closer to 188 CE as the inception of the Sahidic Coptic version.
  15. According to the perception of the trinity, the doctrine is opposed to the Christ by omitting from its doctrine. No parts have a Beginning - Yet John 1:1 reads In the Beginning was the Word. No part is Greater or lesser than the other - Yet, Jesus states, The Father is Greater than I am Nothing Creation in the trinity - Yet Proverbs 8:22 says The Logos is the Messenger of God. Jesus himself admits that ' I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star. (Rev 22:16) His given Name made him better than the angels. (Hebrews 1:4) Trinitarians and Modalists alike claim God became better than the angels by the name God inherited is a false notion or concept. Then I will ask to explain: How is it that God at one time was worse than the angels until he inherited the Name that made him better than the angels? Which angel gave God is Name? Food for thought. “I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you on the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. Pay attention to him, and obey his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgressions, because my name is in him. (Exodus 23:20-21)
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