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Posts posted by Isabella

  1. Con el actual brote de Coronavirus (COVID-19)  muchos testigos de Jehová no deben salir de casa y otros por situaciones especificas no pueden hacerlo.
    La organización cuenta con un sitio para ver las reuniones de la semana en formato de video  este sitio es https://www.stream.jw.org/member/login/

    Tomen en cuenta que es el único sitio oficial y no esta permitido la descarga de los videos y compartirlos por otros medios como youtube.

    Ahora la pregunta importante es ¿cómo acceso a este sitio? 
    Como todas las herramientas que tenemos, de forma gratuita y sencilla.  Todos los publicadores pueden tener acceso, solo contacta a alguno de los ancianos y recibirás en tu correo electrónico las instrucciones.


    En el caso de algunas zonas la sucursal ya contacto a los ancianos para tener reuniones por video conferencia para que se pueda comentar y participar en ellas.  Tengamos la confianza de que no nos perderemos alimento espiritual. 

  2. The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, acknowledging what has seemed clear for some time — the virus will likely spread to all countries on the globe.

    Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the situation will worsen.

    “We expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries climb even higher,” said Tedros, as the director-general is known.

    As of Wednesday, 114 countries have reported that 118,000 have contracted Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, known as SARS-CoV2. Nearly 4,300 people have died.

    In the United States, where for weeks state and local laboratories could not test for the virus, just over 1,000 cases have been diagnosed and 29 people have died. But authorities here warn continuing limits on testing mean the full scale of spread in this country is not yet known.


  3. On the afternoon of 3 March 2020, a court in the southern Crimean town of Yalta is expected to issue its verdict in the "extremism"-related criminal case of Jehovah's Witness Artyom Gerasimov. The prosecutor has demanded a general regime jail term of six and a half years, plus one year of restrictions on freedom and a three-year ban on unspecified activity (see below).

    On the morning of 5 March, the District Court in the northern Crimean town of Dzhankoi is expected to issue its verdict in the "extremism"-related criminal case of another Crimean Jehovah's Witness, Sergei Filatov. Closed hearings on 25 and 28 February heard the final speeches in the case. The prosecutor has demanded a strict regime jail term of seven years (see below).

    If either Gerasimov or Filatov is convicted, they would be the first Jehovah's Witnesses convicted in Russian-occupied Crimea to punish them for exercising freedom of religion or belief (see below).

    Two other Jehovah's Witnesses in Russian-occupied Crimea face "extremism"-related criminal charges. Russian security forces again raided the home of one of them on 13 February. An FSB security service present during the raid put the phone down as soon as Forum 18 asked why it had been launched (see below).

    Meanwhile, the FSB security service Investigator has three times refused to grant permission for Oleg Prikhodko to receive a pastoral visit in Simferopol Investigation Prison from Archbishop Kliment, of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The Investigator initially refused because the Church does not have Russian registration. His third refusal claimed such a pastoral visit might harm the investigation (see below).

    Read more: http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2550



    Me enseñaste a no fumar sin desayuno
    Me enseñaste a dividir
    Que la suma de uno y uno siempre es uno
    Si se aprende a compartir
    Me enseñaste que los celos son traviesos
    Que es mitad falta de sesos y mitad inseguridad
    Me enseñaste a ser pareja en libertad
    Me enseñaste que el amor no es una reja

    Y que es mentira la verdad
    Me enseñaste que no es bueno el que te ayuda
    Sino el que no te molesta
    Me enseñaste que abrazado a tu cintura
    Todo parece una fiesta
    Me enseñaste muchas cosas de la cama
    Que es mejor cuando se ama
    Y que es también para dormir

    Me enseñaste entre otras cosas a vivir
    Me enseñaste que una duda puede más que una razón
    Pero fallaste mi gurú
    Se te olvidó enseñarme qué hago si no estás tú
    Me enseñaste de todo excepto a olvidarte
    Desde filosofía hasta como tocarte
    A saber que el afrodisíaco más cumplidor

