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Posts posted by George88

  1. That simply implies that you, as a glorified plumber, do not truly comprehend quantum physics as you pretend to. However, you are indeed right about one thing - your criminal record, which is easily accessible to anyone, will reveal the true nature of your character. That was the intended reference, not the delusional manipulation of words that you employ to divert attention from the fact that you are fundamentally driven by base instincts as an animal at heart, which you continue to display, and people want to continue to defend you for it.

    Their vigorous defense of you speaks volumes about their lack of Christian ethics, overshadowing your insignificant existence.

    I prefer not to engage in conflict with an uninformed individual, even in this thread that was intriguing, but unfortunately, someone uncouth always manages to spoil it.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    …. but …. but … your command of bullshit is unparalled! 

    It's satisfying to know that my comments concerning profanity aren't going unnoticed, especially when they come from someone who considers themselves superior without even attempting to contribute intellectually. I suppose it's true what they say, once an animal, always an animal. It seems that with your criminal record, you're destined to remain that way.

    This exercise benefits a specific person in the closed club who believes that Christian love is the solution, despite a person's heart being beyond redemption with their public actions and behavior. I would be embarrassed to think this animal was once a JW.

  3. Well, I tried to be civil, and this is what I get in return coming from an uneducated engineer.

    Danah Zohar Zero Distance Management in the Quantum Age 2022

    My study of Heidegger and reflections on the wider relevance of quantum philosophy for new thinking about personal & social sciences I was exploring during my three years of postgraduate studies at Harvard while pursuing a Ph.D. at the Divinity School in Philosophy, Psychology, & Religion. I finally published my first “quantum” book, The Quantum Self , in 1990, offering a new, quantum framework for psychology that could replace Freud’s dominant, mechanistic framework that had been inspired by Newtonian physics. Ironically, and very much to my surprise, it was the publication of that book that began my career as a management thinker. page XXXii

    Chapter 8 I Am a Particle and a Wave

    The iconic American hero is the lonely cowboy, sitting astride his horse in the midst of a vast prairie and dependent on no one but himself to brave and survive the elements. His modern equivalent is the Superhero, who has special powers that enable him to single-handedly save the world, and the Taylorian CEO is a kind of cowboy or Superhero who bears sole authority and responsibility for running his/her company. Western society is based on this concept of the all-important individual, the “atom of society,” whose power to pursue his/her interests and protect his/her rights through the personal vote is the cornerstone of Western democracy. We have already seen that this sacred individualism is rooted in the atomism of early Greek philosophy and then enshrined as a defining principle of Newtonian physics. Western society is particle-like. page 89

    I'm out!

  4. Christmas is still celebrated by Bible Students, who also embrace the cross and crown image. However, the remarkable thing is that Jehovah's Witnesses, although not part of the Bible Students movement, have gained even greater insight from scripture compared to what Pastor Russell began to uncover on his path to truth. It is essential, for those of us who truly desire to correctly interpret scripture, to recognize that even the most significant aspects of our lives often start from humble beginnings. It is unfortunate that some of us still fail to grasp this truth.

  5. Given that the video mentions an image that appears for an instant, it implies that zero distance would represent a future image that has not yet been captured. Considering the recent proposition of the zero distance theory in Quantum physics, the focus shifts to determining which theory can be refuted.

    Once again, the theory would not be feasible if creation started from nothing, which is impossible for science to accurately predict.

    Although light has the power to be absorbed, it lacks the ability to originate from within.

    Zero Distance.jpg


  6. How would that solution address light entering a black hole if quantum tunneling does not exist? The same principle applies to zero distance. Now, the greater question is, how can light illuminate from inside a black hole where there is no illumination?

    Both principles result in a zero distance cancelation. The same concept applies to creation. How can science demonstrate the beginning of creation from nothing, including light? Then the light wave and or a particle cannot be introduced.

    According to the zero distance principle, for the Big Bang Theory to occur, there must have been some form of existence prior to the collision that generated the effect.

  7. 2 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    Here is where I disagree, George. People who do not have a formal degree and fail to demonstrate internal wisdom have no reason to criticize or belittle someone else's academic or personal education. However, they can still benefit from applying secular and biblical education in its appropriate context and with the right intentions.
    If someone cannot demonstrate any kind of intelligence, then their opinions are without value. Moreover, those who criticize spiritual individuals, despite lacking outer or inner wisdom, do so out of mental weakness rather than intellectual rigor, as they demand that people follow and accept their interpretations instead of submitting to God's teachings.

