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the Sower of Seed

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Posts posted by the Sower of Seed

  1. The fathering angels were following Satan’s lead in leaving Jehovah God’s organization of angels and decided that they wanted to choose what is good and bad for themselves, like Adam and Eve did. They made their own manly bodies.They could now experience fleshly things that they could never experience before. They took women and began having sexual relations with them, any woman they wanted. The fathering angels could not be defeated by fleshly mortal men, because these Men really did have a separate spirit body that religions erroneously teach human men today have. The human women bore them male children which were called the Nephilim. The Nephilim were sons of angels from a human mother. We don't know how many angels left the Heavens, fathering Nephilim, however it may have been a considerable number judging by the means of removing them Jehovah took. If God had not flooded the Earth, drowning the Nephilim and forcing their angelic fathers to flee their fleshly bodies and the planet, the Earth could have become like the worst horror movie that men have ever thought of, with angels culling the human race for young women to feed their debased appetite.We are spared the details of the sons (the giant Nephilim) sexual desires. After the angels fled the planet, they were captured and kept in dense darkness. At Great Expense, Jehovah God Lovingly enacted measures to restore the human race and the planet back to His Original purpose.


  2. Those destroyed may include many people that are seen as good people in the world. Why are they in danger? For one reason or another they would not give attention to the pleas of those trying to warn them that a person must be actively honoring Jehovah God . This is brought 3 times in the Bible for emphasis. Joel 2:32 'And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved''. Today what hinders many is they were raised in families that celebrated Christmas or Easter. Treasured family memories that are filled with falsehoods about Jesus. A person must spend time studying the Bible to root out these falsehoods. It's important to know the God you worship accurately that you do not inadvertently offend Him over and over, thus closing the door open to you. The phrase 'all roads lead to the SAME God' adds many to the list of who Jesus stated 'would take no note until the flood came and swept them all away'. Satan has plugged the ears of many, the World sees as good people, yet on the Great and Fear Inspiring Day of Jehovah 'good people' will not be acknowledged. This fact may awaken some to pray 'Please Jehovah God show me the way. In Jesus name I pray.' Churches, Temples and Shrines are full of good people, yet they have not come to know the Only Almighty God. Often reading modern translations of the original texts, a person with no religious training can better understand the Bible than someone who was raised Catholic, Protestant or Baptist poisoned by Dogma. The Hebrew text is clear that there is One Almighty who would give a Messiah. Genesis 3:15. What is Armageddon? Just as you described. The End of God's patience with the World's Religions and Human Governments. He will at that time Stand Up in behalf of a People Called by His Name as seen in Israel’s history and at 2 Chronicles 7:14 'if my people on whom my name has been called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land'. 

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