    No son los mariscos sino el amor
    Pero no me enseñaste a olvidarte
    Me enseñaste de todo excepto a olvidarte
    A convertir una caricia en una obra de arte
    A saber que los abogados saben poco de amor
    Y que el amor se cohíbe en los juzgados
    Pero no me enseñaste a olvidarte

    Pero no me enseñaste a olvidarte
    Donde se apaga el amor que quedó
    No encuentro el interruptor
    Si hay que aceptar que nuestra historia voló
    De donde saco el valor

    Me enseñaste de todo excepto a olvidarte


  5. 4-Retail-terrace-behind-30-Columbia-Heights-photo-by-Steven-Tupu-Terrain-NYC-1536x1024.jpg

    Terrain-NYC created 11 garden spaces at Panorama, which was formerly the Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters. Photo by Steven Tupu/Terrain-NYC


    This dramatic picture shows the staircase and grove behind Panorama’s 58 Columbia Heights. Photo: Steven Tupu/Terrain-NYC


    The deck behind Panorama’s 58 Columbia Heights looks inviting. Photo: Steven Tupu/Terrain-NYC


    There’s a serene seating area in front of Panorama’s 30 Columbia Heights. Photo: Joe Norman/Terrain-NYC


    These sweet seats are outside the front entrance of 25 Columbia Heights in the Panorama complex. Photo: Joe Norman/Terrain-NYC


    Lighting created by One Lux Studio adds visual drama to a grove of trees behind Panorama’s 58 Columbia Heights. Photo: Steven Tupu/Terrain-NYC


  6. MEXICO CITY—Mexico confirmed Friday its first case of a person infected with the coronavirus, becoming the second country in Latin America after Brazil to report the presence of the virus.

    Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell said the person diagnosed with the virus was placed in isolation along with several family members at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases in Mexico City.

    Read more: https://www.wsj.com/articles/mexico-confirms-first-case-of-coronavirus-11582898181

  7. Pets cannot carry the coronavirus, experts have said, after authorities in Hong Kong quarantined a dog and pledged to isolate more.

    The Hong Kong quarantine is the first reported case anywhere in the world of a government restricting pets over the outbreak.

    The canine, a Pomeranian, has been placed in quarantine for 14 days as a precaution but has no "relevant symptoms", Hong Kong officials said.

    "Nasal and oral cavity samples tested weak positive for COVID-19," a government spokesman said without explaining why they tested the animal in the first place.

    He said it was unclear whether the dog had actually contracted the virus or tested positive for low levels due to environmental contamination of the dog's mouth and nose.

    The animal was collected from the owner's home on Wednesday after the 60-year-old woman was diagnosed with the contagion and placed in a hospital isolation ward.

    It would be closely monitored, undergo further tests and held in quarantine until it returned a negative result, authorities said.

    There is no evidence domestic animals such as dogs and cats can catch the virus or transmit it to humans but the department said all pets of infected people should be quarantined and tested for the virus for 14 days.   However, Professor Jonathan Ball, a molecular virologist at Nottingham University, said testing the dog was a “red herring”.


  8. A court in Turkmenistan has jailed a Jehovah's Witness for objecting to military service, the religious group's spokesperson told RFE/RL.

    Jarrod Lopes said on February 24 that a court in Turkmenistan’s northern Dashoguz region found Vepa Matyakubov guilty on February 17 of avoiding mandatory military service and sentenced him to two years in prison.

    According to the group, Turkmen authorities have imprisoned 20 Jehovah’s Witnesses for their conscientious objection to military service since 2018.

    All of the men, except three believers, were jailed for evading mandatory military service. Eleven of them were released after serving their terms, while nine remain in custody.

    Turkmenistan laws oblige all men between 18 and 27 years of age to serve in the armed forces for two years. Dodging military service is punishable by up to two years in prison.


