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Queen Esther

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Queen Esther last won the day on July 6 2023

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  1. 20171224_143604.jpgHi Queen Esther, how are you my sister? My sister I visited one of the kingdom halls in Swaziland, you know there are people who love Jehovah out there, you see this brother in the middle ,this brother walks 30 km in the mountains to and from the kingdom hall, and he's the only elder with no ministerial servant in their congregation of +-30 publishers,and he's only 26 yrs old. May Jehovah god give him strength to continue. 

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Oh, thank you so much dear Brother @David Mahlangu :)  What a wonderful Brother you have in Swaziland :x  So faithful, grateful and diligent, thats love with his full heart and soul?❤️ Jehovah will especially love him I think.  I feel, he must get the power from Jehovah, going over the normal, yes !  He is still young and he can do that all... but I hope, soon they will have a small Kingdom Hall more in his nearness, then he can take more power for special things.  But now they need him in his current congregation !  I read different such of wonderful stories just always about Brothers in Africa? Must be a special spirit over some countries... :)  Thank you very much for the nice message my Brother. May Jehovah bless all these especially Brothers worldwide❤️

      Greetings from my home in Germany???

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