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Posts posted by Isabella

  1. On February 6, 2020, in Orenburg, officers of Penal Colony No. 1 beat believers Budenchuk, German, Gridasov, Makhammadiyev, and Miretskiy with clubs and legs. As a result, one of them, Feliks Makhammadiyev, was hospitalized. The rest were falsely charged and sent to a punishment cell.

    Believers were beaten upon admission to a penal colony located in the Krymsky lane, Orenburg. The next day, the doctors examined them. Only after Feliks Makhammadiyev wrote a document stating that he had “hit himself in the toilet” was an ambulance called in. He was hospitalized, underwent surgery, and a drainage tube was inserted into his lung to drain the fluid. Among other things, the tests showed that Makhammadiyev’s body was starving (he suffers from gluten intolerance, and the colony’s staff members had taken away his prescribed special food). The remaining believers were sent to a punishment cell on false accusations, for example, “for smoking in the wrong place.” (Jehovah's Witnesses do not smoke for religious reasons.)




    A security video showed Meisel sitting in a car parked outside the building for nearly an hour before she approached it, according to court documents. Two people walked past her car into the building while she was parked, which meant the Kingdom Hall was occupied when she threw the Molotov cocktail inside, according to charging documents.

    Meisel resisted arrest and told officers she was “royalty,” the documents said.

    Meisel has a bail review hearing scheduled for Tuesday in Glen Burnie District Court.


  3. GLEN BURNIE, Md. (AP) - Police have arrested a woman suspected of throwing a Molotov cocktail into a place of worship for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Maryland, according to court records.

    Heather Meisel, 43, was charged Friday after she told investigators that she damaged the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Glen Burnie to “send a message,” the Capital Gazette reported, citing charging records.

    Meisel, a Baltimore County resident, was arrested on charges including attempted murder and defacement of religious property.

    Anne Arundel County fire investigators found a door with broken glass and a Molotov cocktail made from an apple cider vinegar bottle inside the building on Thursday morning. A partially burned piece of cotton was found near the broken glass.

    Police estimated the incident caused more than $1,000 in damage to the building’s front door and more than $1,000 in damage to property inside the building.

    Read more: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/feb/15/woman-accused-of-damaging-jehovahs-witnesses-worsh/

  4. Denuncian torturas contra Testigos de Jehová en Rusia


    MOSCÚ — Dos testigos de Jehová recibieron condenas por extremismo en Rusia y otros cuatro fueron arrestados, de los cuales uno denunció torturas, dijo el grupo religioso el viernes.

    Un tribunal de Kamchatka sentenció el viernes a Mikhail Popov y a su esposa Yelena a multas de $5,500 y $4,700 por participar en actividades extremistas relacionadas con su pertenencia a los Testigos de Jehová.


  5. Russian Jehovah's Witness Adherent Was Tortured in Custody, Says Lawyer

    By Reuters

    Feb. 14, 2020

    MOSCOW — Russian law enforcement officers in Siberia detained an adherent of the Jehovah's Witnesses late one evening this week and drove him to a secluded area where they beat him violently and threatened him, his lawyer said on Friday.

    Russia labeled the Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization in 2017 and ordered it to disband. Since then a crackdown has seen dozens of adherents detained and hundreds hit with criminal charges.

    Law enforcement officers in the city of Chita, six time zones east of Moscow, put a bag over Vadim Kutsenko's head, drove him to a wooded area where they beat his head and legs, put him in a chokehold and used a taser on him, lawyer Artur Ganin said.

    The National Guard and police did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    The alleged incident occurred on Monday after police searched nearly 40 homes of Jehavoh's Witnesses including that of Kutsenko whom they detained and then released after questioning him.

    The officers, who were dressed in plain clothes, detained Kutsenko again later at his mother-in-law's house. They threatened him and told him to confess and to disclose information about other Jehovah's Witnesses, Ganin told Reuters.