  9. El DT Miguel Ángel Ramírez añade otras características: “Es un futbolista que entiende el juego, acarrea marcas y es solidario al retroceder, cuando el equipo pierde el esférico”. En la final de ida de la Recopa, el futbolista ingresó a los 60 minutos, en reemplazo de Fernando Guerrero. No se movió como un ariete, sino más cercano a la línea lateral. El delantero llegó hace 10 años al complejo deportivo de Chillo Jijón. El 11 de marzo cumplirá 23 años, pero el cumpleaños no es un acontecimiento importante. Desde pequeño, en Quinindé, sus padres le enseñaron a no celebrar esa fecha y a vivir una vida con perfil bajo. Sus progenitores son Testigos de Jehová, una religión en la que no se celebran los cumpleaños. Él aceptó la creencia y hoy, cuando llega la fecha, no planea festejos. Recibe felicitaciones y llamadas, pero no más. Su principal motivación es su hija Dioselina, de 2 años. En el camerino del equipo destacan su perfil de padre amoroso y abnegado, y un amigo con quien se puede contar.

    Este contenido ha sido publicado originalmente por Diario EL COMERCIO en la siguiente dirección:https://www.elcomercio.com/deportes/alejandro-cabeza-cumpleanos-goles-titulos.html. Si está pensando en hacer uso del mismo, por favor, cite la fuente y haga un enlace hacia la nota original de donde usted ha tomado este contenido. ElComercio.com



  10. Justicia ordena transfusión de sangre a paciente miembro de Testigos de Jehová


    La Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago autorizó la transfusión de sangre de paciente que profesa la denominación cristiana de Testigos de Jehová, internado en el Hospital San José.

    En fallo unánime, la Primera Sala del tribunal de alzada acogió la acción cautelar por estar en peligro la vida del recurrido.

    “(..) ninguna religión, ideología o dogma puede considerarse legítimo si se contrapone con el derecho a la vida, ya que en términos de jerarquización, existen derechos que priman sobre otros. En otras palabras, el derecho a la libertad de conciencia previsto en el artículo 19 N° 6 de la Constitución Política de la República, en cuanto a las creencias religiosas, se encuentra limitada por los derechos fundamentales de los demás y por el derecho a la vida del propio recurrido”, dice el fallo.

    Asimismo la resolución sostuvo que “siendo un hecho indiscutido que la vida del recurrido corre peligro, por así determinarlo quienes se encuentran dotados del conocimiento necesario para concluir dicha precariedad en su organismo, no puede estimarse que el derecho a la libertad de conciencia y de profesar un culto, este por sobre su derecho a su vida al extremo de impedir a los facultativos desplegar la labor necesaria para salvar su vida, constriñéndolos a permanecer indolentes frente a su padecimiento”.

    Ante esto, la Corte ordenó la transfusión sanguínea y todos los demás tratamientos que el estado de salud del paciente lo requiera.


  11. The criminal trial of 19-year-old Jehovah's Witness conscientious objector Jovidon Bobojonov for refusing compulsory military service on grounds of conscience could begin at Dushanbe Military Court in early March. If convicted, he faces between two and five years in prison. He has become "emotionally and physically exhausted" since he was seized in October 2019, Jehovah's Witnesses say.

    The criminal trial of 19-year-old Jehovah's Witness conscientious objector Jovidon Bobojonov for refusing compulsory military service on grounds of conscience could begin at the Military Court in the capital Dushanbe in early March. One official of the Court told Forum 18 that the criminal case is close to completion. If convicted, Bobojonov faces between two and five years in prison.

    In late January, officials transferred Bobojonov from the military unit where he had been confined for nearly four months to Dushanbe's Investigation Prison. Military Prosecutors opened a criminal case against him over his refusal to perform compulsory military service on grounds of conscience (see below).

    Jehovah's Witnesses are conscientious objectors to military service and their beliefs do not allow them to undertake any kind of activity supporting any country's military. But they are willing to undertake an alternative, totally civilian form of service, as is the right of all conscientious objectors to military service under international human rights law.

    "Jovidon Bobojonov has become emotionally and physically exhausted since the time he was forcefully kidnapped from his home by military officers on 4 October 2019," Jehovah's Witnesses complained to Forum 18 on 25 February (see below).

