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Queen Esther

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Queen Esther last won the day on July 6 2023

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  1. My dear sweet Sister, it has warmed my heart to see your name. We all have been going through something. I won’t write out a long story but I hope and pray you are doing well which is important to me. For some reason this site comes into my junk mail which means I have to go through junk mail before I can find what I need here. I love ❤️ you and I miss you so much 😘. Blanchie 

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Dear Blanchie,  I will write you this week in private here. I'm pretty okay! Thanks for your ailways so loving words. I'm thinking often to you. -  Alot is happend, yes.  See us very soon 😘

      Love❤️🙏  your sister Anke  

    2. Blanchie DeGrate

      Blanchie DeGrate

      So gooooood to here from you!!!!  Yes, write me when you can.  I will be here. Love ❤️ you and miss you 😘🌺😘

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