    After he refused to confess or divulge information, Kutsenko was taken to an investigator's office where the officers who detained him identified themselves as members of the Russian National Guard, Ganin said.


  6. Mainland China: 1,380 deaths among 63,851 cases, mostly in the central province of Hubei.

    — Hong Kong: 56 cases, 1 death

    — Macao: 10

    — Japan: 259, including 218 from a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, 1 death

    — Singapore: 67

    — Thailand: 33

    — South Korea: 28

    — Malaysia: 19

    — Taiwan: 18

    — Vietnam: 16

    — Germany: 16

    — United States: 15. Separately, one U.S. citizen died in China

    — Australia: 14

    — France: 11

    — United Kingdom: 9

    — United Arab Emirates: 8

    — Canada: 7

    — Philippines: 3 cases, including 1 death

    — India: 3

    — Italy: 3

    — Russia: 2

    — Spain: 2

    — Belgium: 1

    — Nepal: 1

    — Sri Lanka: 1

    — Sweden: 1

    — Cambodia: 1

    — Finland: 1


  7. Jehovah’s Witness Says Russian Police Used Torture in Siberian Crackdown

    A Jehovah's Witness from the Siberian city of Chita has claimed he was tortured by local police on Monday during a mass crackdown on believers in the region, Russian investigative news site The Insider reported Friday. 

    Lawyer Artur Ganin told the outlet his client Vadim Kutsenko was taken to a local forest by police, where they beat his face and neck, suffocated him and used a taser on him to force him to admit to practicing the religion. 


  8. MOSCÚ (AP) — Dos testigos de Jehová recibieron condenas por extremismo en Rusia y otros cuatro fueron arrestados, de los cuales uno denunció torturas, dijo el grupo religioso el viernes.

    Un tribunal de Kamchatka sentenció el viernes a Mikhail Popov y a su esposa Yelena a multas de 350.000 y 300.000 rublos (5.500 y 4.700 dólares) por participar en actividades extremistas relacionadas con su pertenencia a los Testigos de Jehová.

    Antes esta semana, la policía allanó unas 40 viviendas de miembros del grupo en Chita, una ciudad del sureste de Siberia, y arrestó a cuatro personas. Una de ellas, Vadim Kutsenko, fue golpeado y recibió descargas de dos hombres que se identificaron como agentes de la Guardia Nacional rusa, dijo su abogado, Artur Ganin, a The Associated Press.

    “Le pusieron grilletes, le pusieron un sombrero en la cabeza y sobre los ojos y lo llevaron a una dirección desconocida”, señaló Ganin en una entrevista telefónica el viernes. Los agentes trasladaron a Kutsenko a un bosque, donde lo asfixiaron, golpearon y electrocutaron intentando sacarle una confesión, agregó.

    “Ahora está detenido, tiene dolor y está preocupado por su familia, porque fue amenazado con que a su esposa podría ocurrirle algo”, dijo Ganin.

    La Guardia Nacional no respondió a una petición de comentarios.

    Leer más: https://www.infobae.com/america/agencias/2020/02/14/testigos-de-jehova-denuncian-condenas-y-tortura-en-rusia/


    Con mi copa en alto me levanto
    Me toca dar un brindis en tiempos difíciles
    Quisiera entrar con algo que inspire esperanza
    O esa la trillada frases de "unidos venceremos"

    A ver
    Que les digo
    Yo no soy adivino
    Cualquier pronostico seria errático
    Vienen tiempos buenos
    No lo dudo
    Pero que hacemos, mientras tanto

    Solo hace fácil mirar alrededor
    Ver tantas caras llenas de incertidumbre
    Los mas viejos se les ve tan tranquilos
    Por que saben que todo es tan relativo

    Vivir con miedo
    No es negocio
    Solo para los noticieros
    Lo que digo, es si el futuro es negro o blanco
    Que vivamos
    Mientras tanto

    Mientras tanto vivamos mientas tanto
    Corramos en la lluvia, pies descalzos
    Brincando de charco en charco