    Asked why the Judge at Dushanbe Military Court ordered Bobojonov to be held in pre-trial detention, her assistant responded: "Because the case is serious and the Judge had all the reasons to give the order" (see below).


    Jovidon Bobojonov JW.jpg

  12. Eye on Real Estate: A property the Jehovah’s Witnesses sold when they moved their world headquarters out of Brooklyn Heights to upstate New York is now a condo building where Matt Damon reportedly bought the penthouse.

    There are lots of stories to tell about what’s become of the Watchtower’s Brooklyn Heights and DUMBO property portfolio, which the organization disposed of in a multi-year selloff. The most glamorous of the properties is the Standish at 171 Columbia Heights, thanks to the Oscar-winning actor’s reported $16.745 million condo buy there. I’ll tell you more about Damon’s reported deal in a minute.

    Purchasers of other Jehovah’s Witnesses properties in the two neighborhoods are now busy developing them into luxury apartment complexes, an upscale seniors residence, modern offices and housing for formerly homeless people.




  13. WASHINGTON (RNS) — Russia’s human rights record, including its history of mistreating religious minorities, is worsening, according to testimony at a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday (Feb. 27).  

    “Unfortunately, the human rights situation in Russia continues to deteriorate, and just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do,” said Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., co-chair of the Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights, at the hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building.

    Elizabeth Cassidy, director of research and policy at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, said Russia’s “malign activities around the globe are clearly evident, yet its systematic, ongoing, egregious repression of religious freedom is less well known.”

    “The Russian government maintains, frequently updates and enforces an array of laws that restrict religious freedom,” Cassidy added.  

    She said Jehovah’s Witnesses, who were banned as “extremist” by the Russian government in 2017, are “among the groups most brutally targeted under these laws in recent years,” as praying, preaching and dissemination of materials outside designated places of worship are often prohibited.

    As of the day of the hearing, the Jehovah’s Witnesses report that 35 of their members are in prison, 25 are under house arrest and 29 have been convicted in Russia.

    “These violations are escalating, spreading through the country and even across its borders,” Cassidy said.


    Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., left, co-chair of the Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights, talks with Elizabeth Cassidy, center, and Melissa Hooper after a human rights hearing Feb. 27, 2020, at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington. RNS photo by Adelle M. Banks


  14. Belarusian law enforcers detained a Russian citizen belonging to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    It is the first time that Belarus has withheld a Jehovah’s Witness who is persecuted on religious grounds in Russia, the association says on its website.

    On February 21, the Belarusian police ID’ed 36-year-old Nikolai Makhalichev and informed him of his being put on the international wanted list by Russia over professing ‘prohibited’ religion. As a result, the believer landed up in a temporary detention centre in the Belarusian town of Haradok.

    Three days later, a local prosecutor ruled to transfer the man to Prison Nr 2 in Vitsebsk. According to the order, Makhalichev ‘acted intentionally, he was driven by religious intolerance and extremist motives which manifest themselves in the propaganda of superiority of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ religious doctrine followers over others persons.

    The believer considers the ruling illegal; he is set to appeal against it in the Belarusian court. The man has also filed a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee.

    The criminal case against Nikolai Makhalichev was opened in January, 2019 in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.


  15. La Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago acogió un recurso de protección presentado por el Hospital San José en favor de uno de sus pacientes, para así poder realizarle una transfusión de sangre. Lo cuenta Felipe Delgado en Bío Bío Chile.

    Se trata de un hombre que forma parte de los testigos de Jehová y que está internado en la Unidad de Medicina del centro asistencial, con diagnóstico de anemia severa secundaria a hemorragia digestiva alta de origen variceal, lo que lo mantiene en serio riesgo vital. El paciente, debido a sus creencias, se ha negado a someterse a una transfusión de sangre que resulta vital para salvar su vida.