    I absolutely agree with that logical standpoint. There have been instances in the past where a particular individual has demeaned Bible scholars, and regrettably, we see this recurring at present with the same person. What's truly disheartening is that these individuals lack the essential credentials to substantiate their claims. Consequently, this transforms into a mere matter of subjective viewpoints, void of any substantial basis.

    It appears to me that there is an imbalanced blame game going on here. Suddenly, the only source of authority that is deemed important comes from a select group of individuals who are part of a closed community. These individuals use aggressive and sometimes offensive language, by just omitting a letter to that profane intent, yet still claim the right to identify themselves as JWS.

    There are dissenters who excessively highlight that one group has been informed about their aggressive nature, while neglecting to acknowledge their own or by defending a disfellowshipped individual that is far worse in the present than has been equal in the past. Once again, superiority is given prominence, even though no one here is superior to anyone else. However, these individuals feel privileged due to their power to ban, and ultimately, it is their game.

    This behavior cannot be accepted in the name of God or with a fundamental understanding of scripture.

    No one can escape personal responsibility before God by blaming others. It's crucial for everyone to focus on the real issues at hand, such as apostate mentality and the reproach brought upon God by individuals who lack understanding of scripture and selective bible principles.

    No one can excuse or justify behavior that is an affront to God, especially when individuals attempt to argue for civility while acting uncivilized and distorting words to manipulate the conversation.

    It's not about being intelligent, but rather about how one presents their intelligence. Some individuals may possess immense knowledge, yet if they showcase their ignorance in public, that's what will leave a lasting impression. Hence, those who lack expertise in a particular field of discussion and only offer baseless opinions are bound to face criticism for the misplaced ideologies and the lack of understanding in certain fields of their arguments where expertise is essential, regardless if it's bible or secular based.

    This is where the mindset shifts. It's the mental state of refusing to accept anything due to the way the message is delivered. The Pharisees exhibited the same mindset against Jesus. What's the difference here? None.

    Apostle Paul had to endure much to convince people of his transformation, yet he remained resolute in delivering God's will with his personal faith in Christ. His transformation enhanced his life without causing anyone to stumble during his ministry.

    Some may have considered Paul a hypocrite and even a spy for Rome, but his personal actions spoke louder than his words. There is a clear absence of this authenticity among those who identify as JWs and in those who seek to defend them with misplaced Christian love.

    If people here truly seek to demonstrate Christian love and unity as described in scripture, then let it be through God's strength and understanding. Let your loyalty, faith, and obedience to God's words be unwavering and without partiality, so that you may confidently entrust another loyal follower of Christ to continue on the same path with pride. Otherwise, it would be hypocritical.

    What was Apostle Paul's main objective in conveying his message through Timothy in 1 Timothy 6? It is crucial to understand the significance of the lures of money and how they can deceive even those with misplaced Christian love. The term "false teachers" carries a profound weight and should not be taken lightly.

    First and foremost, it is absolutely crucial to demonstrate unwavering obedience to God. In doing so, we must extend our helping hand and unwavering support to our fellow followers of Christ who remain steadfast in their faith. It is our duty to assist those who have stumbled and lost their way, guiding them towards the path of righteousness. Nevertheless, if despite our sincere efforts, their actions and behavior continue to undermine our Christian values, we must tactfully create a healthy distance from such individuals. By doing this, we are not only safeguarding our own Christian love, but also showing cognizance of the ultimate Judge - God Himself.

    Finally, share the good news with others by comprehending Scripture through spiritual growth, so that they too may desire a personal connection with God. Yet, how can we inspire this message within others when our own hearts are filled with deception? How can we, in all honesty, consider such a person a partner in faith? Can someone truly believe that God is pleased with their actions?

    This is what some might call "empty" criticism or works. It's easy for individuals to pass judgment on those in positions of power without understanding the immense responsibility they carry and the weight of the decisions they must make. It's important to consider the burdens others bear before we rush to criticize, especially if some of us have failed in that responsibility. This is the only sensible approach.

    There is a significant distinction between "misguided love" and "pure love." While adherents of other religions comprehend this, why do some within our community fail to do so when it comes to advocating for a friend and fellow believer who is in need? By prioritizing the love of humanity over the love of God, one ends up serving two masters.


