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  1. https://www.morningbrew.com/emerging-tech/stories/2020/05/27/zipline-novant-health-launch-longrange-drone-deliveries-north-carolina Imagine what this will do to “Trucking” as we know it today Maybe Amazon will buy this company and set up nationwide (for now) physical warehouses called “Routers” where “Packets” (Packages w/ payloads) (under 30lbs each for now) are routed physically similar to how we route them via TCP/IP using drones/robots to make “last mile” deliveries never mind that 30lb. limit…. I’m seeing drone PLANES in this picture as well….. Woohoo…. We’re talking Jetson’s level now
  2. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/merck-one-big-pharma-s-biggest-players-reveals-its-covid-19-vaccine-and-therapy-plans?utm_source=morning_brew
  3. We certainly are living in interesting times. King: "We can't have the common people actually talking and organizing!"
  4. So sad that man took his own life, just so his family could survive for a little longer. What a terrible decision to have to take. #narendramodi
  5. Q: Why does the macOS Catalina 10.15.4 update not install correctly? A: You are out of disk space Clear out old, unneeded, unnecessary files until you clear out 20% free space then delete the trash Boot into macOS Recovery Mode Run Disk Utility to check the drive Repeat running Disk Utility until it reports no repairs were made Reboot normally Update Done
  6. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/perpetual-crisis-now-who-telling-us-covid-19-may-never-go-away The truth is that this pandemic could still potentially be in the early chapters. The Spanish Flu pandemic lasted for three full years, and we could possibly be facing a similar scenario. And this week WHO official Mike Ryan warned that this virus could even become “endemic”, and if that happens it “may never go away”… In other words, Ryan is saying that this virus could become like a flu that keeps reappearing year after year. So what are we going to do if that happens? Are we supposed to have shutdowns every year whenever a new wave of COVID-19 infections starts happening?
  7. Sorry Nicaragua This Bar Chart shows the Mortality Rate of COVID19 infection worldwide for the top 15 countries as of 02.05.2020. In the right corner you see the worldwide total covid cases, the total covid19 deaths, the active coronaviruses and the recovered corona patients. Overall it’s the probability to die in a country when you are infected with the coronavirus. The Bar color represents the Continent. Source: JHU | Johns Hopkins University Tools: Python with Matplotlib for the animation and Pandas to prepare the Data. @Isabella
  8. Pompeo says 'significant' evidence new coronavirus emerged from Chinese lab https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-pompeo/pompeo-says-significant-evidence-new-coronavirus-emerged-from-chinese-lab-idUSKBN22F0SC?il=0
  9. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/public-global-health/495859-pompeo-china-did-all-that-it-could-to-make-sure-the
  10. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/5dmnex/payday-lenders-are-charging-up-to-780-interest-amid-coronavirus-panic keep in mind: In most states 780% is not legal. Most states have usury limits on interest. Although some states have no limits. Pawn shops and payday lenders have been considered essential because they are financial institutions. They make loans just like a bank. And just like a bank they have to follow financial rules. Also keep in mind when they report 780% interest that includes the maximum penalties for late payments. 780% is the number for when you do everything wrong. Credit card interest rates can also be high if you miss payments. Here is a list of usury laws by state: https://www.cuna.org/uploadedFiles/Advocacy/Priorities/State_Government_Affairs/a-z_usury_lawguide.pdf
  11. 30 million people have filed for unemployment in the last 6 weeks, equal to *every single worker* losing their job in these 27 states
  12. Just over 3.4 million borrowers, representing 6.4% of all mortgages outstanding, are now in forbearance plans. That’s an increase of 477,000 loans in just one week, or a nearly 9% jump, according to Black Knight, a mortgage data and analytics firm, which is running weekly tallies. These forbearances represent $754 billion in unpaid principal and include 5.6% of all Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans and 8.9% of all FHA/VA loans. Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/24/mortgage-bailout-balloons-by-half-a-million-more-loans-in-one-week.html How do you think this will play out?
  13. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/28/only-half-of-americans-confident-they-can-pay-full-rent-in-may-survey.html FTA: 52% of American renters say they are confident they will be able to pay full rent in May, compared to 69% who said they could in April, according to a new survey, but those numbers could change as more federal stimulus checks hit bank accounts. 63% of renters said they have suffered income losses related to Covid-19. A significant percentage of renters plan to move within six months.
  14. There is a lot of disinformation on the net claiming Covid-19 will only be a minor setback and the job losses are temporary. These so economic "analysts" are basing their opinion not based on facts. Social distancing and half lock down cities will become the norm until a vaccine is out. Which means nothing is returning to normal until mid next year the earliest. In that time frame we will continue to see a huge job loss not just in retail workers, but small business owners. Small businesses make up 44% of the US economy. The Fed has come out and stated the Economy will not be back to pre-paramedic levels until 2022. The fed is rarely the bearer of bad news, which means there is a possibility it may take longer for a full economic recovery. How does this affect the real estate prices? It's hard to say because The Fed has infinite capital and their decisions will dictate the real estate market. What I do know is the federal reserve wants inflation to keep the GDP growth which would include the real estate market. https://advocacy.sba.gov/2019/01/30/small-businesses-generate-44-percent-of-u-s-economic-activity/ https://www.oanow.com/news/national/fed-survey-u-s-economy-will-not-bounce-back-until-2022/video_b2579824-e4ce-50cc-b555-e8b0c010ef43.html https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/28/cnbc-fed-survey-the-us-will-need-to-spend-trillions-more-as-economy-takes-until-2022-to-fully-recover.html
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