    Mientras tanto busquemos a esa chica
    La que nos tiene delirando
    Robemosle un primer beso o unos cuantos

    Mientras tanto

    Vivimos con el miedo del ultimo día
    Desde que murió el ultimo dinosaurio
    Se acercan grandes cambios según los optimistas
    Mejor no dar un paso por si acaso

    El pasado es cuento
    Y el futuro no ha llegado
    Se nos va la vida esperando
    Todo el mundo apuesta a que algún día saldremos de esta
    Y ami lo que me interesa es el mientras tanto

    Mientras tanto
    Gocemos mientras tanto
    Gastemos los pulmones en la ducha
    Cantando desafinados
    Mientras tanto y por que no mi amiga
    Agarra algún extraño
    Regalale un primer beso, o unos cuantos

    Fuiste tu disfrazado de ti quien pario a tus enemigos
    Fue Dios disfrazado de ti quien curo todo el castigo
    Mientras tanto a improvisar
    Y como dijo una canción sigo aquí
    Que yo sigo aquí oh...

    Mientras tanto
    Amigo mientras tanto
    Contemos las historias que de niños nos contaban los abuelos
    Para que esto mejore mis señores
    Las mejores intenciones
    Pero en lo que esto se endereza
    Mientras tanto vamonos pal campo
    Tirémonos de nalgas cuesta abajo
    Cojamos terapia en el fango

    Mientras tanto busquemos a esa chica
    Que nos tiene tan enamorados
    Robemosle el primer beso o unos cuantos
    Mañana pues ya veremos
    Por hoy no nos congelemos
    Mientras tanto
    Mientras tanto


    Source: LyricFind

    Songwriters: David Rodriguez / David A Marrero / Juan Manuel Rivera / Joseph O Moulier Sepulveda

    Mientras Tanto lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

  10. Late in the evening of February 10, 2020, Vadim Kutsenko, 31, was tortured in the forest, leaving him in pain and weakness. Law enforcement officers repeatedly beat and choked him and applied electric shocks to his stomach and leg.

    They demanded that he give them information about other Jehovah’s Witnesses. When the officers realized that Vadim Kutsenko would not divulge any information, they took him to the investigator’s office for further interrogation. He remains in custody. On February 15, 2020, the Ingodskiy District Court will determine what, if any, restrictions they will impose on him.

    The condition of other detained Jehovah’s Witnesses, Sergey Kirilyuk, and Pavel Mamalimov, is unknown.

    The Trans-Baikal Territory is the territory where during the Stalinist repressions Jehovah's Witnesses were massively exiled to a special settlement. Believers were later rehabilitated and recognized as victims of political repression.

    A year ago, on February 15, 2019, seven peaceful Jehovah's Witnesses in Surgut were tortured with electric shocks, suffocation, and beatings. Under torture, investigators forced them to answer questions about their religion and fellow believers. According to the messages of believers, an investigation is under way.



  11. February 13 coronavirus news


    Death toll spikes: China's Hubei province announced 242 new deaths from the novel coronavirus, which is known officially as Covid-19, today — twice as many as on the previous day. New infections there jumped by more than 14,000.

    What this is about: The spike in numbers is partly due to a broader definition of what constitutes a confirmed case, to include people diagnosed on the basis of their symptoms rather than testing positive.

    Global spread: There are at least 570 confirmed cases of coronavirus in more than 25 countries and territories outside mainland China.


  12. “Hemos estado tranquilos, es increíble como se pasa el tiempo”, dijo José, quien trabaja como controlador de tránsito aéreo en el aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México. “Sabemos que la situación no la podemos cambiar, pero lo que si podemos cambiar es nuestra actitud de cómo enfrentamos esta situación. Así que tratamos de ser positivos, de animarnos unos a otros para seguir adelante, tener buen sentido del humor para tomar cosas con calma y no apesadumbrarnos”, compartió el mexicano, quien además agregó que él y su esposa, quienes son Testigos de Jehová se encuentran muy pendientes con su comunidad espiritual.