    What was Paul's understanding of "agape love" and how did he caution his fellow believers in Christ about individuals who create discord and division within the Christian community? He emphasized the need for firm discipline, such as issuing rebukes and distancing oneself from negative influences. Something that is tolerated in this environment.

    To whom is God most likely to pour out His Holy Spirit - a heart plagued by conflict or a heart steadfastly committed to obedience and grounded in a genuine comprehension of scripture?

    Only a genuine heart and follower of Christ can truly impart Timothy's words into the hearts of others through their own personal growth and spiritual maturity. Otherwise, these words will ring hollow, for one cannot effectively teach others if they do not first obey God themselves.

    So, who is the critic, and who dares to challenge them with scriptural support and God's endorsement of reproof, while others simply seek to defend their flawed perspectives and uphold individuals who should not be defended because of their unrepentant behavior in public?

    2 Timothy 2:23-25 New King James Version
    23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. 24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth,

    Only then can we put into practice by means of scripture who in 2 Timothy it truly applies to. Isaiah 48:17-18

  8. The illustration underscores the importance of genuine repentance, as opposed to insincere repentance that is only superficial. Merely saying "I repent" but continuing the same evil patterns is a deceptive form of alignment with love and no amount of subverting love just to accept is not biblical.

  9. James, you misunderstand me. I don't require anyone to experience what they already are in the eyes of God. That decision is solely yours, not mine. It is time for all of you to take responsibility for what you have become, especially those who claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses, yet are bringing reproach to his name.

    The crucial factor for God is not external intelligence, but rather the inner wisdom to employ reasoning and understanding in accordance with God's knowledge. When individuals exhibit a deficiency in this inner knowledge, they are undermining the purpose of God's guidance for humanity. In essence, they are rejecting everything that God has revealed to mankind, thereby mirroring the rejection of Christ as the Israelites once did, despite witnessing the power of God firsthand.

    The absence of intellectual rigor burdens us individually. Therefore, if we exhibit it in public, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Spiritual maturity encompasses that.

  10. While there is some truth to your statement, it is important to address and highlight the gravity of apostasy and false accusations against the Watchtower and Governing Body. These actions transcend mere linguistic abuse. Just as the Apostle warned against improper behavior, he also admonished those who strayed from the path of God's teachings and led His faithful astray.

    We need to weigh these facts carefully. Unfortunately, there is one abusive person here who is making it challenging for the rest of the group, which falls under that provision of self-righteousness.

    Even when attempting to engage in a civil discussion, we inevitably encounter subtle insults from the opposing side that many prefer to overlook. There is absolutely no excuse or justification to shield certain individuals simply because they identify as JWs, while they hypocritically condemn others who are merely defending themselves.

    In the past, individuals were banned from this site for engaging or having personal exchanges with you. While advocating for a peaceful resolution is commendable, it is even more crucial to condemn the recurrent trend of apostate tendencies, and I sincerely hope to welcome a rational mind if there are positive interactions to be made.

    It is truly unfortunate that apostasy is tolerated in our community, as it serves as a cover for the apostate actions of those who claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses.

    When we empower and align ourselves with those who believe they have the right to criticize the spirituality of the Governing Body or impose their own interpretation of scripture as fact, we must examine our own integrity. By doing so, we may find ourselves complicit and biased in our understanding of the Bible.

    Then, criticizing those critics becomes fair game, as they are promoting their opinions in a public forum for everyone to see. This is something that you yourself have embraced in the past.

    If this were a judicial committee, those individuals would have been disfellowshipped a long time ago, even though they think it would be me instead. However, a decision must be made, and when one's actions align with scriptural truth while others rely on falsehoods, it becomes evident who should be disregarded.

    Therefore, Apostle Paul's mission was also to identify those who were willing to tear down what Christ had established, by exposing and preventing it from happening, as stated in scripture. Paul was also not kind when delivering his message through his letters.

    There appears to be some confusion regarding the nature of Christ's love, with some people believing it to be unconditional. However, it was Christ who set the example, while Paul was entrusted with the responsibility of establishing certain conditions for it.