    En fallo unánime de la primera sala del tribunal de alzada, se acogió la petición esgrimiendo que “ninguna religión, ideología o dogma puede considerarse legítimo si se contrapone con el derecho a la vida ya que en términos de jerarquización existen derechos que priman sobre otros. En otras palabras el derecho a la libertad de conciencia previsto en el artículo 19 N° 6 de la Constitución Política de la República, en cuanto a las creencias religiosas, se encuentra limitada por los derechos fundamentales de los demás y por el derecho a la vida del propio recurrido”.

    Leer más: http://www.infocatolica.com/blog/infories.php/2002270902-chile-la-justicia-ordena-real

  16. Azerbaijani Jehovah’s Witnesses suffered Convention violations, ECtHR rules

    The European Court of Human Rights has ruled in favour of a religious community which was prohibited from importing religious literature by the Azerbaijani authorities.

    The community of Jehovah’s Witnesses sought official approval to import religious materials but select texts were rejected as they were deemed detrimental to fostering respect between religious communities.

    The community complained that these restrictions constituted unlawful interference with its members’ freedom of religion and freedom of expression, and violated the prohibition of discrimination.

    ADF International intervened in the case to underscore the importance of religious freedom and freedom of expression as well as the dangerous precedent it sets when the government is allowed to blacklist certain religious texts.

    This case was not the first time that Azerbaijani authorities have hindered the importation of religious literature. While this case involved Jehovah’s Witnesses, according to the United States Department of State Report on Religious Freedom (2015), other religious groups including Muslims and Christians have also been affected by governmental interference.

    Minority groups have been subjected not only to religious literature bans, but also to a wide range of other restrictive measures: gatherings have been raided by police, religious materials confiscated, and members fined for participation in gatherings and discussing their faith in public.

    Read more: https://www.irishlegal.com/article/azerbaijani-jehovah-s-witnesses-suffered-convention-violations-ecthr-rules

  17. On a very special behind-the-scenes tour on March 9th, our Untapped New York Insiders will get to discover Panorama, the iconic former Jehovah’s Witnesses’ headquarters in Brooklyn Heights. In the years since the closing of Watchtower, the global architecture, design, and planning firm Gensler has been transforming the complex into a dynamic new mixed-use campus. Situated at the heart of the Brooklyn waterfront, Panorama also has a brand new sign: a large 15-foot “WELCOME” sign replaced the famous Watchtower sign that once loomed over the East River.

    Read more: https://untappedcities.com/2020/02/24/take-a-tour-inside-panorama-the-former-jehovahs-witnesses-watchtower-complex/






  18. On February 21, 2020, in the Republic of Belarus, police officers detained Russian citizen Nikolay Makhalichev, 36. Checking his documents, they declared he was wanted by the Russian authorities since he was professing a banned religion. Three days later the prosecutor sent him to pre-trial detention facility SIZO-2 in Vitebsk, Belarus.




    When I was six years old I broke my leg
    I was running from my brother and his friends
    And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down
    I was younger then, take me back to when I

    Found my heart and broke it here
    Made friends and lost them through the years
    And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I've grown
    But I can't wait to go home

    I'm on my way
    Driving at ninety down those country lanes
    Singing to "Tiny Dancer"
    And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real
    We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

    Fifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes
    Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends
    Had my first kiss on a Friday night, I don't reckon that I did it right
    But I was younger then, take me back to when

    We found weekend jobs, when we got paid
    We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight
    Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long, oh how we've grown
    But I can't wait to go home

    I'm on my way
    Driving at ninety down those country lanes
    Singing to "Tiny Dancer"
    And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real
    We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill

    One friend left to sell clothes
    One works down by the coast
    One had two kids but lives alone
    One's brother overdosed
    One's already on his second wife
    One's just barely getting by
    But these people raised me and I can't wait to go home

    And I'm on my way, I still remember
    This old country lanes
    When we did not know the answers
    And I miss the way you make me feel, it's real
    We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill

    Source: LyricFind

    Songwriters: Benjamin Joseph Levin / Edward Christopher Sheeran

    Castle on the Hill lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group

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