    Tras encontrarse encerrados en un camarote muy pequeño, la pareja confesó que todos los días están realizando varios ejercicios físicos: “Hacemos estiramientos que nos recomendaron aquí como parte de un programa sobre cómo ejercitarse en un lugar encerrado”, dijo José. A pesar de la difícil situación, el matrimonio a demostrado que el amor crece entre ellos, pues el mexicano concluyó la entrevista expresando: “No podría estar con mejor compañía”, aludiendo a su esposa compartía: “Es mi gran compañera, ella me anima y yo la animo; que mejor que estar al lado de la persona que más ama uno”, finalizó.


  13. Five dreary months have passed since Hurricane Dorian lay waste Abaco and Grand Bahama, and daily in the local press we hear and read of persons being dissatisfied with the pace of hurricane reconstruction.

    #However, I am sure that at least ninety-five if not one hundred per cent of those who were adversely affected by the hurricane were members of churches and paid collection or tithes on a weekly or monthly basis. Consequently, it is not unreasonable to think that these churches would assist their parishioners or their congregants in some meaningful way.

    #When disasters have occurred in our country, and especially since hurricane Andrew, I have been impressed by the work done by the denomination of Jehovah’s Witnesses who quickly mobilised members of their organisation, both local and foreign to expertly repair and replace their places of worship and the homes of their members.

    #From personal knowledge I am aware that homeowners have only to provide building supplies, if they have the means, and volunteers, at no personal remuneration, assist in making the homes habitable.

    #Surely the other denominations have members who are carpenters, masons, electricians and plumbers who are willing to devote some of their spare time to assist their members in this way?

    #For, whilst repairs generally are proceeding at a snail’s pace, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have successfully repaired homes and their Kingdom Hall in Marsh Harbour will be ready for their annual Memorial service in April this year. All through the unselfish work of volunteers.


  14. La esposa de Daniel solicitó trabajo en una tienda de autoservicio ubicada en la ciudad de Puebla y fue rechazada sólo por ser “Testigo de Jehová”.

    En seguimiento al reporte del auditorio de oronoticias, Daniel calificó de ofensivo, retrógrado y brutalmente discriminatorio que esto suceda en el año 2020, ya que considera que debe de evaluarse a la gente por sus valores, currículum y desempeño laboral y no por su religión.

    La mujer de 41 años, vio la oportunidad de trabajar en la tienda, por lo que presentó su solicitud, pero durante la primera entrevista, le abordaron el tema de la religión y de manera abrupta cortaron su intención:

    “Resulta que la persona se le ocurrió preguntarle de qué religión era y mi esposa le dijo nosotros somos Testigos de Jehová, no somos católicos, en ese momento la persona dijo,no, nos interesa tenerte aquí porque ustedes los Testigos de Jehová siempre tienen muchas actividades en su religión y si me vas a estar pidiendo permiso para faltar… mi esposa se sorprendió y le respondió, todavía ni entro a trabajar, ni sé el horario, ni sueldo apenas estoy viendo voy a hacer un examen y ya me estás diciendo todo eso”, comentó Daniel.

    En respuesta, la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos, lo invitó a acudir a sus oficinas para presentar su queja donde un abogado le dará la atención o en su caso, lo canalizará y brindará acompañamiento con la instancia adecuada.


  15. Police this week released new details about what they’re calling the attempted murder of a Jehovah’s Witnesses member, who was shot in the parking lot of her Gastonia church.

    A $2,500 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest in the Jan. 15 shooting. Part of the reward money, $1,500, was contributed by the woman’s family and another $1,000 comes from Crime Stoppers of Gaston County.

    In releasing new details, police said the woman had left a meeting at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on David Park Road and was in her car in the church parking lot when someone “walked up, fired two shots at her and she was hit.”