    Some of the individuals within the closed club were once upstanding responsible men who have strayed from the path of righteousness. This is inexcusable and should not be condoned by any Jehovah's Witness. Furthermore, there are those who condone this behavior by offering support to a disfellowshipped individual who has yet to show any sign of remorse and is still accountable under secular law for a serious offense. It is disheartening to see so-called Jehovah's Witnesses defending such a person.

    Therefore, the statement may seem appropriate, but it lacks the essential correction that a faithful follower of Christ should carry. We are called to ensure that our brothers' spirituality is not influenced by negative influences, in accordance with bible principles.

    The most effective solution to your profound sorrow would be to reach out to your close companions within the closed club and kindly request that they refrain from espousing apostate perspectives and disseminating falsehoods. By doing so, they would avoid revealing their true character to the general public. In turn, this would eliminate the need for individuals like myself to bring such behavior to light.

    What better representation of God's guiding strength is there than to engage in a noble struggle like Christ? James truly captured this sentiment in James 1:2-4.

    That is the main concern, and yes, it is indeed unfortunate but essential. Witnesses cannot, with a clear conscience, overlook the misconduct of apostasy or associate themselves with individuals who advocate for such misguided agendas under the guise of debate, especially when these individuals refuse to acknowledge their own errors. Mark 10:27 / Romans 8:28

  11. I appreciate the visual. It perfectly illustrates the idea of a repulsive animal callously allowing a fellow human being to perish. Rest assured, karma will catch up. So, if you feel inclined to cast blame for my opinion of you as foolish and despicable, remember that it falls upon your own actions.

  12. Is personal acquaintance with you necessary to comprehend the reasons behind individuals renouncing their beliefs? How fulfilling can one's existence be without knowledge and wisdom? I must emphasize that your vague assertions conveniently overlook the fact that you, too, are judging me. Thus, your statements are not only ignorant but also hypocritical. My objective is merely to grasp the intricacies of human behavior, allowing for accurate assessments to be made. Even a child as young as two years old would recognize the persistence of a repeated visual stimulus. I implore you to construct coherent arguments or at least attempt to convey a semblance of intelligence.

  13. You keep debating word semantics when it's clear that "courts" refers to the court system, as seen in the book of Judges that Moses developed under the guidance of God that was used during King David's time. Instead of ignoring the existence of a court system, why not consider Jesus' time and the court system then? It's misleading to cherry-pick Bible passages to make baseless claims when the Bible actually supports the presence of a legal system for addressing crimes and punishment, some of which were directly handed down by God.

    Your approach was ineffective then and remains so now. Cease using empty words. It only makes you appear immature.

  14. Given that I have consistently demonstrated numerous proofs countless times, it is evident that you individuals assert an unwarranted authority to pass judgment. However, I must inform you that your expectations for acceptance or denial will be met with a considerable delay, as I hold no concern for your personal opinions regarding the undeniable truth that you persistently choose to ignore. I have reiterated this fact on previous occasions, and it bears repeating: you individuals hold no significance in this matter.

  15. I don't care about what you have to offer as false presentations. Playing with words is meaningless, as it doesn't change the lack of knowledge about historical facts. Engaging in word games alone is insufficient. For example, consider the time of King David in biblical history. Merely because the specific terms "dungeon" or "court" are not explicitly mentioned does not imply their nonexistence for prisoners of war or anyone that was awaiting judgement by the King. This only demonstrates a lack of understanding regarding historical truths.

    When scripture requires open repentance, private repentance is not enough. It is vital to demonstrate your change to yourself and others. At this point, it is important to deepen your understanding of scripture.

  16. Once again, you're mistaken. To make that true, I would need to show any concern for the dorks in this place. I believe that's the term Tom utilized. In essence, my focus lies solely on the public.

    As I mentioned earlier, this is a project that is still evolving due to the impact of Satan on certain individuals in the world.

  17. No, I'm currently exploring where in the bible an avowed hater of another religion aligns with Christ's teachings. If it doesn't align for an individual, I can only speculate on the harm it could cause for a religious group or another Christian sect that embraces such hatred.

    Advocating "repentance" at this stage would be quite foolish considering the evidence is to the contrary. However, it's important to remember that we are constantly working towards progress in a world influenced by Satan.

  18. In your case, it must be truly gratifying to receive upvotes from women in an exclusive community in your defense. However, this actually speaks volumes about their moral compass and its alignment with genuine human values, rather than the perceived accomplishment they associate with identifying as Christians.

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