    Several other members who were outside during the shooting scrambled to safety in the congregation‘s Kingdom Hall, joining other worshipers who “sheltered in place,” Elder John Wray told The Charlotte Observer at the time.

    The woman was treated for minor injuries at CaroMont Regional Medical Center in Gastonia, police said. She was back home later that week but was still in a bit of pain, according to Wray.

    Police ask anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers of Gaston County at 704-861-8000.


  16. MOSCOW, February 11 (RAPSI) – Investigative authorities of Russia’s Zabaikalsky Krai region in Siberia have initiated a criminal case over activities of a chapter of banned Jehovah’s Witnesses, according to a statement of Russia’s Investigative Committee.

    Investigators believe that a local chapter of Jehovah’s Witnesses has been operating in the town of Chita and several districts of the Zabaikalsky Krai for some years; the case was opened on the grounds that this religious society had been banned by a court decision as an extremist organization.

    In April 2017, the Supreme Court of Russia ordered liquidation of the Jehovah's Witnesses managing organization and all its 395 local branches. In August, the Administrative Centre of Jehovah's Witnesses was added to the list of banned extremist organizations.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses religious organization has had many legal problems in Russia. Since 2009, 95 materials distributed by the organization in the country have been declared extremist and 8 Jehovah's Witnesses’ branches have been liquidated, according to the Justice Ministry.

    Jehovah's Witnesses is an international religious organization based in Brooklyn, New York. Since 2004 several branches and chapters of the organization were banned and shut down in various regions of Russia.



  17. On November 24, 2019, the Sweden Ministry of Culture concluded that Jehovah’s Witnesses “contributed to maintaining and strengthening the fundamental values upon which society is based.” It allows them to receive state funding for religious communities. The same happened in Norway a month later.


  18. Darren Collison won't return to NBA despite interest

    Clippers, Lakers were reportedly among teams seeking services of veteran guard

    Despite interest from several contenders, retired guard Darren Collison will not return to the NBA this season, according to ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski.


    Collison, a 32-year-old guard who had retired in June after a 10-year career, had drawn interest from the Lakers and Clippers.

    In an interview in June, Collison cited his religion as a reason for his retirement.

    "While I still love basketball, I know there is something more important, which is my family and my faith," Collison said. "I am one of the Jehovah's Witnesses and my faith means everything to me.

    "I receive so much joy from volunteering to help others and participate in a worldwide ministry. The joy I feel is unmatched."

    Collison averaged 12.5 points and 5.0 assists in his 10-year career, with stints with the Pacers, Clippers, New Orleans Hornets, Kings and Mavericks.



  19. More people have died from the Wuhan coronavirus than the 2003 SARS epidemic

    The death toll from the novel coronavirus has surpassed that of the 2003 SARS epidemic.

    Fatalities from the Wuhan virus climbed past 800 today (Feb. 9), officially topping the 774 deaths attributed to SARS, as millions of people in China prepare to get back to work after an extended Lunar New Year holiday. The overwhelming majority of those deaths, 780, have occurred in China’s Hubei province—home to the city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak—and all but two have been in mainland China.

    The first known death from the coronavirus outside of China was a 44-year-old Chinese man from Wuhan who died in the Philippines and was thought to have had other preexisting health conditions. A 39-year-old man with an underlying health condition also died in Hong Kong.

    A 60-year-old American woman who died at Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan on Feb. 6 was the first confirmed non-Chinese death from the illness, the US Embassy said. A Japanese national in Wuhan, a man in his 60s, is also thought to have died from the coronavirus, though the local hospital he was taken to on Jan. 22 couldn’t confirm the cause of death.

    The number of people infected with the Wuhan virus globally surpassed that of SARS (8,098) last month. More than 37,000 people worldwide are now thought to have been infected, most of them in mainland China. It’s still too soon to say how deadly the virus is.

    Read more: https://qz.com/1799591/wuhan-coronavirus-death-toll-surpasses-that-of-sars/?utm_source=YPL&yptr=yahoo

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